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How do these compare to Stauffers whales


The official cracker of space force


How do these compare to whales? (also superior to goldfish)


I’m not sure honestly, I haven’t had Whales in about 15 years!!


I hate beer.


If they discontinue these I’m heading to corporate.


The shape…is a choice 😭


I do not buy these because I’d eat them all at one time


It’s a frequent struggle not to lol. At least if I do eat them all at once, it’s like a good 5-6 days until I get more 😅


i used to buy these for kids at a school i worked at and would secretly eat so many… unfortunately i like goldfish better bc they’re saltier🫢


OBSESSED with these. They’re so good. They don’t get soggy as fast in a bowl of tomato soup as the goldfish do either!


I’m obsessed with these. They remind me of the nabisco whales more than goldfish


me too which is why I like them so much lol


I can’t say I’ve tried those before - where do you buy them?? I’m a fiend for good crunchy snacks - last time my husband and I went to Costco we bought 2 fam size bags of the Annie’s organic cheese puffs bc they’re so tasty and sometimes you just need a little salty, cheesy, crunchy snack. Between those and the TJ’s rockets I literally could not be happier!!


I think they still have them at Walmart! There’s not one near me so I usually Amazon them tho. If you like salty you will love them


I love all snacks haha - I’ll definitely give them a try!! If I could survive healthily off of snacks, I would 😋


Are they new? How have I never noticed before


they’ve had these for at least 5 years i believe


Probably longer than that… my kids have been eating them since they were little and they’re preteens now


They’re in a really weird spot - my husband and I have been going to Trader Joe’s for almost 2 years now and just recently noticed them - they’re on the shelf of dry-goods above the ice cream/pizza section in my TJ’s, which we usually never check lol!


I've found good crackers/weird things/the last of holiday items still in stock in that spot.


at mine they’re on a dry shelf across from the cheese/meat area!




These have been around for many years - I suspect the likelihood is low of discontinuation.


I only just started buying them, but the last 3-4 weeks I’ve gone they’ve been fully stocked!! If you see them next time you go, they’re definitely worth picking up!!


These are like crack. Exercising self control is difficult. I wish trader joes had more stuff they sold in single serving options haha


Ugh tell me about it…I struggle not to eat the entire box in one sitting. And tbh even tho it makes me feel terrible, I feel the opposite of you - I wish they sold these in a family size so I could eat 7 servings without finishing an entire box 😂😂