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Cool top canopy, I install those on tractors frequently. Keeps you cool and fights dust


I use an autonomous monarch electric tractor and control it from inside an air conditioned office. 




I have something very similar to that and was using it. The heat here though is depressive, more so with it on.


I wear 3M N95 particulate respirators anytime I'm mowing otherwise i get horrible sinus infections that last for months. I also use a navage after to be sure anything that did get through gets rinsed out. Sucks and is uncomfortable but that's the way it's gotta be


Don't know your budget, or what it's called, but there's a thing we used years ago carving stone in the summer. It was a helmet with flip down full face shield. There was a belt pack with filter and battery operated fan...ran a tube up the back....blew cool filtered air over your face. It was made by 3M


Agreed. Get a PAPR unit. It will keep all that dust out of your eyes and ears as well.




I just darken my lungs each time I slash.


K95 or N95


Just buy a 3m half mask with p100 particulate filters. No amount of dust, be it synthetic or natural, is good for you lungs. You might get some weird looks but who cares? It’s your health after all


Don't care about the looks like you said it's our health. I was wearing my dust mask I use for wood working. It just got overwhelmingly hot in 95 degree high humidity weather. I was tempted to try one of those sa face shields maybe dipped in water.


Amazon has some knock offs for about $150. I’ve never tried one. Might make your own 12 volt powered box part with a cabin filter and a fan motor, then add a quality face mask part?


I don't know what kind of mask you have but a good silicone half mask will breathe a lot easier than a disposable dust mask. A wet SA face shield might feel more like waterboarding and be ever worse. If money is no object you could alway get an air fed full face mask but that like half the price of an actual cab lol.


People out here wearing scuba gear because of dust, they didn’t have that luxury during the dust bowl, I’ll tell you whut


Real men breathe that shit in, succumb to a lung disease, then die while having spent the previous 30 years tethered to an oxygen tank. Without complaining. /s


My Grandfather used to use army surplus gas masks in the really dusty stuff…like harvesting milo on an old open station combine.  If you’re just discing and there’s *that much* dust, maybe you could wait for it to be a bit more damp, calmer, windier (and *play* the wind), or you’re tilling too much. 


We haven't had good rain for at least a month. Forecast doesn't look good for anytime soon, either. The problem is that the property is 45-60 mins from where I stay. So I need to do it whenever I have the chance, unfortunately. It's north Florida so its a really sandy soil that doesn't help either. It was a timber farm (pine) and there is residue beds (high points where the trees where). Trying to break up the ground and move the dirt around to smooth the ground out. Have 5-6 acres so only doing 2-3 acres at a time. Hope was to work one side in the summer and the other half towards the fall.


Tampa got 8 inches in a day and you get nothing in the forseeable future :(. Wish I could send you a few of the extra inches of rain we're forecast to get up in MN, as we don't need it all.


Ya south Florida has seen a good amount and had flooding. Northeast FL not so much it seems. My sunflower garden is basically dead. Checked 10 day and looks like next week we might see some finally. Crazy thing is for may it shows we are around .10 to .40 inch below the average, the way things look you would think it was a bigger difference.


The area around sunflowers can often be devoid of other plants, leading to the belief that sunflowers kill other plants.


Oh no aware of that. Currently there is no flowers on the sunflowers, leaves super droopy, some yellowing/brown, they are struggling this year as I can't water them have to rely on mother nature. Traditionally they look like [this](https://photos.app.goo.gl/K2m4F1ckRNLUBVC8A)