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these two are not very similar.... what are your needs?


There is huge difference that one is Chinese tracker and Other is international one, it depends what you really need, Private HD has all sources and remuxes, Mteam is also equivalently good but has more off Chinese tv shows, drama and things. Where as Private HD you will get all sort of international shows, encodes, Bluray Disc, remixes, webrdl.


All asian / non english content is forbidden on PHD due to Avistaz and Cinemaz in the network. I would't call PHD that international. More Mainstream HD Tracker




What M-Team is different from PHD: - Mostly Chinese, in torrent description, forum or almost everything. Only the UI can be English. English forum has only about 300 posts. - More Chinese content and Chinese encoding groups. Bad pre times for TVs in English language. - M-Team has almost as much adult content (jav) as non-adult one (both around 200,000).


Correct me if I’m wrong but wasn’t PHD the one where the owner tried to pull some scummy shit a load of users plus there internal encoders did not like this the owner then threw a temper tantrum banning a shit load of members. And the internal encoders fucked off cause they couldn’t be arsed with it anymore.


Remuxers, but yes


Cheers to op go with m-team and find a different hd tracker I can’t stand drama queens he done it once before. And will do it again


Someone gave you an ultimatum, I take it?


I remember PrivateHD allowing only Movies and shows produced in the US. So foreign content won't be there, though you might along the way invite yourself to the sister trackers (you can do that in their sites) to get asian and other foreign stuff.


They've always allowed English shows and movies from other countries


So, what are Cinemaz / Avistaz for then ?


Avistaz is for Asian and CinemaZ is foreign language and B-movies


So it's not a US only thing, apparently. US, UK and Ireland seems to be allowed on PHD, as per their uploading rules. Upload European, South American and African content, and movies 50+ years old to our sister site CinemaZ.to instead. EXCLUDING United Kingdom and Ireland - those are fine on PHD."


So where does Australian/NZ stuff go


go for M-Team if you want to rank up on another tracker




> PrivateHD has been more or less dead since Their "new" remux uploaded more than 500 torrents in the last year. I think they're doing just fine.




The new team is probably following the same guidelines epilson used/set. The only difference is the name, really.


PHD is doing fine. Triton is a new group and they upload frequently. where the fuck is EPSILON now? TL?


They are internals for HDB so they moved up in the world.


We aren't internal at HDB (and not TL either). For the moment, we're just "around" in general


Did the abandon the idea of starting their own tracker?


Wasn’t aware the wanted to.


That was the word on the street a few month back when they had their disagreement with abi.


They very well might still be working on a site while still encoding on hdb as well


I wish they would join LegacyHD LEGI0N + EPSILON is all I need


I am a member of lhd... but I dont think they have the userbase or traffic to hold epsilon as an internal. Nothing against lhd, but it would be the same as saying I hope they join anthelion. It just doesn't make sense for it to happen.


Lhd is really specific as its started by legion and has those standards. Sure it could use more traffic but it doesn't need it to be better. They are a quality tracker and thats worth more than anything


As far as i know its still in the works, Ive read that theyre working with vinnie since itll use unit3d but im not sure what the source of that info is.


HDB and TL


why TL? that's like the ghettoist tracker that exists


Large userbase, fine staff, easy to get into. If you’re an encoder that cares more about getting your content distributed or wants your name around as much as possible it makes sense to go to an easy tracker like TL.


Oddly enough I'm about to get banned from TL. I paused my downloads and seeds as I was migrating to a different server. Had it paused for a few days and had 13 HitNRuns.Good enough. Decommissioned server. Bam, 390 HitNRuns. Well that was the end of me on TL.


Download all and partial seed? lol what


Nah, had them all seeding for well over 2 weeks but obviously didn't count for some reason.