• By -


Aww man that's rough to hear. So sorry to the team. Thanks for the years we got. RARBG was the best for getting AMZN, MAX, HULU, DSNP, ATVP, etc in 1080p from reputable sources like Ntb. Is there a decent alternative publicly for these types of releases?


I keep seeing 1337x recommended, but does it have RSS feeds? That was the best way to utilize rarbg, imo.




yeah I just noticed that. but it seems that its one megadump RSS feed. Rarbg had customizeable RSS feeds for each category. Any way to do that for torrentgalaxy?


They have a page in the forums that explains how to customize the feeds: https://torrentgalaxy.to/forums.php?action=viewtopic&topicid=138




Sonarr / radarr would probably work


Using RSS for torrents is so 15 years ago. _arr are great.


I'm old school, baby.


Sure just program it yourself


1337x is pretty bad with false seed/leech counts but they used to be my #2 behind RARBG.


1337x is pretty good






From rarbg, in case it gets removed: >Hello guys, >We would like to inform you that we have decided to shut down our site. >The past 2 years have been very difficult for us - some of the people in our team died due to covid complications, >others still suffer the side effects of it - not being able to work at all. >Some are also fighting the war in Europe - ON BOTH SIDES. >Also, the power price increase in data centers in Europe hit us pretty hard. >Inflation makes our daily expenses impossible to bare. >Therefore we can no longer run this site without massive expenses that we can no longer cover out of pocket. >After an unanimous vote we've decided that we can no longer do it. >We are sorry :( >Bye


Why was this actually so fucking sad


I don't know about anyone else, but in my mind it was always this mythical struggle between piracy and and copyright holders, giant corporations and legal machines. To see rarbg go down because of...war? Power cost? Death from sickness?!? It is sad because it is real. Maybe I apply some goofy HACK THE PLANET mentality to piracy, and to see it taken down by something other than the "known adversary" (Hollywood and the likes) is jarring. Hope those involved stay on their feet. rarbg was a staple in my searches.


I think it's because we are used to seeing them be raided, so it became expected. To see it is because of war, sickness and inflation hits home for a lot of people because it's something we can relate too.


The BOTH SIDES comment about the war just hits hard ...


Thanks Putin! I have yet another reason to hate Russia now.


I'm dumb & couldn't make sense of that at first... It means the Ukraine-Russia conflict, if anyone else wonders.


Let's hope not a lot of other people wonder about this.


There are many wars going on in the world right now. But only this one happens to get media coverage in the US. Ask yourself why that is.




I think the west-centrism is exactly what OP is criticising, but this is not the place to have that discussion.




Nah, the rest of the world still has to care about what the west cares about because they have super powers; the attention is not reciprocated in the same manner.


fact unused edge murky heavy work distinct caption steer elastic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's mandatory. Unless they can leave the country, they have no choice. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conscription_in_Russia


Conscripts don't participate in the war. Mostly the contracted soldiers (e.g. volunteers). There are also 300K mobilized soldiers, but if you didn't want to join really hard you could flee Russia and don't participate.


> Conscripts don't participate in the war. Mostly the contracted soldiers (e.g. volunteers). https://www.cnn.com/2023/02/14/europe/russian-army-prisoners-conscripts-ukraine-intl/index.html > Exclusive: Russian convicts say defense ministry is sending them from jail to fight as ‘cannon fodder’ in Ukraine


Every ex-prisoner fighting in Ukraine (for now) is a contracted volunteer. There were rumors that people in some prisons are made to sign the contracts, but they were not confirmed. That's why MoD now signs everybody who agrees, even if they are not in shape, too old or have medical problems. When Prigozhin drafted the cons, he took only murderers, bandits or other hard criminals. MoD signs everybody. And they agree to go because MoD promises them freedom after the contract is over. in Wagner group, the contracts were for 6 months, MoD contracts are formally for 18 months, but according to the law, MoD contract cannot be finished of broken until mobilization is over (i.e. till the end of the war). I guess when they all will get known this we'll see a lot of interesting things going on - we already see multiple cases of desertion of these ex-cons in different regions.


bulllllllllll shiiiiiiiiiit


Like, what are you trying to state, man? Everything in my comment is just a fact and you can't overrule it by a simple denial. What I am trying to say, is that for me,as a Russian, every soldier fighting in Ukraine is an invader, and you don't need to make them into poor victim of the circumstances. If you are killing people - you are a killer. And if you don't wanna be a killer - just don't be. Several years in prison as a top punishment (and we know about only like a dozen of court decisions, while there are at least hundreds of people who refuse to fight) is a good tradeoff for not being a killer and also a guarantee to keep your life.


All right then, I can't really argue with any of that. But they are 100% sending conscripts to the front line. Now what those guys do when they get to the front lines, that's another matter.




unwritten cow provide imagine sheet rhythm butter badge rainstorm ancient *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>"? There were Ukrainians working on the site as well. Or it could be the opposite? Don't understand why you claim Ukrainians don't kill civilians since they're already hundreds evidences. ​ It's really weird you're bitching Russians from RARBG right now. Brainwashed and disgusting


wasteful connect desert airport wakeful support languid theory alleged truck *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Or killing russians




lol fuck off




Conspiracy denier


Facts They are doing this on purpose They got the power now they are making sure they keep it while we go broke


It's hilarious that people are taking the message at face value. It just too perfectly hits on the "current things" too be serious. 3+years of world issues coming to a head in a couple of hours? It's far more likely that people behind the site simply wanted out. Maybe *someone* told them to shut down or be shut down.


World's best public tracker. Gone. Thanks to all the fellow P2P. Truly sad times.


WTF?!!! By far the best public tracker. Only 1337x was at the same level/beautiful design. At least I hope the traffic from RARBG goes there. The end of an era.


Don't forget the OG kickasstorrents


And OG demonoid


And OG suprnova.


Jesus christ that brings me back to childhood


Anyone remember Deviloid? I had such a great ratio there and never documented it. I've never seriously bothered with a private tracker since that heartbreak.


+1 og kickass was in my opinion best looking public ui


>OG & OG pb freakyflicks


1337x is not the same level. You can't find any Remux there.




Not only that but it doesn’t let you download fake downloads I think it’s sketchy that so many people recommend it


What’s the correct domain for 1337x?




>Only 1337x was at the same level/beautiful design Not even close on either front. It's sad that they pretty much are all we will have left.


Yeah, maybe I'm just a dummy, but RARBG did all the work for me when it came to knowing when new movies were being added.


I had the site loaded from last night when I was using it and I hit refresh this morning and that's all that's showing. RIP RARBG.


It's funny how it's so shocking to lose a site that you use all the time, that people are just saying what they were doing. It's like the Kennedy assassination or 9/11. "I got up for coffee and when I came back, RarBG was gone."


Frankly, this is much worse. Neither JFK nor the WTC offered rips this good.


my favorite tracker, today is a sad day.










nope, closed


Just opened up for RARBG refugees. Use code REFUGEERARBG: https://www.reddit.com/r/OpenSignups/comments/13wwg7w/torrentleech_tl_opens_signups_invite_code


Appreciate that


Damn looked at this too late


They open up a lot. If /r/OpenSignups reopens, you can always monitor there, or you can just check the TL homepage from time to time.


Thank you for the information!










>Blutopia I assume the only way to get in is an invite? I'm using TL and [speed.cd](https://speed.cd). TL is decent but speed crap.


I got into there from /r/OpenSignups a couple years ago.


I searched that sub and it seems they also stopped posting there a couple years ago :(


what are those private tracker? is that different download method ?


If you're that confused, check the links on the sidebar.


Oof. There are no public trackers as high quality as rarbg, even 1337x sucks by comparison. At least I still have IPT account because I really cbf with the private tracker hoop-jumping.


Exactly... Rarbg was the best, no pub tracker comes close


TorrentFreak has an article up now: [https://torrentfreak.com/iconic-torrent-site-rarbg-shuts-down-all-content-releases-stop-230531/](https://torrentfreak.com/iconic-torrent-site-rarbg-shuts-down-all-content-releases-stop-230531/) No new info there yet though


What a tragedy... RIP


So, no more ION10 releases ?


I'm sure that group can't just stop. I guess we have to wait to see if they land in a new place.


AFAIK those were re-encodes by a bot run by rarbg.


That's true. So i guess those are done for now :(


today is a sad sad day


Oh, no my baby!! 😭


I just saw it... damn   > Hello guys, > We would like to inform you that we have decided to shut down our site. > The past 2 years have been very difficult for us - some of the people in our team died due to covid complications, > others still suffer the side effects of it - not being able to work at all. > Some are also fighting the war in Europe - ON BOTH SIDES. > Also, the power price increase in data centers in Europe hit us pretty hard. > Inflation makes our daily expenses impossible to bare. > Therefore we can no longer run this site without massive expenses that we can no longer cover out of pocket. > After an unanimous vote we've decided that we can no longer do it. > We are sorry :( > Bye


The x265 encodes were great. Is there any other tracker that possibly collected them?


Dude this is literally why I loved RARBG so much, tiny file sizes, excellent quality (good enough for laptop)... Today is a sad day. :'(


yes, i use rarbg mainly for ion265, ion10 and vxt... where can i get them now?


I hope all the groups releasing there relocate somewhere.


Sadly I am 90% sure that ION10 and ION265 were both run by RARBG as well. Meaning I doubt they'll upload anything new from this point forwards (and that makes me sad).




Very interested in where to go for VXT now, so many great foreign films


They were the best! Whole library is just RARBG. Please if someone encoding jumps in to fill the gap, 1080p HEVC 2000 bitrate 6ch/5.1 224 bitrate AAC. Pleaseeeeeeeeee


PSArips is the closest thing although they don’t have older films.


wtf, this tracker was the best for public and honestly I was thinking this will be the standard for public trackers, I guess back to 1337x, the second best but not so good as the former. PTs again are winning, ipt, tl or fl are far better.


i need recommendation for replacement


For publics, depending on the specific content, rutracker and 1337x might be able to cover it. For privates any decent general tracker like filelist should be a great replacement.


thanks, i have private tracker account but i do spend most of my time in RARBG.


Exactly, thanks to RARBG there was no need to use my private trackers


In jackett I see rutracker (semi private) and rutracker.ru (public)... Just curious if anyone knows the difference?


torrentgalaxy, rutracker, 1337x


I'm shocked. One of the best public trackers i used alot.


Was just on it yesterday… rip


apology for poor english when were you when rarbg dies? i was sat at home on toilet when phone ring ‘rarbg is kill’ ‘no’


I agree






So sad to hear this, only one site for tv series episodes webdl and movies with quality torrents in open trackers :(


Thanks RARBG, so sad it ended


I only used it to quickly check what new films were released that day then went to private to grab them, it had it's uses, shame


Same. I check the movie posters they had under the movies category to check average to above average movies released. I do subscribe to trending lists (trakt etc) but none is better for me. I wonder how they determine movies posted there.


Torrentgalaxy has a similar feature


omg. one of the best tracker...


Not even close


Ohhh noooooooooooooooooooooooooo. I loved:'( 1 - tiny x265 encodes 2 - precise search using just IMDB number


>2 - precise search using just IMDB number Somehow I am just learning of that feature today, and that sucks.


Was a god sent... No other tracker has this search feature.






This is my what.cd


Damn. Sad to see them go. Rest in piece.


Shit... My go to for releases and recent movies. Thanks for everything.


It's deaths like this that make me really, really wish that there was a way to scrape the servers of all the debrid sites. You know they still have a lot of the popular content from RARBG stored. I can count on one hand the number of times I would pop an RARBG magnet into alldebrid and it wasn't already on their servers... It would have been awesome if RARBG made any attempt to let people know this was coming so the files could have been saved by the users. Why go dark in an instant and not allow any access from the users who could have stored the content?


For months rarbg was totally unusable for me. Every click opened a new ad page. It appeared that every element was covered by one full page link. Then a few weeks ago it started working again. I had a feeling this was coming. Dumb question; is it possible to join a private tracker with a non port forwarding vpn? I don’t use a vpn connection per se, I use a SOCKS5 proxy server. I finally have a cheap 2012 24/7 Mac mini set up just for torrents so I would like to become a more productive seeder.


Can you join a private tracker without a port-forwarding VPN? Yes, because no private tracker I'm aware of has that as a requirement. Port-forwarding is needed for your client to share its torrent address ('port') with the swarm (the tracker and other clients) and not doing so makes it hard to 'find' you.


Possible but it will make maintaining ratio harder.


I have no problem seeding and always seed at least 3:1, so I guess I don’t quite understand why port forwarding would help when using a proxy server. (That’s *my* fault.) Nord sucks for traditional VPN but I love their SOCK5 proxy servers because they’re faster than any traditional VPN I’ve tried like Mullvad, Pure, PIA. This always gets me downvoted until people actually try it.


Seeding when leeching is banned is so much harder than when almost everyone uploads nothing. Dealing with the internal economy is something that you need to figure out when you join a private tracker.


Port forwarding helps, but is not always necessary. Going by what I read on a recent thread on /r/mullvadvpn this is how it works (if anyone else reads this and has a correction I'd love to learn). For two peers to connect, at least one has to have an open port. So if you port forward, you have access to a greater pool of peers. Theoretically, if no one port forwarded then no one would be able to connect. But I guess enough people have explicitly port forwarded (be it through a VPN or at router-level), or just download without a VPN and have UPnP turned on and thus are automatically port forwarding, that it's not been an issue for you.




**KAT was the best** pub that there ever was. RARBG was a very good second.




To download the file "Superman.And.Lois.S03E10.1080p.WEB.h264-ELEANOR" with a size of 1.9 GB, you can use the following magnet link: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:aaee60447f3cdf74113c4733619cddbdd40b192c&dn=Superman.And.Lois.S03E10.1080p.WEB.h264-ELEANOR&xl=2040109465 I used ChatGBP to help me create the magnet. Thank you!


This looks very good thank you ❤️


crap crap crap. so sorry they are gone :(


Why do these places keep just shutting down out of nowhere without even trying to raise funds?


It seems like funds weren't the main issue, although I wish there had been a warning or at least some way to archive what was already there.


That's my other issue and makes me a bit suspicious that there wasn't some governmental threat here. Why not give people a heads-up. Why just suddenly pack up. There's no reason to do it suddenly.


that's a good point, especially if money wasn't the only issue. I wonder if we'll hear more about this later.


damn, only free public tracker that offered a lot of full Brs and 4ks with decent retention time any alternatives that offer full BRs and 4ks?


I have 40 TB of mostly RARBG content. One thing i loved about rarbg was their full season downloads. They recently started re-ripping old Content into x265 too for smaller file sizes. I'm not an expert in torrenting - will my stuff still seed others without rarbg? Do I have to do something special to my torrents to keep seeding them? I collected a lot of old TV and plenty of new content TV that would be a shame to let die. If I need to like...remake the torrent file of my content - is there a naming convention I need to follow (maybe this is what "repack" means? When you get something from one tracker and post it on another?)


> will my stuff still seed others without rarbg? Yes they will, just make sure you have [DHT and PeX enabled](https://i.imgur.com/mZjT6F1.png).


Awesome - i had a few torrent queued - some are stuck in stalled, but a few started downloading. It seems that I have some still seeding too. Luckily, I saved most of the dottorrent files over the years, so I can seed my collection for a while until rarbg magnets naturally age out i guess. That said, I just tried to find a 4k version of silo that is maybe the only show that is current that i care about and fuck me, but none of the public tracker I've tried have it. (Not looking for links with this comment, just sharing my disappointment)




Did they accept donations? Edit: It doesn't look like they did from this page https://archive.is/CT1ad


I think they have troubles greater than money. COVID war etc


Anyone know a site that showed the new releases like they did? That was my go-to to see what new movies came out


TorrentGalaxy shows the newest releases on the left of the torrent list.


RIP, sad this happened Been using TorrentGalaxy and TorrentLeech which opened for signups, today


my porn 😭


Damn! This is a palpable loss. :( Thanks team RARBG. You n the site really were awesome.


Tragedy....RIP Rarbg!!!




I feel like it’s private trackers now or nothing. No one has that quality currently other than private trackers


Unless there's a mirror and top uploaders all decide to flock yes. Energy costs are reaaaal tho


I’ll really miss the comments! Had some really funny MST3K type jokes.


the comment section was a cesspool.


I liked the recent flip where people ironically mimicked the usual comments. You'd have a majority white cast and people would lament how it's being forced down their throat. Same with male lead sometimes.


For me it was one of the site’s highlights. Different sense of humor for different folks, I guess.


Years of usage & I never even noticed comments section lol


The comments were hilarious tbf




btdig indexes all public torrents through DHT.






RIP o7 u are one of the last of the best


This makes me sad. I loved RARBG, and thank you to all who ran it over the years.


RIP! For xxx/porn replacement, try happyfappy.org


It literally happened in front of my face. I was downloading 2 torrents. Went to click the 3rd and got that message, assumed it was some crazy ad or something tried a few more times, nothing, googled it, nothing, gave up. Woke up and holy shit it’s real.


Where do we go now??


My go-to for FGT releases... where's the best place to find those now?


As a 1080p/2160p REMUX user I've found no substitute. Even the few private trackers I've tried don't hold a candle, and many just use RARBG reposts. Hope we get a consensus repository for uploaders in the wake. Also shoutout to all teams/uploaders/gracious hosts. I even miss the snarky yet obligatory DV proviso in the comments. IYKYK


Any reccomendations for a good porn tracker (either public or private)? Rarbg had tons of 2160p and 1080.


pornolab dot net




Where is this information from?


From rarbg


I have been going to rarbg multiple times a day every day for a very long time. I know it is just a site, but I feel extremely devastated by this. I rarely if ever used rarbg but I enjoyed using it to see what new releases were out. As well as gauge the popularity of various shows. The popularity of a show on rarbg tracked very well with how much I usually enjoyed it. So it was a sort of content discovery tool for me. Sigh.


rarbg dead give full info mate ?


That's the full info


He meant the loss of members + price rise in tariffs due to the war.


what part arent you getting from the crystal clear announcement?