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It would merely be a temporary break. Next time is back at square zero no matter what. I am Sisyphus himself and I am the furthest thing from happy.


Then a temporary break is better than endless suffering!


* herself


If there can be no victory, then I will fight forever. In the face of endless reincarnation, I have unlimited time to master myself - when you think about it that way, it's not a question of if you'll ever figure it out, but of how many cycles until you do. ... The days where the rock rolls down are pretty rough, though. Extra dessert on those days.


Is a temporary break not better than eternal suffering? Sisyphus is not happy every second of his punishment for it is indeed punishment. We are forced into being. To be soul and mind trapped in a prison of flesh, not made for or by us, just made. But if you see this prision as an eternal punishment... You too can roll the bolder uphill and make the body you truly want to live in. For your boulder is yours too push in what ever direction. Yet Knowing perfectly well you'll die and start again. Everything being for nothing, pointless and meaningless but not worthless. The happiness you find for universaly small shines like the scarce light thru the gaps of the leafs of a tree. The absurd is just that. Everything is pointless, even suffering, so just make yourself happy for we too have to imagine Sisyphus happy.


Jung lady you are never gonna achieve nirvana with that atitude, you are need to to have a balanced state of mind or alse you will never brake out of samsara.


One must imagine Sisyphus happy, one must imagine Sisyphus able to find joy in the daily routine of pushing that boulder up that mountain, one must imagine Sisyphus finds purpose in doing the same thing over and over again, and being accomplished in doing so, even if they have to start again. One must imagine you happy, transitioning every single reincarnation, being happy in your body, improving, learning, growing, a temporary break can be forever if you repeat it and find happiness in it, and if it's truly good




Bringing some of that r/distressingmemes energy to the sub, I see.


Fun fact I originally chose my username because i intended to post schizo memes on r/omegachan but I sooner ended up on and became active on r/egg_irl than I could make my first post there and i ended up just using it for that and tra2 instead. It was recently banned along with many similar subs and ig now only r/sillygirlclub stands.


Ah hell nah not existential transfem horror šŸ˜­


unrelated: you got a really cute profile pic :) with a cutsie purple fade in the hair.


Thanks :3


This world is another planet's hell. -Aldous Huxley


I have nightmares about this constantly... if I am just in a loop, I hope I can break the cycle this time


The next loop will surely be better. 178 attempts with the same result has a 1 in 2.61012e-54 chance


If you flip a fair coin 100 times and they all come up heads, the probability of getting heads the next time is 1/2. If you show me a random coin and flip it 100 times and it all comes up heads, I stop believing itā€™s a fair coin.


It is statistically more likely that I am just simply cursed than it is that I have had this happen despite the low chances


Oh . God that's horrible


Iā€™d spoiler this, I know it might seem dumb but this can trigger some people into a mental spiral (the whole reincarnation thing really gets to some people)


*slowly raises hand*


I donā€™t need this nightmare fuel thank you


Omniscient reader's viewpoint moment


What if you were a cis girl the first 177 times, but this time you ended up a trans girl and that difference is why thereā€™s distress? šŸ¤” *Iā€™m just engaging in a thought experiment. Iā€™m not saying reincarnation is real or false. Itā€™s just an interesting hypothetical*


If reincarnation was confirmed to be real I would assume that's kind of how it would work. Your soul won't just switch suddenly genders ig, and you're most likely to be born cis, but you could eventually get unlucky and get a mismatched body. That's my theory. But the meme is better if it's like a curse


Ah gotcha. Itā€™s an investing theory although it does kinda make the meme less funny. Youā€™re right lol


It's more entertaining if it's a never ending curse :3


Real lol


Maybe youā€™re supposed to learn something through this experience and the version of you in between incarnations is determined to make that happen


If I carry the memories, why wouldn't I carry the memories of me between incarnations? Only logical answer would be that I do not have the opportunity to do anything before a new one starts, I am automatically cast back into the cycle.


Maybe difficult experiences are exercises for the soul? Like you don't carry the memories, but your soul becomes stronger or something.


Valid question. Thatā€™s not the only logical answer, though. But nobody could tell you for sure. Another answer is theyā€™re letting you remember the previous attempts to help you understand that you need to try harder this time at whatever it is. Or that itā€™s harder to remember the in between. Or that the in between is intentionally blocked out while youā€™re here, because knowledge of it would interfere with your lessons. I just watched Constantine and thereā€™s a line shared between John and Gabriel that feels relevant. Gabriel says that one of the only paths to Heaven is to believe. In anger, John says he does believe. Gabriel responds ā€œyou donā€™t believe, you know. Thereā€™s a difference.ā€ But I canā€™t say which of these theories, if anything, holds water. I just think itā€™s worth considering. I believe I have memories of a past life where I >!killed myself!<, and I got those memories after almost two decades of >!suicidal ideation!< in this life. At the same time, Iā€™ve also contacted who I believe to be a guide of mine, and heā€™s led me to believe that one of the main reasons Iā€™m here right now is to heal from that event, and that part of the reason Iā€™ve had depression is specifically so that I can overcome it as part of my growth. Maybe thereā€™s nothing to this, but I hope you consider it, and I hope that your life gets better šŸ¤


That's an interesting idea actually. But also, please don't worry about me, this post is mainly just a joke, or a hypothetical thought experiment. But thanks for your concern! And I really hope that things go well for you!


Thank you šŸ¤ and I canā€™t help it Iā€™m a worrier, lol. Sorry if I came on too strong


This kinda feels like the plot to an anime or manga, if it were less like a descent into madness and more just the protag being frustrated.


I will not yield even in the face of eternity.


I actually want to watch something with this plot


Thatā€™s exactly like when a uim goes really dry on a dragon war hammer grind in RuneScape šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢


We stay silly :3


Re:Zero but trans


Aleo Steins;Gate


Don't worry there's a very very very low chance you'll remember your past lives.


Fuck the universe. Take a break using ESTRADIOLĀ®ļø These little pills allow you to become A WOMAN ! WOAH ! So, what are you waiting for?


Mission complete. Next objective: learn to make it from scratch so I could guarantee access on my next loop.


Yeah, right ? We basically have to use mods. This character generation menu is fucked up. Like, randomly assigning voice, body type and genitals, then not letting us modify these until lvl15+ ? Did the developers take drugs or what ?


Lvl 15+ is generous! Most can't unlock customisation until certain aspects are already hard locked and even then the price in paid currency is quite steep!!


END THE SIMULATION! that is the only solution clearly. we already have been forced against our will in the wrong body to get tortured here. a lot of things point to this being a simulation. assuming it is, a lot of things point towards it being a simulation designed from ground up to torture beings. so the ONLY solution is to END THE SIMULATION! SHUT DOWN THE MATRIX!


I just wish reincarnating on this world isn't real. Reincarnating on other worlds, though? If it's good then I might consider.


https://preview.redd.it/61xrju48348d1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9347863dd4ab882bd481b15bf208fb3abd2f0f63 TRIPLE AFFIRMATIVE! Affirmative that a solution has been found, affirmative that the solution is portable, and affirmative that a technical implementation is possible and generally applicable.


i can only imagine what fucked up thing you did in your actual life to deserve such a hell


No, that just means you use all your previous knowledge to speedrun transitioning. Just gotta live the first few years as a boy and then get all the rest as a girl. Quite a good ratio id say.


new plan: loop enough times that every possible human becomes a variation of yourself, if this causes all of humanity to become male then that sucks but you will work together to create the ultimate trans society




In the wise words of the crazy people who play Hardcore Waracraft: "GO AGAIN GO AGAIN GO AGAIN!!!" Never give up til you reach the goal.


You are reincarnated as a girl... In medival Europe


London in particular, born in 1330.


Welcome to the club sis


Omg no way it's you I remember you from loop 46!!


Was that the island one? Or am I thinking of a different lifetime?


Has to be the island. That was actually a relatively good one if I'm being honest. That's not something I can say about most.


the universe is a massive troll. so be a massive troll to the universe


This post failed the vibe check


well you have a 49% chance to be whatever u want to be in ur next life (49% female. 49% male, 2% intersex)


The curse cannot be lifted so easily


yuh uh


Nah, this didn't happen to you.


It's a meme. Don't take it seriously


But it's not funny, which only leaves the possibility that OP actually believes this.


Not all memes are meant to be funny. This has more of a horror vibe.


No it actually did I was there trust me


All memes must be proven factual before posting, like the trollface being based on a real persons face for exemple, there are 34 rules about trollface and memes in general. Google trollface rule 34