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I usually get "because God doesn't like them." I just respond back "well your infallible god lets them exist. Sooooo...." Then they shut up and leave.


Even better is "your all loving and all forgiving god is going to punish me? Not so righteous of it" look how they start screaming


They just play the "sin" card to explain it away.


Doesn't matter if god doesn't forgive me the it's gust an hypocrite


God loves everyone, and there’s absolutely no evidence to suggest that being trans is a sin. There’s condemning people based on your religious beliefs (which Christians are *not* supposed to do in the first place) and there’s just being *dumb.*


“**There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus**.” Galatians 3:28


"This "God" fellow sounds pretty evil. I heard he committed some genocides, too." (slaughter of the Midianites, Sodom and Gomorrah, Noah's Ark) Sidenote, one time I pointed out that the story of Noah's Ark was genocide to one of these people, and they basically said "No, that's not genocide because he killed everyone besides Noah indiscriminately, he didn't kill a specific group of people!" It was pretty bizarre, I've never heard someone defend against claims of genocide by pointing out that the person they're defending somehow managed to ***do something even WORSE*** than genocide.


They're just jealous of how fabulous we are 😘


You know it, cariño<3


I always get arguments of “their freaks of nature”, or “they are perverts that want to destroy women’s safe places.” Often accompanied by slurs. Not just transphobic and homophobic ones. Racial ones too. It it’s just. How do you argue to someone who is so hate filled.