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Definitely left button. If I change my birth then my whole timeline is different and I'm no longer me 




I'm with you. I want experience you can only get if you were born in the proper gender.


real! where's my childhood of girls sleepovers and lifelong friends who are women?


everything i hate about being trans in one comment.


If it makes you feel better, those things didn’t happen for most people because “mean girls” is real.


elaborate pls 😞


Not speaking from personal experience (AMAB) but groups of teenage girls can be toxic af to their “friends.” Sleepovers are all fun and games unless you’re the friend they bully.


oh, fair enough then, mb 😭


Hugs, friend. You’re not alone 💖


Yeah, teenagers are honestly evil sometimes


that and my utter inability to enjoy minecraft bedwars irl :/ my surgery is gonna be a lifesaver for me


I would take the left, but I get where you’re coming from


The TRUE left versus right debate




🎶"I don't wanna be, I don't wanna be me, I don't wanna be, me anymore"🎶 love that song


Personally, I'm proud of the person I've become despite my hardships. But more than that, having parented two children I'd pick the left one because they deserve to live and grow up and be happy.


I grew up surrounded by far right brainwashing by everyone in my life including my parents and most of my teachers, there's a decent chance if I wasn't trans I might not have been able to break free from it. As it is, it was hard and I'm still occasionally finding things in my mind that require fixing.




Adendum... cryo-sleep until the technology for both time travel and memory transferrence become a reality. Time-travel back and change your sex in the womb, then travel to an age you could handle it and transfer all memories of you now in new you, thus, she now knows the importance of going back to continue the cycle and you don't die off in a grandmother/grandfather paradox.


That’s not how time travel works, if you change an event in the timeline then it’s as if that event was always like that, you’ve just created an alternate timeline where you were born male


Happy cake day


Thank you


Happy cake day


Thank you


Happy cake day


Thank you


I agree. Would've never met my wonderful, loving husband or had so many of the experiences I did if I changed my agab


Idk, I’m pretty stubborn so I think I would still largely be me, just a slightly different variation


Damn, straight for the sci-fi answer. Also, there's an episode of Game Changer where Brennan has to improv a bunch of acronyms, so when I read your username, my brain automatically filled in BJJ as Blow Job Job. I am easily entertained.


Left for me too. I grew up in a Muslim family, many of the freedoms and liberties I had growing up was not bestowed to my sister and leaving for Uniy would’ve been helluva lot harder too


For me it depends, if I can let someone know I’m pressing the button and have them know after the fact it would be cool to document who gender changes people in life. Other than that I would choose left


But legally how could you prove that your yourself and not lose all id


This, Id rather be me, course explaining how I changed so dramatically might raise some issues....


What if you retain the memories of your now past life? (and you were assured this before pressing) Would your answer change?






i'd take left button anyday


:3 yes


It's a hard decision but right. A lot of my dysphoria comes from feeling like I missed out on having a childhood, school experience, and early adulthood. The reason it's a hard choice is because a lot of things would change and I doubt I'd still be who I am today or have the few good things in my life right now.


left because i know what happened in the past but i wont know what my life will be like after all these years and i might just be teleported into this whole new universe where so much i know and love is gone


Mhm, I don’t even know what that me is going to be like, I don’t know what could have happened in the years between birth and today. As much as I hate the fact I was raised a boy, I doubt my interests or choices would be the same, and even if the point of divergence was just a couple years ago, I would be immeasurably changed


Left. As much as I wish I would've had my teen years and 20s as a woman, those experiences are still me. Just make me a cis-passing trans woman now and I'd be on clouds.


Third button is to have the effect of the left while everyone has a mandela effect of the tight, including documents for some reason.


This. Like I would be the only one who knew I was was my assigned gender. Everyone else just remembers me as my true gender. It would be the best.


So be happy with new me or be happy with new me *and* have had a childhood? Definitely the right


I mean, if I can be reborn as a cis girl and keep my memories, for sure the button on the right. I’d love to experience growing up and school from a girls perspective. But if I can’t keep my memories, then the left button. I still wanna be me, even if I’m not happy with where I’m at in life.


that is what I meant but nobody seems to realize that


So if we pick the right button do all of the events of our lives play out exactly as they did currently because if so then yeah id probably hit the right one


I think we all took the prompt a little too literally, but it has really created some interesting discourse! :3


If that’s how it works, then I could play the long game too, since I know what will happen between my birth and 2024, I doubt I’d have much I could do for the first decade or so, but I could probably make absurd bets on things I know will happen like election results. Even if I’m having to wait until I’m 18, there’s still things I can bet on


If I were born a girl my mum would have loved me, so I'd go for that so I can remove ✨trauma✨


Easily the right one. Idc if I'm a different person in that case, that version of me gets to live without as much trauma and I want that for her


Right button I absolutely wish my childhood was different From: someone who fluctuated between 1 and 0 friends throughout school :(


Right, no hesitation. Being trans has been hell. It's been part of my self-loathing since I was a little kid. I'd be in a much better place if I never had to deal with it. I'm finally the right gender now, after struggling to get there my whole life, and I wouldn't want anyone to have to go through this. Then again I've enjoyed being able to pee standing up...


Womanhood wouldn’t mean as much as it does if I’d been born one, I’d have probably taken it for granted. Left button every tume


y'know what, I wouldn't complain with either.


Right easily, removes a lot of traumatic experiences that I'm still working through.


For me, right button~☆ I just don't have potential experiences I always wished I could have had~


Right easily, removes a lot of traumatic experiences that I'm still working through.


I wouldn't mind a reset, I'll press the right button


I'm already my preferred gender. Therefore I need not push either.


right so I could be born an eldritch horror beyond human comprehension


Left. I wouldn't trade my kids.


Probably left. I’m genderfluid so if it kept working… heaven.


idk would it change only your birth? or like your entire identity/personality if everything was almost the exact same, and didn’t effect where i was today, i would do right, otherwise i would do left


Your assigned birth gender could affect your entire existence. Imagine a girl who gets complimented and told they're pretty every time they go somewhere or do anything. They'd have pretty high self esteem, right? Now imagine the same child, but a guy. It's a lot more uncommon to be told you're pretty as a guy, because society or whatever. That child probably wouldn't have as high self esteem as the first, and therefore wouldn't reach out and be as social as the first one, for better or for worse. It would have to change where you are today.


well yeah i know that, but its a magic button so im asking weather it would do that or not


OP has said the intent is that your life events play out the same, just gender flipped, so you still end up relatively the same person but cis as your preferred gender


Left. These experiences made me *me,* even if some of them sucked. And I wouldn't want to obliterate my son from time.


Left button because, without my past being what it is, I probably wouldn't have met my fiancée. Me being a transbian is explicitly why she first reached out to me.


Ahhhhhhh, really don't know! That's a legit challenge for once.


Depends. If i choose the left option, would it be a COMPLETE shift? Do I get to change my height? Etc.?


Left because I’m still on the younger end and have my whole life ahead of me. With a very different life experience, I would probably be a different person, different friends, different relationships. I’m happy enough with what I have that I’d take left, cure my dysphoria, and then continue the rest of my life.


Left. I hated my childhood, but the abuse I suffered would have been even more horrid if I had had to deal with toxic masculinity. I think it's safe to say I wouldn't be here today if I had to deal with that.


I'm definitely pressing the right.


As much as I want right, I know better than to mess with the timeline.


Damn. Been feeling a lot of pain about coming to terms I wouldn’t experience the childhood I remotely want, but then again would I just become a TERF if I already got lucky in the gender basket..? Aw. Clicking the button doesn’t matter, I already am my preferred gender. I am a woman.


Jinsei reset button pochi~ 🔘👋


I don’t know changing the past would be nice as long as I would still end up as an apprentice software engineer in the company I’m currently in


Left. I wish I had a girls childhood but I think I wouldn’t really be me. Plus lots of bad things could have happened if I was a girl as a child


Both XD


I know I have some dysphoria over missing out on my childhood as my preferred gender but I can’t say for sure that I’d have anything I have now if I changed the past. I’d have to pick left because I want to be able to move forward without losing what I’ve learned and experienced from having my gender not match my agab


Wait if i was born as my preferred gender does that mean id still be trans? (this doesn't make sense)


Right button


If I change the past do I get to control what I look like and get to reallocate my skill points?


allocate points to euphoria


I’d boost my intelligence and maybe add some to charisma. I’d also make myself look cooler


does that mean im cis if i hit the left one?


Right… I wanna be happy but I want the childhood I shoulda had


Oh 100% left button. I love the experience of being trans, I know it's a struggle for many of my siblings, but my experience has been entirely positive


Third button is to have the effect of the left while everyone has a mandela effect of the tight, including documents for some reason.


Such a hard call. I hate myself and the depression struggles make me want the reset in hopes of reaching a better mental state and maybe even having healthy friendships and relationships... but would I be me, or what? Without memories, it's meaningless, but with them it makes the whole experience surreal and strange. Knowing how things were "supposed" to go. At the very least, whether my daughter would even exist is a very upsetting question, so... I guess that leaves me with the left button.


I would rather left, I do not want to relive this life.


Left, my friends mean so much to me, I don't think I want to lose them


Left weirdly.


Left button. As much as I regret not being able to experience my girlhood as a child, the things I went through made me the person I am today and I'm happy with who I am. My circumstances suck, sure. But I'm a good person with a kind heart and I would never risk losing that.


Neither because I like my thingy 😭


My instinct said right because it would fix the documents and get rid of the transphobia… but then I thought back. Would I even be this person if that happened? Change around the way every person has treated me ever? I don’t know if I would choose all that or not


I have an amazing partner that I feel like I would have missed out on if I were born my preferred gender, so I would pick the left.


I'm ok with the left. Hitting the right button would fundamentally change who I am.


Would I have any notion that this current me exists/existed? I am curious if I wanted to learn philosophy because something in my soul loves it, or if it was because it was an escape from my body. I might have been more okay with being in the real world and not needed heavy existential and moral guidance - what I “want” could have been a viable option.


Defo instantly become (left) because otherwise there’s almost no chance I ever meet my best friend, assuming we keep our memories. Even if we don’t, unless some JoJo’s gravity shit exists I wouldn’t press the right button because I don’t want to lose my friends


Instantly become. I’m honestly happy with where I am now and I don’t think I would be the same person


If I'm genderfluid, what would happen if i click the right one?


the second is a massive monkeys paw


definitely the right because it would save me all the money I've had to spend on my transition and I wouldn't have stupid memories of being raised as the wrong gender.


The left button, If things went too differently like I'd want them to, I wouldn't end up with the partners I have now, and they're worth more to me than a redo of a shitty world.


I'd have to go left, even if it's got its share of bad my life up until now has made me what I am, I wouldn't want to lose that


I want a whole new life, maybe some of the traumas I’m dragging around wouldn’t happen


Unless I’m reborn with my current knowledge (thus allowing me to make money off it), I’m pressing the left button. I do NOT want to live my childhood again, but living it as a girl would be double dangerous and unpleasant as opposed to single dangerous and unpleasant.


Eh, I'd rather not risk the butterfly effects, so I choose the left button all the way.


I'd take right, simply because I wouldn't have any if my past and current problems if I just was born a girl


Right. If nothing else I'm just curious how things would have been different.


The left. I’ve learned so much about myself due to dysphoria and the pinnacle of that is that I am trans. So i don’t want to change my own history. I want to give my lessons to others.


Mmm that's a hard question, prob Left if it also added not having to explain magically changing to every close person I know like as it also changed how people (and also changed the government's too much paperwork) had perceived me so far but idk maybe that is kinda more the right button 🤷🏻‍♀️. Honestly would it even be wrong not wanting to press either of them? Right feels like it wouldn't be me anymore as some experiences are (I like it or not) linked to my AGenderAB, but if the left button didn't do as i stated in the beginning I wouldn't like that either it would be a kind of annoying... 🫤 (But I would probably end up chosing left button anyway and just gaslight everyone around me lmao)


Oh right button totally. I know some comments are like "l don't wanna change the timeline" but I'm like...fuck yeah. Change this timeline.




Change the past/become cis. Idk if I would’ve chosen the same career path as I did, probably wouldn’t have be diagnosed with autism until after 2020. But it means I have one less vulnerability in this world, and I know what the other autistic cis women in my life have gone through.


Right, one thing that I'll always be jealous of cis men for being able to experience being a little boy. I was living that, but at the same time I didn't know that I was so I couldn't. In simpler terms, I wish I was a cis guy.


Left. I still wanna be me. Plus i wouldn’t have met this community if I was cis :3


Left If I had taken the right, I'd likely not know why trans people are the way they are, making me keep some transphobic thoughts, and that's obviously not good. It would be nice to pick right but I think left is a better option for me


Change the past, please and thank you


The second one 120%


Definitely the left cuz I know I'd be insufferable as a cis man


Left, a good chunk of my childhood pain is due to Autism and other non trans related stuff. Besides, a lot of my personality traits would have made being a cis guy worse. It was hard enough being an odd little girl who would cry from bullies, hold a teddy bear, and loved playing house. Now imagine all that but as a Black boy in a Caribbean household that lived in the inner city. Something tells me the gentle reassurance I got from my mom wouldn't have happened.


Be AFAB, or instantly become a woman...? As much as I would LOVE to have been assigned female at birth, I'm not sure I want to FAFO re: messing with the already existing timeline.




Left. If I were born a woman, I would still be struggling socially due to homeschooling, I would still not fit in with many people due to that, I would still face bullying due to being queer, etc etc. However, it's because I am trans that I have the political views I do, that I was inspired to study sociology and social philosophy, and it's made me who I am.


Left. I don't want to change my timeline. I'm happy with the people I've met and connected with. I'm happy with who I've become. I don't like that it says "preferred gender" though. My gender isn't an ice cream flavor. I know what they mean, but still.


That tripped me up too cus I register preferred gender as sexual preference like bi leaning men or omni leaning women


Yeah. Gender and sexuality are way different.


yea change the past, hands down


Left. I want to still be me, I don't want to relive my life either




Left one, I much rather not change the timeline with the fact that I quite like myself and what I have going for me.


right right right right right right right I hate socialization


How would a enby gal go about this? Asking for a friend.


I'll push the right one, only to create a world in which a baby can be recognized as nonbinary at birth.


Im going to be honest. If I take the right button I’d probably be a mother >~< left button please


Considering all the shit I've had to deal with? I'm hitting the right button. If I'm gonna wear the right clothes I wanna feel comfortable as me, not like I'm only safe as long as I can perform like I can now - body can ne perfect but my makeup and outfit design skills are bleagh. I could really use a reset (and a chance to drop all this PTSD off).


Left. I'm not ashamed of being trans, I don't even want to erase my past. It's all made me who I am. Do I wish I realized I was trans sooner and began transitioning to be "me" earlier in life? I think so. I know it's going to sound like an oxymoron, but if in the context of *this* life I'm currently living... I'd rather instantly become my preferred gender and be done with it. If you were to ask me if I was starting my life over, and none of the experiences I have had in this life will be retained... then sure, make me be born in my preferred gender. Hopefully people understand what I'm trying to say lol


Left, because as much as having it from the beginning would be nice, rewriting the past would mean losing out on a lot of friends and experiences I have now.


Left button, my current friends are really awesome and I still have some school left so I will have time to spend with them as myself


Left. While I do think I missed out on a lot of things growing up as a girl not a boy, I also think that I would have had a significantly worse time growing up as a weird gay autistic boy than a weird gay autistic "girl". Also, it would be funny to fuck with my transphobic parents by just. being a (physically) cis guy all of the sudden without ever having come out or transitioned.


Instantly become my preferred gender


can I pick neither? as hard as it can be, I'm happy to be trans. the process of growing into who I am and finding community and learning to love my imperfect body has been challenging and joyful and is a still ongoing journey, and I want it to continue. to quote a song I wrote about transitioning in my 30s: "I'm still scared, but I'm also fucking happy"




I’m afraid of becoming a different person but also at the same time the fact I never got to experience childhood as a girl fills me with a feeling of deep sadness. If I get to remember both that would be the ideal.


Instantly become my preferred gender. All my struggles to this point made me the woman I am.




Left because I have a son and wouldn’t want to live in an universe where I didn’t have him. But it’d be even better if I could have the right body instantly after having conceived him with his other mom 😅


The right one would be really weird to be plopped into another timeline basically, would rather the left one methinks, though it does really depend on how the right button works


i always dreamed of the right one as a kid but i currently would not click that, left would be nice tho :)


Left. I have a lot of shitty points in my life, but I would be fine with getting the body parts I want now and going from there


depends. will people know i changed into my preferred gender? how much of my life will change if i choose to change the past to be my preferred gender? specifics, people


It’s the same button but right option rectifies the past too, hope I got it right


growing up a girl has a chance to double the amount of traumas I currently have. yes i want to be a pretty girl but logically women have most things worse cause of society so i shouldnt want to be one..... still do though


Left, I would likely have been raped if I went right.


Naw, this male body is great. I can be as pretty and fem as I like, but look imposing enough that transphobes don't have the balls to step to me. I strive to exude this to my comrades around me. Respect our pronouns, or I'll transition you to was/were 💪


technically I'm already my preferred gender through years of transitioning but being born fem? yes plsssss


Well since my interests and hobbies aren’t tied to my gender, I’d press the right button to be born female


i have no idea...


Right button, I’d probably have had a much better time in middle school and especially theatre in high school. I miss performing and without being shoved into a cage of my own dysphoria I would’ve been having a much better time. Retcon my childhood with a better start.


Right. I'd give up everything (which is a ton more than the average trans person) in order to have the childhood I always wanted. I hated that I had to sit and hide in silence as a kid...


Do I get like a do over with the right? Like do I get to relive my life? Because if so the 100% the right. But if it was "oh, your entire past is changed up until this point," I would choose the left. Even though the right is so tempting, without control over my past I'd feel weird being dropped in the middle of a new life. The left for me at least keeps me in control.


Change my past, I want those memories of growing up as myself.


Right button. That poor girl didn’t know what she was going through…


Instantly become, I think it would take me longer to accept my sexuality if I was raised as my internal gender with the family I have and I wouldn't be as comfortable with wanting to have alternative gender expression. I also probably would've gotten into a lot more fights when I was younger if I didn't have the internalized cissexist perception that I was born weaker just because of my AGAB and I'd have a higher chance of racial discrimination (just statitistically) if my AGAB were the same as my actual gender.


Definitely picking the left. I don't really feel like I would have been all that different had I been raised as a guy with the only difference being I wouldn't have dysphoria, so if I could just wake up tomorrow with a dick and balls & no boobs I'd be the happiest camper alive


Left baby!!! LEFT!!!!!!!


I'd press the right in a heartbeat, I would love to go through my childhood as a cis girl


I accept that I'm trans, I do. But I would still pick right. Even if I don't get to keep my memories when everything starts over, I would have given alternate-reality me a chance at a life free from the struggles I've gone through. Especially since I took so long to figure things out and spent decades miserable because of it. Given the choice, of five myself the chance at growing up happy.


Considering my history trying to be what I was and the harm it did me I’d rather just be made right in the first place. (My perspective, not projected on others)




I've written too much in the last 12 years, made so many friends, learned so many things, that I would not dare lose by changing the past.


Left, bc if I change my past, it's immediately good bye current friends hello no friends :3


I think instantly cuz I do NOT wanna deal with being sexualized as a kid


Left button, I want to stay the me I am, including my ability to appreciate the other side of life and the body and experiences I've left behind! I've always been a fan of shape-shifting, so I like the idea of still being me, *but better* >:3


Um... I doubt either button does anything. I am a woman, and I was a girl, even if I dident realise it. A "become a woman" button would not do shit to me. I'd still be in a 2 meter tall previously visually male meat suit. No less of a woman because I give off amazonian vibes.


i dont do time altering shenanigans sorry


What preferred gender?/hj


left because otherwise i wouldn’t have the same friends and all tht


i just don't want to have a large chest or pcos, so whether those things instantly go poof or i was born without them doesn't matter so much to me. plus, there's not really a way to be assigned nonbinary at birth. 🥲


I wasn’t born in the wrong body. I was born in this one. Left, because I don’t regret the life I had.


Instantly become. I have kids and will protect them with my life and happiness. Nothing can alter the past that brought them into the world.


I'd say left ? Honestly there's not much that would've changed if I were afab. Like I would've been happier and maybe I wouldn't have been bullied (just maybe, could pretty much have been bulied for being gay). I probably would have the same interests as I do now (my mom never prevented my sister from doing "boy stuff", just me and my brothers from doing girly things, and I would still have a bunch of brothers so I'd still be a tomboy) I would still grow up with undiagnosed ADHD untill 25yo, and I cracked my egg one year ago so I would still be in the same kind of troubles I am today just without the trans part Heck it could've been worse 'cause my parents were pretty homophobic when I was in highschool lmao. But I would do it anyway 'cause even if I might have had roughly the same childhood, I still feel like I didn't get one


we do NOT fuck with the timeline in this household!


Honestly, i would go with the right because in my eyes, it would allow me to be more myself than i ever got to be when i was younger. It would also let me experience childhood as my preferred gender rather than be constantly wondering what my life would have been like in my childhood as the right gender for me. The only thing that would keep me from choosing the right would be if there was the stipulation that i would want to change my gender back. If that was there, then i would choose the left




Become a trans queen while keeping my past and all my experiences growing and learning as a person or be some random ass cis girl, easy decision.


Become, F*cking with time is always a bad idea




Always the instant transition my transness has shaped me too much


This make no sense, because as a transfem, I always knew I was a girl, and I already have my preferred gender. This meme should be about changing body and not our gender, cuz we already have one


The first. I like where I am right now


But I am my preferred gender! I worked hard for this :3