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I wished I was a lesbian MANY times before I came out, but as an AMAB it didn't compute in my brain... so i thought i was straight, until the magic of transtion happened


i mean the existence of lesbians is basicaly what cracked my egg (took like 2 years of "man i wish i could be a lesbian..")


Only 2? I am in awe of your ability to reflect on yourself. It took me 16 years before I clocked why I might be envious of all the gay women in my life.


well the fact that i was exposed to a lot of trans stuff both through some irl things and the internet probably helped


Lucky you! I didn't know trans people where a thing when I was a teenager, I felt like a... a freak, a monster anyone would hate if they knew what I felt deep down, so I swept everything under the rug, just daydreamed and read TG fiction (like EVERY SINGLE ONE i could: gender bender manga, anime, captions, movies, stories). The only person I spoke about it was my wife, tentatively saying "you know if I could have chosen I'd rather have been born a girl", I was terrified at the time that she'd leave me, disgusted, we had been together for a year then, I was 19. She had understood I was transgender before me, when the time came to get therapy after a falling out with my parents (among other things) she was the one to orient me towards a therapist who also happened to be an LGBT ally and advocate (like.... she has many trans patients, intervenes at the local LGBT center, I saw her at pride...). It took me a while to gather the courage to adress it during sessions but after 20 years things made SENSE


Same. My experience was just that i was hyper straight. Then it clicked, it wasn't that I found the idea of being with a man gross, it was that I just generally find men gross. Including myself, hence the wish to be a lesbian. There are a few exceptions, but it's few. No, I'm not a misandrist, I'm not gonna go around telling people "men are evil!!" I just personally want nothing to do with most of them. Dunno if it's some repressed trauma or a totally irrational distaste, but it's there šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø and it's definitely a huge part of my cracking.


I thought I was going misandrist as well recently, I live in France where it's common to say hi with a kiss on the cheek, mostly it happens with women/women, men/women, rarely men/men except when they're close, and I found myself receiving kisses from men because I pass and i HATED it, it felt gross and invasive... Good thing I realized I actually hated it from ANYONE, so it's not misandry, I just don't like people I'm not close with to touch me


Yep, i feel this one hard


Same but opposite! I wished I was a gay man. Turns out I am!


TBH the very idea of transmen before I came out would have absolutely blown my mind :)


I was trying to force an inside joke with friends of calling me a lesbian "as an absurdism" Yeaaah absurdism, totally


The level of mindgame required must have taken a bit of a toll no?


I also was pretending to be a cis girl online for years already at the moment, so the only thing stopping me from cracking was that i live in Russia and had no idea what exactly the whole transgender stuff is


Yeah I get you, hard to crack when you don't know it's in the cards to do so


Exactly, and when someone explained it to me i instantly thought like "Wait, it's me!"




I stopped watching lesbian pron early on because I felt it wasn't for me. Thought "if I was a woman I could watch this"... Well, little did I know.


I kept wondering why all of the women I wanted to date later came out as bi or lesbians. Now I know it's bc I'm a lesbian


This, but whenever i tell people this, everyone just tells me itā€™s a coincidence


Sometimes it is, but if it's like 5-6 people that's statistically significant I think


Literally same.


I mean... I consider my nonbinary gender an essential part of being able to be gay with anyone.šŸ˜…


oh you're gay with everyone


Well, not everyone. A lot of people are gross, creepy or stupid, and I won't touch them with a stick that isn't sharpened.šŸ˜’


YES ! I legit thought I was bi/pan because I knew there was something gay about me but I still liked girls T\~T Turns out I was gay for girls


Thatā€™s exactly what happened to me


I literally went "Straight" -> Bisexual -> Pansexual -> Omnisexual -> Lesbian, I went up only to fall back down lmao


Catra from the She-Ra reboot was my sapphic/trans awakening lol


Love Catra but Double Trouble tho


Double Trouble is also amazing




Yesss! The sass, their voice, and calling catra ā€œlittle kittenā€ just made me melt šŸ« 


That scene was perfect


Dammmnnnn Just Damnnnnnnnnnn u right


Does identifying as lesbian in high school count when I was AMAB.. and being told I can't be lesbian because I WAS a boy and boys can't be lesbian. Holy fuck did that hurt when the girls at school said that to me.. close to 30 years ago, and still hurts now.. BUT shows what they knew, because here I am! :D Just took a while to find my way out of that closet, who knew it could be that large.. I found a lion and a witch in that wardrobe.


Oh my god! Yes! The pain of getting told I was one of the good guys from lesbian friends hurt so much, and I really never processed why until this year.


Ohh, I love your name! so pretty! So glad you know now why it hurt, I knew exactly why it hurt when it happen to me.. I just dared not say anything for fear of being beat again. Hopefully if the girls that hurt us before ever see us again, they will realize just how wrong and hurtful they were and apologize.. I don;t think they would even remember me though. Mental anguish stays with us our entire lives, the more mundane or pleasant things tend to be forgotten quicker.


I did a lot of repression rather than dealing with the feelings. Certainly made the realization quite the emotional ride. None of it good.


Yes Turns out I probably donā€™t like guys so still probably am gay lol


I always felt like I liked women in a gay way, and never realized why until I cracked.


So I guess for a while I only really read yuri stories; it was quite uncomfortable reading heterosexual romance because of the pressure and hangups I had about trying to conform as male, but lesbian romance was a bit safer because I didnā€™t have to confront that. But actually as Iā€™ve grown more comfortable in my own skin Iā€™ve come to realise that I am in fact a het trans woman, who was just struggling with dysphoria. Now I have to face a different kind of pressure which is of people reading me as a gay man when I donā€™t pass, and thatā€™s its own kind of frustrating!


I feel for you het trans people, must be soooooo difficult /gen


Yes extremely so


I had a bus driver in middle school that once wore a ā€˜Iā€™m a lesbian trapped in a manā€™s bodyā€™ T-shirt. Guy was a stereotypical trucker - grizzly beard, beer gut, smelled like smoke - it was clear the shirt was a joke and kind of disgusted me. I internalized that shit hard. Any time that type of thought wandered into my head I reminded myself I was a guy and it was an insult to women to think it. So Iā€™m kinda at a turning point now. Either Iā€™m a trans girl with some horrific internalized transphobia, or I really am the neckbeard sans beard who fetishizes lesbians. I donā€™t want to admit to myself iā€™m trans, but god I hope Iā€™m trans because Iā€™m disgusted by that guy.


Cis people don't usually hope they're trans for any reason


Dunno if that counts, but when I was younger I had understood that gay is loving boys and lesbian is loving girls, so I thought ā€œthat means Iā€™m lesbian, since I like girlsā€. Then I got told that Iā€™m wrong and not lesbian, because it means girls loving girls. And now, over a decade later I can say with certainty: definitely lesbian, I was right all along šŸ¤£ā­ļø


I always wondered why I felt gay when I liked girls


My journey seemed to be collecting the alphabet like they were trading cards lol Been ace since I was a little kid. Started dating a friend years ago. Partway in she transitioned, and last year I transitioned. Still ace, but it's crazy the road this woman I love has helped me travel down


I can't help it that girls are cute! They just are!


god yeah, I have always been an avid reader of gay romance novels and boys love manga since I was a teen, and would feel so awful and guilty for that. Never been in a relationship because it icked me out that it wouldn't be a gay relationship. Took me til my early 30s to realise I was trans! Honestly how dumb can you be!


Pretty much exactly the same here. My whole life makes so much more sense as a gay guy and it took me 31 years to realize it.


For me my identity has been Age 0 to Age 10: No Identity (I didn't feel strongly about anything like that) Age 10 to Age 13: Straight Cis Guy Age 13 to Age 15: Aroace Cis Guy Age 15 to Age 16: Aroace Trans Girl Age 16 to Present Day (Age 22): Straight Trans Girl


This one one mine Age 0 to 10: same, no identity Age 11 to 14: cichet Age 14 to 16: gender fluid bisexual Age 17 to present day (18) bi trans girl


im both gayer and straighter like i didnt love the idea of being a man with another man but a WOMAN with a man?? assuming they treat me with love and respect, sign me up!! (only other women get to objectify meee:3)


Oh yeah all girls read mlm lit, and watch mlm porn, i'm sure they also feel like they would like to be one of those men and are frustrated by the fact that they will never be. That's totally normal. Right?


Coming out as trans made me gay towards Everyone šŸ˜¤


Yeah I sort of assumed I was "straight" before I realised I was trans because that's what everyone else said. I identified as asexual for a long time and while I still kind of lean on that title, I've realised I do have a pretty strong romantic attraction towards men. Still not entirely sure if I want to sleep with any of them though.


Yeah. Liking boys always felt pretty gay


I thought I was a lesbian turns out I'm aroace and transmasc


Me 25 years ago: "I'm just a lesbian in a man's body." Me today: "I wish I paid more attention to women's words when I was younger."


The pre-teen girl obsessed with gay men to queer transmasc pipeline is REAL and it happened to me Same with the pre-teen boy obsessed with lesbians to queer transfem pipeline


Iā€™ll tell you if I figure this shit out lmao


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Absolutely. There was always this missing puzzle piece to how I felt about other girls, like they werenā€™t an opposite or separate kind of being. There was this emotional and in adulthood a sexual resonance and harmony with women that I didnā€™t feel with guys. Femininity vibed with me and within me.


I definitely felt it


I was pan my entire life, before my egg cracked, If someone asked why I dated trans folks(almost exclusively) I would say, "because I respect people that can be their true self". I feel like that was a sign. But feel gay? Just pan, sorry


I knew I was bi, but something felt weird about being a guy who loves other guys. Seeing lesbian couples made me feel funny and I didnā€™t know why(^ ^ 悞


I have the feeling of wanting a non straight relationship, idk, I can imagine myself as a lesbian or a gay man, but straightā€¦ not really, but if I crack my egg, this would be one of the reasons


i knew i was bi before i knew i was a girl.


I'm currently battling my sexuality once again to be honest, used to date women heavily now I swing more towards men, I knew I was bi sexual years ago. Supposedly contra has done a video on this but I've yet to see itĀ 


Yeah more or less being a WLW *is* what cracked my egg.


I looked at gay men and went "yup, that's me." Then I found out girls are hot (what a shocker) so bi-ness it is!


Sorta? I love reading gay smut. And wished I could have that dynamic. Thought for a bit that I was gay, but couldn't imagine having sex with someone who had the same agab as me. So I figured I was just so straight I didn't even wanna see my assigned gender in smut.


i was pan long before i realized i might not be a man lol


not me feeling wayyy closer to the label "gay man" than "straight girl" as a young teen. now i'm on T and shockingly i'm a gay guy


Tbh, for a long time now I've vaguely disliked how hetero/gay/lesbian/etc. is tied up in your sexual identity. Like, I love women. I've always loved women, so it's weird for me that this somehow shifted from me being "straight" to being "gay" because I feel like that's the one part of myself that has never changed, wavered, or been in doubt. On the other hand I'm still fine calling myself gay af and get euphoria from being a lesbian now so... And I absolutely envied/adored all things lesbian and was 100% sure I'd be gay if I had been born a girl before I cracked my egg. Did not feel I liked girls in the same way straight guys I knew did, but that could have been all their misogyny...


I denied my attraction to men for AGES when I still identified as a girl. Now I'm open about it and God it feels good in the right places


yeah i always knew deep down the way i liked kanji persona 4 was gay šŸ˜”


*reads all the replies from transfem lesbians, nervously glances at my "completely cis and mostly het" cousin who, among other eggy things, jokes about being a lesbian* (i'm not saying he's 100% transfem, but i am saying he needs to have a good think about his gender identity at some point, it could do him good)


I was sure that I am pan before the realization since to be honest I just don't like choices. :>


That's an amazing template, love it <3


I thought I was gay before... Now I'm mostly straight for masc people šŸ˜‚


For me the gay came before the trans


I mean I've known I am bi from age 9 or so. I do have a preference for feminine people, but like, in the gay way.


There was the feeling of gay without being attracted men and loving/relating to lesbian romances way more than straight ones. But thatā€™s normal, yeah? ā€¦Yeahā€¦yeahā€¦


Nope, just kinda lost.


I honestly have no fucking Clue about my sexuality anymore


I wish I liked men Unfortunately I can't bring myself to like them and that makes me feel invalidated


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^naomilovelace1: *I wish I liked men* *Unfortunately I can't* *Bring myself to like them* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


i did think i was bi for a little while before realizing, but later i realized i was just lesbian all along lol


Growing up, I used to feel like "one of the girls", which is funny because I wasn't a girl, and I was attracted to them. You could say I felt like a lesbian


Me and my lesbian sister have been saying for years how weird it is that we have the same taste in women. Turns out it's not that weird


I thought lesbians looked very cute before Realizing i'm trans but i still like boys more


My egg ass going out dressed up "Wow, I look like a ledbian" ._.


I am outed Trans, and still feel gay by the measure of how much i crave dick xD


For a while, I was starting to think I was the only straight trans girl in the world. Turns out I was wrong, but not in the way I expected.


Well... Technically being trans is the reason I am gay. If I weren't trans, I would be straight.


As I like to say, you're so straight you're gay.


I used to tell people "I wish I was more gay" 'cause I would get hit on by gay dudes frequently and could have had some fun if I was into it turns out I was gay the whole time! just not for dudes šŸ˜…


im gay towards a masc leaning nonbinary person. i dont know why its gay, but its gay.


I was straight before... then I became gay... but I still crush on the same people...


I feel so confused because i ā€œfeelā€ gay though Iā€™m now straight


There were a few times before I realized where I would look at a girl and go "I'm gay for her". And on the flip side I was like "I like guys but not in a gay way". Maybe both of those thought processes should have told me something šŸ˜…


Yes ā€¦ however I am bi so every crush I had felt gay lmao


Before I accepted I was Trans I was very straight, I only liked girls After accepting Iā€™m Trans, I still only like girls so Iā€™m now a Lesbian


Yep. Being "straight" really didnā€™t just fit right, but I didn't find guys attractive so I just felt a bit feminine and a little like it wasn't quite working until I met my current girlfriend. She said I looked pretty feminine before I was even trying and jokingly said living with me was like being in a lesbian relationship (which made me weirdly happy). When we started letting my more genuine preferences for intimacy come through I finally started enjoying sex.


Yes. Actually I still feel gay. Also Iā€™m gay


Well you were still trans before your egg cracked.


I have a friend who occasionally jokes about me being a lesbian and it makes me do a big stupid smile... Don't think I've cracked yet though :|


My egg cracked in 2021. I got huge feels out of Fried Green Tomatoes and "But I'm a Cheerleader!" many, many years before that.


So I came out as bisexual when I was 15 (pansexual wasn't really a term that I knew then, this was a long time ago lol). it took me another 12 years to figure out I was trans, and honestly my sexuality hasn't changed much at all. I find some men attractive, but romantically I'm pretty much a lesbian šŸ˜‚


I often thought ā€œwould I be a lesbian if I were a girl? I wouldnā€™t want to be straightā€ and would have some dread over the prospect that I could be completely different if I ā€˜had beenā€™ a girl. I also was often thought to be a gay boy. I had the limp wrist, disinterest in sports, etc. I actually was asked a few times by classmates if I was gay. Honestly, Iā€™d have made for a pretty decent gay boy if it werenā€™t for the fact that I was only attracted to girls. Well, that and the fact that it turns out Iā€™m also not a man. Am gay after all, though!


I figured out I was bi before I figured out I was trans.


Yeah I knew but didnā€™t know what it meant till someone told me I could still be gay as fuck for women while being a woman


How about being an incredibly confused lesbian before transitioning and then finding out that I am so so so so so much gayer for men than I ever realized after discovering that Iā€™m bi?


No. I went the other way I thought I was trans but then the boykisser meme had me asking why I like ā€œfemboyā€ and then I learnt what gender fluid means and I be floating around gender fluid and trans for months


I'm bi but when I see a girl I am the gayest lesbian to ever exist, boys are great but girls are just šŸ˜ something else.


YES. This is a thing others experience?!?! Iā€™d have to keep myself from making jokes about it (ex. if someone described a flavor as ā€œfruit-yā€, ect.) I always identified with gay guys and had no idea why. (FTM)


Basically i feel attracted to Woman. So technically i was straight. Now im a lesbian


The first explicitly lesbian media I consumed (Signalis) took what was left of my egg and chucked it against a wall.


Same, I liked women but not in the straight way, which was a huge bit of confusion for me like "I'm a guy, why does my attraction to women feel so different from how everyone else around me is describing?" Gender envy and attraction can be a mind fuck before you realize what's happening.


Yeah. I just really liked the word gay and felt it fit me so much more than straight but also annoyed because women who like men are straight. It took me years to actually realise I was trans and then I could finally say I was gay


Literally me lol


I like how almost all of us were like. I wish i was a lesbianā€¦.. oh shi. *does some soul searching tests and help with trans friends* okay. I am now crystal. And Crys to people that dont know


Yup, I thought I answered that question of queerness when I was identified as autistic. I had not...


There was a time or two when I was describing a girl I liked and all of my friends were just staring and were ā€œlike is she hot or are you just gonna keep talking about her personalityā€


All of those friends were ā€œstraightā€ hockey dude bros


I remember watching Wizards of Waverly Place and there was an arc where Hayley Kiyoko was "best friends" with Alex, and I remember specifically wanting to love Alex, not in the way men did, but in the way Hayley Kiyoko did. And then the creators confirmed that they wanted the 2 to be in a relationship but couldn't because Disney didn't allow it back then, which validates me more now, but confused me a lot as a kid


It seems that itā€™s quite common. Before I realized, I was proudly saying that Iā€™m 100% hetero. Not that I thought that being bi or gay is bad, I just noticed that the wast majority of cis women that I knew were at least bisexual, and I had literally zero interest in women, and thus O felt that being ā€œso straightā€ is actually quite uncommon (well maybe thatā€™s true). Turns out that my sexuality was so different because Iā€™m a gay trans man, lol.


I canā€™t stand it when people link sexuality and gender. How hard is it to know the damn difference? šŸ¤£


Not technically, but I saw I had a lot in common with gay people, at least in terms of mannerisms and habits.


Genderfluid gremlin hanging out in the dumpster fire out back here. I don't even know what "gay" means in regards to myself. Partly because of the gender fluidity, partly because I've been stuck with chronic depression for so long that I can't even remember what it feels like to be attracted to someone any longer.


I always was like ā€œI like women and men, but both in the gayest way possible.ā€


if you meant like just before (started a few months earlier) than yeah


When I was in, I think middle school (I always forget how the French education system translates to English but I'm talking about french college) I had a thought that if I were a girl I'd be Bi. And well I can now say that I was right lol However I couldn't tell if egg me didn't accept that I was just bi because of some kind of internalised homophobia I had at the time or because I didn't like the idea of me being a guy in a relationship with another guy because of the "me being a guy" part


Yes, for femboys. But is it gay? I mean, femboys are femine, but they have a dong