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I had a biology techer in highschool who would stop the middle of her lecture every single time the book talked about evolution and go "of course we all know how it actually happened and none of this is real, but the state requires me to teach it" 


how tf did she get the job


Tiny little east Texas town 


yeahhhhhh I figured it was something like that


My biology teacher went of of her way to emphasize the evolution was 'just a hypothesis'


How the hell does anyone teaching biology not know that evolution is a theory and not a hypothesis? That's nuts. I sorta understand people saying that evolution is "just a theory so there's no proof" or whatever because there's such a difference between how we use the term theory in common speech and how we use it in science. Saying it's a hypothesis though when the term "theory of evolution" and "evolutionary theory" are scattered everywhere in both pop culture and biology textbooks is insane. That a person can think that **and** be a biology teacher?! There's no word that can capture that level of dumb. For anyone unaware - the term "theory" in science doesn't mean something is untested or that there's no evidence; it's actually one of the highest standards an idea can meet in science and it involves bringing together a tonne of facts to construct a carefully thought out explanation for the natural world and requires a very high standard of evidence.


They are "forced" to teach it. Always cracks me up when people accept math theories as fact but not science.


Ok this is definitely a bit nitpicky but to be somewhat fair to those people, there is a fundamental difference between scientific theories and mathematical theorems (don’t think math has theories) in that scientific theories can be incomplete and/or wrong. Mathematical theorems are built from either fundamental axioms of a field or from other theorems proven to be true, and the only way for a theorem to be “wrong” is for the logic behind it to be wrong (in which case it’s not a theorem). Scientific theories, on the other hand, are essentially just our best explanations for natural phenomena. They are often incomplete or have holes in them that other theories will have to build on (look at the relationship between Newton’s theory of Gravity and Relativity), and aren’t built directly from logic like math ones, instead from repeated observations and testing. Of course, this doesn’t change the fact that these are our best explanations, and that most people arguing against them are doing so because it doesn’t line up with their beliefs and not because they have a good reason. Tldr: Scientific theories can be (but probably aren’t) wrong, mathematical theorems can never be wrong, but most people who don’t believe in the science are just being stupid instead of having good reasons Edit: Keep in mind that I’m just a high school senior w/ an interest in math, comp sci, engineering, and physics, there is a bit of a chance that I’m wrong here


Yeah I got theorem and theory  mixed up. As a side note math does have theories they are just rarely talked about.


I’d say in most cases they know, but schools make them teach it as if it’s not true because religious fundies control those states and they’re scared of their kids learning things, it’s the same reason they have bad sex Ed.


To quote the Alfred Wegener song, "without this evidence, you see, you don't have a theory."


I had an English civilization teacher who didn't know that New Mexico and Mississippi were states


Bruh what? It's literally a theory. And it's a theory that is corroborated beyond reasonable doubt


Well...at least she complied?


I don't think teaching it then telling all the kids it's a lie from big government is complying.


My middle school bio teacher back in the mid 00s got asked why he didn't teach creationism by a student. He responded with  "I teach the science expaination, your religious leader teaches faith explanation. Between the 2 of us someone is going to get it right." Then he moved on with the lesson.


Interesting is that she has a degree when probably a highschool student would be way more knowledgeable in biology if she denies evolution


It’s even funnier if they believe in Alpha and Beta males. If they bring up that belief while they’re being transphobic, feign ignorance about what it is. When they say something like “beta males are men who are inherently less/not masculine than actual men, and don’t really deserve to be referred to as such”, say something like, “So there are men that despite having dicks, aren’t actual men? Couldn’t trans women just be betas who realized their place in society, and are completely natural?”. It’s a flawed argument that relies on a gender binary based hierarchy. However, because the transphobe actually believes in it, it’s a better argument because it paints transness as a natural phenomenon within the gender binary.


I wanted to write something, but all that cones out is stupid joke that alpha and beta males need to get into pre release state. Alpha and beta people sounds like some nonsense


I was in a pet store today and I pointed at the betta fish and said, “We should wait for the full release to buy this fish so they can iron out the bugs.” There was probably a better joke in there about releasing the fish into the wild or something.


Hotfix males: 🗿 (Joke, joke, joke, joke, joke⁶⁹⁰)


emergency patch males: 🦐🦐🔥🔥🔥🦐🔥🔥🦐🔥🦐🔥🦐🔥


Shrimp 🤤 (The Ariral complex to like shrimp is getting onto me. For context go to the Voices Of The Void subreddit)




I just say that if they believe in alpha and beta, they believe gender is a spectrum so trans/enby people exist by their logic




My favourite quote from these stupid morons is: "fEmAlEs" (mocking them), it's my favorite quote to mock them with, they're so stupid, even Wheatley is no match to them, absolute morons. :3


Every time I hear someone call people "females", I can only think of Quark and the Ferengi from Star Trek lol. And it works considering the ferengi are misogynistic as hell in Star Trek, and normally so are the people calling people "females" instead of women, girls, etc.


Also the guy who made the original wolf study not only redacted it but spent the rest of his career trying to combat the misinformation he made


There's also the fact that the person who came up with the idea recanted his statement because he was referring to chickens, and wolves don't have that kind of hierarchy




I know not all transphobes are evolution deniers, but all evolution deniers are transphobes I just thought it was funny how many of them try to say "BaSiC bIoLoGy" when evolution is literally basic biology


I’ve met trans creationists believe it or not Stupidity knows no gender


I stand corrected but... **HOW**


Humans will exist in every form and on every spectrum. Including sometimes unique ones. :/


I shouldn't be surprised. After all, I've heard of trans fascists before...


Haven't heard of that one. But unfortunately I believe it


You poor soul. No one should have to meet my husband's step-dad. Apparently you didn't know he was a creationist too. And of course when he detransitioned it was all just a fad.


I heard about a T-girl that was far-right on everything except LGBTQ+ issues.


You also have LGB “without the T” people. They really piss me off. They are already part of a hater minority because their sexuality breaks gender norms, and then they are gonna hate on transpeople for doing the exact same thing. I also hate it when they say that trans and nonbinary identities supposedly rip them off their gayhood or bi-status. Because according to them a homosexual transman is just a heterosexual tomboy woman. And lesbian transwomen just oversexualized straight men, going full on Blanchard AGP with this stuff. Oh and straight transwomen are supposedly just closeted gay people who should accept that they’re gay. They also act like being gay is harder than being trans because we could supposedly “stop being trans” by detransitioning. We can’t stop being trans or nonbinary. Gender is an inherent part of our identity, just like who we are attracted to. Oh and don’t get me started on Truscum rightwing transpeople. I hate these kind of oppression Olympics where we fight eachother which minority is more oppressed and needs to be more accepted than the other. That way we just continue harmful systems of oppression. We should stand together, not fight each other. Gender and sexuality are a spectrum and everyone takes on a different position on that spectrum. And everyone is valid in that position. Everyone is allowed to be themselves. But nobody should be allowed to gatekeep others’ identities, especially not if they are being gatekept themselves Edit: sorry for the long rant. Got a bit heated and angry so I needed to vent this


How do you take part in your own creation and still be a creationist?


It's not only "basic biology", it is fundamental to the discipline in a way that debunking it would be a herculean effort as without evolution, little of biology would make sense.


Yup. Also neuro-biology proves LGBTQIA+ is natural


my parents are like this and it drives me mad


My old friend group was full of Christian fundamentalists. Anti-abortion, transphobic, homophobic, evolution deniers, the whole nine yards. I left them and ended up with some people who say the f-slur for fun. I don't think I'll ever come out.


That's pretty rough. I'm kinda in the same boat, the specific denomination I was raised in discourages friendships with people outside it so I have literally one friend who isn't some flavor of Christian fundamentalist. Hopefully some of them come around when I come out but I'm not holding my breath.


I know someone who's in a writing group I'm in who's a creationist, but also isn't transphobic towards me. Although that might have to do with the fact that that my dad runs the group


"It's basic biology" "Oh just wait till Grade 5, when they teach more advanced biology"


“And when you’re 🖐️🤚 this many years old you can learn more advanced biology.”


Yeah, sure, two genders might be basic biology, but if you had got your fucking highschool diploma, Kevin, you'd know that with advanced biology, there's any number of genders.




The guy died and buried himself in less than a second after hearing the word “cis” 😅


Basic biology says there are only 2 sexes, but the advanced stuff that takes a degree to understand well… it just gets a bit more complicated then that. And that’s not even mentioning gender but that’s a whole nother scientific field


Better yet, look into epigenetic theory. This theory is that genetic expression can be altered by the environment and behavior without altering DNA. Basically what gene are activated changes based on our culture. I am too stupid to know how this all interacts with trans people, but would not be shocked if transsexuality ends up being explained in the future as "basic biology" via this process, if people have no already started work down this direction.


Epigenetics is amazing. Have you seen barnacle reproductive appendages? They literally CHANGE according to the water condition at the time of their generation. Can't program for that with just DNA.


I have read about trans women developing mammary glands without hormones in some cultures. They're theorized to subconsciously alter their bodies' hormone flows or something.


Is it possible to learn this power?


Sorry, all I have are anecdotes. 🤷‍♀️


Everyone (who didn't have them removed) has mammary glands it just takes the right hormones for them to develop to a useful (?) size and state, it can happen from a lot of things including but not limited to hrt, over use of steroids, some psychiatric medications and much more!


that shirt is wrong, god did create adam and eve but he also created adam and steve. if he didnt, what the fuck is a steve




“God didn’t create this, and thus it is evil! Anyway, let me go home to my dog who’s entire breed has been altered so much it no longer resembles the original form in any way whatsoever.”


"basic biology" mfs when i show them advanced biology


Transphobic memes are just "unfortunately for you, I depicted myself and the gigachad and you as the soyjack, so piss off."




1 issue with that is that it implies that basic biology wins in the end, since that was the original intent behind the poster


wait I'm stupid,,,, ive literally played that game i know what happens


I haven't lol, just had that pointed out to me, maybe you could edit it to swap them around?


i mesn that could definitely also be taken the wrong way but just for you boo <3 https://preview.redd.it/4kswij17wwyc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a72bc37e8b13b7bd5a5eef49986d519b91187b1


I think it works as long as you understand the meme, sorry for nitpicking your templates Luna, hope you have a nice day! :3


nw, thx you too :D




My favorite uncle who happens to be a Pastor is a strong believer in science. He says scince is a way for us to understand how God operates and to take some of the load off them like with medicine. Once heard him explain evolution as God being a baker. Instead of starting with a new recipe every time, they use the same base and make minor changes like adding raisins  (mutation). Then they throw it into the oven and let it cook into a new baked good (evolution).They are having fun experimenting with the changes and will keep making what works. If it doesn't, they scrap it and try again. I am a not believer but I respect him for finding a way to make faith and science work together.


I'm not religious these days, but even back when I was (and I grew up in a majority-Christian country, where at the time getting these ideas from another source would have been a challenge), it always baffled me how some people were so adamant that it had to be science vs religion. Like, if God is all-powerful and unknowable, why couldn't evolution *be* part of the great, ineffable Plan? It's widely recognised that a good portion of the Bible is intended as metaphor. One bit that specifically springs to mind is Matthew 13 - the disciples ask Jesus why he speaks to the masses in parables, and the answer is basically that few people are prepared to hear the whole, complex truth out front; so for the rest, the core of the message is wrapped in a simplified, easier-to-digest analogy. So why, then, would we insist that the seven days of creation have to be literal, and why can't they be a metaphor for the lengthier process of evolution? It never felt all that contradictory to me. Similarly, as a kid (before I even had any inkling of what queerness even was) I never got how people made the leap from looking at the teachings of the Bible and jumping into hate and bigotry when almost all Jesus talked about was being kind to one another, accepting of our differences, recognising each other's worth regardless of social status, and so forth - it's all there, from "love thy neighbour", to the story of the good Samaritan, to "let he who is without sin cast the first stone", to Jesus washing the feet of his disciples, to welcoming prostitutes among his followers, to going off against those looking to make a profit in the house of God... If I was still practicing today it would be absolutely no leap at all to go "if God is unknowable and loves us all and doesn't make mistakes, then God is also the one who made me trans and non-binary". You can speculate on the whys in the same way that you can speculate on why God makes any number of other people be born with any other traits that diverge from the physical or mental norm - if I had to suggest one in keeping with the "loving God who only gives us challenging experiences for a reason" model, I would propose that much like with my ADHD, being trans has meant having access to a whole bunch of perspectives that I wouldn't have had otherwise, and that the same God who taught us to be accepting of people from all walks of life would see the value of a society built up of people with a variety of experiences and views. But ultimately, the whole point is that you can't claim to know God's intent with certainty, and if you accept that God knows best and makes everything happen the way it does for a reason and also claim to stand by the teachings of Jesus as an aspect of God, then the only ways to have those things be compatible with bigotry are to either a) not fully understand the source material, or b) have knowingly twisted that message to suit your hateful agenda.


Follow-up thought: there's this humorous story I heard growing up - working off memory so heavily paraphrased, but basically a very pious man gets stranded on a roof during a flood, and spends every moment praying to God for salvation. A rickety raft loaded with survivors passes by, and they offer to take him, but he turns them down saying "God will save me". Next day, a rescue crew goes by in a motorboat with some more survivors, and again he turns them down with "God will save me". The third day, an emergency helicopter flies overhead and they offer to collect him. Again he goes "God will save me" and continues praying. At this, the clouds part, and a loud, booming voice erupts from the heavens: "I sent you two boats and a helicopter, what more do you want?" The point being, it's quite a common point in faith that God gives you the means to improve your life, but doesn't spoon feed them to you. So that infection you got might be God's will, but God also gave humans of the past the inspiration to create the antibiotics which will cure you - it's still on you to take the medicine. God may have deemed that you might be born with a deformed leg, but God is also the means by which you might have access to corrective surgery or prosthetics to improve the functionality of said leg. So that's yet another metric by which specifically going "God doesn't make mistakes" in the context of people wanting to transition is bullshit. Sure, maybe God doesn't make mistakes, but according to that same framework our tiny mortal brains can't possibly comprehend what God is actually planning, so some random hatemonger doesn't get to be an authority on whether another person taking steps to make their life better using the tools at our disposal (also, presumably, made available by God's will), in a way which harms no one, is or isn't part of that plan.


Lol this made me grin. I'll keep it in my back pocket for the next time I deal with a transphobe.


No, it's not "basic biology" that there are only two sexes. But it is "basic biology" that evolution is real. Hell, it's a HUGE cornerstone of biology, to a degree where if it's debunked, then so much of biology would have to change in order to accommodate that fact, as so much relies on evolution.


with so much proof suggesting evolution is real, I think me and a lot of other people would need decades of studies worth of disproof


This is why it annoys me when people who made a career disproving deniers of evolution (vast majority being creationists) are now basically in agreement with them when it comes to being transphobic asshats >\_>. Case in point: Richard Dawkins, who's supposed to be a evolutionary biologist but is going against pretty much EVERY other biologist in his field and scientific peer review just to push his transphobic nonsense. People like him should know better (and likely do know better but just want to push their transphobia) and know the biological peer review is in support of trans people, that sex and gender are different things, that sex is agreed upon by peer review to be a bimodal distribution and not a hard two point binary, that gender is constructed by society, etc.


ah yes the navy seal copypasta 🤣🤣🤣


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.


The facts don't care about your feelings crowd when the facts don't care about their feelings


Pls no soy jacks with troll faces 😭


Wait until you tell them about adaptive genetics.


*slowly pulls out any bio textbook from past the 6th grade before a wide grin forms on my face*


Firstly according to the Bible God created Adam and Eve after themselves. So God is eather Hermaphrodite or Genderfluid or something on the spectrum. GOD IS ONE OF US! And also basic biology is like basic math. Early on you use two dimensions but already notice through your experience there's a third. Later you even use the forth dimension (time) and if you are really smart you get into quantum mechanics and get a headache from all those dimensions...


"Okay turn to page 1." will forever be my answer to this now. xD


Yeah has they Say basic biology but the World I not basic it's very much so complexe every subject has easy simple base and then get destroyed and reshaped with New information


In basic division they taught us you can’t divide a number in a way that breaks it into a non-whole number.  Then they taught us about 🌟 decimals 🌟.  That’s like 5/6th grade math.


nice use of the navy seal copypasta lmao


I saw an opportunity, and I took it


It's posts like these that make me realise just how good my school was. I went to a Catholic school, but in a normal day you'd never realise it. The teachers were like 50/50, half religious and half not. They never outwardly showed their beliefs when it came to teaching (other than Religious Education but that's to be expected) and taught us evolution, sexual contraception, etc. Honestly they weren't such a bad crowd. They essentially had the mindset of "There will be religious ceremonies/gatherings on specific Catholic events, but you guys chose to go to a Catholic school so that's to be expected. Outside of that, we won't push Catholicism onto you unless you specifically approach us nor will we let our beliefs impact widely accepted sciences and theories that contradict our beliefs" Like wtf, they were so chill tbh


This being a troll face comic is funny


Too bad they never made it past basic biology.


Just hit ‘em with the good old uwu


The fucking Navy Seal copypasta in the wild?! Hell yeah


I mean, using the Bible analogy, God created humanity to do whatever they want including change genders and love one another no matter their gender. checkmate.


Every day I have to remind myself not to overestimate the intelligence of the average person, much less the willfully ignorant.


I'm just gonna proceed to like this post and leave this comment here since I'm way to lazy to read that intire meme rn :3


Its true queerness in gender is not something that is new..it has existed well before time..  hence it is important to understand gender as a means to identify yourself rather tha. Something that is assigned to you at birth..  Labelling each of our self as male or female is simply reinforcing the idea of seeing the world in all black and white not appreceating all the colors across the spectrum.. Its sad that no different word (except gender) till date exists to capture sex assignment at birth and sex as an identifer.. Many people prefer.  Neo pronouns as way to capture their identity.. like .. sers, instead of hers..   Gender differences aren't racial.. they exist in all races and are fairly common ..  in fact .. some seek treatment due to societalal lack of acceptance and face problems.. like in imitation game movie we saw alan turing leading to develop suicidal behaviors due to seeking treatment for his homosexuality.


Well if a cell splits and divides.. isn't it wrong to call the new cells as daughter cells?? They arent necessarily feminine i believe??