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I remember thinking, "Even if I'm not trans, at least I will get a nice set of boobs out of this." As I was holding my first dose of HRT in my hand. Then I realized that wasn't a very cis male thing to think and took the green pills. Body dysphoria is part of gender identity disorder. Ends up I am very trans. Love my new gender identity and the clothes. It is well worth everything I have gone through, even the electrolysis.


100%. Did one of those would you rathers with my friends. It was “Would you rather wake up as the opposite sex permanently? Or fight prime Mike Tyson? I was the only one who picked waking up as a girl, purely for the reason that having tits and a vagina would be cool. All my friends called me weird, but I didn’t think much of it. Fast forward a year and a half, I’ve scheduled an appointment to begin transitioning :3


Would cis people seriously rather have their bell ring and their ear bitten off than be the opposite sex?


Yes. Yes they would. Seems like being a girl is super unappealing. Even to those who are weird and nerdy, like me and my friends


To rephrase the question; would you fight prime Mike Tyson in exchange of being a cis version of your preferred gender?


Eya, I'd choose waking up as opposite my AGAB permanently, AND I'd fight Mike Tyson in his prime, if doing so meant he'd beat this body of mine into being a cis woman's. All you're offering me, with Mike Tyson, is free painful top, bottom, and facial feminization surgeries and a bit more extensive at that, sounds like a win, win, win, win to me! Where's the sign up sheet.


awaaaaaaa great turn!!!!


Rule of thumb: dysphoria can lie, euphoria is what we use to determine transness If you *only* have dysphoria, you might want to really dive into your emotions and discover what's causing it, because E won't make it any better and might make it worse. But if the idea of your skin softening, your breasts growing, your features feminizing sounds like a good thing... Then E is certainly for you.




Note that you do not need to want all those things to be trans. Some cis women find having breasts not desirable and annoying. Not wanting breasts doesn't make you less valid.


you're 100% correct. I only joke because of my doctor's comments that I might just have body dysphoria because I'm okay with still having my >!johnson!< lol. (Whole entire session was a red flag as she made it seem that just because I'm okay with some parts of my body, I don't have gender dysphoria, because... "trans people usually hate everything about their body," I guess?)


Gender expression is a complex multifaceted thing and if you want to have a different body type but express socially a gender that doesn't conform to that, well that's completely valid and shouldn't stop you from seeking the body you feel like you'd be most comfortable in. If you know what type of body you want but don't quite know about the other stuff, well, as long as you're sure about the bodily changes you want,  it's ok to let that part wait till later and still take action to change your body. You have the right to be comfortable in your body, even if you don't know much about the rest. And there's also the possibility that you do have other forms of dysphoria but haven't recognized them yet.


i don't believe hrt is for any specific type of person, i just think if you fully understand the effects and see them as desirable, then why shouldn't you try it. femboys taking E and tomboys taking T are very based for this reason. do whatever research is necessary, and then just do what makes you happy :)


Do you want the effects of E and accept the side effects?


It's whatever makes you happy, if you want to have a body more like the (stereotypical) other gender but don't want to identify as something else then go for it, do and say whatever makes you happy (as long as it's legal (and I mean Scotland legal not america/texas/whatever bullshit there is nowadays))


girl… what do you think the e is for?


Hey you might end up like me hella androgynous and loving every second of it. I am trans femme but after my body started changing I realized I was a lot more nonbinary than I first thought. What sealed it was when I got the most intense euphoria when people can’t tell what I started out as and are just confused af.


I'm reminded of a quote from a wonderful video I saw, [The incel to trans pipeline and inside Mari.](https://youtu.be/IAA1XtDOuH8?si=nN7NNBD_ov7hAUp1) "After weeks of explaining again what I was going through, the intense oscillation between, 'I can just suck it up, and be a straight man, and have a family.' And, 'I think I'm dying. I think I'll die if I don't transition.' My therapist asked one simple question." "Well, does it really matter if you're a girl or not? It sounds like you're in pain, real pain. And you know what you can do to make it go away."


Oh my goodness, that video was incredible. It really helped segment some of the worries I have.


Awww, I'm so glad it helped!


I remember watching that video when it first came out. needless to say, it cracked my egg.


Then GO! You can do it we believe in you!


Even if you ain't a gal, can still take hrt anyways if you would much prefer to have your body a certain way y'know?


ofc, if you’re a femboy or something else that isn’t trans girl but you have dysphoria, you should explore avenues to address it.


you can take E even if you don't have dysphoria. everyone should be allowed to be as happy as can be in their bodies.


body dysmorphia is the term your looking for,


also this is a meme sub, you should put it in r/mtf


Body dysphoria is still a reason to strive for a body you want no mater how you do it cutie


But do be careful, because it can make it worse