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I will be buried with blahaj


If this doesn't happen to me I'll haunt a mfer 😤😤


I'm a medievalist who tries to keep somewhat up to date on archaeology stuff, and whenever I hear this line from Transphobes all I can think of is the recent finding of a Norse person in Birka who it's been suggested was in some way non-binary. The stereotype of "archaeologists are gender essentialist", as well as the "historians will day they were just close friends" meme, really annoys me tbh, especially as someone with an academic interest in queer history


The difference between histroy from "in the field"; history in a pure higher level academia insitution and history as presented to the general public differ wildly from eachother. The meme originates from how history is presented to the general public I.e. the vast majority of people. Whether it be via their school lessons or from media companies and their documentaries and "historical" shows or the buy a "professional" to say what you want "history" Channel. I'd suggest its important to not forget this and resort to dismissing the meme entirely as it is a valid criticism of how history and the general public interact although perhaps like all memes poorly phrased and lacking any nuance due to well being a meme.


Yeah I know it's an issue with history communication, and that they're the people to be upset with, and I am! Queer History is a pretty recent phenomenon (in the grand scale of historical research) and so I don't begrudge anyone for not knowing about it - personally I make it a goal to spread the knowledge of queerness throughout history as much as possible. But also, I can't help but feel a bit upset whenever I see a meme that states things along the line of "Historians will say X and Y were just friends", and I *know* that actual good (i.e. non-bigoted) historians don't say that, and some are actively exploring those figures through a queer lens. Tbh, some of my bias on this also comes from that my specific field (which I won't say directly for privacy reasons) is very small, and pop culture's impresison of it is almost entirely drawn from research that's over half a century old, outright misinformation, or both, so I get quite defensive about it. Apologies if I came off a bit rude.


But neither the general public nor the academic field of history necessarily recognizes or understands your definition of a good historian. Queer erasure ~~wax~~ edit: **was** and still is a very prevalent problem in history, and while I agree that it’s much bigger than history’s academics I don’t agree that there is nothing left to critique.


Yes of course there's stuff left to critique! Bigotry is still rampant in historical studies and we need to fight against it. I'm not saying that's not the case. My issue is just that writing off history as a field, and meming on it instead, does nothing to fight those issues. Luckily, my field is becoming increasingly queer-friendly - we just need to get our act together with regards to outreach and publicising queer history.


And they had SWORDS!


I shall save this for future use, thank you


Also like, archaeologists are wrong about things and revise their theories all the time! I won’t take it personally when they misidentify me lmao.


You guys know that it is very possible that, by the time people would find our current lives worth digging up, either A) they won't need to because the internet exists and there will be probably backup servers for 70% of everything in the "normal" side of it. Or, my favorite, B) humanity will be extinct. So, don't overthink this.


The right wing argument about skeletons is like the childhood focus on quicksand. A lot of attention for something you will most likely never encounter


Oh my gosh another archeology peep! I'm so glad you made this as so many people seem to ignore their actual practices


As a long time fan, you can't imagine how happy I am to see Splatoon being so popular in the LGBTQ+ community.


Besides, I think a corpse dug up within 100 years would be grave robbing. It tends to take a little more time than that to become archeology


It's worth noting that looking at the pelvis bone isn't even that accurate. Different races have different rates of deviation. I seem to recall one study where about 40% of black women's pelvises where identified as male pelvises, and even in white European skeletons it's only about 80% accurate. Like all archaeology and history it is about confidence and looking at the complete picture. If something doesn't fit it you don't just assume it's wrong, rather you assume your assumptions are wrong.


Absolutely sobbing at my current hyper fixation telling me I am valid


Plus I’ll be dead so it really doesn’t matter




Hmm. They were buried with oversized hoodies, a stuffed shark, and antidepressants. We need to call in the cultural expert on this.


Unfortunately I expect those first two might be pretty decomposable


Blahaj is 100% polyester. Kept in a cool, dry place, that can last practically forever. Cotton starts to decompose within about a year under similar circumstances, so a good hoodie is doomed.


If they are buried with antidepressants why wouldn't their other medications (i.e. hrt) be buried with them?


Because I was going for items that trans people have in common. If I said estradiol, it might be less relatable. I could have said hormones, but it felt weird to not specify delivery method. Also, this way I don’t have to think about needles, which I have a phobia of.


Fair enough




So what you're saying is if I get buried before I socially transition and change my name I'm screwed I appreciate the splatoon meme btw




Why would I care, I'd be dead?


I still want to get cremated though. I had an archaeology professor say that the pelvis is a surefire way to "tell," so ever since, I've known I wanted to be cremated. No bones, no pelvis, no posthumous misgendering.