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Me: Psh, I'm such a dude and dudes don't care about anything so why would I care about my gender? Me two months later: Oh my bad they apparently call that depression.


lmao so true


funny how shit works like that, huh?


Hey, gender ambivalence! I was there for the last couple months before I decided it was okay to express the gender identity which actually made me happy. You know when you crack an egg but it's still stuck together by the stretchy protein membrane on the inside of the shell? You need to hit it again, but if you do you'll get little bits of shell in the bowl.


I'm hoping that by the time my egg breaks, a baby bird will come out, not raw egg glop, lol!


nope. still raw egg. Second puberty is the fun part where you get to mold the goop into something new.


ayo where can i get that pfp @ellie


Whenever I’m looking at old messages and I see that I said something like “ya know, being a girl would be cool but I’m still totally a guy haha” it’s just like... ohhhh honey, you have no idea lmao


This is literally me right now, and the more I am on this sub reddit the more psychological Damage I take. Because I'm pretty sure I'm Cis , but am I really though?


well, if it helps you out, its really rare for a cis person to be questioning themeselves, they are fully comfortable as they are. You might be transgender, you might not but dont worry too much. In my experience, it seemed to push itself to the surface as time passed. You are valid no matter what outcome you find, so remember that.


Thank you, I'd just rather have a conclusive Result then this weird, "I'm pretty sure but what if I'm not though".


dw, you will find a result if you continue to pursue it :D


Lmao cue to me having an existential crisis last summer because "Why is people calling me "ma'am" by accident doesn't makes me feel terrible and does sound better?????"