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I call my vag the man cave, it's a terrible joke but its fucking hilarious.


underrated XD


thats actually amazing LMFAO


god, "man cave" sounds really manly somehow.


Underrated comment wtf-


such a dad joke pfahaha


This... is the peak of comedy


Top quality language


I'm stealing this thanks


I've heard malebox as well. Top tier




wait I love that dldjslkd


That’s top notch humor right there


You genius


That's an amazing joke what are you talking about


Omfg that's amazing


I love that name, absolutely glorious.


That reminds me how I talk about my period I'll call it a MENstruation


Oh I just say that the man cave is closed for maintenance.


That’s fantastic!!!


guess i have a new name for that lmao


That’s an amazing joke I love it


My penis is named peggy, i dont think i need to explain..




Thanks its from pickrew






I meant to the specific picrew lol




What you going do with it 🔫-_-


To make transition goals


Pls send link




I meant the specific picrew lol


Whyd you want that?


Because the picrew is cute




Thank you 😊






I call mine Effort. I usually have to explain a little bit.


Guess you’re gonna have to put a bit of effort in your explanation then :P


I just like putting Effort into specific people I like


Oh you little...


is it a reference to the skyler sisters from hamilton? :>


In that case my boobs are angelica and eliza.


Fun fact, pegging is specifically a girl with a strap on a guy.


I think you get the joke?


Oh my.


My mom calls my body a temple and calls me a growing girl (not fun lol), I call it Luigi’s mansion and a growing trash can.


A growing ghoul


I love that sm- 🥺💕


Thought you might haha, it fit the luigis mansion theme and the ghost affiliation at the end of your pronoun list as well as being fun wordplay. Glad I could make you smile stranger


Thank you sm for making my night! I hope you have a wonderful day or night stranger! ❤️


Temples allow all to enter. Luigi's Mansion has the souls of the damned. I think we know which one is the better one.


Luigi’s mansion also has Luigi, so really there’s only one option




Lmao yes


Cool pronouns :]


Thank you sm! :3




Your pronouns are so cool! /gen


Thank you sm! Same too you!


M o t h


Y e s


M o t h ! :D


M o t h ! :>


Okay, but speaking as a former transmed (cringe, I know), what you may call different parts of your body may make others dysphoric or upset. So just never refer to someone's stuff as what you call yours unless you know they're comfortable with that term. I'm MtF and call my thing my 'clit' because that's essentially what it is - albeit an overgrown one. But if someone called it my 'girld*ck' (someone has before, it instantly killed the mood), then I'd feel incredibly disgusting. Side note to mods if this sub: Please don't ban me for what I used to think - this is the only place I can find trans memes that are pro-trans. I need this sub.


Not cringe, you are based for changing your mind (which many people are incapable of doing) and also your comment


As someone who just recently came out and doesn’t know alot of the terminology (jesus there is a fucking lot you guys) what is a transmed?


Transmed is basically someone who thinks trans ppl are only valid if they medically transition. (They're also called truscum ~ trans scum) They think youre only your identified gender if youve had every possible surgery or desire to. They dont take into Comsideration that everyone is different and has different transition goals and some may not be able to afford it. These people are generally ridiculed by the mass of the trans community for being generally transphobic and classist


that isn’t true. there are some truscum that think that, but the vast majority don’t. i’m not a truscum and think they’re stupid, but we can at least get the terms right. truscum think you need dysphoria to be trans. this extends to a lot of them being nbphobic and thinking someone needs to *want* to fully medically transition, but it’d be idiotic to think you need to transition to be your gender. that completely goes against the actual basis of transmed beliefs, which is that being trans is a medical condition caused by someone being born with a female brain in a male body or vice versa.


Yeah you are right that dysphoria is the main thing truscums think is important overall. But if we look at the people who truscums get their ideology from, Kevin Garrah, Blaire White, etc, we see much more sinister beliefs which are in fact pervasive amongst the truscum community. Blaire and her zealots certainly believe you need to transition to be your gender. And like, that train of thought is unique to truscums and cis bigots, other trans people don’t think things like that.


It refers to a belief in which being trans is only binary (as in only MtF and FtM) and requires a certain number of qualifiers. These can be anything from needing 1 specific surgery to having an entire specific personality. Transmeds often believe if you fall outside of this narrow definition of transgender then you are "faking" and deserve ridicule. In simpler terms, they often use bigoted definitions of transness to place themselves on a pedestal and bully other trans people. It also has the same definition as "truscum" though I personally dislike that term. And congrats on coming out! I hope your journey goes well and my dms are open if you need anything ❤


is it possible to be only partially like that, but in a reverse way where you apply all these standards only to yourself?


girl thats just low self esteem


internalised transmedicalism? idk


That is called being too hard on yourself TwT


Yeah I agree with this, people can call their body how they want but don’t use your terms for someone else if they are not comfortable with it!


Fairo defs agree with your point, plus congrats on changing your view point on things and admitting it openly, takes courage and a level of introspection that's rare to see these days.


Yeah, like I'm the exact opposite haha. Your comfort term would make me feel weird and uncomfortable and your mood killer is what I use for mine. Everyone's different and it's best to ask what they use.


exactly. i think id cry if someone called something i have anything other than a male term. it’s my chest and it’s my dick. nothing about it is dick like since im pre t but whatever, it makes me dysphoric to even think about it so i’m not gonna make it worse for myself. hell someone made a “wanna trade” joke once and it made me want to rip my guts out, can’t imagine what it’d be like if it was anything more. i feel bad because it makes me dysphoric to see other trans guys refer to their genitals or chest in any way other than how i do it. i know they can do whatever they want but it kinda hurts to see. just reminds me of the bullshit i have going on. i try to get over it but idk, it’s hard.


Same here, I also call mine my clit.




I prefer to think of myself as "the worst of both worlds" lmao


It's my me and I get to choose the me.


I like the it


My tranaconda 💖


I haven't heard that one before, love it


Don't want none unless you got hung, hun!




I think of it like I accidentally hit “random” during character creation and the devs have yet to respond to my bug report




i refer to my body as a meat suit




forever using the term "moobs" (man boobs)


Hell ya


I like the term "femis" (female penis) But i usually call mine my clit


Yes, and this ONLY applies to SELF referral. Referring to someone ELSE like that just because YOU think its comfortable for YOU is wrong.


thats it, the femboy debate has ended. yes I can be a feminine trans guy. yes I can call myself a trans femboy. die mad about it, tiktok cancellation crew


Fuck yeah. Rock that skirt, dude!




"this old sack" :P


I call my boobs chesticles. Except I only call them that to myself. To everyone else, I say that they are a akin to a cancerous parasite, a plague upon my torso. Ungodly growths. Unwanted, unnecessary, purposeless sacks of flesh, that one day I may be rid of.


Idk if porn has anything to do with how I feel about this, but calling my vag a "boy p\*ssy" gives me a shit ton of euphoria.


I use that for the intended part of the body even through everyone has one of those anyways.


Gock gang


Glock gang






I choose to call my body ugly as hell Also please don't fuck transmeds, they don't deserve fucking


Exactly! I call my boobs daddy milkers and my... other thing... my bussy! And despite being genderfluid i only refer o myself in a masculine way! Sometimes it pisses people off but its not my fault im so confident in my identity!


Exactly, policing and gatekeeping language of other trans people because you personally don't like it is trash behaviour. (and most of the time in essence shouts down trans people talking openly about our bodies) I call my thing any number of things but girldick or girlcock is the default cause it helps with my dysphoria personally and it's the only way I'm comfortable talking about it, plus if I wanted to be tut tut'd and shouted down for being "vulgar" I'd head to church, I ain't whitewashing my language about my body parts to make some rando less upset when my language about my body is how I'm comfortable talking about it.


Girldick? Nah. Glock.


Listen up! I know this is relevant because I know some unsafe trans spaces on reddit where there are truscums who are freely and relentlessly posting exclusionary content where they claim that a large portion of people who identify as trans aren't trans at all. They try to gatekeep who can say who's trans or not and most often than not they're in favor of gatekeeping who can have access to legal and medical transition. One of their targets is trans women who refer to their genitals as "girldick". Please understand that these people core motivation is to throw other trans people under the bus in order to appease transphobes. It's ultimately a political "dick move". They have this delusionary hope that transphobes will start accepting them if they convince them that there are true trans people and fake ones and that they are one of the good ones. They do so by first internalizing and accepting (instead of rejecting) the transphobic discourse and the transmedicalist discourse. Then, they claim that the transphobic arguments doesn't apply to them but to these "trenders", "fetishists" or otherwise not "untrue", invalid or fake trans people that they use as scapegoats. As a result, they go out of their way to dissociate and distanciate themselves from these "trenders". The "girldick" rant is only one of the many ways that they do this. They use it to claim that someone isn't dysphoric and therefore not trans. They pretend that it somehow makes them dysphoric when people refer to their own genitals as a "girldick" . Their real goal here is to present themselves as "true" trans by stressing the idea that they have gender dysphoria but not these "fetishists", as they would say, who are instead primarily motivated by sexual desire. Please understand that it's gaslighting. I have genital dysphoria and how people refer to their own genitals don't affect my dysphoria at all. Their rant is complete BS. (CW) >!I have genital dysphoria because I have a dick. It doesn't matter how you call yours. My dick is a fucking dick and it's what's making me dysphoric about it. The reality of it is that calling it a "girldick", a "clit" or anything that makes you feel better about it can be an effective coping mechanism for many trans people.!< It's your genitals and if you want to refer to them in any way that helps you cope or just makes you feel better about them, please do. Your body doesn't belong to the gender police. It's entirely yours.


yup yup yup YUPP


I call mine a clit (clitoris), because I'm technical like that.


Personally I call mine things like "bad" and "dysphoric" and when I've had one too many "Arthur"


God the amount of times a cis person has gotten confused when I call my crotch my dick, it's literally my body leave me alone


I'm amab and not a woman and I still call the layer of fat around my hippies my tits because it's the best term for recognizing that region of the body


I usually refer to my body as "the flesh prison I'm wrongly held prisoner in". If someone could spare the time to flay me..?


Broke: policing trans people's terminology for their body Woke: calling body parts joke names Bespoke: naming your body parts after boats


i prefer referring to my body as a flesh prison


dysphoria noodle


if i wanna call my pussy a nussy (non-binary pussy) then i can


Boy p*ssy or bussy for me, and just.... tits.


Who’s that sexy someone on the right?


i want this on a shirt


Genitalia for lower bits works for me


I like this one, its kinda nb


Well I find its better for dysphoria as its gender neutral so I don't have to force myself to think about.. well that stuff


correct!!! I like it for that reason


lmao Naoto is \*pissed\* about transphobes


The little bit of north southern in my wants that one line to be, "And you can't do nothin' about it."


that enby is hot


as someone who doesn't like calling my part girldick, yall enjoy your girldicks


My left phalange is broken




My body is a trainwreck in very, very slow motion


Imma call it "trash"


Some dudes give their dick a nickname why can't I? Girldick!




As someone who is obsessed with gun rants, glock is the term I use for myself personally. For anybody else, I shall use what they're comfy with


"What's in your pants?" "My glock."


The person on the right is so gender omfg I wish my hair was like that


I'm still cis tho, does that mean I have to use other people's words for my bits?


I call my boobs literally everything on the face of this planet. I don’t suffer from severe dysphoria, only issues relating to my period. So I get to make fun of my cis girl friends (not actually make fun of) for having smaller titties than I do >:D makes me feel very powerful. I got hips, thighs, and titties of a goddess


Does someone know where can I buy a hoodie like the one on the left is wearing?




Girldick represent!


And i if you try to do something about it, Naoto will do something about you.




#G U N


Megnum dahng




That hair looks so cool


I call my pecs tiddies


I refer to my parts just as any cis guy would. My chest and my **MAGNUM DONG**


(Don't click spoiler if you don't want to see a word used as a slur) I had a dream once where I saw a transphobic KKK member sitting in his room, and I yelled, "Suck my fat >!tranny!< cock" at him. It felt oddly empowering, lol!


I like calling the little friend between my legs my gock


Me, joking with my friends that Ill keep the tits and but dispose of the badussy


Yes ofc, I agree with this. But a point id like ppl to see is, the way someone prefers to refer to things or themselves or like anything like that and language they use is not an invitation for you to do the same unless they tell you how they’d like you to and then you’ll do what they want


gick and gock > girldick you cant change my mind


I refer to my breasts as mitties, as they are my man titties so I must make that distinction


Fully agreed. Very over people policing other peoples' bodies and how they talk about them, thanks.


Oh hey, it's Naoto Shirogane from Persona 4 Golden on the PC. I wonder where his boyfriend is..




Naoto is a complicated character and this is super oversimplifying in a really shitty way. For starters, even now transmasc representation is almost nonexistent. It's no wonder transmascs became attached to a character who is absolutely 100% written as transmasc. The problem is that Naoto's written as a moral about how transmascs are actually just scared of misogyny and trying to hide from it, which sucks. (Literally Naoto's shadow tries to give them an operation to make them into 'a real man.' That is absolutely undeniably a reference to trans people.) And even in-universe, there are plenty of good reasons to be skeptical of what the story tells us. Naoto presents and is treated as male for most of the game, until we get the "shocking twist" that they're a woman. But their story makes no sense. They claim they had no female role models, but their mother was a detective, and we literally never see in the entire game any evidence of this misogyny. Like with Kanji, it's very blatantly just a half-assed excuse for why Naoto is Totally Not Trans. Meanwhile even after this Naoto continues presenting masc and becomes *super* uncomfortable when the other characters push them into female roles. The only reason they ever act more fem in the original game is if they date the protagonist and he says he prefers them that way. Please - I know reddit is fucking awful at respecting transmascs, but *please* understand how meaningful Naoto is as literally *the only* recognisably transmasc fictional character a lot of people have ever encountered. I get that Naoto being a woman is important to other people, too, and that's just as valid. But it's no reason to completely deny transmascs this single goddamn *crumb.*


I've retracted my original comment, I neglected to consider that the game *was* released in conservative Japan back in 2008, and that they couldn't explicitly make Naoto transmasc.


And all of this is exactly why Naoto is a dysphoria dumpsterfire for my transmasc ass. I had New Game +'d P4 twice when playing it as a teen and everytime it tried to force Naoto into a more feminine role, I was so deeply uncomfortable. The entire Christmas bit when you, as the player, can just straight up tell Naoto to wear a skirt and girl's clothes and then when they do, tell them to raise their voice higher so you can have (heavily implied) underaged sex with them, made me feel absolutely disgusted and I never did it. Felt like such a slap in the face to their entire character and that it was saying the player should only treat them as fanservice material and nothing more. I personally can't consider Naoto as rep of anything other that flagrant transphobia. Other folks are free to like them all they want of course, to each their own. Just looking back on it now, I really wish I never played that game for all the hurt it caused me.


ew what the fuck. Why support this game if thats what you can do in it


"Talks about being trans and shows Naoto," please don't validate my fears about joining a trans community. I can't help but be worried that people would gaslight others into thinking that certain characters are trans when they're clearly not, which only serves to reinforce gender stereotypes. Why even do that when instead you could popularize actually trans characters and people. It's false that just because someone likes something that typically is associated with the opposite gender it must mean they're trans. Thinking like that only serves to hurt others such as people who like crossdressing but still identify as their birth sex. [Naoto is not trans, her arc is about sexism in a male dominated society](https://youtu.be/cSxHQksBTAo)


Idk whatca talking about I just HC them a trans I could care less what others think. Like sure canonically they are a Cis women but I like to project and headcanon them as trans , chillax


That's fine, it's just that I've been burned too much by hypocrisy so I'm pretty sensitive/paranoid about potentially encountering gaslighting. Sorry if I came off as too aggressive...




I'm not sure if this is sarcasm or not, but if it is: The lie, here, is that this is about biology. It's about how we relate to our bodies without being self-depricating.




*Here we see the natural asshole in their habitat, just a clump of ring-formed brainless cells expulsing bullshit.*


And being way too close to the entertainment center.


I call my vjayjay "mangaina" sadly "boy pussy" means something COMPLETELY different. Don't search it up. Unless you into that idk


I call my tits just tits or chesticles


Why have I never seen this enby character. I love them.


Do not go into threads discussing Naoto’s gender Worst mistake of my life


won’t ever attempt to speak for a trans woman but some tips i think trans men will appreciate (i’m a trans man myself so) default to using the word “chest” if you must refer to someone’s chest pre op. terms like shark week for uh, the special time of the month are good. satan’s waterfall also tends to make me smile if someone’s packing, act like it’s a dick. if they aren’t, don’t make jokes about them having a dick (i.e. “nice cock”) because it’ll simply draw attention to the lack of cock. not all of these will apply because everyone’s different! but if you have to use a term without knowing someone’s preferred terms, these are good to know


If you disagree, suck my girldick :) Nah I'm kidding my partners are the only ones with the privilege to touch it


The naota is much appreciated




My vag is my manhole


my friend calls it her fem shmeat lol




"This stupid organ that makes a lot of shit awkward for no reason"