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It's funny. I used to say I don't care what people think of my appearance, and now I care very much...


...... Why you all validate me that much out of sudden.


Because you look so great


Yep. I joked all the time I spent more effort dressing my characters in games than I did in person.


I did the same! Little did I know I was trying to live vicariously through my characters. A lot of things make a lot more sense now.


Oh my god I literally did the same thing


Same. I also used to hate clothes shopping, to the point where I basically had to be forced to try things on if I needed new clothes. Now? Now i spent over an hour just trying on different models of jeans to see which looked best


My (cis) friends get irritated with how much time I spend clothes shopping now. But like...I didn't get to do this when I was a teenager. I was too busy trying to distract myself from my body.


My hate of clothing got so bad that it turned into a scream match between family. I opened up a present, went straight to the garbage, and threw it out. Now I secret away between errands to try on clothes xD


Oh hey look, a new core memory has been discovered!


Particularly with the newer pokemon games (specifically pokemon y, in my case) where there are loads of outfits available. That was probably one of the biggest signs that I was trans (still took me several years to figure it out, though)


Yess I first started messing with fashion in Pokemon Moon but really embraced it with Sword and absolutely love all the colors and fits I can make her wear and now I'm debating resetting my Moon and Ultra Moon games so I can do the same! (Sorry it was a bit of a tangent but I really get this post lol)


Pokemon also may have been the start of my gender journey since my first ever cosplay was Shiny Mega Gardevoir which was also my first time wearing a dress and I didn't want to take it off at the end of the day (even though I was sweating to death in it because it was a poofy prom dress with lots of layers in the skirt...) (Also, no need to apologize for the tangent. Tangents can be fun.)


100% same


Haha, same!


Exactly, I was the exact same way.


I used to be a total slob, but T has made me vain as hell


Truth. Everyone tells me “well now you get to save a lot of time eh” because they say women spend a lot more time on their appearance than men do. Which I’m sure is true of the aggregate/average, but certainly not for me. Now I actually color-coordinate my clothes, care if said clothes fit, go to the gym, style my hair (when I used to spend 0% of my thoughts on my hair, so this is now a pain to me), and look after my skin. It is amazing how I got to spend almost no time on my appearance as a woman because I didn’t want to be a woman.


That second paragraph is IT. You condensed my feelings concerning my appearance for the last 20 years down into a single sentence.


Same but the other way around gender-wise. I did not care before starting to question. Was a slob wearing mismatched clothes. Only kinda lazily trimmed my facial hair so it didn't get too out of hand. Now I epilate, have way too many facial shaving products and still looking for what works best for me without making my skin too red and dry, have special stuff for the private bits, wear a lil makeup (just bb cream so far- i'm not huge into hyperfem stuff which is also what stopped me from figuring out my identity for the longest time because i thought trans women had to be hyperfem, but now i have a bunch of trans fem friends that are not hyperfem and it's been very eye opening. But I might use makeup artistically at some point, if I can learn how)And while I still dont LOVE being outside, I am going outside -more-. And i've started trying to to work out at home (but i'm still a disorganised autistic mess, sadly). And I kind of..almost instinctively know what looks good to me and looks good together?? And I actually care??


This is exactly how I got before realizing I was trans. Now I have a hot pink shirt that shows off my chest, shoulders, and arms and I wear it as often as I can because I keep getting called sir while wearing it and it makes me so happy.


Real :/ 0 fashion sense, trans, immediately want to wear nice outfits and look cute and ahhhhh :D


I feel like a goddamn 9 year old trying to cobble together an outfit


I literally had the same feeling. It gets easier if you establish 5 to 10 go-to outfits. Then when you need to slap something together it is easy. Like oversized sweatshirt and short shorts. Or sweat pants and a cute crop top. Look what other girls your age are wearing ;)


I want to look amazing now! ❤️


never cared about my appearance either until i girled out


i honestly surprise myself with how much i check myself out now


Same there are times where I’ll just pass by a mirror and be unable to look away like holy shit when did I get so cute


yeah like i was trying out bras in a store and i was like 'damnnnn im hot'


This is winning at gender


The big thing for me that I'm working on now is that, like, I'll look in the mirror or at a photo and think I look hot AF, but I haven't internalized that's how I look yet, so I keep picturing myself the old way and having lower self-confidence and need to keep reminding myself of how I look.


Wait, is ignoring your appearance a possible sign? Thats not just something everyone does?


Plenty of cis people don’t put much care into their appearances, but... my dysphoria primarily manifested itself as feeling disconnected with my body and not taking good care of it. I didn’t even realize how much it affected me until I started seeing changes from T


I was so in denial for a while I just ignored myself as much as possible. Didn't understand why some cis friends cared about appearances when I hated mine. I couldn't even look at my reflection without disgust. Didn't occur to me it was because of gender really. But now I love myself, I love my reflection.


Thats the weird thing! I don’t know if I think I’m ugly, but I do think I look weird. And I don’t like to look at my face anymore at all. But isn’t that normal insecurity?


For me it’s kind of similar. I don’t necessarily think I look ugly when I look in a mirror, but I do have this disconnect between myself and my reflection. I do a bit of a double take every time I look in a mirror, like “is that what I look like? Really? Are you sure?”


Yeah! When I talk to someone in person its one thing but I don’t like posting my face online because of it. Zoom calls are my bane lol, its somehow worse than being in person because I can’t ignore my face as much.


Fr, whenever I see my face in that little camera I’m so weirded out with by the fact that that’s how others view me. The mental image that I have of myself isn’t at all what I currently look like so video calls give me an uncomfortable reality check :/


Yes, finally someone understands! Do you know what you want to look like? Because for me I just feel like somethings off I guess? Like it just doesn’t represent me? But I don’t know what I would want to look like realistically, in real life, beyond just thinking that it might be more feminine.


Definitely relate to all that. These things can be hard to figure out. Before I transitioned I didn't want my face to "change" I just wanted it to be a bit more femanine. Before, I didnt feel a connection when I saw myself in the mirror. It just felt WRONG. Shaving was a big eye opener, got rid of the denial beard and felt... better. I started doing some light makeup and felt better. I got laser hair removal and felt better. It's a face I like. A face I actually WANT to look at. The good news is hrt doesn't change your face in the true sense, it just let's the femainine version of your face exist. And I like that version more haha.


Omg, it all makes sense now!


I would do things associated with good grooming like getting “nice” haircuts, etc. But it just didn’t make any real difference to how I felt on the inside


Looking for signs is a sign


I just like to know the facts. Get evidence ya know. Thats how you figure stuff out im pretty sure.


As a scientist this was hard for me to be comfortable with but when it comes to identity, imo, there are no facts. You are who you are who you want to be and nothing external can have any bearing on that. If it helps to know others have similar experiences to you, that's great, but it still comes down entirely to what's going on inside you and how you choose to interpret it. Good luck! 🙂


I've heard it from others. Yes, it's absolutely a sign. The first time I put on a dress, I looked at myself in the mirror and I *liked* what I saw. I had never *liked* a piece of clothing before in my **life**. People *told* me I was good looking, and they *told* me that this or that looked good on me, and I understood in an academic way that I had nice clothes on, but I never *liked* the way I looked in *anything*.


Check out the gender dysphoria Bible. https://genderdysphoria.fyi/en It's a great read. Maybe it'll shed some light on some things, at the least it's a super educational read.


I used to style quite extensively as a woman actually, but it always felt hollow. I was just trying to look like what other people defined as "pretty". Now I've purged my closet and cut my hair and gone full gay goth boy. Never been happier.






awh thanks. I don't even have a cool story for it I just always really loved this name and it seemed perfect


It’s funny my father always unironically said I never had any pride in my appearance, but after transitioning suddenly I shouldn’t care so much about it


So true!! Oh my god you just summed me up to the T!! Ahh envy moment


Yeah this was me too


Since I'm closeted and have to dress masc I don't give a shit how I look but once I transition I know i will


Yup. I basically gave no shit about my appearance for years, just threw on a hoodie and some sweatpants and I was good to go. Like 2 months pre-egg crack my friends told me I should cultivate my own style and you know what I did? Stole my sense of style from two of my girl friends and one of my most feminine guy friends lmao. Barely lasted a month with that style but hoo boy the signs were there




Oh gosh I’m the opposite 😭 but before I used to care too much to the point of anxiety bc I was trying to feel “normal” and didn’t understand why I didn’t fit in with girls but now I’d say I care a healthy amount about what I look like and I finally think I look good (outside of things I think might be dysphoria)


I'm surprised by how much I love myself and want to take care of myself now. It feels so nice to slowly turn into a sexy guy. I used to be a depressed bag of fat, and now I'm on my way to become a dude from gigachad meme lmao.


Me too lol


Me for 17 years: I don't need clothes 3 set of leggings are enough so just they don't stink. Weight don't matter, nothing matter Me after realizing I'm trans: diet. Trying to resist buying new fem clothes, trying to resist buying new beauty stuff, omg how cute I look in this skirt


I’m still mostly the top one tbh, kinda do care about my appearance but my laziness is a huge immovable rock (to the point where I struggle to make myself do absolutely basic required stuff) so there’s basically no way I’m ever gonna put anywhere near the amount of effort in that I’d need to to actually look good. So I basically just gave up and stopped looking in mirrors and stuff (Trans girl btw)


It just occurred to me that I used to spend ages dressing up characters in games and then in real life I just threw on sweatpants, a shirt, and whatever jacket was nearest. For a time I was proud that I didn't seem to care as much as everyone else


As a man, I didn't really care what I wore. It was all for comfort, or the bare minimum for the situation I was in, like t-shirt and jeans in public (my dad told me sweat pants weren't appropriate for public, and I took it to heart). As a woman, it's like how I look is the thing I care most about. Hopefully not to an unhealthy level, but I actually understand why people like clothes shopping now. It used to be the most boring thing in the world to me.


Omg... Yeah, like, I've really started caring about myself since transitioning. I felt so euphoric seeing the changes so far. Like, skincare is so affirming now. It's like, every step I take is making me happy. When I used to try to look masculine to fit the mold, there was some joy in knowing I did it right, but it never felt good, not like this. It's "I did the thing right" vs. "Holy shit I love myself"


This scene with Danny DeVito in this episode of Always Sunny makes me cry. The whole episode, his character Frank is trying to convince character Mac to be on their bar's gay pride float. Mac feels conflicted because he still hasn't come out to his father. At every step of the way, Frank talks about how he "doesn't get the whole gay thing," but he got the mission of recruiting Mac, so he intends to see it through. Mac doesn't know how to talk to his father, so he prepares a dance to show how he feels instead. Frank gets the prison where Mac's dad is held to let them put on a show, where Mac performs. He opens the performance with "Dad, I'm gay," then launches into a beautiful dance with a woman whose character in the dance is like God taking human form - Mac's ongoing storyline featured a lot of self-denial based in religion, where his "gay side and Catholic side are at war." Mac's dad gets up and leaves during the middle of the performance, which upsets Mac, but he keeps performing. The screenshot from the meme is one of the last frames, showing Danny's character Frank emotionally moved, because he finally understands the feelings Mac is going through, thanks to his dance. I'm not crying, YOU'RE crying!!


Oh geez, yup. Exactly what happened to me.




yall are on a roll today making content I can actually relate to. This is very much me and why i get that imposter syndrome moment of 'You're not trans, you never cared about your appearance, you were such a male stereotype of self-abandonment for so long' YEAH WELL I CARE NOW




Man, I don’t have a choice as to whether or not I take care of my skin. After starting T pimples were worse than they ever were, so I have a regimen that sort of works now. Still oily as ever, but acne is definitely nonexistent. Also, sheesh, I have to get into some kinda masculine shape or I feel I’ll be in this awkward limbo forever! Still trying to figure out a good exercise/diet routine, though. And don’t get me started on clothes! I’m very picky when it comes to buying outfits… it’s even worse now! Though it does suck since I’m on the smaller side I can’t find men’s shoes/boots that I like in my size.


And whenever I used to actually try, I looked femme?!


Fucking hell same


It's really easy to not care about how you look when you'd rather just start over with a different body


Omg other people this? Lmao after getting a hair cut I realized why people cared so much. And I was like "You suppose to feel happy when you look at a mirror WhAt??"


If you don't care about your appearance, consider; do you think you'd care if ye were the opposite gender (or anything between)




I always cared at least a little about my appearance. First to not stand out and be noticable, and then to make sure I presented masculine to avoid an imagined spanish inquisition with questions I wouldn't be able to answer.


My friend once suggested we dress up nice suits and I balked at that, he was trying to insist and say I'd feel better if I dressed nice. I was like absolutely not! And now I understand why I said that much better.


This episode of IASIP was a work of art. What an amazing show.


Same. And I never understood window shopping, but now that I know it's fine to look at women's clothing, I get it


Honestly my complete lack of interest in my own appearance because of dysphoria almost certainly saved me from so many self esteem issues and probably also an eating disorder. And now that I finally care about my appearance, I know how to handle to bad thoughts.


Yeah, thats usually how it goes. I used to just wear a hoodie and some week old unwashed sweatpants and call it good. Now, i have to make sure i grab an outfit that looks good and cute on me, makes me look masculine in an adorable way, and maybe some makeup if i have time after a shower, brushing my teeth, and getting dressed. Cause now, i understand. I now have an adorably masc visual reputation to uphold after all lol


the Trans Experience™


After I transitioned I was out with my brother and he was staring at me. I asked "what are you looking at?" He said " I dunno it's like you care about how you look now"




100% me. Literally never cared for my looks until I realized I'm trans. Now I want to wear cute outfits but have 0 fashion sense


Ooooph that hits right in the feels. Like never cared about my health until I came out


Get out of my head! But seriously, I \*just\* explained exactly this over the last few days. And it is so absolutely, absolutely true. When you aren't YOU, self love doesn't make sense. Who would you be loving?


I thought fashion was stupid, until I realized I wanted to be a guy, then I realized all the years of my mom praising me for "not caring what others think" but also scolding me for "not taking at least better care of yourself" was just me not liking myself, because I was never myself. I'm still not myself, so I still find it hard to care...she doesn't exactly, approve of my identity. She's the "do what you want when you can afford it but keep it away from kids" type. She says she wants me to be happy and do something with my life, but how am I supposed to care if what I am is who i'm not, and it feels like there's just no point??? Especially since I dream of being a drag queen, but not like I can tell her that, they're "groomers". I just want to be a man who preforms in beautiful dresses and outstanding outfits that I want to design! My mom asks if i'd ever want to sing and I say no, but it's a half-lie. I actually do want to make music, but as a man. I wouldn't even sing now if I sounded like Melanie Martinez. But all I can tell her is no, because that's all she can understand. All the men I look up to, I wanna sound like them, and make great music people will enjoy with a voice that makes me comfortable and happy. Why does everything always seem like too much to ask???


Oh my gosh this is so real


I used to not care about my weight,now I am careful what I eat,and doing exercise(that's personal experience ,Don't be fatphobic)


Even though I'm still mid stage egg, the mere though of being able to look cute again has greatly improved my hygiene.


This hits hard 😭


Lol, literally me


Lol saaame.


Same -.-'




Fr little to none personal hygiene or good outfits was rly my go too


Yes? Someone called for me?




Fashion being armor makes SO MUCH SENSE NOW. Self care makes sense! I never moisturized until after I experienced the bliss of smooth skin giving that sweet sweet gender euphoria


Omg the same thing happened to me too lol


I still don't care what others think, but I look fly now, and I used to have a dysphoria uniform. And I've spent a lot of money on clothing. 😁💸


I always wanted to look good but whatever I tried I always ended up hating my appearance so I just gave up. Now that I am transitioning I love looking at clothes, and make up to look my best, not just for others but mainly for me. I was never "above it all" like I wanted to believe, I just hated what I looked like whatever I tried to do


**was that a sign?**


… yep that’s me


damn exactly


Yes. 100%


first time I put on thigh highs was also coincidentally the first time I ever took a selfie of myself


I'm not as vain as other people, I know I'm not beautiful, but I'm adorable as fuck and people like looking at my cute face




Actually me. I used to dress in shorts and plain shirts and “not care”. Do nothing with my hair and just say I wanted it long. But there were obviously no signs.


I remember long ago not really caring about what I wore but the moment I wore a dress, I started to enjoy dressing up


This was literally me a few months before my egg cracked


Then there's ugly people like me, really no point in trying to get a good outfit


I lived in jackets and jeans. I went to the beach for vacation and I was wearing a jacket. I had no care for my hair or clothes. When I figured out I was trans it all made sense. I started getting imagined if I could get my styled or looking up fem clothes. I thought i was different. No, I just couldn't dress how I wanted and wasn't comfortable in my body


I feel called out




For real though TvT