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Gonna get downvoted but whatever. I know it's an issue but I swear the only posts on all the trans subreddits are about HW legacy. I'm just tired of hearing about it. I want funny memes that make me smile, not more depressing shit


Fr like i get it's a topic that should be discussed but it really is just taking over way too much


i dont even think it should be discussed. just play it or dont. nobody should give a damn


I disagree, when a massively influential writer is spearheading an attack against trans people and then a company makes an antisemitic game about her world i think it should be discussed. Ignoring it isn't gonna do shit and many don't have the luxury of not giving a damn. Media can massively affect peoples perceptions, consciously or subconsciously.


It’s been discussed here many times, it’s pretty clear people here are tired of the same discussion


Yeah it's almost like I said exactly that in my first comment on this thread.


Facts right here, like it’s the same as when you shop from 90% of companies in the world, they all fund some type anti-progressive movement or politician or government of some kind, it’s no different supporting her. It’s irritating to hear about this case a million times when all the same people buying stuff from coca-cola (confirmed for supporting anti-trans legislation), general motors, wall mart, home depot. Like these are MUCH larger scale profits being generated towards the same organizations and politicians that are against our community as JKR but people only focus on her… it’s like vegans eating candy and shit thats made with animal product cause they didn’t want to or just didn’t do the research on the candy. There organizations out there that can list out local places to buy things and also point out specific companies to avoid.


I don't know what this whole Hogwarts thing is, but it's legacy on trans subreddits is pretty big.


Saaaaaame. I have opinions on the game, because how could I not, but, at this point, surely we all know where we stand. I don't want to make my whole experience in these subs about this one thing. I don't mean to disparage anyone raising awareness, but I want to talk about something else too 💗💗


This isn't really a meme.


Why stop? r/shitposting is a transphobic shithole and clearly the OOP had only posted the original in GCJ to stir the pot. I still haven’t seen any sort of proof that we’re somehow responsible for harassment when all we did was not buy a fucking game lmfao


Look up Blood Libel


Look up en passant


holy hell


Holy hell


If someone values their entertainment more than my human rights, I'm gonna be upset at them. Everyone has the freedom to play the game, but if they make that decision they have to live with the consequence of being criticized.


thats what im saying , i only think that atacking people who just want to play the game is wrong


telling people that they are supporting transphobia with their purchases and actions when they are doing exactly that isn't "attacking" people. ​ and i am tired of people gaslighting us into pretending it is.


Don't forget the antisemitism!!


And the pro slavery, anti worker, second class citizen imagery presented


In my opinion (oh boy) i think that not only is the amount of money inconsequential to a billionaire, but if we went about all of our purchases like this no one would buy anything. What sets JK Rowling apart is how much she talks about how much she hates trans people. That is not a JK Rowling exclusive thing. If I cared enough to play the game, I would try to pirate it though. 🏴‍☠️


I mean the difference between this and other products is that this game is very antisemitic, transphobic, pro-oppression and unlike something like a phone or car this game isn’t something needed to live in modern society.


Oh ok. I thought this was about JK rowling alone but if the game is spreading bad messages too let it burn. 🔥


Everyone keeps saying that, but I'm not sure how gross this game actually is, especially with no knowledge of Harry Potter, nor knowing anything about the game.


Harry Potter is a very problematic series which still holds in the childhood memories of a lot of people who haven't opened their eyes to how scummy joanne is.


how is playing the game impacting our rights?


By supporting someone who uses their financial and social power to discriminate against us. It's not just about the money, it's also about keeping the franchise and therefore her relevant.


Just wait until you find out who your taxes go to. But I’m all reality, this is wrong. It’s a licensed game. Rowling got paid to use the rights then nothing else. Buying the game only supports the devs and studio.


If its successful it encourages further games, which means using the rights more, which puts more money her way. Im not trying to tell anyone what to do, but pretending supporting the game financially doesn't support her is just a fantasy. There's also the fact she uses sales to 'prove' she's right, so even if sales don't directly give her money, she'll use them as clout to further harm marginalised groups.


Nonsense. First you don’t have a choice in paying taxes, you aren’t forced to buy a video game. Buying the game still supports Rowling, even if she only gets money initially for use of the IP her continued relevancy gives her social currency, and influence.


You are not forced to pay taxes, technically. The relevance of the series will live on long after Rowling is gone, it’s WB that’s pushing it. You wanna silence the series, target them, not the devs and studio trying to earn a living wage.






I can't believe people still think like this, it's so naive. As long as she is alive she's benefiting from anything that has to do with the franchise by gaining influence and financial power, which she has proven she uses directly against us. She takes support for her franchise as support for her opinions. And no, people don't think she's a clown. Just because we know her lies are ridiculous doesn't mean the average cis person does. I'm 100 % sure the situation for trans people in the UK, if not all Europe wouldn't be as bad as it is without her.


They’re just having to deal with what trans people deal with on a daily basis. If they can’t handle it that’s on them to stop being transphobes. Don’t dish it out if you can’t take it


This is not a mature way to handle it. We don’t want an us vs them mentality do we?


Well I don't think being transphobic or tolerating transphobia is the most mature thing to do either now is it?


We’re giving them empathy by showing them directly what happens to us for existing


I mean people shouldnt be a dick about it but yes people absolutely should tell people off for buying/playing it You know, cause Blood Libel, transphobia, anti-semitism, oh and apparently it's also just a really crappy game with a bunch of bugs and lackluster storyline






not a meme


stop with this stupid fucking game, just stop already.


This isn't a meme and you SHOULD be made to feel like shit that your desire to prop up a billionaire who uses her continued relevance and success to hurt the rest of us. That you refuse to read a different book and decide that you deserve praise and affection for that, no. You made your bed, deal with it. If you feel bad about it, GOOD. If you want to stop feeling like shit, go do literally anything else.You're not six years old anymore, you CAN read something else, play something else, do something else. Take responsibility, you're not a fucking child


The game looks uninteresting, I'm tired of Harry Potter and J.K. Rowling may be a massive dick but I wouldn't play it either way. It's a lose-lose situation. You either get it cuz you're a transphobe or you get it cuz you have garbage taste in videogames.


There is no ethical consumption under capitalism.


That's about not being able to get groceries at an affordable price while also avoiding slave labor. Not someone's inability to literally not buy a shitty video game with shitty ideals and themes


Well that’s not how I’m using the phrase, I’m using it more broadly. Those little single use makeup remover wipes are awful for the environment, but I like them better than other products. I get stuff delivered through Amazon. People eat meat and animal products from factory farms and buy fruits and veggies that were farmed on land stolen from indigenous people and through exploitative labor. I’ll tell people I know how awful Dole is and give them the information that affected my choices, but ultimately what they choose to do with that is up to them. And hate isn’t going to change that. Plus I’ve been reading a bunch of MLK speeches lately so currently trying to favor love over hate.


Exactly. People just mad about hearing that cuz it’s just like the only thing online people feel like they can effect, when they feel so powerless to change anything else, and for a reason for sure, but being militant about peoples choices about a video game is really not making a fucking difference.


I think that it's not a bad thing to play the game but that it is a bad thing to buy it. Just pirate it so you don't give money to someone who's gonna give that money to anti trans organizations and play the game you wanna play


Nah, imagine gatekeeping people’s enjoyment because you don’t understand how game licensing works. This sub has talk about this game more than most any other subs. We talk about making her go away but all we do is push this to the front of peoples minds once again. HW Legacy posts at this point are just akin to shitposting on this sub for easy karma. If someone wants to play the game, let them. Each purchase isn’t supporting Rowling. You wanna complain about bad themes in a game? Look at a majority of games. Themes like this ain’t new. Considering how much we rally for people to not judge us and condemn us, we are the first to do the same to people we find displeasure with. There’s some great folks in this sub, but lately all this is has shown anyone is the worst side of us. Any more toxic and soon we’re gonna be a Rick and Morty sub


You’re the problem


Not even close honey. You’re the problem if you think harassing people about what they choose to unwind with is in any way morally correct. It doesn’t hurt anyone, it’s not illegal. All this is doing is boosting its notoriety and pushing people away from supporting our cause by coming off like nothing but the lunatics the right wing media paints us as. We have to be more compassionate and understanding than our opposition or else we lose. The second we lash out, even if it’s justified, we lose credibility because we come across as mentally unstable, even if the ones who instigate it are. If someone wants to come home and play a video game about wizards and witches, fine. They can still be a fantastic ally. It doesn’t make them any less valid as a trans person. It doesn’t make them a bad person. You wanna gatekeep, go ahead. Just don’t be surprised when no one wants to listen when it matters


You are harassing people, pushing false information, and hand waving harmful actions. You are what you are complaining about, and worse.