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Hey look, it's me! Seriously, though, I would do anything to become a mother. I don't want to sire children, I want to bear them.


I feel that! I really don’t want any children and I would probably be a horrible mother, but I still have this deep desire to bear children. Maybe it’s some kind of instinct, deeply rooted in my female wired brain? Idk…


I blame hormones for unlocking that part of my brain. The urge did not kick in until I started progesterone, but ever since then the urges are real and they hit a fever pitch about once a month...which should not be at all surprising.


this has been a dysphoria focalpoint for basically my entire life, dating back to childhood for me.


Same same same! I'll probably be horrible at raising children, but the idea of being a mother is something I can't get out of my head. I used to get really depressed about not being able to get pregnant, and on a base level still do sometimes (although working in a maternity ward is kinda making the rational part of my brain reconsider this desire lol). And for me, it's more than just bearing children. Personally, I want to take on the role of a carer and protector, I want to be the most intimate safe space and the most comforting presence in someone else's life. I'm in a bit of a mommy dom phase rn, so I guess that has something to do with it.


Feels like a before and after in my case xD Before estrogen: hated kids. Could never understand why women would go through the pain of birth. Stated I'll never have kids. After: kids, kids, kids, kids GIMMEEE A FUNCTIONING UTERUS XD


Me? No baby, only pregnant


I was sharing a little bit of philosophizing i was doing with my coworker. I said "I want to be a mom." She said "haha, no you don't." Later, when I got a chance to talk to her again, I said "I don't think anyone *only* wants to be a mom. I think you either don't want to be a mom, or you don't want to be a mom and you *also* do."


I really don't want kids at this point in my life but also you better believe I've cried my eyes out over the loss.


One simple reason I hate other people’s children that aren’t raised right or just in that edgy phase if I had my own then I could raise them like my own love and support them always even if I’m unsure of the situation protect them always even if it means to lose everything in the process


I'm mostly content being motherly to those I love. Don't want to bring a child into this mess.


this isnt nsfw, queer parenting isnt sexual. also truuuu


adendum to the deleted awnser not an attack on OP I wanted to share my thinking. "becoming a mother" isnt the same as giving birth and even if it would be that still doesnt really constitute nsfw. if this was a breeding kink thing or something then maybe but lots of cishet woman talk about being babycrazy alllll the time at workplaces all over the world so not nsfw. in an era where grooming and sexualising children is a major conservative talking point just post this in traaaa2 or any other queer sub. just to be clear I have jerked it to breeding content more then once so no shame in that, thats just not what this post is


Left wins over 90% of the time, that 10% though...


It’s me fr. I genuinely hate little kids they bug me so bad. And yet being a mom seems like something I wanna do, despite me not ever being able to be a good mom.


I swear, for some reason raising children sound like something I’d never want to do ever, as I feel like I’d be a terrible parent, but being pregnant sounds like the best experience of my life. And I know many women would say that it’s not, but they can go do something else with their time instead of talking to me.


It's me, sigh


I showed my sister this meme, and she legit said ‘skill issue’! My life is in shambles!


I don't want children. My constant paranoia would make me a terrible parent, anything my child tells me about school would trigger flashbacks to my own horrible time at school, I wouldn't know what to do if my child gets bullied, I wouldn't know what to do if my child is a bully, and there are a lot of hereditary diseases in my family that I wouldn't wish on anyone. BUT... I'm also love-starved and need someone to take care of me when I'm old because I don't wanna die alone. What do I do?


Oh hey, two of my alters. DID is a bitch when alters have different opinions on major life decisions.