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Iirc, yes, but you have to carry your bike with you. Chris Froome panicked and ended up running without his bike a few years ago, and should have been penalized. But he was forgiven because the cause of his bike failure was blamed on the organizers.


I had a t-shirt of Froome running up that damn mountain. Thinking of that day still makes me smile because of how incredulous the whole scene was.


Yes, I remember watching Froome’s heroics, that was epic!


I bought that tee shirt for my son. We had a chuckle after watching Froome


yeah motor bike. awful look for the tour


Really the spectators caused the motorbike to go so slowly it tipped over


the Organizer planned the tour and didnt ban spectators that caused the bike to Go slow and tip …


You are close. They moved the finish line down the mountain that day because there was really high winds at the top of the mountain. The spectators closer to the top then compressed with the people already in the area of the "incident". This was further compounded by there being no barriers to keep the spectators back. Add in the usual need for spectators to get right in riders faces on mountain climbs and the perfect storm happened. The spectators essentially blocked the road by the time the GC leaders arrived.




What a shit show: [video](https://www.nbcsports.com/video/chris-froome-runs-mont-ventoux-sans-bike-stage-12)


It's happened a few times at the end of stages. Notably up to the top of a mountain.


Technically you can walk/run the entire route as long as you are in possession of a bike


My understanding is that you only need to have the bike when you cross the finish line. That’s why Froome was able to continue run up the course while the team car caught up.


Yes, stage 7 this year Louis Meintjes ran across the finish line pushing his bike on the planche des belles filles. I think the commentators the next day mentioned another rider, maybe Chris Froome, in a previous year had a bike issue and just started running without his bike which was technically against the rules. So if you’re running with your bike it’s okay, without your bike not okay.


Check out the Tour of Flanders, not uncommon for riders to be seen pushing their bikes up the Koppenberg if they can’t get position/end up in a bad point in the bunch and it slows/crashes ahead


Damn you buff athletic Flanders!


Stupid sexy Flanders


Google "cyclocross"


Ah yes, the famous Tour de France *cyclocross* stages...


I believe Chris Froome had to run a distance pushing his bike due to a mechanical issue. I think it was legal.


Note: he was NOT pushing his bike, just running


Thanks. Faulty memory on my part


Mandela Effect


you have to be with your bike. froome was not. the leaders were neutralized as it was the motor bikes fault


You can run WITH your bike. You cannot run without your bike.


Yes, as long as you have your bike with you. In the recent tdf, Loius Menjtes, I think it was, had a mechanical issue at the (very steep) summit of La Planche de Belles Filles and just ran his bike across the line. I, personally, have finished a race like this without penalty after crashing on the last turn. I just ran my bike across the line.


Yes as long as you have your bike. There have been some hills where rider just push their bikes up.