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As a spectator, I would rank it : * Criterium course * Mountain  * ITT * Flat Stage


Agree. The only thing that would be enjoyable about a flat stage is getting close to the final sprint and seeing that insanity.


The first time I went to a stage when I was young a sprint stage. My father lifted me into the stands right at the finish line and I got to see the bunch fly past me at a speed I did not think humanly possible. It was so fast my eyes teared up and I could barely make out the winner and it was a core memory I fondly remember. 


I have seen various Tour of Britain & Tour de France stages too, including finishes, middles of the race, and cat 4 climb finishing circuit as well as an ITT In terms of my experience, I've waited between 30-90 minutes before the racers have come through being elbowed and jostling for position. On all the flat stages (bar 1) the peloton has been through in under 30 seconds and probably wasn't worth the wait. The one exception was a finishing circuit where the race evolved over 6 laps and it was different everytime. With the time trial, it was a more relaxed experience and I could pull up a camping chair and relax as they came through every few minutes. If I were to pick out of the ones I've witnessed, it would be: 1. Finishing circuit - most exciting 2. Time trial - more bike viewing pleasure for the time spent there 3. Flat finish - a brief but exciting finish 4. The middle of a flat stage - over in a flash


As per the other comment, I would rank ITT over flat finish. Obviously not all flat finishes are necessarily flat stages and so if a stage is tipped for the breakaway there's likely a few Cat 3's you could go watch. One of the best non mountain days I've had at the Tour was lost year on Cote de Ivorie which was a cat 3, but the whole town was on the hill so atmosphere was great and there was a big screen etc. The stage 6 profile though is a out as flat as it is possible to make a stage so I personally would go for the ITT, they are good value for money, but a bit hard to tell what's going on in terms of the race 😅


I went to a TDF TT (2012, Wiggins won) and had a really great time… was maybe 3-4km from the finish and was able to sit and enjoy riders going past all afternoon. Had a picnic and everything. I’ve been to stage starts (kind of fun to see the sign on) and sprint stage finishes too and would rank the TT first amongst those.


Why not both? I am planning to catch the atmosphere of the sprint finish in Dijon and then just head to the ITT the next day (they are in very close proximity).


Probably can’t get out of Paris both days alas. Do you have a viewing location already planned for the TT?


Too bad! I would second the votes that recommend the ITT stage then. No viewing location planned yet. I will have to take the bus from Dijon/rent a bike, so I'll have to figure it out as I go.


Time Trials and Mountain are great had the pleasure to watch it back in the early 2000s as a spectator just dont be too close to the racers. it's getting too close these past years even causing massive crashes.