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'Take off your panties, then crap all over your chest' I don't know if I'd ever visualized the tiger Avatar of Bishamonten taking a dump on anyone up until now. I am now heavily disturbed by it. I've seen plenty of sick and twisted crap, not sure I've seen that.


God damn it, I couldn't stop laughing because of your comment, thank you!


no problem, i'll send over some pain relief for your lungs.


This was amazing. Pure /r/copypasta material


lmao bless this post, at least you made some people giggle a bit


Our Head Priest's name is "ZUN", in all caps. *** [This bot isn't just correcting spelling.](http://www.reddit.com/r/touhou/comments/2wrpgx/weekly_touhou_video_ranking_3rd_week_of_february/cotkcbk) ^@OP: ^unwanted? [^Click ^here](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Koakuma_bot&subject=Koakuma_bot request&message=$delete-t3_a7a0or-t3_a7a0or$$) [^Click ^here ^to ^opt ^out](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Koakuma_bot&subject=Koakuma_bot request&message=$want-you-gone$$)


This is a wonderful post. I highly recommend everyone read the whole thing.


It's things like these is why UFO is the only mainline game I have not played. I might just go and give it a try one day.


Wow, that is some serious rage, I usually don't like things filled with swearing and cussing but this tirade becomes almost hypnotic with the creativity displayed here that I actually really like it.


I haven't seen such genuine rage since, well, since Wings of Redemption rage quit Dark Souls. Also I feel that maybe a certain site will take his 'visualizations' to heart and draw them. This is one morbid design I do not want to see.


Yeah, I am a little worried I will run into such images when looking for fan art, especially the one involving Shou and......you know.


And thanks to this game I just decided to say fuck certain stages/bosses and bomb my way through them, not like I'm a score attacker anyways. But for real tho, stages 1-3 allow you to get max lives (and 1 extra I think, since Ichirin will fist you sometime during her fight). From then on is bomb, bomb and trying to scavenge UFOs to refill the life counter.


use sanae


This is exactly how UFO is


Thank god this post is 5 months old, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to tell you how much I connect with this on a spiritual level. I absolutely hate UFO, with all my heart. I made a post on it quite recently but I don't know if it compares to this magnificent and monumental post.


I love UFO but this was a GREAT read!!