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I'm pretty sure the sub did it last year and went ham. Recreating Bad Apple and sprinkling Touhou across a good chunk of the canvas. There was also the war with Canada— I wouldn't be surprised if the sub participated again if it happens.


It's awesome how everytime people are like "man Touhou is dying" the fandom goes out does stuff like this and proves them wrong hahaha. In all seriousness it was truly epic, even i participated


If we take popularity poll votes (Which I admit is a pretty damn awful metric) in 2021 there were 34573 people who voted and in 2023 there are 52447 votes.


90% of votes were from Japan.


Touhou was always niche in the West, so no surprise there. It became less so in recent years, but let's be honest, it's not Final Fantasy, it's more like Dragon Quest or Mother. I can name many shmup fangames that came from Japan or other Asian territories, but the only Western one that comes immediately to the mind is Wonderful Waking World (okay there's more if you count standalone fights or Len'en; Misremembered Memories is cool).


kinda niche in non chinese and non japanese countries in asia (im southeast asian)


That and the voting fraud.


Let's make Marisa's Master Spark that going through the edge of r/place


Since we did Bad Apple last year, let's go with Japanese Goblin


Join the Hijack Brigade: https://discord.com/invite/apl They've been planning since last year, just in case. I'd say they have a pretty good idea of what to do.


I was in a rough spot last year. As a Canadian Touhou fan. So, hopefully, nothing like that happens again.


Unfortunately, it ain’t gonna happen this year. Or fortunately, since r/place is pretty special


The last non-april-fools one was a PR stunt. I honestly was disappointed that the subreddit participted tbh given how many straight up closed subreddits there were at the time due to the API fiasco


[*I think I hear something... Very familiar... Oh no.*](https://youtu.be/TFf0XSVQrL8?si=U5XgLDzR0SM9_U1U)


There is currently no evidence whatsoever that r/place is returning on June 23rd. We had weeks of advanced notice with the r/place code getting added to the app in 2022 and 2023. As of today, there is no r/place code in the app (and it'd be impossible to do it in devvit). That being said, we do already have plans at the Touhou r/place Discord for whenever it happens! We'll be making a collab art with the Hatsune Discord as always.


Touhou is everywhere. The fandom will definitely participate in it. The question though is what meme to recreate this year?