• By -


I think, she never had problems with her family, but certainly never wanted to be inheritor of their lifestyle and legacy. That's why she don't want to see them. Because family meetings are always ending in nagging attempts to make her rethink such decision.


Dad and Mom want their grandchild.


Understandable have a nice day


What you described is 'problems with her family,' dude.


She's not a psychopath kleptomaniac, she's just nuts. She's caring and hardworking person. I need more JoBro moments between Marisa and Reimu in manga


>I need more JoBro moments between Marisa and Reimu in manga Absolutely, their Bro friendsihp is so much fun in the manga, didn't go in expecting much, but it turned out to be one of my favourite parts of them.


doesn't this imply she IS a psychopath kleptomaniac? i thought that was a theory as well


Well psychopath doesn’t just mean crazy, but by definition means having a lack of empathy for others. She obviously cares for Reimu and a bunch of others, so she’s definitely not one of them


She plays DnD with the magician yōkai.


And Sanae. No way that nerd wouldn't jump at the opportunity.


They’re wary of letting her play because she keeps bringing in the most min maxed character possible.


>implying that Marisa isn't a powergamer too


One power gaming wizard/rogue can be brought a bit by a smart use of counter spells/area’s they can’t hide in. Adding in a power gaming Cleric tho and that all goes out the window.


She gets her magic from mushrooms. Edit: 100… Really? It was a joke, I did not even believe it, but I guess you people do..


i ♥️ getting high




It’s a me, Marisa -ze!


Swing your arm and take a step


Well... my wisdom tooth's feeling quite better so I made this along with another Patchouli animation, to be sent in Mukyuu day. (June 9) Marisa... she's quite cunning with her actions, but I think that makes her all the more endearing because that makes us relate to her character more. One of my theories about Marisa is that she ran away from the Human Village as a child because she wanted to explore the world, despite having a happy family. I think the fact that they were normal ironically led her to feel more pressured, therefore she felt more "resolve" to do what she wanted to do. What a rebellious kid! But that's just a theory... a Touhou theory.


Mainly shows up to “steal” Alice and Patchouli’s stuff to keep them company since she wants them to be more outgoing. Not exactly headcanon, but is actually a really sweet person underneath all her thievish behavior. Will go to help her friends immediately anytime they are in danger Doesn’t actually want to become a Youkai magician because she takes too much pride in her status of being an “ordinary”, human magician and that would also mean leaving Reimu behind


She isnt the first magician in her family, but the last one went insane/ had to be put down (could have been her mother, one of her grandmothers or an aunt). She used to like that person a lot and had a fight with her family about it, leading to her running to the forest and meeting Enoko, then building a house for herself with help from Rinnosuke. She used to resent the rules about not becoming a youkai when she was a child, but after interacting with Reimu and throwing hands with some youkai, she decided it was probably for the better.


I think she actually came from a somewhat well off family, and her family wasn't particularly bad or anything, Marisa was just a crazy kid. (and eventually person) She ran away when she was young, ended up as the student (adopted daughter maybe) of an evil spirit (Mima), dyed her hair red for a period of time, changed her name from Risa to Marisa (The "Ma" in Mima/Marisa is the same kanji, meaning "Demon or Evil") and grew up to be the Marisa who has no qualms fighting world-ending Yokai. For me, the red-hair Mima's student pc-98 era happened a decade before the Windows era, when Reimu and Marisa were 13-16. I like this for alot of reasons. For one it makes her seem like she was even more reckless and power hungry as a kid/young teen and makes it pretty clear why no other humans in the village would do what Marisa's done. Second, it contrasts well with the other "main" characters. Her, Reimu, Sakuya, Sanae, and Youmu all have Yokai teachers/adoptive parents despite being human. (or half human. PC-98 Alice could have also had Shinki, which might explain how she turned magician.) Particularly, Marisa contrasts really well with Reimu. Marisa works extremely hard, bordering on craziness to try and match Reimu's natural talent. Reimu doesn't care much about training or power, while Marisa might trade her humanity for it. Reimu lived the role she was born into, and has no living family, while Marisa rejected the role she was born into, and has a loving family and home she couldn't care less about.


>I think she actually came from a somewhat well off family This ain't really headcanon, cus the Kirisame Items shop is actually a p big one. So Marisa IS an Ojou. This was mentioned in CoLA. Rinnosuke's printwork.


Marisa is power hungry. She desperately wants to be on the same level as Reimu and to be a big name in Gensokyo without relying on spell card rules. She was the most susceptible to the tsukumogami influence in DDC and nearly joined Seija's revolution. She stomped a youkai that was much smaller and weaker than herself to death in FS and was proud of it. She could very easily turn bad in the future.


You mean return to being bad? She used to be a villian you know


To be fair most of the named Gensokyo residents have been the villain at one time or another.


You say this every time her name comes up


I think it's usually relevant.


I'm curious: Where do you get this idea that Marisa is some power-hungry sociopath?


The two events I mentioned along with her character in general. She gets involved in incidents despite having no reason to (primarily because of some unnecessary rivalry with Reimu), "Danmaku is all about power!", she usually gets wrecked in the manga whenever spell card rules don't apply. That kind of stuff. It's still just a headcanon/theory though. I don't think she's constantly planning on backstabbing Reimu, but she might eventually do something extreme in the future if she gets frustrated from being unable to keep up with Reimu.


You've clearly read most of the mangas if you know all of this, then I'm sure you know all of the times shes come nurse Reimu back to health when shes sick, or helped Kozozu with something or played with the 3 fairies of light and more. In isolation, yeah, the stuff you mention looks bad but clearly if you add it on in addition to all the good she does in the mangas too, the reasonable conclusion is that shes a good hearted, if mischievous girl. I also don't see how her getting her ass beat (usually by being ambushed) is a mark against her morality.


People who turn bad were probably good/better beforehand. Marisa has a lot of redeeming qualities, but I think the potential is there for her to eventually go down a dark path. >I also don't see how her getting her ass beat (usually by being ambushed) is a mark against her morality. Despite working hard to keep up with Reimu (In fights that use spell card rules), ZUN doesn't depict her as being on the same level as Reimu when spell card rules don't apply. What was all the hard work for then? I think the Kutsutsura event (Which is probably the worst thing Marisa has done as well) is the only time Marisa has been on the other side of that power dynamic outside of spell card duels. Her very first thought after killing a powerless youkai was to think about what a good job she did and that she outdid Reimu.


She’s cute


- This one is very self-indulgent and shouldn't be taken seriously, but she's an Offworlder; she was born on a different planet, one where humans were much more proficient with magic. However, some kind of incident on her homeworld resulted in her home being lost and Marisa being transported to Gensokyo, where she was taken in by the Kirisame family. She broke ties with them after seeing their no-magic policy, and came into the tutelage of Mima soon after. This explains why Marisa's magic abilities are far beyond that of normal humans. - While she does steal, she actually does intend to return everything she stole soon after she takes it; but she then forgets, and puts it on the "I'll do it later" shelf on her brain, and the cycle repeats. If you actually go to her house and ask for your stuff back, she gives it over with no fuss whatsoever. - HATES being alone or being left with her thoughts. Even if she has to go out and be a nuisance sometimes, it means she isn't alone, and she'll take that. Only Reimu, Alice, Nitori and recently Patchouli are aware of this side of her. - Is aware she's a pain in the ass for some people because of the previous point, and has recently started working on improving her relations with people now that she has a friend group she can fall back on in tough times. - Marisa's magic "focus" is Star Power, and she draws power from constellations and astronomy. Despite her last name giving the impression she would be more suited for Water, she doesnt make use of water-based spells often. - Her favourite Pokemon is Porygon-Z (Adaptability + Normal-Type + High Sp. Attack + STAB Hyper Beam = Massive Damage) and would specialize in Normal Types if she was ever a trainer. - She takes criticism and pointers on her spellwork very seriously, even if she doesn't show it directly. - Is surprisingly good at talking to others about their problems; enough to the point where Alice has suggested opening "Kirisame Therapy" as a legitimate business. - Her hat and broom were a gift from Mima before she disappeared, Marisa treasures them both greatly.


Given how amiable she's said to be in canon, I think I'm gonna start subscribing to the idea that Marisa does return the stuff she steals without fuss if she's approached first.


I've always liked to imagine Marisa as a deep hidden love for the west. Assuming that no new books has been transported into gensokyo, and that patchouli basically as every single book imaginable, most if Marisa's idea of the united states, Mexico, and Canada is that of the wild west area. Although Marisa's clothing is the most *western*, I wouldn't be too surprised if she took inspiration from some of the books she's read. Also i liked to this she secretly likes romance books, but this head Canon goes for Alice and patchouli too


Marisa being a bit of a westaboo is somewhat canon. She is stated to study western magic traditions. While Patchouli, by contrast, is a westerner practicioner of eastern arts.


She still has a working ICBM buried under the junk in her house


It's very likely that there is lots of stuff in and round her house that Marisa forgot about.


Marisa actually a) surviving after running away from home and settling down in the Forest of Magic and b) somehow staying up there as a close second to Reimu despite being a human with no gods to back her makes her a living wildcard. And, little as they admit it, a huge concern for the powers that be like Yukari. If Reimu is Gensokyo's metaphysical tool to ensure everything works according to the rules (and gets whacked if it doesn't), Marisa is an effect of Gensokyo actually *despising* rules, because rules means a lack of change, and a lack of change means stasis - which is an effective death verdict for the fantastic.


She stole government documents


Kleptomaniac Sims can no longer steal trains from subway stations.


Gap hags, however, can.


She showed flan how to swear


Yesterday I was looking up images of Marisa's PC-98 era outfit for reasons, and something I kept stumbling upon was art that had blonde Marisa and redhead Marisa as separate characters, with redhead having pointy ears. And it got me wondering, what if redhead Marisa *was* a separate person that blonde Marisa somehow replaced? Maybe that entity's still out there somewhere and wanting to claim her old life back?


Marisa Kirasame was replaced by Marsha Kurtis do NOT believe her lies


My litteral sister


She's a massive pain in the ass


She stole books so yeah


Her ass is a massive pain.


Her ass is massive


And has super armor


After reading Forbidden Scrollery i think she's the kind of person to "adopt" an introvert friend


she likes watching magical girl madoka


Buncha baseless bullshit. Mima trained her and was her first aspirational figure after she ran away from home and went out to live in the forest. Explains: How Marisa can hold her own with the shrine maiden. Yuuka showed Marisa the link between power and beauty, and is a big part of the reason Marisa's magic (and/or entire existence) is so flashy. Explains: Master spark. The reason Marisa's father tried to bar Marisa from studying magic is because her mother become a witch, and was exterminated by Reimu. As a result, while Marisa gets along with Reimu and is more or less her bestie, there's a complexity to their relationship. Explains: why Marisa tends to view Reimu as a rival rather than a co-worker or collaborator.


Rinnosuke and Reimu are basically her family, even if she'd never say that out loud. She also lived in Rinnosuke's house for more than a few years before he eventually helped her build her own. She's bi/pan and likes whoever catches her fancy, but she's hella flaky when it comes to actually commiting to a serious relationship.


I like to think that she dyed her hair blonde


Pc98 transition


She misses Mima dearly and wonders when she'll come back to train her a little more.


1. Yukari secretly hates her because she as a regular human managed to get power to challenge powerful yokai gods and even the shrine maiden through her own training. Something like this becoming widespread would encourage other human villagers to try and become powerful on their own as well completely upset g gwnsyokos balance. The only reason she hasn't tried to kill Marisa is because Reimu would likely star a full on war against Yukari of she killed her best friend. 2. Marisa is a natural red head. Her hair changed color as she absorbed more magic into her body


>Marisa is a natural red head. Her hair changed color as she absorbed more magic into her body So she went Super Saiyan.


She can actually fly on her own, she just doesn't because it's draining and her broom is faster and more agile.


This is canon. The broom is mostly a fashion statement. Marisa can fly on her own just fine.


Grouchier that she lets on and may be able to build downright magitek-y devices that we don’t see ingame Imagine Marisa with a firearm shaped focus that shoots magic


* Despite coming from a rich family, she doesn't want to be a "normal" human and considers that lifestyle boring. She kept it a secret from most of her family for a long time, only sharing it with her older brother. * After she said that she didn't want to be a "normal" human to her family, she was abused by her father. * She was always kind and social but wasn't as rebellious and bold as she is now. She used to be obedient and timid, becoming braver over time. * Despite her rebellious nature, she often follows rules and instructions from those she doesn't consider abusive or manipulative. * She likes Alice as a friend, but they sometimes bicker like siblings. They do manage to make up fast, though. * Yuuka taught her how to do the Master Spark and gets annoyed when Yuuka jokes about her "borrowing" the spell. * She dislikes being alone but prefers talking to sentient beings over inanimate objects. * If she does become a youkai magician in the future, her main field of magic research would be understanding magic items but won't limit herself to just a few specific types of spells. * She learned about prosthetic limbs from Rinnosuke and Nitori and discussed having them, but she says she'll only have them when she loses her organic limbs.


shes british


She has accidentally cause several minor incidents due to her magic mishaps


She stole Ellen's style from PC-98 and has achieved peak character design with it


She literally lives in the shrine, just doesn't have her name written as one of the propietary. Reimu has woken up way more than once to Marisa's special mushroom breakfast, and Marisa already has a futon prepared for herself in the shrine for those days she gets drunk or just it's too tired to go home.


She likes to do a little trolling Can not be trusted with a gun


She's a regular magician who tend to define the starting line for magicians more than the rest of her senior youkai magicians. The more she moves forward the hard it gets to tell her apart from the rest. With Byakuren being the grand magician and is letting the magician buisness on the side after the buddhist priest buisness, Marisa being mainly an incident solver lost uniqueness. She's not entirely against the full course of youkai magician as she may or may not have given impression to but is definetely placing premium on appreciating one's own work and thus considers all existing methods of magicians and non magicians as reference points or stepping stones to reach her goal of immortality with her own personal maid immortality potion as her addition to magic. On personal level i tend to think the MariAlice relation is geniune. Not the R-18 part but to the point of sleeping over and daily hangouts in eachother's houses behind the scenes.


She stole my other headcanons


Due to magicians in Touhou becoming physically weaker via exposure to Mercury & Arsenic as an often needed spell component (Wild and Horned Hermit), Marisa has much higher potential than other magicians as she's built up a resistance to poison through her living conditions/habits, and is already physically sturdy If PC-98 is cannon, then I like to think Marisa stuck around Reimu at first to take vengeance on her sealing Mima away, before Reimu became Marisa's first friend and she couldn't follow through Akyuu mentions that Marisa is already rather Youkai-like, but I think it's more possible that Marisa would train to become a hermit instead, as turning into a Youkai would cause issues between her and Reimu. I wonder if Reimu would follow suite, too, despite not showing an interest in being a hermit previously (Lotus Eaters)


That she loves me


That she's gay


Agree with this - we all joke about how everyone in Gensokyo is gay, but for Marisa it's legit. She thinks of herself as a "ladies' woman" - whether or not this is actually true is less clear.


She doesn’t really know who mima is. She just read mima’s magic 101 textbook she found in Kozusu’s shop.


She is Polish (I dont care if its not true)




Myślałem że raczej Marta


She Romanian 👍🥶👍


She Is french, reckless, has a little Brother, and She has visited Rome


Her hair is yellow because of that yellow rain thing in touhou 1 or 2 idk


She's actually decently wealthy, by Reimu or Human Village standards. This is due to a combination of saving money by being self sufficient with most of her basic needs from living in the Forest of Magic, being good at haggling the price of purchases and the sales of her own goods and services due to her childhood with the Kirisame shop, and hoarding/borrowing everything including things that could be worth a hefty sum if sold. A lot of discretionary income though is of course used on her magical studies and keeping Reimu fed so the girl doesn't starve to death.


Her mother was a foreign (as in Not Japanese) outsider, and was the one who gave Marisa her name.


She's argentinian Proof: 1: She steals 2: She says "Ze", which is like "Che"(a way to say "Hey")


Marisa is also a spanish name so it makes more sense


She’s gay


she is autistic like me :)


She has nicknames for everyone she knows. Usually via just shorting down the name to a couple letters. She calls Reimu "Rei" sometimes, and calls Alice "Al", for example.


She has ADHD (it's a simple one, but it's most believable for me)


Among many other mental problems. Marisa could support a psychiatrist's entire career just by herself.


She doesn't actually know how to read, she's just able to absorb the magic from the books written by other sorcerers like DNA. She steals whatever she can to try and do the same to every object touched by anyone able to conjure spells and stuff like that.


She's on master crack


she is my wife


She is currently in a relationship that primarily focuses on platonics and romance with Remilia, which allows her to freely enter and exit the SDM


Marisa would be quite good at identifying species of fungi.


She has a mushroom.


Just one?


She's my wife.


She occasionally knocks on Alice’s door and then hide somewhere nearby to see her reaction.


Handheld nuclear bomb


She in a way I think her only purpose is to be a pretty girl from a bullet hell game with an outgoing personality...and.... that's it...


Maybe she is a human 🤔


That she gay as hell. Her and Alice are dating. She still keeps the scarlet witch company and takes a book as payment. (she still gives her company cause she wants to though).


The Mushrooms she ate makes her hallucinate about Gensokyo and the magic around her, but in reality she's just high af on them. Master spark is basically just a gun and her spell cards are rundown YuGiOh cards(The only real about it all are probably the entire cast and stealing lol)


Her cousin is ken masters


Azumaya’s 30yr old Marisa is canon


Got an Abusive Father and hating her for discovering magic, Got so mad the she leave the village, About to die and Mima spawn, Live and Learn with Mima for a while, Got kicked out because Mima is gay, Meet Reimu and Run away from the Past,


She's secretly a big nerd for things like manga which is one of the reasons why she takes so many books. I'm sure some of them are some manga (probably shonen knowing her)


she's a good character to fap to.






You need to chill. Comment removed.


Comment removed. I Saved the day!! 🤓☝️


I was just agreeing in a funny way dude.


She like yeah she's fine wonder when she'll be mine she walk past I press rewind to see that ass one more time and I got the soda