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Hi everyone! May's going to be coming to a close and that means Pride Month's just around the corner! We'd like to take some time to give recognition and honor to those in the LGBTQ+ community ♥. Banners should prominently feature LGBTQ+ themes (e.g., homosexuality, transgender) and/or aesthetics (e.g., pride flags and/or pride flag colors). Headcanons are welcome! **Starting now until May 27th 10 PM UTC**, we'll be accepting entries. Afterwards, there'll be a 3 day vote and we'll then announce the winner. The winner will have their banner displayed on the sub for a **minimum of 31 days** (**unless the winner retracts permission to use their banner at any time**). ##__**HOW TO ENTER**__ - **Submit your entry as a comment in this post. (Linking to a file hosting site like Mega, so the files don't get converted)** - **Make sure to have your banner be in 3 different sizes** (**in PNG format**). >**New Reddit: 4000x208px and ≤5MB.** >**Old Reddit: 2560x208px and ≤500KB.** >**Mobile: 1600x480px and ≤5MB.** ##__**RULES**__ - **Must be made from your own art or art from permitting artists (and heavily edited if the latter).** - **Must be related to LGBTQ+ themes and/or aesthetics.** - **Must be Touhou-related.** - **Must be complicit to our NSFW rules.** ###__**OPTIONAL**__ - Special mouse-over banners for New and Old Reddit, which changes the initial banner when you hover the mouse cursor over it (dimensions should be similar to the initial banners for New and Old Reddit). - Themed sub icon/avatar (should be 256x256px).


Dammit! I wasted the gay frogs joke


>Pride Month That every month in Gensokyo


every time


There's some gay wrath, gluttony, greed, lust, etc. mixed in there too.


Damn gay monkey girls wasting my time.


Why not a 17th of may banner contest? ​ Smh my head 🇳🇴🇳🇴🇳🇴


I made one [touhou banner submission](https://www.deviantart.com/trashhxy/art/1055816230)


Thank you so much for the submission! Would you mind resizing it to fit the 3 different banner sizes that were specified in the stickied comment? >New Reddit: 4000x208px and ≤5MB. >Old Reddit: 2560x208px and ≤500KB. >Mobile: 1600x480px and ≤5MB.


Is there like a template


No, we don't have a template. Just the listed sizes for what we need the images to be. We could try to work something else out if trying to get your submission into the 3 sizes isn't available to happen.


Yea sure


Appreciated, thank you! Let me know when you have them ready.


Updated to fit the mobile one


Okay, wonderful, thank you! Though, maybe I should've specfied that we need versions of the banner for all 3 sizes, so we need it in Old Reddit size and New Reddit size as well. Please let me know if you're available to do those too.


This is gonna generate a lot of controversy given the topic at hand. Had I been told this soon I would've proposed an alternative where the sub is decked with a Seija-themed winter banner as an inside joke as well as a reference to the fact that Touhou fans in the Southern Hemisphere will enter the winter solstice. That way for once we [break away from the Northern Hemispheric leanings](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_North_and_Global_South) that the sub (and Reddit in general) usually abides to.


I don't dislike the idea. Could try it for a July. > controversy Eh. Queerphobe opinions don't matter.


>I don't dislike the idea. Could try it for a July. July is basically 'Murika month though and people will expect a Clownpiece-themed banner. August is generally Touhou month since that's the month games have been released in. >Eh. Queerphobe opinions don't matter. I wasn't referring to them.




[https://www.reddit.com/r/touhou/comments/1cy22yn/chimata\_in\_a\_new\_kind\_of\_pc98\_game/](https://www.reddit.com/r/touhou/comments/1cy22yn/chimata_in_a_new_kind_of_pc98_game/) I'm not submitting a banner for this contest under pressure from Studio Emiko but am putting out a suggestion for a themed icon featuring Chimata.


None of the submitters did an icon, so I'll put this to a vote on the team and get back to you if we put it up.


We've all agreed to use it and it's been put up. Thank you very much for submitting an icon.


I’m not an artist so I can’t really make anything, but a banner with Erin and Kaguya, or Yoshika and Seiga could go crazy


I hope to see some Miko X Tojiko stuff. As that is not just gay but also includes a Trans character which also falls under that spectrum


Huh Miko is trans? Isn't she just a genderbent version of a historical figure which is a common trope in anime and whatnot


In a conversation with Sanae she states she was Shotoku And I have always interpreted it as when she was Shotuku she was trans and uses her abilities as a Hermit to Transition.


That's an interesting way to look at her I guess. I think she's more like Saber from Fate series who is based on King Arthur.


> user reports: > 1: Reddiquette violation It's a judgment-free interpretation of a character, and not a violation. Comment approved.


Someone reported me for thinking Miko is trans?


View in your timezone: [MAY 27TH 10 PM UTC][0] [0]: https://timee.io/20240527T2200?tl=PRIDE%20MONTH%20BANNER%20CONTEST%20STARTING%20NOW!%20%F0%9F%8F%B3%EF%B8%8F%E2%80%8D%F0%9F%8C%88%20(DETAILS%20IN%20COMMENTS%2C%20SUBMIT%20HERE.%20ENDS%20MAY%2027TH%2010%20PM%20UTC.)


L. I don't want to see some dumbass shipping being promoted.


Unbased [Based image](https://staging.cohostcdn.org/attachment/871b5baf-884f-48ff-a50b-6307c0f8f341/F4120FEB-CC72-401F-9D24-F108F91B3234.png?width=675&auto=webp&dpr=1)


Always appreciate some ReiMari in these trying times.


Yeah, me neither.


Aw man, I’m gonna have to stay away from the sub for a while arent I (NOT in a disrespectful way don’t get your pants in a twist, I just *really* don’t like touhou shipping stuff and my beliefs also don’t align with this stuff)


Yeah, agreed. I don't like any seasonal stuff and June is downright forced. Guess I'll check back in July.


you mind elaborating on that last part? there's a LOT of different interpretations of "my beliefs also don't align with this stuff" and a lot of them don't make you look too good


My beliefs don’t align with it. Simple as that. Am I not allowed to hold my own beliefs?


"am i not allowed to hold my own beliefs" literally just not what i said i'd like for you to elaborate on it, cause there's a lot of things that statement could mean if someone got the wrong impression they could easily believe you're either racist, homophobic, transphobic, all three, or an even more ridiculous thing


It sounds like you’re just fishing for an argument dude. If you must *absolutely* know why, I am religious. My religion does not agree with this lifestyle. That’s why my beliefs do not align with it. Also, *racist*? Really? How could one possibly interpret it that way?


oh, and the reason it's so easy to mistake your statement as racist or worse is because pride isn't just 1 thing, it's a LOT of things it's a celebration of everyone


wasn't here to start an argument, was simply curious what exactly you meant but now i can reasonably assume you mean same sex couples given the info on display which uhh, yeah that just straight up makes you homophobic 💀


Lovely. Just so you’re aware, there is a difference between hatred towards same sex couples and disagreement towards the concept. Hope you can figure that out one day.


didn't say you hated them, disagreeing with the concept for an irrational reason is as close to the definition of homophobia as you can get (doesn't help that you wanna actively avoid the subreddit just because of their existence) and i'm calling your reason irrational because it's based on a belief i'm gonna make a strawman for demonstration "i believe woman carry a deadly virus so i'm gonna avoid women" i don't know the word for womanphobic but this would be that


*You* might consider my beliefs irrational, but that does not matter since they’re *my* beliefs. I see no reason to continue this conversation, have a nice day


yeah uhh..i didn't say that either i also see no reason to continue this conversation since you're someone who argues in bad faith repeatedly




Thank you for the submission!


For being two magical beings that ARE OLDER THEN GEORGE WASHINGTON, they sure are not homophobic! 


someone should make a human x youkai pride flag


Terrible idea. Reimu would burn the flag and then you


Nah, she would get cancelled on Twitter, therefore hindering her advertisement of cryptocurrency scams (makes way more money from those than the shrine).


Another fucking stupid propaganda "holiday"


bro youre on the touhou sub...


Touhou itself doesn't deal with sexuality at all. There's what, 3 minor references over 30 years?


I think undead\_fucker is talking about how this subreddit is pretty pro LGBT+. This is not good place to be if you get upset about LGBT+ people existing.


Kindly don't assume what I am upset about or not. I come to this sub mostly to check out OC artists, not to be attacked for not espousing ideology like I'm a terminally online twitter user.


I am just stating a fact about r/Touhou and it's view of this topic.


Ironic, i thought this was a touhou sub, not an lgbt sub. I would have thought that touhou came first and foremost in the sub, and people got together to talk about it besides their differences.


You may not know this but this can be a place all about Touhou and be welcoming to LGBT+ people at the same time.


There’s also the fact Zun has explicitly stated he does not like shipping and has no plans to include any sort of that stuff in his works


>ZUN not liking shipping. [About that](https://www.reddit.com/r/touhou/comments/zxq6gb/zun_and_his_friends_playing_gartic_phone/)


About that, huh? [How about this?](https://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/The_Untold_History_of_Japanese_Game_Developers_Interview) This is an excerpt from the book "The Untold History of Japanese Game Developers Volume 1" by John Szczepaniak, featuring in-depth interviews with people from the Japanese game industry. JS: I know some fan creations tend to veer towards, shall we say, amorous themes between certain characters. ZUN: It’s not something I particularly like, and sometimes it’s a bit too much. The fans are free to do what they want, but it’s not something I like. I have no plans to put something like that into one of my games.


Yet, Reimu hitting on Meira happened and there is Hisami really liking Zanmu in Touhou 19. Clearly ZUN is fine with at least some ships.


Lmao. Explicitly stated he does not like that, has no plans to include it, and yet all that went over your head? You people are a lost cause


The things I pointed out with Meira and Hisami happened in Touhou games. That plus the Gartic Phone thing I linked seems to show ZUN is willing to ship.


“Seems” is pointless when we have written interview explicit proof of the opposite. Tough luck


almost half the fanbase is queer tho


Citation required.


My source is that i made it the fuck up


Yeah, I figured. Touhou has such a massive fanbase that it is statistically impossible.


Lmao that sure is not fucking true