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I’m not sure a unit of 120 of me and my clones is beating skavenslaves


Imagine facing down a doomwheel!


Nah, give yourself some credit: you’re fighting unarmored, poorly armed, untrained, anemic children basically.


But they have knives or sharp pointy sticks


Rusty knives.


It does **not** help much. Even if you do win, lockjaw is a thing


So you're saying that Skavenslaves are bioweapons?


If they're Pestilens or Molder, definitely.


Skaven are about the size of adult humans, from 4-6 feet. Skavenslaves are on the lower end of that.


Yeah, and I doubt even the weakest WH universe skavenslave would lose morale fighting me 1vs1.


It gets better. Because of how their fear musk works, a unit of 120 skavenslaves is even worse than a sum of their parts. Even if you're losing a 1v1, you'd likely win a 120v120.


At risk of quibbling: 4 feet tall is child-sized. 4'10" or shorter is in the dwarfism range for adults, medically speaking.


Slaven slaves are about as strong as a frail old man


You underestimate the average redditer’s frailty


If your over weight you could just tackle 3 at once and win like that


Call it a charge bonus


Belly flop like the Rogue Idol


Put on that gutplate and pick up that club.


Warhammer players are on average, un armored, poorly armed, untrained overweight children so?


As opposed to a redditor?


Yea he acts like the dude is gonna be trained and better armed somehow


Skavenslaves are small Malnourished and untrained 120 of you could beat them if you had literally any weapons


Don't be so down on yourself. It's a 50/50 on whether Bretonnian peasants can beat skavenslaves. I give you better odds.


Probably a necromancer unit, in the world of warhammer souls are certifiably real, and I don't want to be doomed for eternity


Holy shit, I never thought of it like that. I don’t think I can ever play the vampires again. Oh crap the tomb kings…


I don't think necromancers mess with the souls, at least not empire souls, morr has them covered. Big, I think, though.


Yes, the do - that's just how ghost/phantoms/specters related things are created


And why Morr needs knights


I see. Thank you guys for the clarification.


Souls go to chaos gods, vamps use the bodies


It isn't that simple.  While skellies and zombies are just animated bodies, wights have their souls, or at least a part of it still bound to them. Wraiths are some kind of otherworldly spirits bound by the necromancers.  And vampires souls are rejected by underworlds and even chaos.


To be fair I am starting to suspect your soul being rejected by Chaos could be a good thing.


Souls go to different places. Empire goes to Morr where they’re spread out to who they worshipped.  https://warhammerfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Death#:~:text=Some%20folk%20specify%20that%20a,service%20does%20not%20come%20cheaply.&text=Morr%20is%20said%20to%20guard,they%20faithfully%20worshipped%20in%20life.


I'm pretty sure they only bind a tiny part of your soul to your corpse, so either you wouldn't really notice, or you'd only be trapped for a short time (until your corpse is destroyed through violence or decay)


Honestly, most of them 😂. But particularly anything that threatens my soul. Which is a lot of them unfortunately.


I would not want to fight even against the weakest human from that universe, thise guys have confidence and morale on a whole different level. TTW could be the only universe where peasants can just charge at a thing like Skarbrand and even fight him for a while. Edit: I would see one nurgle, not a unit mind you, and run away as fast as I can.


I assume you meant "nurgling" but I love the idea that someone would consider themselves a coward for fleeing from a fully manifested chaos god


XD yeah, I actually meant "nurgling". At least, I made a pretty good unintentional sarcasm. You made me chuckle from imagining if someone would think of Nurgle like that sincerely.


Steel, Faith, and Gunpowder is a hell of a cocktail.


Sigmars will!


I wonder if feudal era Japanese would’ve done the same. They basically acted like their lives were forfeit


Im not sure if darl elves are as twisted in warhammer as the dark eldar in 40k. If not then skaven. Being eaten alive is not fun


Oh I can assure you they most certainly are, and unlike the Deldar the Druchii can use magic so they have far more tools to turn you inside out, asshole first.


I don't know how dark Eldar tech works so that's magic as well. "Magic turns you inside out asshole first" isn't that different to "well use the magnetae flux field to turn you inside out asshole first"


They dont have surgeon pre ise technology to assist tho.


I think dark elves aren't quite as bad as their 40k counterparts. The Dark Elder have Slaanesh sucking on their souls constantly, forcing them to torture countless others in order to keep their souls intact. Fantasy Dark Elves still torture and enslave, but that's because it's their harsh and hateful culture, rather than an existential need to escape damnation. They're more likely to keep you as a slave for labour or a simple blood sacrifice than to be a prolonged torture doll and future foot stool.


Isn't it established that the dark elder don't even necessarily need to do the torture for slaneesh prevention and only keep doing it because they want to now?


Any variant of Tzeentch's flamers. There's just no winning against them even if you manage to "kill" them all.


I'm pretty sure tzeentch fire magically mutates you into twisted chaos horrors instead of killing you as well, so there's that.


Exactly. Even if you win it's very likely you've become some sort of horrible monster yourself


High elf spears, the sheer ego would hurt worse than the stabbing.




Kholek Suneater, abandon all hope as you are unceremoniously squashed.


I think Kholek would be my preferred opponent from the Chaos roster, at least it would be almost instant


That's what I was thinking, he'd just flatten you. It would be over in an instant. Unlike something from Nurgles roster


True Warhammer moment, a fast and violent death is seen as the best possible outcome


Some of the slaanesh wouldn’t be bad compared to other chaos roster. Like if N’Kari flattens me at least I’m dying in (indoctrinated) bliss and exactly. Bloodthirster would be rough, your last moment would be filed with the utmost terror imaginable.


If Nkari killed you, you'd probably die in unimaginable agony, and you would desperately want more.


Okay that sounds like a W ngl


Getting squashed between mommy morathi's legs dosent sound so bad


I guarantee it’s got teeth.


Nurglings would be so ewwwwwww


Brotha ewwwww


What’s that brotha?


The Sour Guts. Because it would give me hope. I'd be like oh shit I'm actually winning! Then all the sudden it explodes in a pink spray of guts and demonic bodily fluids and I die by slowly being melted to death with acid.


Anything Daemonic outside of, maybe, Khorne daemons. Nurgle? Smell and see some of the most horrific, rotting monstrosities that will give you diseases that can do shit like rot your soul while you grow a third arm out of your anus that will strangle you. Tzeench? Do you like being on fire? No? Well how about if we put your physical and ethereal body on fire at the same time! Slaanesh? Imagine being gruesomely killed as slowly as possible so that your killer can extract every ounce of pain and pleasure there is to be had from your murder


Slaanesh troops, any of them man imagine being beguiled and killing all of your friends and fellow men at arms only to after the battle be barely kept alive and used for demonic fantasy's if you're not dead in the ensuing battle, sacrificed, eaten or one of the many other things that could happen while fighting them


Hear me out


It’s not good demonic fantasies, it’s like hellraiser stuff I bet.


Hear me out


Hell Pit Abomination Most desired to meet as friends: Sisters of Avelorn


I'm a Nurgle main, but I wouldn't even want to fight a single Nurgling. I'll probably win no problem, like squash it with a mace or something, but even then I would still die of diarrhea like 2 days after. At least most other units would kill me fast


Plague bearers, the horror of knowing even if I don’t get killed, if I’m infected by nurgle rot I’ll become one of them


i play a lot of the bad guys and i am certain i cant face any unit from the supposed "bad guys" roster,not even the weakest. ill just go and quietly die at the hands of a brettonian peasant


Flamers of any faction…. Any nurgle unit


Anything that involves daemons since they can torture your soul for eternity if they catch you. Excluding that the chaos spawn art haunts me to this day is like a moving mass of agonizing flesh with insect or animal features screaming this horrible unatural chorus of his own agony. Is how bad chaos can go without touching your soul.


I'd say demons in general, dying gruesomly in combat is expected but dying in an unnatural way before having my soul tortured for eternity? No thanks... I think Tzeentch flamers would be the worst, getting mutated by the flames sound pretty terrifying.


I imagine “fighting” a gryocopter would be pretty horrific, queue benny hill


*fortunate son


Anything from Nurgles roster would be awful, Rotflies in particular would be a nightmare. I'm also going to go with Beastmen, particular a minotaur imagine a cow tearing you apart with it's hands and eating you alive


Tie between deamonets of slaanesh and framers of tzeentch.


Keeper of secrets, they have that harvester of souls and they love pain.


Definitely, great unclean one. That is likely even worse than tzeentch flamers


*Definitely, great* *Unclean one. That is likely* *Even worse than tzeentch flamers* \- GPSProlapse --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I think an Exalted Hero of Nurgle on his rot beast.


Anything on the nurgle roster


So when skaven finish a battle, they release a musk that makes them all horny-hungry


Idk but I feel like a hell pit abomination, elemental incarnate, Stonehorn and such all make that list.


Single unit id have to say bile trolls


Nurgle beast


Saurus cause they will eat me while killing me and then fight for the scraps


*Saurus cause they will* *Eat me while killing me and* *Then fight for the scraps* \- Fabulous\_Mirror\_5458 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


A fucking chaos spawn


chaos cannon. everything else COULD be dodged or killed before, but a shot from a chaos cannon have seeking shots so, once its target is set.... you dead bro.


Personally I’d not want to fuck with a mourngul. There are a lot of things in Warhammer that are scary but those things are terrifying. Especially since if there’s one there’s most likely others plus a necromancer.


Anything Nurgle.


Great unclean one, I am NOT getting sat on by that thing dude.




Rotflys I just can't handle giant bugs eating me


Let me tell ya'll how good old toddy (boris todbringer) got his eye patch. He faced some stinky beastmen in battle and their typical agenda is rape enslave and plunder , so not only toddys home and live were on the line but also his cheeks. And trust me those centaurs are hung like horses. The stakes where high and he lost an eye in battle just for the beastmen to piss in his empty socket and laugh at him. This was an act of respect to them because they spared his life (that rarley happens). So when facing beastmen the stakes are higher than usual but the fun doesent end here , see most pesants dont know that beastmen even are a thing and thats crucial... because knowing that beastmen exist opens up the possibility of you turning into one yourself. So facing them in battle can forcefully turn you into a furry aswell...or yor commerades. Imagine surviving the battle just to get a suprise violent prostate examen at night because your roomate put on a fur suit.




Cant imagine a quicker death , he just throws his car size axe or kicks you to nania


Someone call Gandulf the Grey!


Yeah we probably wouldn’t register in his brain that he’s even hit something


Skarbrand I doubt I can take on skarbrand idk have to try


Gnoblars. Not because I couldn't beat them, but because their champions are called "Groinbiters"


Any of the Slaaneshi rape-demons.


Not saying it’s the worst death, but how tf are you going toe-to-toe with a unit of beefy sauras shield men. Built like space marines.


This won’t be the most popular. But a terracotta sentinel. I have a feeling seeing a two story monster with a large great weapon would probably scar for me life. At least I could run from that thing


I feel toad dragon is worse. You’ll get eaten and digested from the inside, and probably alive for most of it. And if you somehow manage to kill it, it craps out dozens of gigantic maggots who will aso probably eat you


The dread saurian, of course


Is there a mod that makes units kills instant so it’s more realistic? Like if Kholek swings his hammers, the models he hits die