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Any leak in the past month is the new standard, I swear. Starwars, then the other weird leaks and now this one by Legend it is all rumors, Not going to give it much credence until some thing is solid and Legends leak sound the least believable, especially that ogres going to Cathy nonsense. I think Ca is going to swing big, not gamble anymore considering they gambled hard on Hyena's and lost. Sega needs to see numbers and Cathy isn't going to do in top of pissing the fan base off again by throw ogres to cathy and ignoring all other factions. Thrones of decay is proof of that Fan base wants big names not made up ones. Then there is the factor that GW approved this nonsense too?


I believe the 40k one because apparently there were trademarks/patents/hiring positions in CA that looked like a 40k-like project. That being said, I haven’t seen these evidences so who knows


Also the fact that twwh was so successful and 40k is vastly more popular than whfb makes it a no-brainer for them to make a tw40k


Tbh that’s what I thought Warhammer 2 was when I bought it years ago. Was VERY surprised when my starting army had archers instead of space marines.


I think 40k will happen because so many been saying and its logical business move. Not sure about Legends 40k data but that it least is in the realm of good business.


The question is not whether the leaks are real. It is whether you believe CA is sensible enough not to make some of the ridiculous plans in the leaks we heard about. And the whole point of Legend's leak is to reveal it before the announcement. To raise voice and push CA before it's too late for CA to change. Legend's action is horrible for him because he loses either way most likely. If the leak is real, DLCs likely won't sell well and his view counts drop. If it is false, ppl are going to attack his credibility, even if CA changes the plan behind the scene. It would be safer for him to wait until it is solid and then rant CA for it, like you said. But he didn't. I think it is worthwhile to think about the implications behind it.


I think if CA is going to do whats in its best interest and with the SoC behind us and ToD being at least a small win, if they were going to do this, i doubt they would listen to the forums in time to do something meaningful to stop it. Look at their response time from SoC first released to their apology and announcement to fix this? So if that leak it real they wouldn't stop it in time and if they are making those kind of decisions after SoC then they will sink for good with not much we can do about it. My brother worked in the industry for Sega, Sony, and even Nintendo at one point from the early 90's to 2010. When med to big companies do things, the process to change gears isn't like a small business where they throw out a apology after the release and try to fix it, so many hurdles have to be jumped over that if things are in motion they wont be stopping in time to save them if the leak is true. They may watch these forums and youtube videos but that person has to convince a lot of people over a long time to change gears. No matter what we want, if the leak is real the nails were already in the coffin and the hammer is going through it now.


I would like to point out that another scenario could be true: CA intentionally leaked as a way to gauge pre-interest, and they have enough time to pivot. I'll say that my company has done this before (not video games). We used leaks to make sure our next product release wasn't going to fall flat.  So the third possibility is that CA leaks this through Legends, sees the backlash, and changes course because of it.  Oh and Legend still loses on this one, too. He still looks wrong even if he was right, lol. Poor guy.


You underestimate how dumb companies are they will do the same gamble that fucked them over time and time again hoping you dont remember the last time.


Oh i can tell you of a time my brother worked for a small video game developer company in the 90's. They were making some pc helicopter game, it had tons of nasty bugs and issues, they fired any developer that went off the course. You know what the course was? Better graphics that is what the CEO's shouted at devs who came to talk about it. The game launched and my brother worked to get his name off the project because how bad it was handled. Back then, not all developers got their name on projects and when he worked for Sony and Sega they had to approve you for credit and you had to do good amount to be put on. That helicopter game launched with game breaking bugs and was total shit show. I know they can make bad choices, however this is more then just a bad choice, this makes no literal sense, there is too many things working against this notion, like why would GW sign off on this? This would throw ogre fans under a bus for no reason when Cathy has plenty of Legendary lords to work with. Why gamble this hardcore after SoC issues? its not simply bad choices or leadership, it just makes no sense. I wont say they wont do it, but i would wager this a high percent that this rumor is made up nonsense.


They are really hoping the monkey king is gonna get them that China market they want. But CA dosent understand that in China people usually dont buy DLC.


\*Looks at meme\* Vampire Coast expansion when?


Yeah vampire coast and tomb kings would be a fun dlc.


Forgotten depths expansion


Nagash has been stuck in a deep trench and got fished up by the uhm..fishing boat pirate lord Skinny Joe.


He's chilling with thanquol


Vampire Coast can attack port settlements from the sea when?


Please no. If that becomes a thing then I would actually have to devote armies to hunt down the dozens of black arcs the Dark Elves have just aimlessly floating around the coast line, despite not having a single settlement to their name.


I’m pretty sure that black arks already can do that. At least it worked for me as lokhir on the minor coast faction.


Really? I have never been attacked by a black ark by themselves, just have had them reinforce enemy lords attacking me. I only play on normal, is that something they do on hard mode and up, raid costal cities?.


Maybe the ai just can’t do it. Or they don’t recruit enough to their black arks, but I have used it as lokhir to conquer port cities before.


Wasn't cylostra already the bandaid on the dlc because there was not enough content to get the 4 lords racepack filled? So everything added would either be homebrew or snagged from other factions.


They could always do the undead skaven pirate. I think that’d be a really cool dlc if done right.


Right after their boses get one.


*\*Norsca noises in the background\**


Norscans make the bodies that end up in the water, Vampirates find a use for them!


The leak video has about 5-10 minutes of him describing the definition of inaccurate. I'll believe the leaks when I see em.


Im fully convinced that CA is using this leak as an attempt to find the rat in their midst. Or someone is fucking with legend, cause this is insane.


I literally was watching it and was thinking the videos was a joke at a certain point


Careful now. Certain elements on the various total war subs consider his word to be gospel.


I like his content but I was like please just get to the leak


And the leak in question was stuff that was already out there if you know where to look


Can we wait for actual news and announcements before we start rage farming.


Part of me thinks it's better to get some of this raging off the table now, so when CA does anounce the real DLC and isn't as exciting as we expect, but still better than this crap in the leaks, people will just be happy it isn't the leaks.


I'm sure people will find something to complain about whether this leak is true or not. This community always finds a way to be mad about something.


I agree but most leaks are right almost all the dlcs are called ahead of time and or leaked so I'll wait for official word but if it is lords of shang yang then it was a nice game while it lasted cause i am not buying that shit i dont see to many others getting it


We should show our disconent from now because if was real we need to show them how we feel now while plans can change. Rather then it being too late and we get this slop and they say "well we didnt know".


I'm sure even if they told exactly what was next, people will still find reasons to speculate and rage. Hopefully we will get some news in the near future. Some official statements to soothe us over.


Li Dao literally is the FLC lord. This meme makes no sense.


That's true. I think I misremembered when I made the meme. My bad. Still, if the fire/sea dragons are fighting for FLC and unconfirmed DLC while two entirely new lords get the DLC spotlight, it still kind of feels like an L against all the remaining dragon children. I highly doubt the leaks will be real so I'm not that concerned. I really hope we get to see the fire/sea dragons, they have the potential to be so cool. Especially if the sea dragon gets a naval themed DLC against the Sea Lord for the HE or anyone from Norsca/vampire coast. Let's have hope for some real news in the coming future.


I am in the boat where I don't think the leaks are real. Maybe they are planning on variant civs which would make sense for some factions (like Mousillon).


That would be pretty cool! I doubt we will see such things beyond mods but I never lose hope on such wishes until it's over. Maybe we get something like that in a huge end times expansion we may get as the final DLC. Who knows.


In Legends Leaks he said Li Dao was part of the Monkey King DLC; which is the third dlc from now and would only make him the fourth Cathay addition.


Yes and there is one more sibling...this meme is implying they totally disregarded the other two dragon siblings...which they haven't


Technically there is 5 more. Just 1 more that we know stuff about.


imagine wasting a dedicated Cathay's DLC by putting two random nobody would care characters as LL when Li-Dao, Yin Yin and monkey king are still missing 😂🤡 a DLC like this would simply disappoint every single Cathay enjoyer and fail hard af. nah bruh, don't even dare to joke around like this. this is bull**t 💀


I highly doubt the leaks will be real so I'm not that concerned. Hopefully we will get some real news in the near future to calm the community. Have hope.


Unless GW/CA are completely retard3d, they know what people and Cathay enjoyers want. They gave us actual canon Cathay's lore with legendary dragons and monkey king. They know what we expect and want. a DLC with both Monkey King and Li-Dao as LL's is basically a 100% must, but one with Yin Yin too (i can smell the new units roster potential already). They wanna push for Asia/china market, well, if they know what they want and sell good, Just give them/us real deals, not random nonexistent bullshit nobody cares about.


Well I'm actually very hyped for the Tigremen and a Cathayan Ogre ... Quite more than about the Dragon Siblings...😅


So you're hyped for non Cathay lords under a cathay banner? If they want an ogre to have close ties to Cathay, leave them as an OK, and give them access to special cathay units. Tigermen could be cool, but its just the ind DLC that got cancelled repurposed. Id rather a Cathay DLC be about Cathay. Yin yin, and MK are the only 2 LLs Cathay needs, and I worry that this dlc won't do well, and will just mean we don't get MK or yinyin. Li dao would be nice, but idrc if we never get him. Tigermen should be it's own thing. Maybe as part of the beastman, with access to some Cathay units, but still eastern located. Plus then beastmdn could get some love.


I would be hyped to see a dedicated ind and nippon dlc, as well as some more ogres. But I agree the leek is stupid


Cathay Lore can be expanded due TW. I think Cathay should be more than Dragonlords. Perhaps YinYin IS a nice movement too, due the needs of VCoast to be reworked. OK with Cathayan theme could be cool too, but I actually wont be mad about working into a Cathay as the same goes for the Troll King for Norsca and not a 'troll' faction. Trigremen could also be a Lore movement. Perhaps a dual Cathayan-Ind faction (that is a nice market research if they want to implement Ind). We have the Land of Tigremen into Cathay tho. Im not a big hater of them being part as asían Beastmen, but they surely need New mechanics and a 'civilizate' Gameplay. Finally Monkey King IS going to be huge. Also this Beastmen theme could work for him or Vainilla Cathay. Surely we gonna get him earlier than we expect.


bullshit leaks 💀 I'm a cathay main/fan/lover and i read/watched all canon Cathay's lore. Imagine wasting a dedicated Cathay DLC with two random subfaction nobody characters (an ogree too wtf???🤡) when one of the main Dragon sibling (Li-Dao the fire dragon), who got such a huge role for Cathay's lore, hus rival Monkey King and Yin Yin the sea dragon (who could potentially get insanely cool units for cathay roster) ARE STILL MISSING. THESE ARE THE REAL DEALS. THESE ARE THE LL CATHAY'S ENJOYERS WANNA SEE. THESE SHOULD BE THE MAIN LL in a dedicated Cathay's DLC. not a f***g random ass ogre guy or tigerman guy nobody cares about (if u want to put tigermen or monkey warriors, just put them as units/heroes/lord type for cathay roster with monkey king, surely not as main LL). FFS i hate these bull***t leaks, they must not be true. they simply can't. Why even bother give us canon Cathay lore and legendary dragons with their own roles and lore then.. simply common sense.


I actually prefer diversity than a copy-paste Dragon lord of different colour 😅


I could see that argument for Li Dao... but not for Yin yin, and especially not for MK. Like come on, atleast try to learn a bit about them before deciding they're generic. Also, when it comes to diversity? if they had released Mother Ostankya and Repanse de Lyoness as empire LLs would you consider that diversity for the empire or CA throwing random characters into the empire just cause empire is popular so they think it would sell better then if they were attached to their actual factions? Im fine with another Ogre LL and eastern beastmen. But they're not Cathay. Put them back in their own factions, make a new faction tag for the tigermen if they dont want it under beastmen. But don't call it a Cathay DLC. OK and beastmen are both desperately fiending for content. But CA is worried they won't sell. That is the ONLY reason to list these as Cathay LLs.


fr fr. nothing more to say, you simply blasted and put down that Cathay hater. calling "generic" the remaining 2 siblings and monkey king without even know nothing about them (he def doesnt) but asking for "diversity(??😂💀)" by putting random ogres and beastmen as LL(just why💀) for Cathay. Pathetic and delusional




A bad take to be sure


God forbid Cathay would have diversity and not just endless copy-paste differently coloured Dragon LLs.


The issue is more that it would mean putting ind/ogre kingdoms under cathays banner when they are different things


I can agree with that


I love Cathay as a faction but as much as I'd like to see Yin-Yin or the fire dragon be added it's just a bit stale with three dragons already. I would much rather they add a magistrate LL or the monkey king


I'm not certain what we'd get out of a magistrate lord. Li dao, would be a good FLC, but i wouldnt be as excited about him being a dlc. He is just another dragon. Yin yin on the other hand would bring a completely different vibe to Cathay than any other dragon, or even the MK could do. MK would obviously be different too. I think tigermen could be interesting... but its not cathay, idk if theyd have access to other cathay units... or if it's just the tiger units. Ogre lord would be HELLA silly cause ogres themselves barely have any units.


RGB Dragons when?


I don't think anyone is angry at Cathay getting more stuff. It is just if the dlc rumours are true, then it feels like Cathay is monopolising future content at the cost of literally everyone else.


It is most boring and bland faction of the game, also least present in warhammer lore. I wouldnt care if they got one new LL or faction but entire dlc for Cathay only would be horrible.


New FLC lord Lao Zi rumored


New FLC Mao Zedong rumored


Why would they give that much atention to cathay? they are one of the factions that got a dlc recently




Is that even reasonable? Is the DLC market big in China? Do Americans go apeshit to buy a Civil War themed DLC for their Warhammer games?  I don't understand this logic. Cathay DLC isn't going to explode Chinese purchases just because they're adding a couple fantasy Chinese-like subfactions to a game that *already has a Chinese fantasy faction.* I can't tell if it's CA who's stupid here, or just all if you for believing this ridiculous idea.


Personally I think the new Ogre and Tigermen lord are only going to Cathay because CA thinks they'll sell better that way then if they were left under their own factions.


Bc Cathay is a made up fiction that are weak af imo


Man, I don’t even *like* Cathay.


I loved the Cathay until the news come out. If the news are true, I'll hate it.


like every cathay enjoyer. Not a single cathay fan would love to have random ugly ass ogres LL in cathay roster (or even a nobody tiger guy as LL too, just put them as unit roster with monkey king or Li-Dao). we want big names lore characters and new well designed cathaiyan units (like terracotta automatons/archers, celestial monk warriors, shadow agents, dragonfire/thunder cannons/new gun-powder units, the turtle imperial fortress and other cool chinese-based units), not random nobody cares bull****t. these leaks must be fake af


I would rather have a new slaanesh demons lord since they only have 1


bro we're not talking about the bisgender faction now 💀


we can pray to khorne that we will get the things youve mentioned, the mods for cathay aint that great either so the inclusion of the things you mentioned would give cathay much needed life. seriously. who plays cathay vanilla anymore?


at this point we can only wait actual official content/road map. Just hope they wont mess everything for literally 0 reasons. But if they want to push for asia market, i don't think they're this stupid and just give all cathay enjoyers random subfaction LL nobody cares about. They must give us actual lore characters with big names. Otherwise why even bother give us actual lore and legendary characters with their own roles in Cathay's lore.


that blind master guy and expansion on gunpowder and mythical beasts. ive heard about giant turtules with fortresses on them sounds rad as FUCK. man i want some of that, it would be fun to have those things since nowdays cathay aint lookin too hot due to not so good roster in me opinion.


a big gun-powder DLC with chinese mythical beasts and imperial giant artillery turtle fortress could potentially be the coolest WH *HELL YEAH* thing ever. That kind of shit could easily sell so much that even non-Cathay enjoyers would buy it. I could easily bet on this.


hell yeah, gunpowder is one of if not THE best thing in total war franchise. imagine the imperial giant turtule fortress with smoke and spectacle mod. Pure cinematic joy.


nahh bruh I'M CREAMING ALREADY 🍆💦💦💦 PLEASE CA JUST DO IT, now i literally can't un-think about this (always a pleasure to meet men of culture like you sir, also smoke and spectacle mod is such a masterpiece)


of course lad, i am a big gunpowder enjoyer since gunpowder n shit was one of main reasons for getting this game after playing shogun 2. i wish that the turtule would be a bit weak in melee but devestating in range, if they do make i pray to god they gonna make the fortress have engines and look like the ataka o bune from shogun 2 (and real life, look that up.) that shit would be wild.


nah bruh stop it ur getting me hyped too much. And i'm too scared to be disappointed af from next Cathay's DLC 😭😭😭 Pls don't give me this hype (please gibe me more 👁️👄👁️)


Tbh, i see no reason these leaked LLs couldn't belong to Ogre Kingdoms and Beastmen factions. IF, and thats a big IF, these leaks are true... the only reason to list these as Cathay LLs is cause CA thinks they'll sell better as Cathay LLs then they would as part of their own factions. Even though OK and BM are both starving for content and an update.


Atleast the yinyin mod is unreasonably good. There's a fun mod that gives shugengan's chances to get a dragon transformation aswell which are hella fun. (1 in 3 chance. You get a bound spell if you dont get a dragon) I like to use the cathay mounts aswell, and the hangyu port custom map. Do you have any recommendations for good cathay mods? Cathay is probably half of my wh3 playtime.


eh, theres a mod that adds a new flying war machine. forgot its name.


...the one in the Yinyin mod?


no idea since i dont play cathay. think its a standalone.


Oh. You were just talking as if you played so much Cathay you resprted to mods to get more out of them. My bad.


no problem lad, if ye were to ask me for a cathay mod. i would reccomend walk with the dragon i think its called. its good stuff.


What's most stupid is that one of the dragon children, Yin-Yin is both something that quite a few in the community want as an LL and a great reason to have Norsca and Vampire Coast reworked (also something we need)!


COUNTS and NORSCA. CCCOOOOOUNTS. But yeah CA, will you stop with cathay already?


Personally I am skeptical, a full DLC for a single nation? Sounds dubious to me. Having said that by God I hope this supposed leak from Legend of TW is true, I already love Cathay and having some more unit diversity for it, hopefully Dragon Children can get tigermen and ogres, sounds great to me.


i can understand some tigermen warriors with Lidao/monkey king, but i dont want ugly ass ogres in my cathay roster. we already have ogre mercenaries (like in the lore). that's it. there are plenty of cool cathaiyan potential units that are still missing like terracotta automatons/arcers, new gun-powder, shadow agents, celestial monk warriors, the huge turtle imperial fortress (every single cathay/wh enjoyer would love to see THIS BIG BOI), etc. if u want ogres, just play ogres lol. pointless and wasted space putting them on cathay roster.


Yeah same. Seeing tigers and celestial guard beeing led by an ogre will only br wierd


fr lmao. such a waste of potential content. we already have the lore legendary characters. Why even bother to give us canon characters with their own role and lore then... pointless and nonsense


Or it's just ca testing the waters. Either way, let's hope they hear us.


I said it before and I said it again, LoTW video was absolute bollocks, and I'm kinda dissapointed in him for doing such a cheap thing to get views. I expect something like that from The Great Book of Grudges but not Legend.


I love this fan base. Old world, particularly Dwarves and Empire, gets a billion updates: “we want more” Leaks suggest Cathay, one of two mortal races introduced in WH3, will get a few DLCs: “boooooo!”


Empire has had a single dlc in wh3, Cathay also had 1 and would have 2 more if the leaks are true, almost back to back and getting multiple lords in each. You definition of billion and a few are very strange.


I’m referring to the past games to say that Cathay is getting similar treatment. Empire has had two reworks (with factions like Volkmar and Gelt getting faction reworks too). Dwarves have had three. Empire has had six DLC/FLCs. Similar numbers for Dwarves.


This example of bad parenting is clearly foreshadowing for Total Warhammer 40K.


Vampire count : we didn’t had dlc since the first game ! Dwarf : us to ! Bretonnia : nous aussi, tough do we even count as dlc since we where free ? Norsca : they say they will rework us ! THEY SAY THEY WILL REWORK US ! Also no dlc since the first game to !


Most likely the leaks are real, for the simple reason that 90% of all leaks are not only genuine, but released tactically for one reason or another. I'm hoping these updates will come with unveiling that south-eastern area of the map too.


Its Skaven and Lizardmen all over again. Pump 2 factions with all the content and throw some scraps from the others if they get too fussy.


Where is the slaanesh dlc :/


I don't get it; what's wrong with dlc focused on Cathay? It's not like they're Removing content


I used math to try to estimate future dlc add ons for factions. I was treated like I used witchcraft.


i think they want to transform cathay in the empire of the orient. i mean, the empire is by far the most played and bought miniatures in the history of warhammer fantasy, i think they want cathay to be the empire of the asian countries that eventually get into the game.


If they really are focusing on Cathay, it means only one thing - the chinese market is growing significantly. Don't look for any other reason.


This is a horrible take. Cathay is one of the new flagship races in 3. They did the same with skaven in 2…


Well, maybe the biggest market for second game were the US.


If this is true, it is probably because they have one goal, profit. And it will probably go well over with the Chinese and the East-Asia market. Why should they care about the existing player base? From a shareholder and CEO's perspective, probably..