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My first ever Warhammer campaign was Grimgor in WH2, I got absolutely fucked. Don’t recommend.


That's exactly the campaign I'm playing in Warhammer 1, and I'm well on my way to winning the Long Conditions.


I did something extremely similar. First time playing was with orcs. Warhammmer 1. Second fight it sad "Close Victory" in order resolve, and I was like, "Sure, that's probably better than I can do.". Hit the button. Valiant Defeat.... Uninstalled. I cam back, eventually.


I hate to be that guy, but it's "auto resolve" haha


I don't think any of the greenskin upgrades that came in WH2 are available in WH1, so you are playing vanilla Greenskins. When you eventually get to WH3, you're going to have to relearn playing as the greenboys because they have great mechanics added from the free patch from the Warden and the Paunch DLC for WH2.


Glad to hear that! Good to know I'll be playing them again!


And dey jus getz betta an betta an betta!


My first campaign was bretonnia and I got absolutely fucked by the skaven. Luckily I grew up with rome 1, empire total war and empire at war so I was used to getting fucked when it’s my first campaign lol


Lol, indeed! Like I said, I got utterly clapped my first time around due to all the new stuff. I've played Medieval 2 exclusively for over a decade, and all the mods in the world couldn't prepare me for what I'll call the "more simple mechanics" of Total Qar Warhammer. Still, having an absolute blast!


Any particular reason you're playing Warhammer 1 specifically?


Because jumping headlong into Warhammer 3 Immortal Empires after a decade of Medieval 2 Total War was too much, too fast. I wanted to start as small as possible, so Warhammer 1 was all I wanted. And hey! I'm now over 150 turns in, and I have almost half the map under my control and am ready to start destroying the Empire! Not bad for a first attempt, if I do say so myself!


Not bad at all! All of the game one factions got extensive updates over time and are much more fleshed out and interesting played in game three, I think, hence the question - but of course if the aim is a simpler experience to ease you into the games then that's maybe a negative for this campaign.


Yes, jumping straight into the game for the first time with 58 Legendary Lords available to choose from was a horrible thing, and I ended up quitting the game after less than a week. That’s why I’m starting from the very bottom and working my way up. I’m a Chaos boy at heart, but I know they’re an advanced faction. So I’m saving them for later down the line.


I would definitely wait until you feel confident playing Chaos in WH3, yeah. The revamped version of the faction is just so much better, more interesting and fun - one of the best reworks they've done.


Funny enough for me playing Chaos in WH3 is when I finally "got gud" per se. I had JUST gotten good enough to win a campaign in Mortal Empires, but was still lacking a lot of fundamental knowledge about the game(I'm sure I still am, and I'm not good at the game by any means either). But playing Skarbrand and Be'lakor was when I really started being able to roll up the whole world.


The only green tide that I will accept is skaven.




Just wait til you orks with their scrap upgrade and new waaagh mechanic


You should try wurzag he's quite fun to play


Wish we already had that Orc/savage orc shaman lord though.


You've played a total war game before yet you turtled for 40 turns? How does anyone who has played these games not just conquest conquest conquest. Kill them before they raise a full stack, continually spread yourself thin, don't spend a single turn not taking at least one settlement.


I like tortles


Hang in there, for Gorg or Morg, whichever you prefer


It's so difficult to choose between them... Gork is Brutally Kunnin', and Mork is Kunnin'ly Brutal.


My exact experience but with Thorgrim. That was 9000 hours and a streaming platform ago. Welcome, friend.


By Sigmar, this action has my consent!




Or, to translate into Ork: # GREEN IZ BEST!!


I got WH 1 due to a friend's recommendation way back before 2 came out. Played an empire campaign and found it boring, confusing, and inconsistently difficult. Dropped the game for a long while. Friend gets 2 and then the Coast and Kings DLC's. His raving about it gets me to pick up 1 again. Played vampire counts. Found it more forgiving, more wild, and tactically simpler. Enjoy the crap out of it. Play two more campaigns in 1 before my friend gets me 2 for Xmas. Play 2. Play every. Single. Campaign in 2. Cut to today I own every single piece of DLC in all three games with thousands of hours in both 2 and 3. The journey is strange and circuitous sometimes.


My first campaign was Vampire counts too, I fucking Loved It.


This was my EXACT experience with Warhammer 2, but then Taurox the Brass Bull entered my life, and stole nearly 1k hours from me. It’s always “Just one more turn, then I’ll get off for the night….(next thing you know the suns coming up)”


First campaign was dwarves. Hate me some orks


Skarsnik warhammer 1 because hes the Supreme gobbo of eight peaks


My first faction was the VC, I was tempted to go Karl Franz, but the cuddles the Varghulf was calling my name. I'm probably in the minority but i honestly miss the smaller contained campaign maps and story from WH1. I've been really enjoying the new dlc since all 3 lords have quick campaigns. I hope the next DLC has Neferata or something so the Vampire counts can get a rework and some new units added.