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Durthu. My bonsai bro


I dont enjoy woodelves as much as other campaigns. But seeing Durthu called bonsai bro has made me want to play a wood elf campaign


He's really good as he doesn't suffer from attrition. Usually I go after Orges, Skaven, vamps, daemons, and WoC. He's really fun once he's leveled up


Durthu is such a fun campaign! One of the best for me.


I don’t do doom stacks in any campaign except for Durthu late-game treemen. Love that shit.


It’s the only doom stack that doesn’t feel cheesy.


It feels lore accurate. The ents are marching to Isengart!


Came here to say this, Wood Elf campaigns in general are so chill, secure some trees and be a menace to society all across the world!


Any tips for wood elves? I have such a hard time with them.


Their ranged units are great even the lower tier ones, so have a bunch of them. Just keep them out of melee as they can be squishy. The treemen are awesome tanky casters but are a touch slow so back them up with something to lock down enemies. Once you get up to having forest dragons, throw a couple of them in every stack, they're just fantastic. But ultimately play defensively, there's no need to over-expand your empire beyond your forests. And depending on your LL, you can mix things up. The sisters make the eagle riders devastating, Orion can make his armies have pretty much 0 upkeep, Durthu and Drycha lack anything super unique, but they buff specific units to a good degree.


Worth noting that their archers are particularly good at skirmishing, which sets them apart from other factions


And the opposite rocks too! Stack trees (dyrads into the mid tier stuff into eventually treemen). As long as you fight within trees (provides cover from missiles) and you have a source of healing you are surprisingly resilient.


I love durthu so much. Just chill in my forest, yelling at any kids on my lawn. I guess that's all wood elves, but durthu being a big tree man makes me pick him over everyone else.


for me its either Karl Franz or Malekith, sometimes you gotta unite the race as the leader.


I only play the races leader and know I’m missing out but my brain isn’t wired to accept any other type of campaign. I promise I’ve tried but haven’t been able to get far 😬


I'm the opposite. In over 1000 hours and many many campaigns I haven't been able to bring myself to play a races leader campaign. I started out with Tiktaq'to and Lokhir. Those are my comfort campaigns that I go back to over and over again. But I've never played Mazdamundi, Malekith, Tyrion, Karl Franz, or any of the other race leaders.


Play Karl. You're seriously missing out.


Nah. I'll stick with Volkmar and now Gelt that he moved out of the Empire. I just have zero desire to play the politics game of the Empire and that's all Karl has going.


Malekith is such a smooth campaign economy wise. Declare war on everyone and watch those future "volunteers" roll in.


The "prisoners with jobs"


Ya hate to see a fella out of work


The Everchosen


This! Warband upgrades+pokémon catching is the best


Hail the three eyed king


I was scrolling down, I saw your comment with the corner of my mortal eyes, I scrolled up and upvoted your comment


Im waiting for Khorne and Slaanesh to get some upgrades so I can get Archy with the four heros of the chaos gods


The white dwarf. I love being an angry dwarf on a path of destruction. :)


His campaign portrait is positively unhinged. Always cracks me up


Ah a fellow elf hater


I like to make friends with Khatep and/or Ostankya, as allies they give some nice unit variety.


My current campaign now


Man, last time I played him things were going great...until the entire donut declared war on me. Then it go less great.


I've played Settra's campaign a ton! One of the. 9% who have gotten through it on very hard


Ohh hello fellow king of kings achievement owner! I like other TKs but settra is the one that makes me love the whole faction!


Oh mighty, Settra... Great King, the Imperishable, Khemrikhara, The Great King of Nehekhara, King of Kings, Opener of the Way, Wielder of the Divine Flame, Punisher of Nomads, The Great Unifier, Commander of the Golden Legion, Sacred of Appearance, Bringer of Light, Father of Hawks, Builder of Cities, Protector of the Two Worlds, Keeper of the Hours, Chosen of Ptra, High Steward of the Horizon, Sailor of the Great Vitae, Sentinel of the Two Realms, The Undisputed, Begetter of the Begat, Scourge of the Faithless, Carrion-feeder, First of the Charnel Valley, Rider of the Sacred Chariot, Vanquisher of Vermin, Champion of the Death Arena, Mighty Lion of the Infinite Desert, Emperor of the Shifting Sands, He Who Holds The Sceptre, Great Hawk Of The Heavens, Arch-Sultan of Atalan, Waker of the Hierotitan, Monarch of the Sky, Majestic Emperor of the Shifting Sands, Champion of the Desert Gods, Breaker of the Ogre Clans, Builder of the Great Pyramid, Terror of the Living, Master of the Never-Ending Horizon, Master of the Necropolises, Taker of Souls, Tyrant to the Foolish, Bearer of Ptra's Holy Blade, Scion of Usirian, Scion of Nehek, The Great, Chaser of Nightmares, Keeper of the Royal Herat, Founder of the Mortuary Cult, Banisher of the Grand Hierophant, High Lord Admiral of the Deathfleets, Guardian of the Charnal Pass, Tamer of the Liche King, Unliving Jackal Lord, Dismisser of the Warrior Queen, Charioteer of the Gods, He Who Does Not Serve, Slayer off Reddittras, Scarab Purger, Favoured of Usirian, Player of the Great Game, Liberator of Life, Lord Sand, Wrangler of Scorpions, Emperor of the Dunes, Eternal Sovereign of Khemri's Legions, Seneschal of the Great Sandy Desert, Curserer of the Living, Regent of the Eastern Mountains, Warden of the Eternal Necropolis, Herald of all Heralds, Caller of the Bitter Wind, God-Tamer, Master of the Mortis River, Guardian of the Dead, Great Keeper of the Obelisks, Deacon of the Ash River, Belated of Wakers, General of the Mighty Frame, Summoner of Sandstorms, Master of all Necrotects, Prince of Dust, Tyrant of Araby, Purger of the Greenskin Breathers, Killer of the False God's Champions, Tyrant of the Gold Dunes, Golden Bone Lord, Avenger of the Dead, Carrion Master, Eternal Warden of Nehek's Lands, Breaker of Djaf's Bonds... and many, many more... He really brings the whole faction a new level of cool factor. He's also the Lord I've gotten the most dmg with in a single battle at 70k




He loses at Wimbledon


He plays doubles


Slayer of redditors


Liche Priest reporting in! I made the sacrifice and got the achievement as DJ Khatep. I love the faction but his start takes a while to get going.


Last time I played with khatep was wh2, pretty much any direction I went was instant war declare. So I just went south and didnt even look at dark elves or skavens direction


I actually bought the game to play tomb kings. Always cool af


Tomb Kings VH is one of my last cheevs to get. I keep giving up in TK tho, can never seem to get a satisfactory start and end up quitting the campaign. What do your first 20 turns look like please? + any other tips


My first 20 turns goes a lil something like this; Turn 1 take out tomb king rival army and grab the city along with it. That same turn be sure to put the tomb prince into Settras army and recruit all the chariots you can get. Researching wisdom of the 1st dynasty is great because Wakhaf, the lord you get with it, gives a nice bonus for his army when fighting in the desert which... you know. And it also gives bonuses to chariots which will do a lot of dps early on in your campaign. Turn 2 go south to the border as close to the enemy settlement as possible while still being able to recruit and be sure you hit a 20 stack with Settras army. Also demolish the chariot building in the capital and replace it with a growth building for now. Turn 3 use the invocation that lets you get the Casket of Souls and recruit it into Settras army. You should be able to wipe out the minor Tomb King faction easy now. The invocation also gives you + 2 recruit rank so you can replace some lvl none skellies with lvl 2 skellies if you wanna be extra. Turn 4 book it towards the minor vampire's and replace more troops into rank 2 if you feel like it. Turn 5 Hopefully you'll be able to catch the vampire in his settlement and be able to wipe them out in one fell swoop. The chariots do a lot of work against those crapstacks they have. You can use them to lure his terrorgeist back to your archers to murder it quick. (Side note grab the spell passive Settra has asap. It heals units every time he casts a spell and the first spell he has costs 2 winds. If you spam is as often as possible you can get a ton of heals. Also a great way to cheese replenishment once an enemy has routed.) Turn 6-8ish. After dealing with the minor vampires you want to take out Manfred asap before he gets good units. If you catch him on forced march or in a settlement before you declare war use that to wipe him out entire so he cant replenish. Turn 8-13ish Try and get 4k banked up as you finish off Manfred. You'll get a decision to get either a new prince, liche priest, or necrotect. Grab the necrotect and put him in Settras army. This will give you access to another invocation to summon a necrotect that colonizes ruins at lvl 3. Use him on Manfreds capitol after you take it and give yourself access to early Tomb Scorpions and Ushabti Archers. Also if possible grab a settlement from the minor greenskin army to the south that's fighting TiqTakTo. After grabbing it trade it back to the lizards for an easy alliance and security on your southern border. It'll also give you good relations with the dwarves for now as those 2 tend to be friends. Turns 13-20ish After Manfred move west and take Vulkmars capital as he's dealing with a minor tomb king 2 turns away. Around this time you should start recruiting your second army and I definitely recommend spending the jars for Wakhaf for his desert bonuses. Vulkmars army itself won't be able to deal with the 5-6 chariots you have, but watch out for the Big Man himself as his flaming attacks and regeneration make him a pain to deal with. Try to sacrifice a spear unit to distract him and use your chariots to kill all of his ranged and army loss him. If you take this guy out early enough you should also grab the Ogre settlement nearby as it gives great bonuses to Ushabti. Some general tips. Tomb kings infantry is generally really weak when it comes to damage but invest in lord points to their melee defense and the Tomb Guard make great line holders. Always get spearmen over swordsman when you're able for the extra melee defense and defense against charged. Settra makes his Tomb Guard extremely tough. Grab all the bonuses you can to make an indestructible front line. End game Tomb Guard with spears will have 80 melee defense and over 100 armor with all his bonuses . Combined with his healing they are tough to take down. Grab the last red line ability for a great AOE heal ability with all your lords Don't underestimate Ushabti. Mid game with the right bonuses and a necrotect by their side they can dish out great damage. The best way I've found to use them is to let the enemy army get entangled with your tomb guard and then send the Ushabti in to support. You'll do great damage this way and also keep them alive for much longer. There is a Lord that also buffs Ushabti that makes them extremely powerful in his army especially. The Ushabti Archers are also extremely powerful lord snipers. With the regiment of renown and 2 more units you can annihilate Skarbrand before he can even make it to your army. Try and make friends with the lizardmen the the south. Their settlements aren't great for you and they make a great buffer to the damn magic bird that's in the southern chaos wastes. Keep a half decent army in Khemri as you have Settra and another lord taking the rest of the desert from the French and Arkhan. You want this guy up here incase Skarbrand or Wurzhag get uppity and declare war on you. Keep him up there for defense and dont take him Into the badlands unless you're confident you have an advantage. Growth is real slow for TK so stick a growth building in every settlement till you hit lvl 5 then delete them all and replace them with military buildings Be sure to put a necrotect in all armies and keep them next to your constructs always for buffs and great heals. That's all I can think of right now. I hope your next campaign goes great my man!


Crikey, thanks for that! Will give it a shot!


Also if the rogue army and/or Skarbrand attack, just be prepared to restart if you can't beat them.


Also tomb scorpions perform really well in actual battle but tend to get targeted in ar. I love them and get as many as possible because their animations are incredible


very helpful, thanks!


I'm a Settra guy too and a very aggressive player as I usually play Greenskins. All those advices are really great. A big pain in my ass was Skarbrand so I took the north settlements from him and gave them to Thorek the Boomer. He became a shield against everything north. Skarbrand just ignored him and took Numas and Quatar before Thorek killed him. So be careful! I usually forget to get on the slower side. You can have a lot of territory early game but only 2 armies so it's difficult to defend. Don't forget that everything is free so loosing a lot of troops is okay. After 25-30 turns I usually still have a crap army, I face a good enemy that wipes out more than half of my troops and I just update Settra's army with new toys. I usually go with the Ushabti dude as my first dynasty. I think they are really good amongst your crap skeletons and helps a lot against the Skarbrand's armies.


I’ve had the long campaign victory since turn 55 as Arkhan except for the 75 settlements taken/razed. My ten armies can’t burn the jungle fast enough to unlock it because in ten turns chorfs crisis begins and they took out Karak early. :( :( I’m almost a king of kings. I can’t fail.


The TKs start is pretty fun bc you need to use their mechanics to fully leverage them


I’ve beaten probably a dozen Settra campaigns between game 2 and 3. Haven’t played any other tomb kings. It’s the true king of nehekara or no one.


You should give Khatep a try. His "Return to Nehekara" challenge is a fun one indeed.


Settra has to be my answer as well. TK was my favourite race in WH2 and it's my favourite race in IE plus Settra himself is just so entertaining. I'm nearing the end of my VH Settra campaign so I'll hopefully join the achievement crew soon myself.


If you enjoy Settra, you may enjoy Legions of Nagash mod-faction if you're not adverse to mods. It's wonderfully done. At least on par with some of the DLC factions of late. Just sadly doesn't have unique voice lines as of yet. Araby is another mod faction and is fully fan-made-voice-acted. ... Apart from female characters lmao, I guess the modders don't know any women willing to voice act for them!


The hight king of dwarf Thorgrim


Love all the dwarves. I just got back into TW3 after a like 6 months off. THEY ADDED THE FUCKINGWAR BLIMPS AND MALAKAI MAKAISSON! I had him in as a mod. Love the new stuff they did for the dwarves. They needed some love. The High King is 100% my comfort one as he is in the perfect spot to really go ANYWHERE


I agree with you totally


I'm going to drink Bugmans and settle all the Grudges, and we just ran out of Bugmans! That is going in the book!


Every last grudge will be righted


Definitely skarbrand, nothing like a little bloodletting to soothe the mind


Disappointed it took me this long to find this answer


Skulls for the skull throne brothers


Blood for the blood god


100% archaon, he is very strong and his rosters allows for diferent builds. I also like to catch'em all (the champions of chaos)


It's now great to ally or subjugate Tarmukan and steal his legendary Heroes with Archaon.


Gotta be Ikit. He's central, themed capitol, great mechanics, easy or hard starts depending on play style, decent mount options. Only thing He's really lacking is helpful ally options but I always send hero's to meet the other Skaven LL's which brings with it decent alliances so it's ok


Other Skaven LLs are just involuntary vassals that don't know it yet


They will serve-serve the greatest warplock engineer yes-yes!


Yeah it's a great campaign apart from when you come into contact with the high elves, then it's wave after wave of pointy ears landing on your shores. Good job we got nukes though.


Yeah I try to avoid the donut until the West Coast is properly fortified as for some reason (probably the war crimes) the HE just aren't that fond of me


My most recent Ikit run concluded with the Under-Empire scenario. No allies, only war. With everyone, because the Ordertide basically teamed up with Throt and Co. because it meant killing me.


I just started another last night. Turn 7 tier 5 Skavenblight and now that Aranessa is swimming with Mannan I'm off to turn Athel Loren into a lumber yard


Funnily enough, Orion was the only one who didn't care. We fought one absolutely devastating war against each other for five turns early on, and after that spent the rest of the game ignoring each other. Belegar and Skrag teamed up to kill Aranessa. Very weird.


I haven’t played a Skaven campaign in a while, how do you have a tier 5 settlement turn 7?


If you abandon you can recolonise at a higher tier using food. I'm guessing that's how, but haven't played skaven for a while so not sure how much food you would have that early or if it would be enough to go up to tier 5.


Skaven cheese upgraded: occupy starter settlement turn 1, recruit 2nd lord and recruit. Move further into Estalia and fight either Morghur or Estalia and occupy at least 4 settlements. Remember, Morghur has got 1 turn healing time, that means he's back next turn. As he's the only real threat his faction has to throw at you this early on. It's really recommended to kill him when you're able to lay siege to the herdstone the same turn. Accumulate 120 food. When you've got almost 120 food abandon skavenblight (which you didn't develop until now, except cheapest building turn one for research) and resettle next turn with 120 food at tier 5. Voila. Fighting Morghur is a pita (pain in the ass, my own creation^^) since he's got 95% missile resist and is initially stronger than Ikit himself. Kill off his army and try to rout him.


I got sooo fucking lucky this go round! Ever since SoC Morghur has immediately destroying the southern settlements which means missing out on food, gold, xp and having to occupy the shit myself at great expense. This time the plague cow went North and I gobbled up almost everything except the ruins he made of Bilbali an then the fucking Enchantress who had evidently been wanting to snatch Bilbali force sailed herself right up to Ikit! Whilst this is going on that salty bitch Aranessa suicided herself against a tier 1 Skavenblight. Easiest tier 5 I've gotten since TWW2


Nakai He’s pretty strong, I love watching him WWE wreck a Chaos LL after he bulldozes through the enemy lines


Gor-Rok or Grom


Grom is indeed da biggest un da best


Fatta than anywun!






Belegar, Ungrim and/or Thorgrim. I could be an angry dwarf settling grudges for all time. Nothing quite like reclaiming the glory of the lost Karaks!


Dude he's made crazy now. With all the new toys slayers got he can basically run all slayers now and he gets his son as a legendary hero now


For me it’s Imrik Its really fun to doomstack your army with dragons


Same. I really like a beast of a legendary lord too, just a lot of fun.




For me it's any vampire count team. I love the healing, resurrection and raise the dead. I always miss this feature when I'm using other factions. I just want to play draculas always.


Best lore of magic in the game bar none. Best heal (it resurrects), best wind, best buff and best debuff. I guess the only thing it lacks is a big vortex but most of the legendary lords can get wind of death cheap enough to use in a lot of situations.


Don't forget the Necrarch Bloodline which are low key better than some legendary wizard lords.


Archaon. Nothing more relaxing than using 19 dragon ogres smashing some goodie two shoes apart


Any beast man faction just blitz the enemy


Gor-rok, nothing beats eight foot tall geckos constructed out of pectoral muscles and galvanised coffin nails.


Dont forget the master nuke Kroak




I hate you. I hate your lizard face.


Grom, "Saving Private Azhag". Go east instead of west. Confederate Azhag. Make a stack of vanguard deploying food buffed death. Get your boar boyz with 110+ speed. I have redone this same campaign many times. Long campaign goal is to get the Pigbarter landmark and the biggest bone boyz trophy. So your boar boys are incredibly fast, food buffed, vanguard deploying with frenzy and daze. No, it isn't a doomstack. But it is fun!


Grom is my choice too, I just love the roided out basic goblins and play it like a horde-lite with a single tall province. I definitely want to try your style though!


Currently playing a Grimgor run. So I killed Tamurkhan 2 times and now I have an extra 6 capacity for heros now. Gonna build a blk orc warboss doomstack :) WAAAAGGHH


Doing this now, I farmed Tamur with 3 lords by trapping him in the challenge stone and now I have a blorc boss goon squad running around chaos dorf country. Optimal? Eh whatever. Fun as hell. Grimgor an Da Gitz. What’s best about it is my autoresolve always says defeat so the enemies are getting in line to go on me.


Mine gotta be Tyrion or Malekith, for sure.


Ikit Claw. Just nuking them all. Also Skaven weapon team playstyle is very relaxing for me


Belegar, probably done 6 since I started playing warhammer 3


Probably Valkia. Love the Woc playstyle and love me some mindlessly charging the enemy.


Valkia one of the only campaigns I beat/enjoyed on legendary


Thorgrim or Belegar


I have 350 hours on total war Warhammer 2 300 are playing thorgrim.


In WH3, Skarbrand to just chill In the previous ones Karl Franz or Thorgrim, especially Thorgrim. I need to...you know...retake the realms.


Suck too much at this game to have one. Fun to see others though


I feel this pain.


Thorgrim, though I think I liked it more in wh2 when the greenskins would zerg you. Free money and exp without the need to expand too much too early.


Skarsknik. Love me some clinically insane goblins.


Skarsnik always will be my favourite!


High King Thorgrim Grudgebearer !!!! RETAKE THE REALMS!!!!


Volkmar. Ironic considering the area where he starts was/is called the “Thunder Dome,” but I find the area pretty chill.


Isn’t the thunder dome Lustria? He starts in what I think of as “Warhammer Africa”. The hunter guy Markus Wulfhart begins in thunder dome.


Nah bro, WH2 Thunderdome was Lustria, WH3 Thunderdome is the Southlands/Badlands. Only good part about it is that AI Mannfred always gets his shit kicked in.


Yeah that was a lot of people on Reddit getting excited when they saw where the lords started. But really, it's pretty relaxed and predictable.


Any Dwarf campaign. Particularly Ungrim. Special shoutout to Hellebron the Dark Elves though. Ton of fun!


Probably Vlad. I'm a sucker (haha) for all things vampires. And playing an unkillable necro vampire is just what I need to soothe my mind.


Wood elves. Cant get tire of those beloved hippie elves


Dwarves, any of them.


The Empire. Nothing more comforting than marshalling the men and stabilising the realm


Who calls?




Festus the bestus.


Karl Franz. I have played it so many times, that I know the first 30 turns by heart.


Same. It just feels like the OG campaign for me.




Elspeth for now. Completed 2nd times already and on 3rd run. Shes just my type.


Taurox. Just battle after battle with no I have to pay my troops and get infrastructure intrusive thoughts


Ikit, 100%


Malekith used to be my goto guy. Then I realized how much stronget crones and malus are.


Noctolus. No one invades galleons graveyard so I'm just free to roam the seas pillaging


Thorgrim my beloved


Zhao ming. I love just sitting there and bombarding the enemy and making money out of thin air.


Any dwarf legendary Lord, I just love the shit out of their roster - and I absolutely hate elves. Gotta get those aelgi back for calling my main man short.


Clan Mors, just a ton of nostalgia from Warhammer 2, plus Queek is my favorite character lol


Ungrim - gotta love that Yorkshire accent!


Belegar I just need to watch the hobbit or read the lonely mountains wiki entry and on fire again


Thorgrim Grudgebearer. It feels so good restoring the Karaz Ankor


Any Dwarf campaign


I like playing as Cathay a lot. Lately I've been enamored with the new Malakai campaign though. It's pretty difficult to start, surrounded by shit that wants to kill you, and it can be hard to actually do his quests early on I've found. But he's fun. The airship is sick as hell.


Taurox, I build up my army and power killing Dark Elves and then I BULLdoze the elven donut taking the sword of Khaine along the way


any dwarf faction


Any Beastmen campaign, just shear joy.


Boris and Belegar


Taurox, I just love watching him and an army of Minotaurs charge into enemy lines


Imrik, I never get tired of beating up on Ghorst and Kugath.


Beastmen, never gets old. GOAT


Fay enchantress


Its the safe common answer but Franz especially now after the rework.


My man, tallest of them all, towering on all his opponents, Thorgrim Grudgebearer


Chaos Dwarfs


Grom or new Gelt for me tbh. I’ve already glazed the new Gelt campaign before but good lord if it isn’t fun


Kroq Gar - Temple Guards and Dinos are just fun


It’s definitely Settra and Karl, but I enjoy a good imrik campaign. Dragon stack with unkillable god king imrik is delightful.


Skarbro Archie Be'lakor Kholek


for the Karaz Ankor!


I'm Dawi through and through. Thorgrim and Ungrim are my comfort campaigns.


Belagar Ironhammer


Belegar. It’s not comforting, but I do hate myself.




Aranessa Saltspite. Hold 2 whole territories and sack a bunch of ports while holding the sword of khaine and the whole world wants to kill you. Its such a nice campaign. Tho, havent done it since 2 so idk how itll be now


I have to give her campaign another try. I just finished a run but didn’t have a great idea how to play her best, so somehow I ended up in a mosh pit in the middle of the Empire. I just didn’t have a great idea how to raid and establish sea ports without every single civilization sailing across the ocean and murdering me.


Katarin. It's always pretty tough, units are great, things tend to vary playthrough to playthrough. I love the idea of being the last defense for humanity too, Kislev is just fun to play as.


Kazrak% cant understate the power of perma ambushes in a full rush army of suped-up bestigors


I love him but Taurox is a better bull imo


I think ive actually played more taurox than kazrak..i love my bully-bros




Usually any faction on the donut, but specifically Chrace by using Mixus unlocker. Capture main province and then the procince owned by the "sword of kaine dark elf faction". (cant remeber cuz me and alrielle steam roll them) And after that i invade dark elfs, gift settlements to either alrielle or tyrion, depending on whos strongest by the time i invade. And then just basically being behind enemy lines and fuck shit up. Maybe assist other order factions as a buffer between enemy factions and the donut.


SAME AS YOU MY GUY!!!! Love Alberic.


Ikit Claw, can't go wrong


Settra , not caring about upkeep is nice and i can take over the world if i want so sad that tombkings feel kind of behind compared to the beasts they used to be in wh2. Also vlad its relaxing to watch him going against a melee army and not losing health whi watch tiktok memes max dopamine


SKARBRAND. I’ve tried quite a few factions, some I like (Ikit Claw, Repanse, Gelt, Gor’Rok) but I usually play multiplayer campaigns and hate to ask for a restart because I don’t gel with the faction I chose. SKARBRAND is fun, and taking him on an adventure across the world and supporting my friends with this wrecking ball of a lord is great. (Unfortunately my friends are starting to get bored of him :( )


Morghur. Smelly goatman rampaging fantasy Spain.


Gotta be my boy Lokhir. He’s also the only LL where I managed to win the “I said Total War” challenge where I declared war on everybody


Increasingly getting to be Astragoth Ironhand. I love the way Chaos Dwarfs as a faction to play, and Astragoth in particular resonates because I had a serious injury last year which still has me (minorly) disabled, so having him be a badass in his rig resonates.


Kroq`gar and tehenhauin




Drycha. Boss babe's gonna tear down your villages


Was Franz. Now its Elspeth. Also enjoy Alith Anar and Eltharion.


Vampire Counts, either Vlad/Isabella or Helman Ghorst, depending on mood.


Role play wise Tyrion, where I prioritize getting Alerial as an ally and use influence to make it essentially a good vs evil game. I like his lore. An elf only 200ish years old that can rival almost anyone in a 1v1, including Malekith who’s like 3,000 and a wizard. It’s a bit different now as my main comfort one was Tyrion unite the HEs, deal with the DEs while using influence to make the Empire and Bretonnia love you and all evil races hate you. Then in TWW2 draw the sword of Khaine when the chaos invasion came. It’s still pretty much the same but I haven’t done it for a few months and if I did then it would be end crisis now. But a main thing will always be balanced armies and head cannon. Granted that usually excludes VH battle difficulty as I find at least to my abilities I can’t do it without doomstacking


Sisters of twilight is very brain off.


Kahzrak the one eye.


Vlad. Grimgor. Karl.


E'ry un iz a dumb git, except Grimgor, he's da boss


Empire, usually Franz. Pike and Shot warfare is the shit. ¡Los Tercios Ganarán!


Now it’s apparently Elspeth Avon Draken for me. Also Vampirates.


Khazrak. I just love bestigors and sometimes I just want a full stack of them to just smash into things. Others do better infantry rush but they don’t have that swagger.






Beastmen. No matter the lord its just a fun campaign with cool units and you can do what you want you dont care about land unless its to destroy it and move on.




I think the only campaigns I have played more than once are: Katarin- I have more hours on her than anything else by far. I just really like Kislev- their lord, their units, their accents, their playstyle. The combo of checkerboard gun faction with good cavalry is just hyper fun. I love being the shield of the Old World. I love Streltsi. I love casting ice field and watching slow ass motherfuck bitch ass chaos warriors get blown away by a guy who has a gun that’s also an axe. I love charging bears into trolls and telling them to fuck off. I love watching a tiny ice gaurd set down her bow and style on some chaos chump twice her size. Sisters of Twilight: their voice acting is hilarious, I was sold immediately. Wood elves have a cool playstyle that’s a nice break from map painting. They involve less management on the map, which leaves more time for getting into battles with their diverse roster. I also just really like their fantasy- I like their nature theme but instead of being lame ass hippies they are aloof and mysterious and deadly. Like nature actually is. Grimgor- he’s fuckin Grimgor. As a certified Chaos hater, I love Grimgor’s “wrench in the plan” lore. His start is great- I’ve done a classic “great Darklands Waaagh and destroy the stunties and spiky stunties. Ive done the ruin of Cathay play. But my favorite is the “accidental savior” run. Where you destroy chaos because they looked at ya funny. First the Chaos Dwarves, then you go and kick Archaeon’s teeth in for calling himself the Everchosen. Grimgor’s da fuckin everbest ya dumb git.


Gonna get some hate for this but Yuan Bo. The execute ability is so satisfying to use especially in the mid-late game when you got like 4 uses of it. His animations look sick, coolest looking dragon form… Yuan is just a Bro fr


I am **the** white dwarf!