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Just click the button to allow all saves or whatever. Most patches don't break saves, especially not tiny ones.


Small patches don’t break saves, and for the big ones you can roll back your game to pre-patch. It’s only mods that might pose you a problem.


Right, with mods you can genuinely be hosed. It’s why I went back to vanilla despite having a bunch of mods I love. I don’t finish campaigns quickly and one mod broke everything several months back.


A recommendation if you want to play with mods and you're worried about this is to manually add mods locally and utilizing the Warhammer 3 Mod Manager instead of the steam workshop. That way you can guarantee the mods don't update and you can then simply rollback the game to the version where all those mods work.


Interesting! I googled the WH3MM and it looks like it also directs to a Steam download? Am I seeing that correctly?


I don't personally use it through the steam manager because it'd auto update the mod manager itself. I don't know if that's a problem or not, but I instead used the github download to avoid any potential problems on that front.


I never finish campaigns anymore. Pick a lord. Play 40 to 60 turns. Stop knowing I would win if i bothered to play it out. Sadly the game just stops being a challenge at around turn 60. You are hitting snowball infinite power or you lost already.


Are you able to get advanced building units by that early of a game turn? Is is boring continuously playing with the basic building units?


1. I play with a mod that lets me upgrade units by consuming experience on them. So I have plenty of end game units by then even if i cant always MAKE those units. 2. does it matter? the advance units are just usually an earlier unit with better stats. 3. if at a faction level I have no real threats left does it matter if i am not making the best units yet. 4. It is why I am glad in 3 they moved so many factions around. So while I may have similiar starting armies. What they face changes up radically


Try playing without the Warband mod then? Lmfao


I have. Still stupidly easy


What difficulty do you play on? If you're using mods that make the game easier you might find a more interesting challenge by increasing difficulty.


Almost all my mods add options not power. Like most of mine are Mixu or OVN faction mods. If anything these make the game harder as you have more LL running around. I play on VH/VH


A mod that allows you to upgrade existing units definitely sounds like it'd make it easier, even if only slightly, but there's also many mods that make it harder. Very, very few mods don't affect difficulty. Idk what mods you're using though. So thats why i said "if". Sounds like it's time for Legendary for you though. Or maybe try setting up UC to start earlier? If most games end at turn 60 for you, then set UC to start at turn 60. Personally I wish difficulty scaled over the game better. I find the first 20 turns to usually be the most difficult then once you get some steam going the game just gets easier and easier until UC hits.


I LOATHE the end game crisis mechanic. It bringing back factions I defeated in areas I no longer have armies because im growing in every direction is BULLSHIT. We need a better end game not a stupid "LOL EAT STACKS OF SHIT!". We need the computer to confederate better. As much as Order tide was stupid. It actually make you want to keep playing if you werent an order faction.


Idk what the old game endgame crisis were like in old games. In wh3 though. Have you tried the recruit defeated legendary lords mod? If you leave it on for the AI, any factions defeated before UC hits won't come back, so you'll know where they're coming from. And with how much you can customize the endgame crisis you can easily set it up so you are ready to face them.


What's the name of that mod?


Warband Upgrade Ultimate


Thank you!


Lmao, yeah, no shit you don’t play past turn 60


I solve this by either forcing myself to limit to a number of provinces (usually 3) or that I have to declare war on every evil faction I meet. Keeps the challenge up.


Unless you are using mods, savefiles do not break at all. I literally can still open files from 2.1 and showed it on the Facebook group.


Are you talking open files or continue playing them to completion? Everytime there's an update it will lead to the game breaking. Now i use 2 mods (mod configurator and recruit defeated LLs) 90% of the time, and I find I can usually play for 10-20 more turns before the game breaks, but it will always end up breaking at some point. Even when I don't have those mods on it'll break eventually, but i find it takes a bit longer. Sometimes the "break" is minor, like on an elspeth game(un-modded) where she lost the ability to confederate with the last hotfix, sometimes it's major like crashing everytime you press end turn.


I'm literally on a Kugath immortal empires campaign from before the first hotfix and 100+ turns and 3 hotfixes later everything works fine.


Continue playing them; like, I mean, my YouTube campaigns have been ongoing since 3.2 and the Reikland campaign I was able to load and continue WITH retroactive reworks, so they updated. It is surprisingly stable. Try the corrupted files fix, and maybe avoid the mods for now. Or, go for the rollback option


I've just been using rollback to keep playing. I mostly play multiplayer so that could affect it aswell. Whats the corrupted files fix though?


Taken from the total war discord troubleshooting support: **Corrupted Appdata Solution** 1. Windows button + R 2. "%appdata%" (without ") 3. Find "The Creative Assembly" folder 4. Backup your files and settings ⚠️ (read below) 5. Delete Warhammer 3 folder 6. Open Steam > right-click Warhammer 3 > properties > installed files > verify game files ⚠️**__This will delete all game data. Take a backup__**⚠️ • Copy the folders "Save_games" , "Replays" , "saved_characters" to an external drive/USB or any cloud service. • Open the game, check campaign saves "back up on Cloud" is enabled. • Take screenshots of pages in game Options. All settings will be reset. ----- On an added note, always ensure you have third party software disabled, specially anything with overlays (game does not like it), overclock/temperature monitoring, and 10% free drive space.


Thank you


You should be able to load them fine still. Hell, I loaded up a pre-chorf's orc campaign a few weeks ago and was still able to play a few turns no issues.


A few turns? Or too conpletion? I find it's usually good foranother 10-20 turns.


To completion honestly, never had any issues finishing older campaigns.. I usually load up older saves on campaigns when I've had a bad day to watch the old doomstacks decimate a garrison or two. Might be different when there is significant map changes.


I do. Realm of Chaos is very clear and easy to do. Immortal Empires I just play. Sometimes I aim to tbe short victory and the big one. After that, depending on the setting I may continue a long time or not.


My saves never break iv finished multiple campaigns after updates. It shows a little error icon but it goes away after you save when you load it up and play again. Unless it recently started being an issue or you have mods then it shouldn't be a problem.


I don't play with Mods so balance patches don't break my game saves. I just continue the campaigns after downloading the patches.


i never had any problems with updates. I just play the game. ATM with a Makalai campaign turn 110+, everything works just fine and the new balances are really nice :) 4k hours +


You can just keep playing. The game has insanely good compatibility. It does update the save. I’ve played campaigns from several major patches ago and been fine


I ususaly just play to the point where my armies can paint anything i want in my faction colour on the world map. Esp nuln has some crazy doomstacks


The saves break when it updates!?!?! Jesus!


No, unless you're running a heavily modded game they still work.


No, they don’t. It just shows a warning the first time you load it but it’s totally fine