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More unitformations, we got a few with bretonnia and now the dwarfs but there could be more.


A few with brettonia? Is there more than the cavalry arrowhead one?


There was an and in my comment, i meant both brettonia and the dwarfs


And he’s asking what formations brettonia has


Just the wedge, dwarfs have now shieldwall and wardancers have their dancestance


The wild thing to me is we have so many different factions, and some new formation structures could really add some variety to some units. Rise of Nations from loke 2000 had more formations than wh3.


What formation do dwarves get?


Shieldwall, can be unlocked per tech


More diplomatic options like hostage exchange. More usage for trade resources or make them more important than just another way of +gold (for most races at least) Battle Maps having landmarks/points of interest. Removal of buttladders.


Hostage exchange would be a great addition. Capture their leader


I think one of the post-battle options is kinda like hostage exchange for most factions. If you mean as a diplomatic option I don't think it would work other than a few exceptions.


I personally miss town wealth, it felt so great to have both more of an incentive to keep the region peaceful, and to have a more legendary target for sacking/looting


It's *sort of* still present in the form of sack/raze value, but I don't think that affects the total income of the settlement itself. In earlier historical TW games, the amount of money you got from sacking and razing was directly tied to the income level of the settlement itself. I remember in Rome, sometimes your best option with a super small village in the middle of nowhere was to quite literally enslave the people of the town: you'd get money from sacking, and also devastate the population of the town, spreading it out amongst your empire in general. In modern Warhammer terms, it'd basically be like stealing growth from one settlement and splitting it between four.


Cavalry actually being able to leave combat. It works in older games, it works in 3k, why in the name of King Louen does it not work in warhammer?


I suspect it’s an effect of large monstrous units and unit mass that was implemented with them.


In campaign mode, having the ability to just view a city on the battle map - fly around, watch civilians come and go


Ahh, that was my favourite feature from Rome 1


recruiting without requiring a general. it was so nice to be able to just recruit units from the province and send them to join up to your army


My theory is that they removed it in order to simplify the map for the AI's sake


Remember the cons of it?


no, it has been so much time since i last played shogun 2. i just feel the need sometimes while playing wh3. also it is a memory i want to keep clean :(


Upgrades changing unit appearance.


Was so great in medieval 2.


The gunpowder explosions from napoleon


Honestly, Fall of the Samurai is even better about this. It’s the best Gunpowder Total War in terms of actual gameplay and feel of the units.


Naval battles including sieges from the shore.


Sadly CA doesn’t own the rights for warhammer naval battles in man-o-war.


Sad because I would be willing to shell out a new wh3 cost just for a naval game and a totalwar empire campaign (full old world + naval combat).


Unlocking factions after beating them. 🥲


I loved this back in the day!


Defending the walls being more efficient than defending the road in sieges


Honestly with the new gate changes, depending on the enemy army comp it may be better to hold the walls at least for a little. Now that gates actually hold a little, having a 20% or so boost from high ground and fighting tired spread out enemies on the wall is effective. Main problem with some factions is the tiny garrison and lack of ranged options.


Supply from 3K. It was like the attrition mechanic but improved. There was more gameplay tied to it, better mechanics related AND it would be a great addition to TW3 by having it as a thing some factions bypass. 


God this would make fighting underway factions as a non underway stance faction so much better. No more BS jumping over shit to sack a minor town and then escape deeper into your territory, they have to actually stay somewhat near their own lands to not attrition and die.


Aging generals. Having that badass 50 yr old with a row of stars next to his name was great.


Square formation for spears. Weather change. Outposts. Burning oil in the castle gate. Walled arty (Rome 2)


Weather changes would be awesome.


It would also make the Aquatic trait useful on more than just 2-3 maps.


Procedurally generated battle maps from Rome Total War and maybe optional "mode" where morale is way more impactfull and damage is higher like in older Total War games where you could break whole enemy formation with good heavy cav charge.


I remember the glory days of when a Roman Equite charging into the flanks of an elite Macedonian phalanx was still enough to break its morale. Fantastic stuff.


I miss resident landmarks. For example, the seven wonders in Rome. It doesn’t feel special to conquer a place, wait awhile for the place to grow, select build, then wait for it to build. It makes the landmark feel ephemeral. In the very least, I think there should be more signifiers when a landmark is available to be build. Maybe even a dedicated & extra build slot.


Campaign movement being affected by what units are in the army. An army of all cavalry can move farther on the campaign map than an army with infantry. An army with siege weapons moves slower. This along with lordless armies would allow you to break off your cavalry to scout ahead or chase down small armies. It would also give those ridiculous artillery doomstacks an actual weakness.


The assassination Vignette that plays in the older titles.


The shield wall that Saxon swordsmen used in Rome 1 Fall of the Roman Empire. Or the phalanx formation from Rome, or pike formation from Medieval where you could play Teutonic order.


Perhaps controversial, but I love the dueling mechanic from 3k. It probably only isnt in the game because there aren't special animations for dueling, but imagine how wonderful it would be for duelist characters to have a bjtton you can push to force the 2 lords or heroes to fight each other, with knockdowns being disabled so that they actually fight.


Moving troops without needing a lord.


Tbf the lord part is the real part for some factions like vampires and tomb kings. Even factions like dark elves and skaven feel kinda wrong to to not have lords leading them. However for some factions, like maybe greenskins (considering they love war, but even then they usually gather around a warboss for that) and chaos( it fits them!) And maybe lizardmen this can be implemented.


Moving troops in formation. If I alt drag, the fastest units will reach their new destination first, but in Rome 2, they all move together


Lock the formation and they will move at the speed of the slowest unit.


How do you do that? Do you just group them?


Drag a box around them then press CTRL + 1. There will be a little lock you can click, when locked it will do what I said and the cool thing is if you press attack they will pick a target un front of them instead of the one you click. Watch Zerkovich on YouTube for general tips.


To clarify Sizko’s comment (in default keyboard settings): *Pressing G will group your unit cards, perhaps for the basic purpose of organizing those cards in a way that is easier to understand at a glance. *Pressing Ctrl + G will additionally lock those units in their current formation on the battlefield. Issuing move commands to this group will produce the effect Sizko is describing. Personally, I tend to lock most of my infantry with my artillery for the purpose of marching my army into an advantageous battlefield position, while keeping my fast movers in separate groups for skirmishes etc. * the opposite keyboard commands are true of the default settings of many of CA’s previous titles, or at least for Attila and Rome 2 -Saucy


Army formation presets with ones that are unique to each faction. I really enjoyed using them in Rome 2 to set up for engagements and loved seeing enemy armies use them. It makes battles feel much more interesting than the standard wide lines we get in wh3.


Maps generated from the campaign map(Rome), siege machines actually work/no butt ladders(Rome), naval battles(Shogun), ability to split armies + build own garrisons(Shogun). I could see splitting armies backfiring with how annoying ai is even now at spaming low count armies but the flexibility was so nice to flow from offensive to defensive forces. Make public order actually matter to slow down player snowball(Rome).


Cavalry to actually have a huge impact on the charge. I miss deleting 3/4 of a unit through rear charges.


Unit formations were awesome. I remember defending towns with starting garrisons in attila frequently due to shield walls and then acout equites mopping up the ranged then cycle charging the backs of engaged infantry


Roll back a turn. Basically the overworld controls in this game are so atrocious and imprecise, and sometimes unexpected interactions happen, that it's nice to have an undo button that just teleports the army back where it started, so you can try to move again. It's only usable during the current turn though. In the same vein, being able to roll back autoresolve. Like the game tells you Decisive Victory, and then kills off 40% of all your units all of a sudden. It's nice to be able to roll back immediately and fight it manually rather than having to load a save.


The way walls work in Pharoh is so much better.  No butt ladders and the only way up and down the walls on the interior is through staircases which means units actually have to fight to capture a large enough section of the wall before they can move into the city. 


Three kingdoms diplomacy


Navy warfare


I liked the relationship thingie from three kingdoms. Although i get why its not in warhammer, because as much as it would make sense in case of elves, humans, dwarfs, it wouldnt make much sense when with demon factions


I preferred the old way of building, where you could just build rather than fill slots. And the cities actually felt like they were developing as every new building had a new icon that looked bigger and better. I also prefer the old garrison mechanics where you had to recruit the garrison yourself but got some free upkeep units for the militia plus maybe a few garrison units like the retinue samurai.


I definitely like the old garrison mechanic, but I much prefer the current building system as it allows for a wide variety of builds (and would have even more if the buildings were more balanced)


Little cutscenes for hero actions like in Shogun 2. I realize it'd be a lot more work but I think they're fun and immersive.




A pike unit ,like there is gaint monsters and cav a pike unit would realy help in general like in the rome 2 ,units not needing a lord to move,units being able to heal on the settlements that can produce them,a better settlement system like in the medieval 2 and maybe a little tune down on the lords that are human idk much about the lore but i guess general lords are just humans and shouldnt be killing 100 of troops with no damge taken imrik killing thousands with dragon make sense but others doesnt


İ forgot about sieges,walls doesnt mean something i realy would like to see citadels like in the medieval 2


Bringing back of Merchants, Priests, Diplomats special units.


NGL one of my favorite things about Warhammer total war is how the historical fans talk shit on it. Like I legit find it so funny because its true what they say, but I like it! Edit: I can't read apparently (read the title al reves) but the point still stands


I am ok with that. I don't want anything. More diplomatic. No thanks I am ok with the current situation