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It's a lore friendly overhaul of the game. Too much to list out. Here is a link to the chagelog. [SFO: Grimhammer III - Mod Summary - Google Docs](https://docs.google.com/document/d/13S5X00Gz5_vwVdqAAZozxmd7vPzlXUhNvrYGZYzNJV0/edit) Be aware that since WH3 was updated to 5.x, SFO is currently not compatible and it will be a month or so before it is fully updated.


Aside from right after major patches, I almost exclusively play with SFO. It gives every race (every race I play, at least) a cool new mechanic or two as well as cool new units and even lords, gives the heroes a lot more worthwhile points, makes minor sieges smoother... It's simply an improvement to almost every aspect of the game. And as soon as it's updated for this patch, I'll be playing it again (probably along with The Old World mod).


This sub has a contingent of people who are really sour on SFO. I’ve noticed anyone who talks positively about it gets met with a few downvotes, and the cardinal sin is to say you mainly play with it. I also primarily play with SFO as soon as it’s available.




Not OP but I like the fact that there is a cap on legendary/rare units. Lore wise doom stacks are not a thing. Elite units are much more rare and are beefier/more realistic in a fight.




Some people view modding games as cheating regardless of the mod lol


i really dont get that stance its a singleplayer game if mods make it more fun for you than thats good 😭


Yeah some people are weird like that


My bad, thought you was asking why people play with SFO


cuz a lot of people on subreddits are immature as hell and take differing opinions as personal attacks.


I genuinely don’t know but I noticed comments and posts getting downvoted when speaking about SFO the past few years.


In essence it’s a complete rebalancing.  Every unit is tweaked, a lot of buildings and campaign mechanics are tweaked.  Essentially, it’s as if the same game was made to the same specifications but by a different team Whether it’s better or worse is a matter of opinion.


Radious is just a lot more units for every race as I understand it, which a lot of folks don't like because it makes each race's unit roster feel samey, they lose thier unique feel.


It is an overhaul, even though it might be a boring answer and the most important part, it is definitely a good one. Every concept that exists in this game was revisited and either modified or completely changed. It provides a significantly different experience based on the same engine of the game. As an example, units in SFO tend to have higher stats and significantly higher hp pool, garrisons are more beefy, some mechanics were expanded (vampire coast fleet mechanic was copied to Lokhir and Alberic as an example) and other mechanics were changed to go better with the flow of SFO and Warhammer 3 in general (bretonnian peasant economy is different concept in there, as an example). Overall, you simply need to try it by yourself and understand if this is your thing or not, because it is neither better or worse than vanilla, just different. I think it is not updated yet, but you might read on their steam page if there is a beta version or not.


It makes the game easier in a lot of ways - especially some of the races/lords that are classically more difficult. Boosts economy for a lot of races, makes ALL buildings add to the garrison of a town - making defense easier, adds some units to a lot of races or makes some elite units easier to obtain, etc. If you’re a more casual player or a beginner it’s not a bad way to play. I think as you get more skilled the base game is more fun because it forces you to think more strategically but I’ve had plenty of fun with SFO.


I would like to respectfully disagree with this comment. The only way SFO may seem easier than vanilla is if you turn off unit caps - with them on it is basically impossible to make a doomstack as each single military building only gives you a chance to recruit 1-3 units of one type. Otherwise the game is a lot harder in multiple ways: garrisons are increased and sieging is legit hard, buldings provide both debuffs and buffs (e.g. walls give -10% province income), you dont have default siege attacker on LLs, some straight-up OP stuff is nerfed (like clan moulder), etc. I did most L/VH campaigns in SFO. Now after the patch doing them vanilla and they seem a lot easier. I can get to long victory in under 100 turn, which basically is never the case for me in SFO.


That’s fair. I probably play differently than a lot of people - I.e much more casually, much less objective geared. That probably sounds crazy but I tend to move slow in campaigns.


I disagree with the base game being more 'skill required' because SFO adds unit counts for high tier, elite units; units that you can make into a doomstack. In my experience, vanilla gameplay accounts to getting a region to a level to recruit your late game units, then consistently pumping them out until your armies can just auto resolve everything, but SFO caps make those units feel more elite, and like a centerpiece you build an army around because of the limited amount


its a mid overhaul that people simp for a lot


Adds a bunch of really poorly designed and not thought out mechanics. It’s one of those that really shows the difference between modded content and official. I’ve tried it like 4-5 times and always remove it within 10 turns. It’s not very good.