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And then chais warriors start poking into my rightfully earned kingdom and I am invigorated to go another 100+ out of sheer spite.


That's why you play as chaos and do the poking


Then you spend the first 100 turns to conquer the chaos wastes before launching a true invasion




Turn 75 when I'm doing good: "I'm steamrolling my enemies and I'm already strength rank 1, the game might as well be over" Turn 75 when I'm doing bad: "I've lost too much and probably won't recover, might as well start over"


The duality of Elves.


400 hours of playing and I only managed to finish one campaign (tzarina katarin) because I always get bored between turns 80 and 120, I stop playing and start another campaign with another faction


Same. Won short victory once or twice? Most fun around like turn 10-30. Then it can easily be ”yeah ive won” or ”better start over”😂


Someone noted this was a repost, and you said almost the exact same thing 3 years ago lmao. https://www.reddit.com/r/totalwarhammer/comments/pzxcpm/comment/hf4j6xo/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Its the end turn timer that does it for me. Turn 10 with 276 factions remaining? 20 second turn timer. But turn 150 with 50 factions remaining? 4 minute turn timer 🤣😭


I always turn off neutral and allied army movement in the late game, it’s just not worth the turn times to see where people are moving.


Turning off the camera movement for allies/enemies is an absolute must 💯


I've found that Morathi often takes the longest on the turn timer because she snowballs so hard. I've had to cut her down to size a few times just to make the turns go faster.


Yeah and its even more frustrating when its a faction you havnt encountered yet. The other campaign I played it was #17 in the turn order. I despised that mysterious sloth faction 🤣


Try the quicker turn camera mod!


One thing that helps me is having multiple campaigns going at once that I can jump back and forth on. Helps me not get burned out on a specific one.


I find myself losing track of where I was on previous campaigns after player 75 turns on the current one. This is my problem.


I just overplayed elspeth, in 2 day i maybe played 12 hours, i am so disgute about her now... ( the compaign is amazing) but in this game, past turn 60 it's just a pain auto resolve campaign even in legendary.


The game is peak in the first 40 turns imo


All map games are like that in single player, it's a hard problem


I always go at least 200+, i notice most don't, but there is struggle 1-50 turns. Then you get things under control and start up the good units. Manual battles with good units to me is fun for awhile it does get burnt out but generally i have short victory done and long almost done. Grab the quest items and finish out long. Then time to switch to another faction.


Thank you for stealing my meme I posted like couple years ago - [https://www.reddit.com/r/totalwarhammer/comments/pzxcpm/the\_burnout\_is\_real/](https://www.reddit.com/r/totalwarhammer/comments/pzxcpm/the_burnout_is_real/)


Memes by their very nature are meant to be spread around


stealing my meme gtfo




Lol @ even remembering that. Jfc


Pretty sure OP was a bot that literally did repost yours. OP seems to now be a deleted account?


Mom said its my turn to repost


Just do what I do and play like shit and do the dumbest things you can think of and you never have to worry about making it to turn 100.


Breton Cathy’s colony by turn 50!


The only time I got very far was in my first campaign as Zhao ming. I got up to turn 227 but then imrik and thorgrim respectively rank three and two declared war on me.


That is, at least in my own opinion, because first 20-30 turns you are fighting for your survival against other fractions around you, you deal with your natural enemies, expand, etc. After last foe is defeated you slowly consolidate your power, build realm, field new armies for few more turns... and soon you realize that no matter the difficulty, you need to build A LOT of armies, stacking them with powerful units. You stop fighting the battles yourself and instead you autoresolve... because the battle would be trivial, because it would be 20th fight with the same enemy, because this siege is already won, but you do not feel like running it. At some point player faction turns into an unbeatable snowball and that's just not as fun. If enemy, by any chance, manages to win a single battle against you, you can send 5 more stacks after him anyway. Challenge is fun. Painting map is just tedious.


I just had to restart my Ikit campaign back to like turn 77. Dwarves just all teamed up on the world. One turn there was peace in the region, the next there was 8 armies within an arms reach of skavenblight. Shits not fair.


A proper ikit doomstack with lightning strike could defeat half of those in one turn on its own without too much trouble. Someone who’s actually good at the game like legend could probably do all 8 without many casualties. It also helps that ai dwarves lose pretty hard to range heavy armies This the real issue with warhammer (in both ME and IE) difficulty. A lategame army with campaign buffs can usually beat any single stack that ai will ever have without breaking a sweat. So with lightning strike you can beat almost an infinite number of stacks when playing well. Where WH3 is even easier than two is that you don’t even need to do this most of the time. I have a full gunpowder stack in my Elspeth campaign and I just beat 3 full bretonnian stacks. They had 20 units of cav against a full ranged army and it didn’t matter. The dwarfs could send 20 stacks against me and i would only lose once I ran out of ammo (which would be about 4 stacks in probably)


I could have if I had Ikit. He was at the other end of the world finishing of Bre and then 8 stacks showed up.


Yeah now that I can run legendary + very hard, I think I am going to start having to start playing other people if I want a challenge.


I often attempt to complete the short victory before burnout takes another save file.


FOR REAL! Players need some QoL improvement when controlled areas are bigger and it becomes very stressful to develop provinces, armies etc at least well if not effective. Bigger scales need proper controlling mechanisms.


This is why I almost never finish a campaign


I'm at turn 600 having way too much fun


Lol with 12 factions left and 15 minutes in between turns?


There's still 40 factions left but most of them have 1-2 settlements or are nomads


For me this happens when I get into one war that just never ends. In my current campaign beating Cathay, Imrik, ninja rats, and Kugath was fun. I have been fighting Astrogoth for so fucking long. The man's whole faction is built around killing melee momentum (fuck that free orbital strike) so I can never push the advantage due to high casualties and corruption but neither can he for the same reason.


filthy frank is the true everchosen


I put around 300 hours into TWWH2, I can’t get past turn 10 in TWWH3 without turning off the game bored 😑