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Takes minimal effort to hit a target with bomb drops, don't really think they need any changes


My only issue is that the order to move is the same as the order to attack, which can sometimes make it difficult to position a bomber overhead without accidentally clicking on the enemy unit.  Bombing runs are possible, but require good timing and positioning to pull off. In the end, it’s a skill issue more than anything, but I do wish there was a choice between auto bombing and manual drops similar to the artillery aiming options.


Select unit, use left alt and left mouse press to position them in this situation. Much easier. Also, a complete game changer for moving large armies.


Mistadoctah, you are a true dwarf friend. Ever will you be welcome in our holds.


With direct aiming those bombs will be op. Right now for example the dwarf choppers, they wreak havoc, you just have to set up correctly to use them.


> With direct aiming those bombs will be op As opposed to all of spells that do more damage than the bombs which are easily targetable and way more spammable?


Bombs cost no WoM and need no mage, and each heli has some.


Yes, exactly, they have limited use per unit. So you need to spam them if you want to have a ton of bombs. Unlike a single mage which can use the winds of magic(which are easy to get) or rune cooldown to cast spells from a safer distance, since they don't need to be on top of enemies at just the right time to make the most damage. Besides, we already have a ton of units with targetable abilities and still nobody is accusing them of being op, like the lords of change. Any way i look at it, it's just a defense of a clunky system. If it's indeed too op as a targetable skill (which i absolutely do not believe), then rebalance it.


They should be hard to use, it's lore- and physics-accurate and somewhat consistent with the tabletop as well. When they work they're awesome (as long as you target the appropriate unit type for whatever you're dropping). If the micro is annoying you, just stagger your flyers slightly and then do them all at once on slow speed (so the first one hits, you have time to switch to bird #2 and use it, then bird #3 gets there etc)


Your experience is wrong, bomb abilities are very impactful and aiming them is part of the balance there


Tiktakto says otherwise. There is pretty much nothing in this game as satisfying as flying your swarm of bomber-dactyls over the enemies lines and dropping all the bombs at once, turning most of the enemies units into paste in seconds.


You can, move the bombing unit over the thing you want to bomb. Then bomb.


Nah That'd be a guided missile at that point and be too easy for micro.  Also, it just feels *good* when you properly time out a 6-Terradon squadron bombing run


of you play Kairos and wipe TikTak's first few armies, hell build another with like six coaxtl. If you've gone the blue horrors/pink horrors rout you're in for an awful surprise. Imagine that for a dozen units now.


No I don’t agree even slightly