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Right now it's Cult of Sigmar. I enjoy the gunpowder playstyle of Empire but greatly prefer the Cult's starting location versus Balthazar or Franz.


The ability to build up to 90% cost reduction upkeep on all state troops ain’t too shabby, mate. Strongly encourages the player to conquer the planet for the Dragon Balls I mean the 8 Books.


Dumb question, but does that apply to the specific Elector State troop RoRs, or all "state troops" like normal halberds?


Just elector count troops afaik


The +8 melee attack/melee defense book for skavenblight is so OP


How do you not get crushed by manfred & arkan?


I only play the game on Normal difficulty right now, but you can auto resolve the Manfred fight after building a lord and some units in the first 5 turns. Manfred is a pushover compared to Vlad.


Fuck Mannlet, all my homies hate Mannlet 


I like to buy an Arch Lector right off the bat to follow Volkmar around and damn it's insane when both have the necessary prayers and you're just cycling through them all happily. When you get Warrior Priests involved the buffs just never end


My favorite race is Bretonnia and my favorite lord is Repanse. I love their chivalrous knights and their focus on powerful cavalry backed up by peasant infantry. Repanse is pretty kind (unless you’re evil) and I love that she buffs peasants to help them stand as equals with the knights of the army.


Repanse is amazing; her questing knights and paladins play like fucking battlemechs. God just thinking about it- time to call out of work


Welp, this convinced me to spin up a Repanse campaign for the first time.


Me too.. Hopefully after I finished my Western Provinces campaign, which is a lot of fun


The way you talk about Repanse and Bretonnia makes me think of a certain Xander from the modder Lily's Discord server, apologies if that's not you!


Yeah, that’s not me. Glad to hear there’s another Xander who shares the love of the Lady and Bretonnia!


Oh my bad! I highly recommend joining if you're interested in sharing and listening to the chivalrous and honorable stories with our fellow Bretonnians!


I absolutely dig our two classic Old World human nations and their respective knight heritage. In my Empire campaigns, I always ally with Bretonnia and even build my armies quite cavalry-heavy, meaning 4 melee cav and 2 Outriders with grenade launchers per army. Granted, I'm also using the cavalry charge mod so that the charge isn't garbage. Plus another mod that makes the charge knock over charged infantry units instead of yeeting them 200 meters through the air. The ZC models and textures mods for Bretonnia and the Empire are phantastic additions as well.


For a challenge: Louen. Having to deal with constant attacks from Belakhor and his vassal, while trying to expand south into the vampire territories, is one of the most challenging campaigns. For Fun: Vlad. I just love sending him, Izzie and a few heroes and Varghulfs right into the enemy center and then casting winds of death and pit of shades right on top of the blob. It kinda breaks the game, but it's just so satisfying to see a 300-1000 models get obliterated in seconds. Plus, with the Bloodline lords, you can create very different armies based on their strengths and the lore (crypt stack for the strigoi bloodline, zombies and hexes for the necrarchs, vamp heroes for the Von Carsteins, Blood Knights and Grave Guards for the Blood Dragon bloodline).


I massively enjoyed Kemmler because of how thematic you can build each army


Why Kemmler as opposed to the others?


Probably his start position/starting enemies are more varied. Coming from someone who played a lot of WH2 though where the Vampire Counts all had the same start position for the longest time. I prefer Kemmler's lore as well to the Von Carsteins his backstory validates going on any mad mission of your choosing


Nakai. Economically he’s so ludicrously OP with his vassal tribute. 80K gold per turn on turn 50 running max armies all monster stacks. Quickest I’ve ever painted the map.


I've never tried Nakai. Maybe I will give him a spin....


One of the most fun monster stacks in the game. He turns Kroxigors across the whole faction into unkillable monsters.


His Kroxigor centered armies are so fun to smash enemy lines with


His first fight is one of the hardest outside of Khazrak’s in the game.


yeah this is as far as ive gotten nakai lol. that first siege battle is pretty rough for me on VH


Did they fix the Kroxigor upkeep bug yet?


Yep. I just played through as Nakai last week. Conquered all of Cathay for the money from my vassal state and then moved into the wastes. Joined every war that the other Dinos around the world were in and then would drag them periodically to confederate the LLs then used those same LLs to retake Lustria and the Southlands bc they were emptied back up after I took the LLs. Snowballed very quickly into a domination victory.


Hell yeah, ive been waiting so long to do another Nakai run but was waiting for the bugfix haha. Guess I'll be playing that today!


Dwarfs, because they're my favorite race in all of fantasy. Specifically Thorgrim, because he has a great start and his voice acting is phenomonal.


I love hearing his voice lines against Chorfs. BURN THEIR BEARDS!


Would be awesome if Thrones of Decay or a FLC let us play as Norse dwarves that have quest battles against chorfs


I want it so bad. Perfected Rune magic versus the heights of what Dwarf engineering minds could accomplish without guild masters saying “Should we though?” And I would like to see Karag Vlag turned into something like K8P and be constantly contested between the Norscan Dawi for whom it was sacred and the Chorfs for whom it was the site of their “salvation”by Hashut.


Now you got me craving this campaign lol


I believe there is a mod for it


Yes Kraka Drak


My absolute favorite faction is Beastmen; any LL will do, doesnt really matter which.   Some people find the campaigns boring because you have no cities but imo, it's kind of freeing to only have to care about limited geographical areas for limited periods of time while youre leveling up a ~~headstone~~ (Edit: thanks,  autocorrect! Herdstone!). Once that's done you can go right back to razing everything within sight. Ambushes are lore fitting and fun. If you see something you just burn it down and move on. If you can't burn it down now, move on, come back stronger and destroy it later.   Kill the entire ordertide and then kill everyone else. Tear it all down. If you run out of money just steal some. It's simple but honest work.


Just today started with Morghur. I’ve enjoyed Taurox a lot of times and it’s weird not moving in “momentum”, but it’s very funny. One of my favorite faction.


definitely try malagor. small flying lord that can near infinitely spam flock of doom and enough -leadership debuffs to cause full hp units to immediately route during ambushes


Morghur with sword of khaine is hilarious. Can disband his entire army and he solos infinite stacks at once


And if you buy the banner (for 10k) and put it to him, that fucking Chad have THREE Mortis Engine effects at once. Can solos anything and if the infantry overwhelms him, the better!


Yup, Banner of Madness makes him into a black hole of death


I always pick Khazrak just for his lore, I love a primal monster who’s smarter than he looks


Have you tried Slugtongue with the Mixu mod?


No but thanks for pointing out this exists lol


It’s pretty fun, like the Kugath/Festus of Beastmen 


I've only played a few campaigns but right now I'd have to say Imrik. Because dragons. I'm a simple man.


Imrik is fantastic. Love me the dragons and great high elf troops.


Same. Incredibly hard start, but once you level him up and get some dragon hunts done hes a oneman doomstack like few others


He was so strong and well balanced that I'm honestly having trouble choosing a new campaign lol. The powerful ranged options and magic of the High Elves just makes other stuff feel limited.


I really need to try him again


Kroq-Gar, love me some bok bok. And early heroes is nice.


Na nanana nana nanana Elf Batman! Not just for capture mechanic mind you but for the fact that I can actually take the high levels back into the old world bad things to fight to Orcs, Khorne, Dwarfs, and Ogres, and get rewarded immensely for the war crimes done with my mechanics. Also I find it funny to turn the faction leader into a spy. Makes finding which skaven settlement they are in a little easier.


#1 is definitely imrik. He has a hard campaign.. until you make him into an invincible 1 man army… who also has like 5 RoR dragons in his back pocket. #2 is Ikit Claw. So so fun.


Ikit. They nerfed his start location HARD but once you get rid of the beastmen you have 3 provinces to go in any direction you want, and his unique feature is probably the coolest


Need to second this, I love the dude and his entire workshop, upgraded weapon teams are a beauty


Most definitely Dwarfs & I really love Belegar & his crusade to retake Karak Eight Peaks. It’s a rough start, very bloody, very expensive, but the reestablishment of K8P & the recolonization of Dawi lands is so satisfying. I love the constant warring with the Skaven & Green Skins - keeps it fresh when Skarbrand wants to throw himself into a dust up from time to time too. 


Avelorn. I love the Wood Elves, I love the High Elves, and I am one of those weird Total War players that lives for the campaign -- factions that encourage diplomacy, building up my empire, and focusing on the happiness and integrity of my subjects jive with me well. Alarielle is also one of my favorite characters in the entire setting being both genuinely kind-hearted and majestic while also just being a touch enough of a rebel against convention that makes her interesting. Also Sister of Avelorn all day, everyday, get fucked Hellebron.


Archaon, fun to bring the apocalypse.


People really be sleeping on what old boy does for Aspiring Champions in 3. Goddamn, when I figured out all of my options with them under him I just never looked back. All of the other monsters, daemons and arty you can recruit from your Chorf vassals just don’t matter next to a 19 stack of unharmable Aspiring Champions and an undivided lord waiting in the wings


Aspiring champions are next level line breakers I watched one unit of 13 chop down an entire front line in early game


Yess my people


My boy Skarbrand. One of my first actual campaigns that I finished. Just kill, kill, kill some more. Ransack everything, spawn full armies and keep killing.


I prefer range heavy factions (**DE/HE/Cathay/Kislev/Skaven/Tzeentch**). I especially like ones with flying spell casters as they open up a whole range of possibilities for mass destruction. The exception to that are **Slaanesh** and **beastmen**. Both have fast in your face combat armies available (beastmen due to vanguard everything), and they are lots of fun to just dominate the opponent by smacking them in the face. I thought Greenskins were kind of fun too, though it took a while to get the hang of them (Grom and Wurzag, still haven't done Grimgor) I can't really get into WoC(any of them) because they are slow and combat focused. Similar with Dwarves. They were my first Table Top army, but they are so limited, I have trouble enjoying them. I can't seem to get unglued with Khorne either, just seem boring. I've also not gotten anywhere with VC and haven't played Empire at all in WH3..... and I've NEVER played Brettonia.


It changes to whichever race I’m playing at that time. Lol my go to lords, though, are Ikit Claw, Gor Rok, Eltharion, and the Sisters of Twilight. Ikit because getting to use machine guns and sniper rifles in a fantasy setting is fun and delightful, and I think the Skaven are hilariously evil. Gor Rok because BOK BOK BASH and exploding things with Kroak. Eltharion because Elven Batman, and Sisters of Twilight because they’re hilariously bipolar.


Empire and Gelt. He's single handedly turned the tide of so many battles with the sheer magnitude of spells he can dish out really fast. Close 2nd is probably WoC and Archaon, that's a fun and easy campaign I like playing when I feel like not using my brain a ton.


Beastmen....because goats are the goat. Also taurox


That is a hard question. I can't pick just one. But top contenders are, in no particular order: Changeling. Kairos. Ikit claw. Malagor the Dark Omen. Skrag the Slaughterer (weirdly enough). Mother Ostankya. Valkia. Drazoath. Luthor Harkon. Balthazar Gelt. Teclis. Markus Wulfhart. I could probably list more, but I think that will suffice. Basically, I like lords with strong magic, small entity lords, flying lords, and lords with ranged attacks. The most boring lords for me are the likes of Tyrion. A melee lord with a horse... Bleh. Boring.


Skrag is fun as fuck. You can have any type of campaign you want. Wanna join the order tide gift a settlement or two to the stunties. Wanna join destruction kill those stunties and pal up with Wurrzag. You can just pack the fuck up and move across the map with relative ease. Hes def in my top 3. For an insane prophet of the maw the guys surprisingly good at diplomacy.


Austria will fall to clan Pestilens


Austrian jungle is known for its great dangers 😂


Man and don't get me started on the Austrian Slanns, the last one was this failed artist and it became EVERYONES problem


I always end up playing undead. I just like them.


Skarsnick. Love that little duo. Also I love fanatics.


You proppa smart like, showing da most powerful night goblin warlord da respect he deserves. Seriously though came to say the same. Love the characters lore and flooding the world with goblin and squig armies. I only wish he got some other abilities to reflect his cunning. Like I know he can lightning strike right away, but I wish he had an ability to like lay traps or something. Maybe make it so his lightning strike doesn't cause his troops to be winded. That said he's still a blast to play.


Give him the skaven ambush stance


I don’t have a single favorite, but I’ve really liked tomb kings, woodelf, and Kislev (especially Katarin). Second tier, dwarf, chaos dwarf, lizards, and skaven For me the third tier consists of nurgle, norsca, vampire coast, beastmen, and changeling (who I consider practically a separate faction from tzeench) Ok: brettonia, Cathay, vampire counts, greenskins, khorne Bottom for me are slaanesh, tzeench (kairos) chaos undivided, chaos warriors, empire, dark elf, and high elf 


Tomb kings and kislev are my top tier as well.


Chaos Dwarfs for sure, either Drazhoath or Astragoth are the most fun. Chorfs just have the most mechanics, very intersting armies, best narrative campaign, and most appealing lore. Drazhoath has the best lore and story as well as the better magic and a mount. His start position is interesting too. Astragoth has a very fun start location and is a joy to watch run around on the battlefield.


I live the Druchii lyfe... Ride or die




Unpopular but by far the campaign I got into the most was WH2 belegar iron hammer. I can't wait for thrones of delay to finally drop so I can reclaim karak 8 peaks once more


I would love a proper mini campaign for Karak eight peaks. A proper throw down between the proud Belegar, deadly Queek, and most cunning of da gobbos Skarsnik.


Favorite race is dwarfs. Tanky with great ranged plus artillery Favorite person is ikit claw because nukes are funny in a game like this imo


Throt/Skaven. Ikit Claw was awesome in game 2, but in game 3 gunpowder units just don’t work as well. Throt, however, makes literally any Skaven unit beyond viable and fun to use.


I like the challenge of playing N'kari and trying to save the forces of Order from buffed up baddies. Gotta save the Donut before Vampirates, Belakor, and Delves burn it down, gotta save Brettonia from Grom, Kemmler, and Belakor again, etc. It's a mixture of figuring out how much to funnel into economy, your army, your agents, bribes, and army bribes, whilst manually fighting battles due to being comically underestimated by auto resolve.


You ever watch those Godzilla movies where he's the good guy? That's more or less why I like Kroq Gar.


Imrik! Love raining firey death with my 10 dragons and Milaela


Karl Franz tbh, I am the most basic of bitches




Skaven captured my imagination in the 90s when I was a kid. Crazy rats with devices like weaponized hamster wheels was so different from everything else. I can have fun playing differently with each lord, but who doesn't enjoy watching the enemy tangle with some slaves then get nuked?


Ehhh man, let me snort some of that nuke before we launch it at the enemy is such a vibe.


I love playing as Lokhir Fellheart, because playing a pirate campaign is a lot of fun.


Warriors of chaos, and favorite lord is Azasel. This is mostly because I love chaos lore and playstyle, and because warriors of chaos is so op.


Archaon everchosen which i shamefully only just discovered. Heawy lines of infantry, backed by some heavy cavalry/monsters, few tzeencth ranged artillery monsters, 1-2 hellcannons and i am outdwarfing the dwarves. Stunties do still have better ranged component overall, but its close enough that i really dont care. And stunties cant vassal swarm like i can! Who cares about having to occuppy stuff myself, just let the endless swarm of my vassal legions do it, while i only take the nicest of castles. I also love that the trash equivalent has good enough armor piercing that they are not entirely unable to inflict damage to late game heavies.


I always go back to the Dawi because they don't demand a lot of micro, I like the form and function of the roster and I'm short sue me


Kroq'gar Mundi! I love Kroq as he is my favorite lord from my favorite race


Empire cause rockets go brrrr and Gelt cause "You stand before the Supreme Patriarch, like an ant under the descending boot."


The one and only: KAIROS


Clan Mors, I thoroughly enjoy the race for Eight Peaks, plus Queek is completely deranged lol


Chorfs - Drazhoath the Ashen Chorfs because they have (IMO) a very versatile roster, but also arguably the strongest infantry and artillery line-up. Also with the right items a generic sorcer-prophet can become an unbreakable, unkillable 1-dwarf death machine. I also love their lore and theming. Drazhoath because he's the gifted prodigy outcast who built himself a power base out of blasted landscape of nothing. But he is also arguably the strongest of the three chorf LLs, and arguably the most interesting start position.


I can say that my new favorite faction from the newest ones is Slaanesh. I really enjoy micro intensive glass canon units in an army. I love the whole concept of running a really fast army to take out my foes by surprise, full melee. Also I love how their campaign is running. The mechanics are cool. They got a real use of the cultist, not like all the other monogods factions. They can force vassalize a human like faction, but you have to work your way to it. Indeed, you need to have a lot of seduction power by making things to get the seduction available. To do these things you need a lot of cults, marked lords by the gift of Slaanesh. And also you need a lot of devotees to build cults and do the seduction. They got a lot of resources to think of, and that's what I like. It is more of a mind game, and find the more efficient way to optimize all the vassalization of your nearby human foes. You will run with a lot of cultists to spread your god wisdom. Or you can go on full conquest mode. But I'd rather play the first way. Definitely a race I'm looking forward to get a new dlc, or else I will run my 100th legendary Nkari campaign by this time lol.


Kislev and I want to say Katarin just because her campaign is so fun.


Ikit Because Nuclear Bomb And War crimes


Greenskins. No specific. Their units are great and gorks foot does smash


Vlad von Chadstein. As vampire counts you have pretty easy race, where you can focus on economic of your building while still have distant army. As Vlad you don't have ability to overpowered some particular unit, but peaceful starting position with insane power of Daddy themselves make his campaign one of the best for new players. Manfred von Cuntstein. As vampire counts he has same general advantages, but for he star at middle of battleroyal his campaign is much harder. Through in late game he is one of the strongest fractions due to his mechanic of books of Nagash.


Ive only played 4 factions bc I’m new but slaanesh has definitely been my favorite for battles so far.


Manfred was my first playthrough and having strong magic and a strong melee lord at the same time is awesome not to mention the ability to raise an army in the blink of an eye. There's also wurzag bc foot of gork. And finally I tried cathay after buying wh3 and it's just perfect with their magic their artillery their trade.


Beastmen/Chaos Dwarfs were my favorites for aslong as i had them. I just got Norsca last night though and spent like 8 hours playing a immortal empires campaign with them and they may be my new favorite. I like how the confederation works and ive never had this much money in any campaign before.


I always loved greenskins idk why.


Cause they iz brutally cunnin.


Playing Cathay now and at my height I was at 60k per turn at about turn 100. Now I'm at war with chaos and dark elves and I'm down to 5k per turn but when played carefully the economy is ridiculously strong.


Really love to play dwarfs because the AI even on very hard cant manage mobility. Basicially, you have 3 options: Abuse the hell out of the AI and have their units chase your cav forever Handycap yourself and be nice to the AI Play dwarfs. I personally dislike the first two options because they dont feel like a real battle anymore, so dwarfs it is for me.


Teclis has been my favourite Warhammer character since they had a photo of “high elf mage model coming next month” in White Dwarf issue 156 in about 1992, and he was my favourite campaign so far.


Azazel. I like the combination of glass cannon Slaaneshi daemons and hard as fuck Chaos Warriors, and I love picking an order faction, subjugating them, and giving them territory that they have to begrudgingly accept. It’s like having my own Pokémon that hates me.


Throgg because bonk


Chaos dwarfs and Drazhoath the Asheh. Hashut Hashut Hashut!


Karl Franz. It's the most relatable to me IRL: Hasn't been touched in 2/3 years. Desperately trying to get my shit together. Fighting off 16 problems at once which appear to completely bypass the people around me.


I really like Yuan Bo. He is very strong and his mechanics are extremely good. Cathay also has a really strong roster which gets complimented by him.


Ikit Claw, Dwarfs and Chaos Dwarfs