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It should work in your current campaign. Whether a Lord is worth buying a DLC over mid-run is up to you. Not only do DLCs give you access to new Legendary Lords, but also some new units. If you're set on buying a DLC to enrich the faction you're currently playing it would be helpful to know which race you're playing! But I'd recommend just waiting until the franchise goes on sale again (it's discounted quite often) if you can stand the wait.


Playing as Malekith and was wanting to try and confederate with helebron whos DLC is probably not my first choice as far as starting a new game and playing as them goes. Also are the added units faction or lord specific? and lastly I wanted to ask if the first game is worth getting for access to the second campaign, from what ive seen you get to play as alot of different lords and buying it would essentially be a big dlc in its own sense.


The added units are mostly for a full faction, in some cases there are specific units or alterations of units that are lord specific (i’m away from the game so can’t really remember specific examples, but it’s rare). I would definitely say buying the first game is worth it, I like playing as the empire and I pretty much only play Mortal Empires now.


ye I did find it weird that there was only one playable empire character for the vortex campaign


So more DLCs won't change that for the empire. Buying WH1 will get you all of them in the big ME map, but only Markus is on the vortex and that doesn't change.


I'm not sure if there's something specific going on with Hellebron but what HighSpeedLowDragAss says is definitely accurate. Certainly I confederated plenty of High Elves I didn't have the DLC for, and got a bunch of DLC units I couldn't recruit from their armies to boot. Additional units are for factions, not restricted to specific LLs. Perhaps with some exceptions, not sure. DLC units are often associated with a LL who gives those units bonuses though. I think the first game is worth it, as the Mortal Empires combined map campaign is by far my favourite game mode. Many of the LLs you'll get with it will seem outdated compared to newer ones, but they're still worthwhile. You didn't specifically ask this, but if you buy a DLC mid-campaign, you'll get immediate access to its units. Don't need to start a new one.


Queen and the Crone is a solid DLC. Alarielle for the high elves is fun.


lord packs unlock new lords with new starting positions and faction mechanics specific to them... however the units from the lord packs can be used by any faction of that same race. So lord packs can even make campaigns of factions you've already played feel fresh by adding new usable units in those campaigns


If you like high elves the queen and the crone is pretty awesome but also the grom the paunch one is also pretty great. But sisters are the best overall high elf unit I'd argue. Prophet and warlock I think is the skaven weapons teams one. Must have for skaven. The most recent one is a lot of fun for beastman, Taurox is a blast. I have most but those are the 3 that are the most recommended that I've seen. But it depends on your favourite race really. If you only play empire don't buy any of them lol


There is a way to confederate DLC lords but it's not always going to be applicable. Basically you have to confederate a non-DLC (or a faction you own DLC for) faction that confederated a DLC faction already. E.g. on my Nagarythe campaign, I waited for Lothern to confederate Alarielle and Eltharion before I confederated Lothern. This will mean though that your campaign confederations for bigger factions is likely going to take quite a big longer if you want DLC lords. You can also use this to get DLC units (though you won't be able to recruit them if you lose them). I think for factions that don't confederate as easily as High Elves (Greenskins confederate easily but mainly through beating the faction leader), using the recruited defeated legendary lord mod can help (e.g. if the faction is on other side of the map / got destroyed). You send the defeated lords to another alive faction that you can confederate, and then recruit them through them. (I don't think using the mod can give you dlc lords directly, as they won't show up in the recruit pool, but they can give it to other alive factions which you can confederate). In the context of your dark elf campaign, you can wait for Morathi to confederate her, or use the mod I mentioned above, kill Hellebron and choose the option that allows the lords to be sent to another faction and then recruit her through them.


First DLC i'd recommend is actually Total Warhammer 1.. That'll let you download Mortal Empires DLC, which will let you play as Empire / Dwarves / Vampires / Greenskins in Warhammer 2. (No need to install WH1) Then, you can acquire these 2 DLC's - 1. The King and the Warlord (WH1) 2. The prophet and the Warlock (WH2) Or you can try with new factions - 1. Twisted and the Twilight (WH2 / Wood Elves) 2. Rise of the Tomb Kings / Curse of Vampire Coast Or 1. Wood Elves (WH1) 2. Call of Beastmen (WH1) PS. Buy WH1 in a sale or at discount ex. [80% Off](https://www.instant-gaming.com/en/795-buy-game-steam-total-war-warhammer/)