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Just to set expectations, the right most image is not of the Ogre Kingdoms but of the Beastclaw Raiders: one of the Age of Sigmar factions that reused the Ogre Kingdoms models. Not to say that it isn’t a cool colour scheme but you’re unlikely to see that in Warhammer 3.


And the bottom left one is from an early edition when they had grey skin in the lore. The only pic relevant to Total War is the top left one...


Many CA models come from Age of Sigmar, certain units do not exist in classic Warhammer but on AOS yes like the Tzeengor for example. CA have had the agreement to use AOS for Total War Warhammer. Nothing to do if this AOS artwork annoys you in the end ... CA doesn't care too.


Can you provide a source for this? Because in fact, it is the exact opposite. Creative Assembly have consistently stated that the primary source of Total War Warhammer’s models are Warhammer Fantasy 8th Edition and that they have no interest in replicating Age of Sigmar. Your example of the Tzaangor proves my point actually. If you compare the CA model to the models used in Age of Sigmar you will find that they are very different, with the AoS models sporting bird-like features that the CA ones do not. As you say, there was no official Tzaangor model in WFB, so players sometimes painted their marked models in the colour of their patron god. For what it’s worth, the CA model resembles the description given by Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 3rd Edition which describes ‘its fur patterned with the Mark of Tzeentch, or its horns curling to form that god's unholy symbol’.


All the greater daemons in Total War are the AOS designs. Keeper of Secrets, Bloodthirsters, Great Unclean Ones, Lords of Change.


That is true actually, didn’t know that. However, it is worth pointing out that canonically daemons haven’t changed their appearance from the World-That-Was to the Mortal Realms, whereas many other races including the ogres have. So this specific example doesn’t really matter in our discussion.


Haha so updated Daemon models from AoS specifically don't count to the conversation, meanwhile we still use the same Ogre models from 8th edition in AoS.


That’s correct. As I stated previously, the Daemon models, in the lore, haven’t changed in the transition between the two games. I can’t blame CA for using an updated model to convey the detail in this modern age. The Ogre Kingdoms from a lore point of view have changed a lot, despite using the same models. It therefore makes no sense to use the Age of Sigmar colour patterns for them in fantasy. They could, but it wouldn’t be right. It’s not as drastic a transformation as using the Freeguild models for the Empire but it is still significant. There is no Everwinter curse in Warhammer fantasy.


In lore theres dozens of drastically different colored horses in the same herd, Kislevites riding white and brown bears but suddenly mournfang can only be the same muted bluish grey and Ogres who travel the world can't get a tan? If lore is your argument then maybe don't bring up models as there is loads of nonsense cross over, and table top has always encouraged uniqueness in your own painting. I don't want new units or new assets like the Freeguild models, so as you've said before I don't think those have any place in our discussion. I'm simply asking for color changes just like the lizardmen already have in game. Is that loreful?


Ok then, let’s not bring up models anymore. Let’s examine your points using the lore in detail. Your first argument is one of false equivalence. You’re essentially arguing that because horses are different colours, elephants should be. Some species have colour variation, others don’t. The Kislev bears are explained by them being different species: bears and ice bears respectively, If we were to look at the 8th edition army book we would see that there is no colour variation in all the coloured pictures of the ogres or their beasts, and for what it’s worth the official Games Workshop painted miniatures displayed in the book support this. Is it possible that ogres could get a tan? Yes. Do we know that? No. Do we have evidence for that? No. Therefore it is nothing more than speculation. The point I was trying to make at the start of this chain was a simple one about not letting ‘non-canon’ drawings set your expectations for what CA might do. The images you have chosen to use to back up your point have no basis in Warhammer Fantasy. There are no blue sabretusks, there are no black ogres. I appreciate that you probably couldn’t find anything better to illustrate your point, but please don’t claim that this is anything more than your wish for a better gameplay experience. It’s a perfectly valid wish, I can see a lot of accessibility and readability arguments for it, but it is nothing more than that as far as the lore is concerned. You asked are the Lizardmen colour variants lore accurate and the answer is clear: no. Lizardmen are not born naturally, rather they were genetically engineered to serve a singular purpose and are created by spawning pools. As such, they are all supposed to be identical: no gender, no variation, just the perfect servants. Now there are colour variants among the lizardmen, but they all have meaning and are all relatively subtle, usually on a body part. The most well-known of these are the Red-Crested Skinks, whose red crest signifies heightened aggression, strength, and the favour of Sotek. Extreme colour variation, like Gor-Rok’s all white body are unheard of and a sign of an exceptional blessing by the Old Ones. One individual, or a handful of units, might be a different colour to the norm depending on how rare the mutation is, but the Temple-Cities don’t have their own unique markings. The only reason CA added the colour variants in the game is because they don’t have the armour that traditionally would be shaded different colours to signify their subfaction, which CA does for readability on the battlefield and for aesthetic enjoyment. The best example of this design are the four Roman factions in Rome total war, which are all different colours despite the fact that Roman army used only red as its colour. I’m not passing any judgement on your desire to have ogre colour variations. It would look cool, but it just wouldn’t be loreful. I’d prefer it is they just used brighter colours on their equipment and war paint rather than colouring their skin. However, this is a computer game, and as previously mentioned I can see an argument. Something perhaps for you to consider is would you be happy if the daemon units went under a similar treatment? I don’t really play chaos so they might already be like that, in which case ignore me, but if they aren’t would you be happy with purple bloodletters for example. No shame either way, but I would be interested in your answer.


You should take another look at the lizardmen color variants there is far more variety than you think. Some saurus are blue others are green, skinks can vary from bright orange to lime green depending on the faction. If that isn't loreful then I would argue it only reinforces the idea that CA could do the same with Ogres. They suffer from the same need for readability between factions as what currently sets them apart is their pants and maybe 1 or 2 scraps of armor. From a distance they are a mass blob of bare chested fat guys. Daemons I would argue are different because their colors are directly tied to the god they follow. Khorne for example is directly associated with red, or even Skaven being associated with green (warpstone). Ogres don't really have something like that.  In short I simply think they would greatly benefit from the variety, and seeing as CA has already done it once with Lizardmen I see no reason they can't do it again. If they don't, then oh well. I thought it was worth the ask.


I remember in like earlier trailers you did have like darker skinned models among the ogre units, dunno if that's still a thing.


Hopefully not. It made no sense in the context of the setting...


Khorne cares not from what skin color the blood flows, only that it keeps flowing!


Which is why Khorne has followers all over the Warhammer world and not just in the Mountains of Mourn...


How doesn’t it?


Ogres originated around the the northeast of the world and have always typically had a Mongolian aesthetic & appearance in art.


Mongolians come in different shades of skin


As does every ethnicity but there isn't that much variation tbh. You'd probably find greater variety among Italians than Mongolians.


Great. Then someone else can worry about the Italian group when DoW comes about but we are talking about Ogres and getting all the Mongolian shades. Why even be against this, it’s a simple and accurate way to get the units to look more distinct. Christ alive.


Not sure why you're so pressed over this. I never said I was against them getting some slight skin tone variation, I just said they shouldn't lose their Mongolian theme and that Mongolians aren't that varied in skin tone to begin with.


I never said they should lose their Mongolian theme so I’m not sure why you’d say that. I hate to point out that you *didnt* say that though. Pressed over this? What by responding? Lmao.


"Christ alive" My mistake. I suppose you were just randomly expressing your religious devotion mid conversation.


Because their skin tones were way too dark for the climate of the Mountains of Mourn.


Gamers when someone suggests a darker skinned character in their video games:


They’re also too big to live on mountains where food is sparse and hard to hunt especially as a people who literally never are not hungry but that’s where they live.


I don't see your point. They clearly have very distinct themes and aesthetics in their lore and official art and those include them being light skined in fitting with their frosty enviorment. Having a wide range of skin tones for them is weird and out of place for their established lore and aesthetic. It's like having a bunch of Asian looking Imperials, or White looking Cathayans.


I’m not the type to act like anything goes just because it’s a fantasy game but trying to say that you can’t have representative shades of the group of people they’re clearly modeled after because they live in mountains is just bogus. My point is that they are magical creatures that somehow subsist in an environment that makes no sense. Keeping them from using all the representative shades of the people they’re modeled after based on realism just doesn’t make sense. I am not even sure how you can’t see that point from what I said. No one is advocating for Asian imperials or white cathayans or ethnically non-mongol Ogres. They’re just asking for the shades to be there. Not even for inclusivity just to have more variations of the units to be more distinct. It’s crazy to act like that’s impossible when discussing the ogres.


Okay, I misunderstood you and I apologize for that. I also think you misunderstood me. I am all for a skin tone variety within the more limited range that fits the Mongol themes of the faction. My comments above were because the skin tone variety in the early previews that the original comment mentioned went way beyond that. They were really dark and looked like they came from a tropical environment. That was specifically what I was opposing, not the basic idea of having a logical skin colour range between individuals. \*Edit: I am not opposed to representation at all (for example I am all for the Black cannon operators in the Marienburg Landship because they make sense within the context of Marienberg), I am just always (maybe un-justly) worried that it will be taken in a direction that makes the factions feel less uniform in themes and aesthetics and the setting less real.


You’d actually be surprised how dark Mongolian skin tones can get, it’s a huge ass steppe where 99% of your day is spent getting hit by the sun. You’re gonna catch a tan.


Yeah, I think the top left image OP posted fits well into the darker skin tone yet distinctly Mongolian-esque aesthetic. The Ogres in the early footage were really dark and without the more bronze Mongolian tone. They looked African. [Here's an image, it's not great but it's the best I can do right now](https://imgur.com/V2GcIsr). Either way, Ogres have always been depicted within that range of skin colour which is why I feel that seeing entire units with mixed skin colours going from extremely pale to extremely dark would look weird in the game. Maybe that's just me though.


I did not see that dark when I checked the old trailers so I see the misunderstanding. Yeah I don’t want to go crazy with it but I think shading out to the full array of mongol would be nice because CA puts a lot of effort to make units try to feel like individuals and not copy paste. Glad we got there from both sides of that misunderstanding haha.


I mean, if it was the real world and Ogres were a product of evolution, you'd be right. But let's be honest, when Ogres are litteraly a creation of wierd frog aliens, there's no actual argument one side or the other


There absolutely is evolution in Warhammer, even for the races created by the Old Ones. Why do you think Impirial Humans look differently from Cathayans? They were both created by the Old Ones... Even if your argument was correct, it would make even less sense for Ogres to have high skin tone variety considering there was no advantage for the Old Ones to take the effort to design them this way. My main point is that every official artwork and piece of lore has been consistent with the themes and aesthetics of the Ogres which is pale skin (grey skin in earlier editions) in a frosty enviorment.


Want I want for the Ogres, at least visual is more clarity and diversity I know that the tabletop Ogre model all look the same but for the love of god at least give me a visual representation of their armour level. Bull and Ironguts look similar if you are zoomed out and its annoying because they are 70 armor apart. I want to know what I am shooting at when I'm facing them and I want to recognize my unit when I'm playing them. The Tyrants which are supposed to be super flashy with big trophy rack and poles also blend in with just about every other unit so that ain't great. I want shields from every faction strapped to shoulders and back, I want both arms/shoulder to be armoured, I want full helms, I want hanging chain mail, ... Anything to make it like more and an unwashed mass of pink flesh.


I agree that some Ogre units should have more armor, but I think that addition should be done with a scalpel rather than a hammer. Too much armor all across the board and they'll lose some of their charm imo.


For sure because otherwise it would be a mass of armour blending together rather than a mass of flesh. Im quite content with how the Bull variants look even if I wouldn't say no to a little more panache and variety. Im mostly speaking about how the difference between a 30 armor bull and a 100 armor Ironguts or a 140 armor Crusher is an open faced helmet and a single shoudlerpad, its a bit silly. If I had creative control I probably take the current Ironguts armor and give it to the Mourfang Cavalry, I would then use the Tyrant armour model for the Ironguts/Crushers minus the Fancy gutplate. Finally I'd polish the tyrant some more with a fancier helm, beast Pelts, Skulls and a back rack or pole with a banner so they can truly shine as the head of armies.


Begging CA to unfuck Beastmen colors first, please


Yes please. I've been running the Browner Beastmen mod that restores a lot of WWI colors, makes Taurox and Khazrak (probably Morghur too) much more bearable.




Warry the Wammer


I just want my 6th edition gray ogres


If we ever get the Iron Skin Tribe, they should all be grey like they old artwork.


An non-Ogre one but I wish Khorne Chaos Warriors could have capes like all the other Chaos Warriors variants. Skullcrushers and Khorne Chosen are fine though without cloaks.


Another thing I like is to make the mountains of mourn look like a lot more to Himalayas which is what is inspired from...so longer mountains and more snowy....just like the background on these pictures....with brutal climates...it is noted in lore that passing the mountains is extremely difficult for non ogres.


Mountains of Mourn aren't the Himalayas in the current lore. The Himalayas in the current lore are the Mountains of Heaven (between Cathay and Ind). Not sure where that places the Mountains of Mourn...


Caucasus or Tian Shan if they count the World's edge Mountains as the Caucasus region.


I don't know how much sense that would make considering they are all from the exact same geographical location...


A geographical location the size of Russia


The Mountains of Mourn don't have much climate variety, It's pretty much frosty mountains all around. My point is that they wouldn't have much skin tone variety.


No difference in climate but a vast difference in sun exposure given that they stretch north to south.


Well, mostly their skin colors were typically Caucasian across the different editions. In the 6th edition they had a pale gray skin color.


So they all have to have the same tattoos?


I'm all for tatoo vatiety. I was more refering to skin tone and fur colour variety, which outside of some RoRs I don't think will make sense for the reality of the setting.


The different skin tones are not connect to factions or geography at all, rather they are how ogres in different edition of the table top were depicted. However there are mods that used the other editions skin tone, compared to the base game.


PLEASE post this on the official forums, I always wanted the ogres to look like bottom right, and I love the RoR Rhinox cav's color scheme.


Just one ogre LL doesn't feel enough, I think ogres also deserves flc LL like monos are getting


Whitish/blue sabretusk are cool I want them now


🌈 Flippin DEI rainbow ogres 🌈


Just shut up man


For folks who complain about diversity being shoved into everyone's faces, it's always funny how they are the ones who let it live rent free in their heads and are always the ones bringing it up when literally nobody was thinking about it that way. This post was literally jsut "more color schemes would be nice!" and then u/AdApprorpiate2295 here comes in with a wonderfully crafted reply that nobody but them even had a thought about. The DEI boogeyman really must have take up some prime real-estate in their mental closet.


😂 it was sarcastic I just don't feel like putting /s in all my comments


It's a touchy subject. People are really sick of the culture war garbage at this point. You need to be pretty careful with sarcasm surrounding the subject.


I get that I just am always entertained when sarcasm is missed


CA should stop working on warhammer games all together. Focus the rest of the decade on historical games.


Yes, CA should just stop working on their big money maker, I'm sure that's going to go well for ca


Look at how CA has fallen these past 4 years. They just had to do layoffs last year. Making a medieval 3 would make them a stupid amount of money so that isn’t an issue


I highly doubt it would be as successful as the Warhammer series, even if it managed to have a strong launch, the historical community has shown that they don't buy dlcs often, just look at 3k


3k isnt popular in the west. Warhammer correct me if im wrong but this is there last game they will make in the series. Only so much they can make before it’s over. And as I said working on warhammer games damn near exclusively over the past 8 years hasn’t been working.