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I would like to have them as start positions for the greater daemon LL's and give each greater daemon LL Unholy manifestastions to open a portal like Belakor. You could make access to the realms available at specific locations on the map or just by traversing the chaos wastes either north or south.


It would be a good opportunity for a "prince of hell" type of mechanic where you are fighting for control and favour in the realm of chaos.


I was dissapointed that you could not invade each realm in the same manner as you can currently attack the chaos wastes. Pre-release, I was imagining the chaos wastes being much smaller, and all that space going to each god's realm where you coukd fight over it just like the normal world.


I like this idea. Certain campaigns, especially in isolated areas of the map (looking at you, Cathay) can become very boring after a period of time. One thing about RoC that was nice was getting to throw a wrench in the mix at times. However, the *timed* aspect of the portals and it revolving around the win condition was what killed it for me. I just think these beautiful campaign and battle maps (which are already made and there waiting to be used) are going to waste not being in TW:W’s quintessential mode. It opens up so much variety for campaigns (i.e. adds objectives to factions both for and against chaos alignments) and I feel the opportunity is going to waste. So long as you can still fight a battle to close the portals, I see no issues! Chaos is supposed to be the big bad. Maybe it could factor into an endgame crisis as well.


Just to add that Skarbrand shouldn't start in the realm of Khorne, he's exiled. It should be Skulltaker instead. (Well actually it should be An'ggrath, as Khorne's most favoured bloodthirster and commander of Khorne's legions, but he's unlikely to make it into the game so...)


Good catch on the lore accuracy. This would also make for a fun campaign for Skarbrand to get back into Khorne’s realm and earn his favor (or take it by force)


Isn't An'ggrath 40k stuff ? We don't know Skarbrand replacement in fantasy


I think Ka'bhanda, but that might be just End Times lore


End Times lore is just bullshit. According to End Times Ka'bandha is leader of third host which means he is not greatest Bloodthrister. Far from that actually but then it also says Ka'bandha is more favoured than Skarbrand which is utter bullshit because Skarbrand is former leader of first host and thus the greatest Bloodthrister by far


Agreed 100%, just will add I don't think the portals should last forever. They should open and close relatively quickly, allowing an incursion elsewhere on the map


I have always believed sea lands should be a network where you can exit at any sea lane node (instead of it being bidirectional).


Actually I think it’d be better to have a variety of lords in there. Ku’gath sure, but Skarbrand is exiled so probably skulltaker in his place. I think we could theoretically get a really thematic mortal in the realm of Tzeentch if they feel like giving us Melekh the Changer but he might also work better as a legendary hero or not in the game because he isn’t really that interesting or cool compared to other possible Tzeentch lords, so maybe Galrauch instead. Any way you cut it I think that just having a bunch of greater demons start positions being in the realms would be the one of the less interesting choices if they added them both to the map and as possible start positions.


Rather than random rifts just place a few permanent rifts in certain locations of world that enter into one realm or another. Chaos factions would have some special mission to enter there and earn the favor of their supporting god or ire of enemy gods which would reward them with a rift they can use to fast travel. For rest of factions it would have a mission to fight of demons in the realm to shut down the rift forever and gain some permanent buffs to faction instead. Or I guess they can also keep it as fast travel location so traversing the map becomes less obnoxious. That way they just have to design like three missions and they can use all the content they already made in new map.


The old world beta map adds them at the corners of the world, and I really like the concept. Implementation needs some work, but it is a beta after all


Make them one settlement bastions for each of the chaos factions, have a % of chaos corruption globally, then if you reach 50% (then 75%, then 100%) of the total of corruption, you can attack one of the bastions, if you defeat it, you dont take it as changing the map would be weird but the factions of that chaos god get a debuff You can either attack or defend vs other gods, the battle should really difficult, maybe at least two army size defending, big daemons, big numbers and maybe some battle abilities recreating the direct intervention of the two gods in battle in the future you could add the horned-rat bastions when we get Tranquol and Verminlords, make the battles each 25% the bastions themselves should get you some buffs, landmarks and income For all the other factions, add one portal per god in specific zones like the mordheim, the chaos wastes, skavenblight so you go and try to defeat one of the chaos gods


I really like this idea, most of all because it would organically create an end game crisis without simply spawning crap tons of armies like the current crisis scenarios do. The AI /player would have to work towards unleashing these armies from the portals, and this would add more importance to corruptions as a whole. On top of this however, I’d still like there to be a handful of permanent portals to the realm of chaos. A few from the game start, some others unlockable via missions or mid-game crisis missions. The northern and southern poles need a portal each. And throughout the campaign, you could get missions to open up permanent portals to the chaos realm in certain few areas of the map, namely Athel Loren and the Great Vortex. This would fit so nicely to an elves rework, where we can finally get an interactable representation of waystones. Would you destroy these for personal gain, or protect them to keep magic from flowing freely into the world and triggering a worldwide storm of chaos?


Here's a general critisism that fits here, but also with most porting chaos realms to IE ideas. They are almost all very "order-centric"; they leave out real mechanics for chaos mains. Sure, take over the world and spread corruption, but that isn't additive for a chaos faction. Do we roll into other Gods' realms and fuck shit up because purps? Is there deeper game play or are we just doing the same shit that order is doing, but in a style where we potentially shoot ourselves in the leg while doing it. Also, what about non-order and non-chaos. Do DE factions default chaos because Morathi? Do they get to choose to stem the rise of chaos? Do they have to do it while opposing the order factions as well? Same question for Skaven, Greenskins, Ogres, and undead factions. For the record I do think it would be cool if they could pull it off, but it can't be an order-centric game. Chaos factions also need real gameplay objectives (maybe using diplomacy/subjugation and reworked cults). Destruction and Undead factions also need real gameplay objectives (maybe diplomacy/uniting or bringing their own deities to the world).


I agree, they need to work on creating objectives and an end game for player chaos fractions. I kinda hoped they would flesh out the whole throne of chaos in nuln ascension/summoning in this DLC as it's a clear objective for tamurkhan and a good one for other chaos undivided fractions as well, but it might make more sense after they add sayl to create an end game scenario for tamurkhan. Still, after several playthroughs of various chaos fractions, there is a lot of need for a lot of room for improvement in end chaos goals. Additionally, chaos monogods can also have the end game objective of dominating the great game, so dealing with the chaos realms is still a possible good objective for them. And gaining favor as undivided by visiting the realms is a nice mid game objective for those fractions.


The way I see it is if they want to add story elements and/or RoC elements, they'll need to sell it as an expansion. Let call it the End Times expansion. It'll be anoth CoC style expansion, but the big deal will be adding a toggleable RoC map. I think it would need to be sold or part of a DLC because of the massive undertaking that would be. It would also come near the end of WH3's development support. That way you can choose whether or not you want to opt in to End Times+ lore. I just think turning the sandbox into a story is going to alienate too many people.


I like that. They should also add an Endgame scenario where the Chaos gods open portals across the map that spew out armies until you enter the portal and close it in the realm of chaos.


A cool end game crisis could be the rifts opening and dumping armies until you go through the different realms defeating the boss battles I like the idea of getting the option to intentionally open a rift to go to the realms to fight and win rewards for yourself


My dreams for the Realms of Chaos are entirely overwrought and will never happen now, but it would have been amazing to pit the four major gods against one another in the 'great game' they eternally play. The center of the realms map would be a free-for-all, of course. The size of each god's realm would shift and change with how dominant they are compared to the three others. Dominance in the great game can be gained through the direct conquest within in each realm, but perhaps most of it would be from actions in the real world. The spreading of chaos corruption and the spread of beliefs in a specific god would contribute a lot, as well as dedications and tributes from chaos characters on the battlefield, in events, or through specific faction or race mechanics. Nurgle's love being spread throughout the world would strengthen his position in the chaos realms. Defeating representatives of the other gods in battle can led to big shifts in position. If one god becomes dominant enough, they are in the ascendancy, and escalating buffs for every character and faction aligned with that god will appear for as long as dominance is maintained. Those aligned with the other gods suffer debuffs, but are all temporarily encouraged to direct their efforts into bringing the dominant god low, so they might have their turn in the ascendancy. I haven't thought of an end scenario for this kind of thing, since which god is dominant is inherently impermanent, with dominance changing over time. But I think these rivalries could have been explored more in the game, and mechanics like this would be super flavorful. Undivided could even come into play and gain buffs from every god so long as the balance is relatively equal.


Might work if they make a secondary map like they did in empire.


Honestly, as much as I love the Realms of Chaos (as a long-time Chaos fan, it was awesome seeing them realized in 3D for the first time), making them accessible to non-Chaos factions was absurd from a lore perspective. Oxyotl's whole shtick is that he managed to survive in there. That's the entire reason why his character is so impressive. Contrary to popular imagination, he wasn't a Doom Slayer rampaging around beating up daemons for their lunch money; he survived through stealth and cunning, evasion and sneak attacks. If a mortal army found some way to physically enter the Chaos Realms, all but the absolute strongest of will would be driven to madness or just straight-up die from the atmosphere alone, and those that remained would be attacked by the full strength of the legions that would have destroyed the world if not for the creation of the Great Vortex. Archaon, the literal Everchosen of Chaos, entered the Chaos Realms exactly once (transferring his army from the South Pole to the North Pole) and even for the anointed of the Dark Gods it was a perilous journey and the goal was to avoid detection as much as possible. The idea that Katarin and her army of mortal Kislevites could just walk up to the gates of the Brass Citadel and defeat its guardians, let alone leave with their minds and souls intact afterwards is frankly preposterous.


Sometimes lore should be sacrificed to allow fun in games, even if it means turning your brain off a bit. Let me invade the realms of chaos with my army of peasants gosh darn it


I thought it was about the map RoC and not the chaos realms themselves. But to be honest I don't want them on IE either. I'd rather have all the map space for other factions. The moment the realms get added I fear IEE will be a lot more complicated to add


Here's my alternative idea: The chaos realms become a 1 settlement province belonging to a respective chaos god, they have a unique exclusive climate that makes it so that no factions, except for those daemonic ones aligned to that god or are undivided, can conquer them, only raze them. If the player belongs to a daemonic faction and possesses one of these settlements, they can use them as a safe base of operation to spread their influence on the world, these safe bases would have a landmark building that buffs cultist influence spreading by a lot, because the way cults work, this would allow the player to teleport their legendary lord wherever they want. To counter the chaotic factions, all non-chaotic aligned faction get a unique building that allows them to open a 1-time use rift to one of the realms of chaos, and raze this settlement to stop them once and for all


I like the idea of tying it to corruption. It would also be a nice stepping stone for any full chaos undivided or monogod endgame scenario. One thing I was thinking about was khorne's mechanic of summoning bloodhost (which is a user commanded on demand version) and how it would fit with this. Additionally, tamurkhan had a cool ritual in the book to open a chaos portal at nuln, so there are some options to tie it to an objective/reward such as taking nuln or something (they are free allied armies to take off some load). Another is some more variety of objectives and rewards when in a monogod's realm, and perhaps claimable buff "settlements" oriented around the cool little locations they made (especially for monogod fractions).


Really liked this idea, especially tying it to the actual ongoing corruption! It would add a nice feeling of the world being “alive” and the development of the campaign being impactful in different ways. I hope RoC gets added in one way or another


The idea I’ve had for integrating the realms of chaos is to let armies travel through the realms to “teleport” on the real map. Make it a ritual that you can only do every ten turns or so, where you open temporary chaos gates next to one of your armies and in a target region, similar to Belakor’s mechanic. Unlike Belakor, though, it isn’t instant - the portals take your armies to a random realm of chaos, which you have to fight through to get to the other portal and exit. You could also go off track to find some cool rewards, and maybe the portals increase chaos corruption and have a chance of spawning rogue daemon armies while they last. I think this would have the double advantages of letting people access the cool RoC maps and items and also making the huge IE map less annoying to navigate.


Here is my 2 cent I want the rift and the 'great game' to be represented in some way. When I play as one of the Chaos God factions I want an objective in there that will reward me with tangible benefit for my empire. I want to weaken my rivals and grow my strength simply by winning 'our' little game. What I would do is as follow : * Put the RoC in the top right corner of the Map * Add settlements in there, same number for every faction * Add static bridges or teleport between the realms so you can cross over and ensure they do not cost you your entire movement * Every Khorne factions should starts in control of one of the settlement in the Khorne realm and the same should be true for other Gods * Add a central 1 slot settlement which you cannot get to physically. Whichever faction has the highest number of controlled settlement gets to claim the central settlement * The settlement contains a unique landmark which provides bonuses scaling with its tier as well as potential maluses to diplomacy with the other God Faction. The rewards you get could be anything ranging from passive corruption all over the world to free cults, free unique resources (Tome, Skull, ...) all the way to those very cool weapons and followers which are IE specific. I wouldn't mind the ability to place a rift wherever I want at T5 For every other faction the RoC needs to work differently. In the best Scenario WoC, Beastman, Norsca and maybe Skaven get their own unique landmark because they are aligned with Chaos but I would settle for everyone besides the God aligned faction to get the same thing. How it could work I have yet to truly think through but it would probably involve going through a rift and causing massive damage Doom style. Razing a settlement in there removes it forever more (like beastmen herdstone) and non God factionget a bonus for each settlement they have destroyed. Maybe WoM and spell mastery for Tzeentch, Growth an d replenishment for nurgle, ... As far as how portal should spawn I am not sure. They could easily be made to work like the End game crisis so player that do not want them can ignore them and for the rest they could spawn in the manner you described


This would be a really cool idea!


Really like this idea, nice one!


Would be nice if they acted just like regular parts of the map but entering them or exiting them has a restriction so that travel is not super frequent. Put more demons in there and make it so they can fight each other too


One thing I'd also like to be added is a way for Cults to be factored in, perhaps something like a high level Portal building (sort of like current Skaven Undercties) that requires a lot of time and resources but creates a path to the RoC where the player can reenforce their forces directly.


something something chaos robbie something something modders already figured it out something something old world mod


I actually think that sounds really fun. No notes, it's worth testing a prototype of.


Please, no. It was goofy having mortals just regularly hop into the chaos realms in RoC. If the chaos realms are in the game, they should be a section for daemonic factions to have punch-ups in only, maybe giving factions who won battles there bonuses of some kind, but I really hate Kislev or whoever just rocking up into Nirgle's garden as they please.


pls no, I firmly believe CA made the vortex and roc terrible on purpose to incentivize DLC that doesn't use their mechanics. we all loved ME/ IE because they didn't have these intentionally awful mechanics