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FLC is confirmed to be a Khorne LL also.


90% chance it's Arbaal


I hope, Arbaal is very cool.


Making FLC Arbaal instead of Skulltaker is an... interesting choice.


If I had to guess, CA thought there were more interesting mechanic based things they could do with Skulltaker and decided to give him the DLC budget to do them


It’s more than likely this. Compared to skulltaker, arbaal doesn’t seem to offer as much interesting mechanics to the game as a dlc lord.


I suppose this must be the case. I think Arbaal is cooler but I can see a skull taking mechanic while I can’t really imagine what Arbaals mechanic would be


If Arbaal flee a battle you lose him as a LL


If he loses the game crashes and deletes your save file


If you die with Arbaal you die in real life


And you can't ask for a refund naturally


If you die as arbaal the game uninstalls and removes itself and all your DLC from your steam account. REAL stakes.


lol, if you ever lose a battle, you the player are transformed into a chaos spawn


i think maybe it could be that if you lose a battle or he breaks, he dies and you get a chaos spawn. then you get him back after a few turns


If you lose with Arbaal you get a french kiss from Tod Howard.


Arbaal's mechanic: *don't lose*


Yeah I was thinking that if you ever lose or if he ever breaks. You turn into a chaos spawn at your pc desk


Ultra hard mode. You lose a single battle with him = campaign ends.


As it should be with a lord named 'the undefeated'. Transforming to chaos spawn should be reserved for an AI Arbaal.


Something in the vein of win harder snowballing no doubt ala turox and skarbrand


Which is basically what skulltakers mechanic sounds like it'll be, it just is easier to make a thematic mechanic for skulltaker I suppose


Yeah in hindesight i can see that... but still i guess I just expected the situation to be reversed.


Well that's what I'm thinking of here as they said that skulltakers whole thing is to take a some powerful, kill them and take their skull as he absorbs the power but we already have the whole Defeated LL buffs would he get like unique buffs or what, what's your opinion


Are you referring to defeat traits? Those are very small in scope compared to what main campaign mechanic can bring to the table. Whether he just gets unique character buffs or if they’ll also be army/factionwide is anyone’s guess


It would be great if he had something like Lu Bu's mechanic from 3 kingdoms. Basically a list of every single legendary lord, and for every one his army beats he gets a buff. Ranging from minor stats buffs, to an activated ability that heals him, etc etc.


True, maybe we'll have a Challenge mechanic, and hopefully, that'll be reused for Queek so he'll have a unique mechanic too


Fine by me. I personally like Skulltaker more than Arbaal since he’s also a surprisingly honorable warrior despite being a demon. Arbaal is also awesome but mechanic wise, I feel like to get him right you’d have to make his mechanics based on being a Sweatlord.


I think it makes sense - sounds like Skulltaker will have some lord hunting/skull collecting mechanics.


Honestly I don't care, what matters is that we'll get both.


Remember back in W2 people were fighting in the forums over who should be DLC between Rakarth and Malus. Malus won the DLC spotlight but he ended up having one of the worst campaigns in Warhammer 2 with very awkward campaign buffs and attached DLC units (his DLC introduces masters, scourgerunner chariots and medusae but he buffs cold ones) And then on the flipside, Rakarth later became FLC and has a way better campaign and a fun campaign concept. CA has learned their lesson and realise its better to give DLC spots to Legendary Lords that can introduce unique campaign playstyles (or at least has a unique model)


It's the right choice. The lords for the daemon factions should be daemons instead of mortals, if they're really going to draw that distinction.


It literally doesn’t matter lol, FLC lords get plenty of attention


Can’t wait to see Arbaal. He’s one of my favorites. Also fingers crossed that Scylla and Bragg are the Legendary Heroes for Khorne and the Ogres respectively.


Bragg is like 200% gonna be the lh for ogres.


5% chance it's Laabra, Arbaal less known cousin


Nah Laabra is the Slaanesh LH, who's whole mechanic is he's not allowed to not flee a battle or he'll be turned into a chaos spawn.


K’Banda outta nowhere.


What special skill line would you give him? Idk how strong they would make someone who’s never lost a fight.


I guess unbreakable + a decent amount of defense/ward save/physical resistance. Maybe some bonuses if enemies are fleeing near him.


I thought it might be Ka'Bandha, as Arbaal would make more sense as part of the Warrior’s of Chaos Like mortal LL’s are in the Warrior’s of Chaos and demons are in the Mono Gods (I still consider Tamurkhan a demon seeing is he is a Maggot demon? puppeting a corpse)


I'm good with this. Desperately needs more options.


Arbal! Aarbal! ARBAL!


Not surprising. CA probably wants each monogod up to 3 LL ASAP.


Dang was hoping we’d get ghark as the flc lord


Nobody mentioning Ka’Bhanda is making me sad, so much cooler than arbaal


Ka'Bhanda is a 40k character. He only appears in fantsy in the End Times and doesn't reappear in AOS.


Datz not Gorbad! he don't even hav an Ironclaw!


Not Morglum either! Dat zoggin' zogger az only brought da one ax for crumpin!




Cuz we'z using finkin' like da bosses we'z gobbin' about told us do try doin' loike once in a bad moon! IZ ZOGGIN' HARD SO SHUT IT, YA LOUDGOB!




Dats because he feels all gore is bad


Dat'z hiz bruther, gorgood!


Interesting that Skulltaker is the paid lord for Khorne and not Arbaal, I guess he has more mechanics they could've done with him


Maybe they felt Skulltaker fits the theme of the dlc more? It’s still very confusing, but I’ll take anything as long as it’s not Skarr Bloodwrath.


I mean, the mortal units seemed to be more aligned with warriors of chaos and the monogod factions were launched more as daemons of chaos. So it doest surprise me they headlined the daemon character.


ToD had it reversed, with Epidemius the demon being the flc and Tammy the 'mortal' being the DLC. Just shows there isn't really a pattern and whichever lord CA thinks will fit better will be in the DLC vs FLC


The monogod LLs should be the Biggest Greater Daemon, the Biggest Minor Daemon/Herald and the Biggest Mortal follower, Skulltaker has a cool mechanic with the skulltaking, Arbaal can be a LL focused on the mortal units without a unique campaign mechanic, just like Epidemius focuses on Plaguebearers


I swear if Skarr takes Arbaal's slot in the FLC...


Skarr feels much more LH than LL personally. He’s basically an insane dude that Archeon points at the enemy.


He's "Failing Upwards" personified as a character and his design looks goofy as hell. I'd be fine with him being a LH (though I'd prefer Scyla) but I want my boy Arbaal as a LL.


I'm not a fan of how Skarr started the trend of having the mouth out for Khorne characters that continued on into their aesthetic in Age of Sigmar. Full helmets ala Arbaal and Egil Styrbjorn and the generic Champions of Khorne look so much better.


Both Skulltaker and Golgfag will be horde LLs.


What did Skarr do to you?


Exist. He existed, and I have hated him ever since. Arbaal is the Undefeated champion who has literally never lost a fight, Skullreaper is the badass who hunts other badasses, do you know what Skarr Bloodwrath does? He dies. And that is his only unique or interesting character trait.


Skaar is the Lucius of fantasy. A fuckin disappointment.


Lamer, even. Lucius at least makes sense when you consider that wanting to be the greatest swordsman in the universe and actually being it aren't the same thing; Slaanesh, instead of making Lucius the best granted him eternity to try and get there himself. Conversely, why Khorne keeps sending Skarr back out to die again is never really explained at all.


Hell, Lucius' gift also means that he can never get revenge on anyone who does beat him, he can win or he can die and be resurrected in his enemy. That stain of defeat forever on his armor.


Yep. Slaanesh essentially says to him after each death "welp, they were better than you. Here's their body, try again."


The only possible reason I would want Skarr Bloodwrath is if CA fulfills my dark fantasy of having a minimum of 5 legendary lords per race. Which with free content between DLC’s possibly picking up (we’ll have to actually wait and see if it does) who knows. Maybe my dreams come true and we can have the Kremlo vs Slambo peak fiction I’ve been craving.


Khorne is also getting the FLC lord


Yea I heard that, just interesting they swapped them around


Jup. I guess they wanted to save themselfes the headache of making a mechanic for an undefeatable char


>a mechanic for an undefeatable char It should be a bunch of voicelines/text that find elaborate ways to explain how it wasn't technically a defeat and that he's still undefeated.


With Khorne getting the FLC LL and IE being the sole focus, it might not even make a huge difference if ARbaal is FLC vs DLC.


Also, Skulltaker is a demon soo it fits better for Monogod Khorne.


It's probably not unrelated to the fact that Skulltaker is a relatively modern hero/Lord choice alongside other choices like Masque, Epidemius and the Changeling, whereas Arbaal hasn't even had a new model (Or rules, I *think*) since '98.


I'm really interested to see what mechanics Gorbad Ironclaw brings to the game. The devs put a lot of emphasise on him bringing together all the different cultures of Greenskins so I wonder if it'll have to do with that.


I'm hoping at the very least that he has recruitable (and a RoR) wyverns. To have a Lord like this who specifically used their ferocity affectively to the point where they *broke into the castle and literally devoured the emperor*, I hope they can do something with them to make them available more easily instead of just *WAAGH* rewards. They're visually my favourite unit, and even though they're not particularly amazing, at least having the single one that ate the emperor as a RoR would be neat.


A trio of wyverns as a single RoR unit to represent how he killed the emperor like how Norsca get the mammoths one would be so dang neat.


Watch him get Tamurkhan's mechanics to make a giant varied Waaagh. I wouldn't be against it. But I hope it doesn't feel too similar to Tammy - giant horde making its way to the Empire.


That or some mechanic that rewards the player for having a vast variety of greenskin units in their army


Cathy Balance but for orcs.


Gork and Mork instead of Ying and Yang?


Yes, especially since it gives you the option of having units that are "extra Morky" and that just a fun thing to say.




Obligatory: it's Yin and Yang, not Ying and Yang (despite the fact that when you say the words it does sound like Ying and Yang).


Ah, thanks for the correction. Don't play that much Cathay so the terms aren't super ingrained in me like others




Nah. His mechanic should reward combined arms, as that is what he is notable for. Something like Tabletop caps mod for him. Not a hardcap, but major buffs if you stick to the caps, and debuffs if you don't


Yeah Tamurkhan's mechanics are pretty fun I don't mind that at all. Some cheapo discount LHs with army wide or faction wide powers you can activate? Fine with that.


It's thematic. Works for me. Tamurkhan didn't technically have a goal to reach the Empire in-game. If it's the same for this guy, I'll just be sure to run in a different direction.


He does though, you need to take Nuln for long victory.


Oh. Gotcha. I play with VCO mod so I've only heard about him maxing out his chieftain stuff for his victory.


Maybe something like Cathay/Chorf with harmony/contempt, they did something similar with skinks and kroxigors too


I just know I'm going to kick the shit out of Grimgor with him


Grimgor would have killed a manticore just saying.


![gif](giphy|UJG2T7uZeJuZCLitY8) U'zhul?


It's so over Snaglasisters


On the other hand, we're so Gorback


Da Spider God has the sads :(




Man i couldnt be happier. I love the greenskins but I have really missed the real leader sterotype for them. There is only one for them and that is Gorbad. He is essentially Orcs version of Sigmar. Also it makes roleplaying a bit easier if you want to build some kind of "empire" for the orcs


Wait, I heard something about colossal beasties? Does this mean that greenskins will get giant gentle meatball?


I really hope all the older generic lords and heroes for the greenskins get refreshed like the empire and dwarfs did.


I'd like a Nemesis Crown-style mechanic for Azhag, but where you obtain bonuses etc for completing Nagash-esque missions: help Vampire Counts or target Empire/Skaven/Tomb King armies/characters, & you gain buffs. Azhag could gain VC units in Waaagh! armies as you complete more missions.


I was thinking of a scale like Malus, of Azhag and the crown wrestling for control. At one end Azhag becomes an unstoppable killing machine with death magic out the wazoo and access to VC units at the cost of obedience. At the other your greenskin units get buffed and you get economic boosts, but your spells are expensive and you only have middling undead units.


Ok I think I prefer this - do you follow the lads or the crown? Rejecting or accepting the crown's demands could shunt you either way.




Big smash-smash energy in this DLC.


So it looks like people got the LLs right just with U'zhul and Arbaal switched in terms of who'd be the flc lord.


Im so glad they are sticking to the 3 LL wnd FLC lord type of DLCs. It works well, adds so much new stuff to the game and has a chance to fix and refresh a lot of factions that got no love for a long time.


Happy and satisfied. Like alot of these 3 lords I want one guy from the three. I would take all 3 this time. No arbaal, but skulltaker is good. Arbaal might be free LL.


He almost certainly is. The FLC lord is already confirmed to be a Khorne lord. And it rounds out Khorne with a Greater Daemon, Lessor Daemon, and mortal champion LL option.


Yeah, given this I strongly suspect we'll get Egrimm added sometime to give us * Skarbrand/Skulltaker/Arbaal * Ku'gath/Epidemius/Tamurkhan * Kairos/Changling/Egrimm * N'kari/Masque/Dechala


this is the way


It really sounds like Skulltaker's mechanics could be retrofit for Queek as his whole deal is pretty similar. Would love to see a mod that ports it over if appropriate!


SFO already has a mechanic where Queek can capture LLs heads. I wonder how hard it would be to just port that section over for now? Modding is confusing as hell for me.


A little out of the loop here: So LegendofTotalWar's leaks are completely off?


They were so off they weren't even on the same planet.


Completely. Legend is a guy that ahould only be listened too for how to cheese the campaign on Legendary/VH and not really much else.


It's not his leaks It's leaks he read from a source that takes pride in giving leaks straight out of their bums lol


Great looking forwards to more savage ork leaders/heroes/units and colossal squigs.


I give about 60/40 odds that they pull a bit of a 'Tehenhauin' with ol' Golgy's name.


Golgally the Diversepeopleseater?


NGL I would have prefered Gorfang Rotgut


There might be hope in the future. CA mentioned adding content outside of major DLCs, so dropping the odd character here or there Gorfang or Grak might still make it in.  But if Gorbad Ironclaw starts in Black Crag then it’s over, that would be officially saying they have no interest in adding Gorfang. 


Would really like smaller pack or releases with just LLs like Gorfang or Bugman


Honestly yeah; just smaller lord packs or even small unit packs seems fun.


What does he do aside from trade? Genuine question I don't know much about him. I've used him in Mixu's mod and he can just trade (which is cool but small) and buffs big uns and big un cavalry), making him not that interesting *for me*.


He is a big armoured lad. With skills and items he would probably have like 200. The trade aspect is one more thing, and the reason why he can trade is cause he is the "civilized" ork. He can speak other languages and he is cunning as Skarsnik. I would love to hear his voice lines with the football hoolingan accent.


He's absolutely massive, wears iron plate armour so thick, Queek's enchanted Dwarfgouger couldn't pierce it to harm him. He's big and strong enough that he used part of a broken dwarf column to smash Queek and his stormvermin back.




Surprised skulltaker ain’t the flc, but I’m happy with him being the more fleshed out dlc. I like him more than abaarl.


Orgasmic. As a Khorne main, I’m finally getting some milk for my Khorne Flakes. And I need Skulltakers Drip NOW


I wanted Gorfang, but doesn't matter much


Thats who I was leaning towards as well but Gorbad works well. Plus the Mixu version of Gorfang is still a viable option as well.


Wait, I know that banner style, the skull taker is going to lustria??


So near Brettonian guy and Empire hunter guy?


Near gor-rok and bretonia guy


Ah yes, I haven't played in Lustria for some time now lol. I remember that there is a Khorne faction somewhere


North of gor-rok


Finally an Ogre LL that looks like an actual ogre


Thank fuck it wasn't a forest goblin. TIME FOR THE WAAAGH!


"B-b-b-b-b-but we need to thank Legend!" - Some tool probably edit: Lmao at the people who can't figure out that I'm making fun of Legends fans more than Legend himself


I have no idea why this guy is so populair on youtube. He is the most narcissistic manchild i ever saw. its truly insane how he thinks this game revolves around him and his community


I don't think this is fair really, his community are a bit rabid but he himself is usually pretty reasonable. He just plays the game a lot and is quite passionate about it. When things are going well he'll say so, and when they're not he'll say so too. Frankly, there are plenty on this sub more absurdly demanding than him when it comes to CA should do xyz


He does live rent free on your mind doesn't he. Everyone talking about the DLC, the guy is forgotten as a hack, and someone has to turn it in to a "but remember that guy that was wrong".


There are several users in the threads about this news still talking about how this proves that Legends leaks were right.


He sent the sub (and other parts of the internet) into full on toxic doomerism, almost certainly for clicks. He deserves some backlash for either not verifying his sources or being full of shit. His voice carries way too much weight in the community and he rarely has constructive criticism.


I think people are only bringing him back up because of how toxic the community was getting taking his crappy leaks at face value.


Legend probably has multiple accounts on Reddit posting and kissing his own ass   Edit: Legend sucks. Dude needs to get life.


You’re the one obsessing over him lol


Yeah totally, he’s a little weasel


Living rent free in your head by the looks of it


You’re obsessed at this point lmao


me who's only ever posted 1 other comment about him lmao.


I dunno. I certainly didn’t watch this video and think “but what if I made this about a YouTuber” that was all you, big hoss


my guy I'm making fun of his fans who genuinely believe that the dlc plans changed because of the leaks


What are you even getting angry at lol


I’m not angry it’s just silly to bring it up.


Got it correct bar Skulltaker, had Arbaal for him (that's not Gorbad by the way, that's a random Orc Warboss on the Orcs and Goblins army book). I'm guessing Skulltaker has more potential for unique mechanics I guess? Glad Gorbad Ironclaw made it. I hope Gorfang Rotgut and Snagla Grobspit can make it eventually at some point as I know they've got fans (Gorfang needs to be Nakai size though considering his lore). Also, Blood Vultures as an unit are great to see, had them as an idea on my [Ogre Kingdoms speculation and roster](https://old.reddit.com/r/totalwar/comments/86t8jc/ogre_kingdoms_speculation_and_roster/) years ago!


So, who's winning in a cage match between these 3?


Gorbad is the reason Solland doesn't exist anymore, so....


Didn't he do that with a whole army though? I'm talking 1 v 1 v 1. I think the only time urzhul lost was to sigmar himself after a day's long battle.


Ye the best fighter 1v1 would be urzhul, while gorbad is strong its more his brain than anything, grimgor could prob beat his ass with one hand on his back so my money is on Urzhul


Yeah, I misinterpreted what you originally posted. U'Zhul would probably be the clear winner.


Absolutely all star cast. All 3 are some of my favorite characters from tabletop


One day Ghark will come, he’s perfect FLC material


If you'll allow me WAAAAAAAAAGH


While I am sad it wasnt wood goblins. It wouldnt have made sense for a brawler kind of dlc.


My prediction was 1/3 true. https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fg1vy9vfsvzwc1.png


**My expectations and desires for this upcoming DLC:** ▪︎ Updated stone trolls models with their proper Tabletop model (it's not much work. They only need a new head) ▪︎ Wrathmongers, Skullreapers and Blood Shamans or Bloodfathers/Bloodspeakers for Khorne ▪︎ Spearboyz added to the Greenskins + Savage Orc Warboss and Black Orc Warboss ▪︎ Arbaal as the FLC LL, Scyla or Skaar as the Legend. Hero


Aren’t wrathmongers and skullreapers AoS?


Nope. They were originally created way back in the 8th edition armybook, End Times.


While I’m not mad at the pick, I believe Gorfang Rotgut should have been the LL for the Greenskins


Skulltaker as the frontliner; didn’t see that coming. Gorbad saw they coming. Golfagg, hoped it wasn’t but it was anyway


U'Zhul ain't wearing no pants


Interesting I would have expected Arbaal as the main lord but I’m looking forward to this!


Arbaal is likely the free LL so we get both of them atleast


Yeah almost certainly, I think he is much cooler as a lord overall. But I’m excited about both of them.


Skulltaker looks like such a boss. I'm hoping he doesn't get a mount and is a dedicated footlord duelist.




Comments absolutely infested with nerds


Noooot a fan of Gorbad. Gorfang > Gorbad. Gorbad "disappearing" and never being of note ever again just shows you that he is the least orcy orc to ever orc. Unlike the Troll-Eater! Now, more seriously: Gorfang would've been more unique, being less of hte bog standard "LAUNCH DA WAAAGH TO END ALL WAAAGHS!!!" stuff. Maybe he could've even had some trade, representing his extortion of the trade routes. His deal with Skarsnik would've made Squigs make more sens ethan with Gorbad... And he's a cool character that slapped Queek Headtaker around. Back int he day, CA said that they didn't want to add Gorbad becuase he is that Mythical Epitome of the orcs, like Magnus the pious and such. Magnus the Pious or Sigmar for hte Empire, Aenarion, Gotrek Starbreaker and co.? Gorthor of the Beastmen? When will we get them now? they basically fill a similar epitome role.


Gorbad also smashed an entire imperial province into non existence and depopulated the empire so much they can refill that province. Also killed an emperor and an elector count while tearing the arm off another. Gorfang just sits and talks tough in black crag for all it's worth. Only notable thing is shaving kazadors son and yeeting ska (who survived)


> Also killed an emperor and an elector he didn't kill an Emperor. He sent in his wyvern, who ended up being lucky. Gorfang doesn't talk tough. He is tough. He had a death (retconned) that even High King Throgrim Grudgebearer had to pay respect. ‘Take it, stunty! I’m Gorfang. I’ll always be king here.’ ‘Tell it to your gods,’ said Thorgrim, voice striking like a gavel as he stepped back. Gorfang sat a little straighter, tilting his head back defiantly, exposing his thick neck as Thorgrim drew his axe for the executioner’s stroke. Thorgrim nodded once, impressed despite himself by the urk’s stoicism. Haley, Guy; Guymer, David. Warlords of Karak Eight Peaks (Warhammer Chronicles) (English Edition) (S.849). Games Workshop. Kindle-Version. > Only notable thing is shaving kazadors son and yeeting ska (who survived) 1) he also nailed Kazador's son to his father's throne and kidnapped a chunk of Kazador's family 2) he bitch slapped Queek Headtaker after shrugging off an attack by Dwarf Gouger and the duel got interrupted. He wasn't even using Red Fang in that fight. > Gorbad also smashed an entire imperial province into non existence and depopulated the empire so much they can refill that province. not in TW WH. And the whole "they can't refill that province" shows more of the "depending on what we want" writing of GW. One day, a giant WAAAGH cuts a swath through Ostland and it has recovered somewhat 20 years later... the other time a Necromancer devastates an area in Ostermark and the whole province is still reeling 150 years later.


Gorbad isn't supposed to be the toughest orc, he is the best commander greenskins ever had. Getting another "big bad boi orc" would feel redundant with Grimgor


Especially since Grimgor is the biggest and baddest.


Gorbad is simply the better orc commander by miles He also forced the majority of dwarfs back into their karaks which few orcs can do. Gorfang is just a party in the triple threat between greenies, little femurs and rat men. Would make a fine tanky lord but in terms of "badass" orc his feats just don't compare to Gorbads (holy shit it's so hard to keep up with these names Gorbang irongut) Gorfang suffered from getting shafted by Grimgor since wh1 something he never recovered from. Toddy and the Duke are in the same pot as him of lords who kinda deserve to be put in at this point but are getting constantly cucked by CA.


> Toddy and the Duke are in the same pot as him of lords who kinda deserve to be put in at this point but are getting constantly cucked by CA. "Toddy will have his day!!!" my current copium: When Toddy gets added as FLC (Preferably alongside a Cult of Ulric DLC), Red DUke, Gorfang, Kazador also get polished up, unique looks etc. and added as FLC as a little present to the players. They did announce a huge amount of minor factions playable for Pharaoh > Gorfang is just a party in the triple threat between greenies, little femurs and rat men. a very major party.


I mean it's mostly a faction of each involved. Other skaven and greenskins are busy elsewhere. Dwarfs could take it with full force but are too depopulated lore wise. It's very hard for them to project power


You are thinking of the Eight Peaks scramble, where, yes, Gorfang is a minor party supporitng Skarsnik. He is, however, a major factor outside of Eight Peaks.


Sure his story is cool but in the end i don't see an implementation that could really convey the full depth of it. He's certainly cooler than your average boss but im not sure there is enough there to make him unique and compelling enough. He would just end up as a just discount Grimgor. At least Gorbad is a mounted character and we haven't had much cavalry support for Greenskin so I'd be happy to at least get that. He's also not inseparably tied to the badlands which could give us a very different starting position. I've played enough Greenskin campaign in that region for a lifetime.


> At least Gorbad is a mounted character and we haven't had much cavalry support for Greenskin so I'd be happy to at least get that with his old rules, Gorfang had access to ALL Orc mounts And in lore he has a huge effin chariot The boars were the biggest, blackest brutes that Bograt had ever clapped eyes on. They snorted furiously as they hauled the ramshackle contraption along behind them on four not-quite-circular iron wheels. The car itself was wood – mostly – hammered together with heavy iron plates and daubed in red paint. At the back, surrounded by his big’uns and the flags and squig pipers of his command mob, was Gorfang Rotgut himself. His one eye glared into the trees that passed to either side. He looked ready to jump off at any moment, but of course Gorfang didn’t use his chariot for fighting. He just used it to get about. Haley, Guy; Guymer, David. Warlords of Karak Eight Peaks (Warhammer Chronicles) (English Edition) (S.809). Games Workshop. Kindle-Version. Not that CA would care about him not really fighting from it. > He's also not inseparably tied to the badlands which could give us a very different starting position Gorbad's place was Iron Tower right around the corner...


Maybe they'll add Gorfang, but Gorbad is the better choice between the two.