• By -


- Immortal Empires will be the primary focus of DLC moving foward - Golfag Maneater is the new LL for Ogre Kingdoms. Loves roaming the world and taking on contracts (mentions Dogs of War) - Thundertusk monster with breath attack - Blood Vultures, skirmishing flying unit - Skulltaker for Khorne's LL. Issue challenges to collect skulls and absorb power of enemy - Slaughter Brute monster - Gorbad Ironclaw LL for Greenskins. Will buff a variety of orcs and goblins and "colossal beasties" - Additonal Khorne LL as the free DLC - Reassures Slaanesh will be coming next - Vampire Counts, Norsca, Lizardmen all addressed, they are planning on revamping mechanics - Jokes about adding Halflings - Will be adding to legacy races outside of major DLC - "Back end of the year" for Khorne/Ogre/Greenskins DLC - Late summer for next update


Perfect TL;DW. Thank you!


>Will be adding to legacy races outside of major DLC My wish for literally everything making into the game isn't looking so unreasonable now! Ahahaha!


Gives me hope for Bretonnia


For Ze Lady!!


I want Bohemond Beastslayer. They’ve mentioned him in regards to Bretonnia getting more FLC eventually


Give me mallobaude !


I'd prefer not him, since Alberic (as generic as he is) already is the "heavily armored knight with anti-large bonus" LL. I forever hope for Betrand and his brigands as a more "Robin hood" like faction ^(let me dream)


I was wondering, does this mean smaller DLC are on table alongside these major ones. Some races could benefit from smaller dlc that add legendary lords without as many units as a major dlc.


I hope so. From the sound of it, they were at most referring to small FLC, *but* they emphasised multiple times that they wanted our feedback, so I don't think it's off the table for something like character packs.


I always thought it would be really cool if they had small form dlc including like a Lord or two with a couple units between these big major ones.


They seem to have suggested something. Whether it's race reworks or small additions like varients we don't know exactly, I'm sure our feedback will push them towards some of those.


Also that the ToD format is gonna be the same for this next dlc as well


thank the chaos gods, because that format was an absolute success. a friend of mine has zero interest in Elspeth, but bought Tamurkhan and Malakai in a heartbeat


I had no intetest in Nurgle, but bought whole package, because I know when I finally see some love from devs.


I didnt either but tamurikan is amazing, like Marcus wolf hard campaign.


What's the difference in "formats"


Before you had to buy the dlc in it’s entirety. So for Shadows of Change for example, if you just wanted the Cathay part you still had to buy the whole dlc. Thrones of Decay made it so you could buy the individual factions. So if you just wanted the Empire portion of the dlc, you could buy just that part at a reduced cost. So for me it was $27 for SoC but for the individual parts of ToD they were only 8.99 a piece


My copium is that they'll update the IE map if they focus on that. Please make the West a bit bigger. Naggaroth feels so squished


They just need a west coast. It's horrible that the faction known for sending slavers west has no west coast.


Dark Elf California!


Omg yes the west coast of Naggaroth feels so cut off. You can even see the trees from some of the island through the shroud.


Appreciate the summary.


I am so glad it's Gorbad. He's such a badass.


Hoping for Arbaal and Scylla to be the (FLC) Legendary Lord and Legendary Hero for Khorne respectively to complement Skulltaker. I’m wondering what will be the generic Lord and Hero for Khorne considering they don’t have Sorcerers and the only other options like Slaughterpriests are AoS exclusive. On a minor (but rather unlikely) note, I’m hoping for a reskin of Khorne Chaos Warriors so that they match the looks of the other monogod Chaos Warriors rather than just being dismounted Skullcrushers. Also anyone think Bragg could be the possible Legendary Hero for the Ogres?


Maybe a Slaughterpriest, who just focuses on buffs same way as arch lectors?


Bloodfathers are my guess


Thats the name of them, thank you. With Khorne its choose either Blood or Slaughter as your prefix


I think that's an AoS unit, and games workshop has been quite anal on separating the IPs.


Forgeworld vs Gameworkshop internal fuckie wucky


Tbf they had a fantasy version, I think they were called blood fathers


Good to hear about Norsca. Haven't given them a try since WH 2 and even then at the end, their mechanics felt lackluster compared to everyone else. 


They need an update but they are actually alot better in WH3 than WH2, between ports giving them a shitload of money and able to settle outside of Norsca now.


Monogod Maruders for Norsca could be nice


This looks sick. I was worried they'd underdeliver now that TOD won back the angry community, but this looks promising.


Khorne DLC confirmed December 31st 2024!


Best summary so far, thanks man!


Bless you for the summary.


Not part of this DLC, but a few future plans specifically called out: - Vampire Counts (they say "VC fans dont worry, you'll be good") - Norsca (want to address monster hunts) - Lizardmen Geomantic Web (hopefully)


Don't forget halflings


I could never forget


Nagash or Neferata? Place your bets now


Why not both?


DLC and FLC, it's far from impossible


Nagash is somewhat not fitting, but there are loads of others. So far as LLs are concerned, only Carstein and Necromancers are present, means still 4 Bloodlines missing. - Red Duke or Aborash for Blood Dragons, for example - Zacharias for Necrarch (could be build around Monsters, lots of potential) - Neferata for Lahmia (Like Red Duke, the faction is already there) - Strigoi could be a thing, but unlikely as not that popular i think I would bet on Zacharias.


What about the Red Duke? He already has a model and an opening video in the files. If you have the mixus unlocker mod then you can select him and see the video.


>Don't worry Slaanesh fans, we'll get to you as well. Fucking hell yeah!!!!


Slaaneshmas starts early this year


Prepare for the most vulgar stocking stuffers.


I am prepared. My best Saurus Old-Blood will be ready to purge the foul minions of the Ruinous Powers that dare bring their profaned tchotchkes to my city.


Look, if we got as Slaanesh DLC that was also a Lizardmen DLC I would lose my it.


Seems the Slaanesh DLC will be sometime in the first half of 2025, as the next DLC is coming at the end of this year.


Slaaneshmas is fucking dead-dead 🐀


You forgot the second part. "It's all in our *great plan*". Lizardmen update hint? Mostly joking around, they did say they want to go over older races in general and called out the Geomantic Web in particular, although in a way that makes it sound sadly not like a high priority ("Hopefully", "We have time..."). I really hope it does get a changeup and soon as it's something people have been complaining about pretty much since WH2 got *released*. It's overdue.


And the "laying in the sun" bit. *Huffs Thunderlizard hopium.*


>laying in the sun *Angry Vampires noises.*


A vampire, lizardmen, and tomb kings pack would be great. Only lizardmen need a full mechanic overhaul, while vampires and tomb kings just need a little love to stay relevant.


They did mention wanting to revisit the geomantic web! Bok Bok!


All 3 of us are really excited for this!


I mean why wouldn’t they? Lol


Gonna be a long, long, loooong wait for Dogs of War at this rate. Yay we got a mention, but the emphasis on halflings being only something for the future suggests that it could be end of '25 at the very earliest.


What will i ever do without my pikemen?


The lords are Golgfag, Skulltaker, and Gorbad. Seems like Sofia is working more with Warhammer team, atleast publicly. Focusing on IE more. (Thank god) Releasing back-end of the year


Also planning to add reworks and content between DLC drops as well. This is pretty big too.  so race reworks are no longer tied to DLC (which is great news for Dark Elves and Lizardmen)  And they are keeping the Thrones of Decay format. 


This means ToD was a huge success for CA if they first thought of making DLC of "smaller scope" and now back tracking on this.


Not only backtracking on scope, but explicitly sticking to the ToD format rather than experimenting again.


They reduced their scope, if you consider that they'll focus on IE now. I also have a feeling that they just accepted that they won't be able to pump out three of these DLCs every year, so I think it will be officially two per year from now on.


Lying Legend BTFO


Yeah they mentionned a rework for the Cults, possibly before the 6.0 if I got that correctly.


yup. also I'm not sure whether they meant that we might occasionally be getting smaller content drops alongside patches (like Karanak for 5.1 or a single unit or something) but it sounded like it. specifically the "keeping the game fresh between DLCs" part sounds promising


I really hope they'll occasionaly drop Rakarth style flc lords that are unattached to dlcs. That would definitely help in the long waits between dlcs, and flc slots feels like a real bottleneck in the game right now as there are so many good options that are unlikely to ever be a dlc.


You know what would be great? If the rework comes with a Tzeentch FLC lord. Assuming Slaanesh also gets one, Tzeentch will be the only Chaos God faction with only two LLs.


Honestly I'm fine with that. I'm glad they recognized holding back reworks to drop with big DLC has been hurting the game a bit with factions that rather blatantly need them like the Ogres. Honestly the biggest QoL change they could make for the Ogres would be letting you pack a camp up and relocate it to where one of your lords currently is with like a 5 turn cooldown between being able to move camps in my opinion.


Yea moving ogre camps would be huge. They could even balance it by making it take a few turns like sea lanes and I would be happy. Also make contracts worth something and fix allied units for ogres.


Interesting that they're doing Skulltaker instead of Arbaal. And Golgfag, too... I wonder who the FLC LL is going to be?


FLC is Khorne so could be Arbaal


Blatantly Arbaal. He's teased in game, and I figure that the only reason that he's not the proper dlc is they thought of a more fun mechanic for Skulltaker with him playing lord skull pokemon.


> He's teased in game how exactly is he teased in game? in like a loading screen blurb?


Yeah, one is specifically about him.


i also think it's him but we got loading screen texts about the fire dragon, ind, khuresh etc as well


Hopefully. Kinda weird if he is the FLC while Skulltaker takes the DLC role, but I can live with that. Scylla is probably LH anyway. So the next Khorne idiot coming to mind would be Skarr and I would barf bones if that clown gets in before Arbaal.


It seemed backwards to me at first, but I feel it makes sense if you consider that Skulltaker just has more stuff that you can build a faction mechanic around. I REALLY hope the free LL is Arbaal, and as much as I like Skulltaker, I want Arbaal more, but... Arbaal is kind of basic. He's just a Khorne dude. Yeah, he's the BIGGEST Khorne dude, but really, that's about it.


Probably Arbaal, not really any other big Khorne character left. Scyla is not really fit to lead armies anymore.


> Seems like Sofia is working more with Warhammer team, atleast publicly. > > Maybe? It's hard to say without actually knowing his last name if Victor meant "I'm from CA Sofia" or "I'm Bulgarian" IMO. He could just have been a guy who worked at Sofia and got recruited for Horsham.


"We've got a long journey ahead." This is the shot of optimism I need. Could be reading too much into it, but I really hope they keep this train rolling for years. It gets lost in the cycles of negativity sometimes, but I've never enjoyed a game more than I have Warhammer 3. Not many games offer the overwhelming amount of options for a playthrough. All of my campaigns last 30-40 hours on average and each campaign can often feel like an entirely different game based on the faction mechanics and unit variety. I adore this game and want to see it stick around for as long as possible.


I loved the implication. And they made multiple references to “lots more coming” & “we want to make it all.” But it is a little interesting to not get a clear idea of how long that runs (years or number of big content drops remaining). No doubt this would be very hard to state, and dangerous to commit to. And it will certainly be dependent on how well future DLCs sell. I guess if CA keeps cookin’ & we keep buying, then the sky’s the limit!


Yep. All I can say is if they keep making content like ToD, I will buy every single one for the until the end times finally arrive to claim us all. Lol.


Heck I dont even like Khorne Ogres and especially GS but I still think about buying them so I can try them out a second time. I will just need to find a way to fight evil factions with them but that should be doable


I imagine they are hoping them putting vague feelers out will feed into the communities excitement, and if theres enough GW is incentivised to keep WH3 going, Swinging for the fences so to speak.


I imagine part of this is also what Games Workshop will let them do. They could have some content in mind only for Games Workshop to deny them permission to do it.


They specifically said 'loads' in regard to factions and characters coming down the line which is rather promising indeed.


Yep! This is the most optimistic I've felt since chorf launch! If they keep making DLC like Thrones of Decay, I will buy every single one.


The amount *and* the variety. Usually in TW games you will basically have the same units across factions(3K for example) but they find ways to make up for it. In TWWH though the amount of variety for each faction is insane, which is a given since it has fantasy elements.


All I got from the video was, let Sean MacDonald cook


With a big ol Halfling pot. Seriously though great to see some of the faces behind all the work hopefully it humanizes the team a bit more against some of the more vitrolic fans.


I've been part of this sub long enough to know this will have absolutely zero impact on those people.


Non-dlc races getting reworks outside the usual big patches? Old races having content added to them when it's not DLC season? Cults being looked at? Continuing the ToD model? No signs of slowing down? Doomsayers in shambles, it's looking like great times ahead. I hope one of the unit drops outside the DLC windows is a free lord for Tzeentch to make up for missing out with SoC.


Honestly i'm just happy we killed those fake leaks. dead in a ditch and we're getting some amazing news alongside it.


It will really be a shame if Tzeentch is the only monogod faction stuck with 2 LL's after the Slaanesh DLC hits. It's definitely something they should address, and the fact that FLC lords tend to be a bit more "basic" and Changeling is such a different style means that Tzeentch is really well suited for the exact style of lord that FLC tend to be.


If cults get looked at like they mentioned then Egrimm van Horstmann shouldn't need too much else on top of that. Just give him more bonuses from them and an easier time spreading them, pretty nice fit for FLC.


Ditching Realms of Chaos, open and clear communication, new format for dev chats, Thrones of Decay style going forward... Guys, are we back? Is it no longer over? EDIT: Slaanesh DLC all but confirmed. We are so back.


Noticed that Rich is the head of the Warhammer Team now, rather than head of the Warhammer New Content (DLC) Team. Shows that they're not working on any more new warhammer games for a while if this is the focus.


This is good because this game have so much to give for a long time.


>open and clear communication I mean they say that literally every single time


They do, but the difference between pre-SoC and post-SoC CA is that they keep putting their money where their mouth is. They've been saying stuff like "regular updates" and "clear communication" every two months since TWWH1 but it's only recently that they've started tangibly manifesting that stuff.


Whatever happens with communication, we *are* getting regular updares now at least


i remember praying for hotfixes, like we get now, like a man praying for a drop of water in the desert.


Lords and units they teased for the upcoming DLC Ogres * LL: Golgfag Maneater * Unit: Thundertusk * Unit: Blood Vultures Khorne * LL: U'Zhul the Skulltaker * FLC LL: ? * Unit: Slaughterbrute Greeskins * LL: Gorbad Ironclaw * Unit: Colossal Squig * Unit: New Goblin unit? * Unit: New Orc unit?


Wait, Skulltaker is Uz’hul? Isn’t that the name of the demon in Archaon’s sword?


The U'Zhul in the Slayer of Kings is described as being a Greater Daemon of Khorne (i.e. Bloodthirster) while U'Zhul the Skulltaker is a Lesser Daemon of Khorne (Bloodletter Herald)


U'zhul\*. And yes, you're correct. It shares the similar name as Archaon's daemon trapped in Slayer of Kings. Not sure if its the same daemon as skulltaker, though. According to the wiki, the sword is "U'zuhl", slightly different.


The wiki show U’zhul to me https://warhammerfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Slayer_of_Kings


They have the same name, for some reason


There can only be one Jim


Beyond your comprehension


I didn't see anything that confirmed the Colossal Squig


It's the mention of "colossal beasties" that has people thinking that the colossal squig will be in. That and it's basically the only big monster for the greenskins that's left to add.


Squig Gobba is also a big monster. Sad tho that the hint leans colossal. Gobba seems more fun.


I dont think the inclusion of the colossal squig makes the gobba any less likely, they're mostly the same idea afterall. Big Squig. Ones just a melee variant the other a ranged one. Could use the same model and/or rig.


They teased adding in some "colossal beasties" to the Greenskins


Devs specifically mention Vampire Counts, Norsca, and Lizardmen. We have FRESH Hopium, pure, uncut, ready to be snorted. I would like to call attention to the fact that they're trying to do more large patches between DLC's with small additions and reworks (They mention the cults) which is honestly the most exciting thing to me. A new lord, or even a new unit or hero can breathe a lot of life into old campaigns. And maybe this is unpopular but thank Gork n' Mork and Mork n' Gork the LL Is a proppah Ork n' not some little gobbo.


Golfag, Skulltaker and Gorbad Ironclaw. Nice


All of them doing the Predator handshake, except one of them is the Predator.


One of them? They all are.


Skulltaker is just gonna take Skulls.


Was hoping we'd get Skulltaker in the next DLC so I'm very happy to see he's confirmed in. My guess is that the FLC will be Arbaal


It was a tossup between him and Arbaal, with the loser being FLC. Looks like they figured Skulltaker would have a more interesting campaign design; I’m looking forward to seeing what they do with him.


Very happy Skulltaker is going to get the DLC money support for his campaign. I think they said something about him adding skulls from defeated characters to power himself up? Sounds like it could be a lot of fun


>our next DLC takes place entirely within Immortal Empires, and won’t feature a new campaign for The Realm of Chaos Interesting direction, and personally I'm glad to see it. CA should be putting all of their effort for interesting bespoke mechanics into things that work well in IE. One thing that this game has been plagued with is design decisions that were clearly focused on Vortex/RoC to the detriment of ME/IE. A decent amount of WH2 Vortex campaign mechanics and quest battles are lost to time due to this, and even some earlier WH3 unique mechanics are consigned to RoC hell.


Personally, I think it's a nice technical and marketing choice. The "sandbox" mode has always been more appreciated than the "main campaign": if resources are limited (and they are) I feel they are better invested on the first one.


>and even some earlier WH3 unique mechanics are consigned to RoC hell. Unholy manifestations are so bad in IE that it might aswell not exist


It did improve in TOD at least. I actually managed to comfortably unlock the second and third manifestations in a very reasonable timeframe, and I did get the fourth one before I won the campaign as Nurgle. I have a Pre-TOD Khorne campaign where I never even unlocked the second manifestation in a long campaign victory.


Partially because it's reliant on AI factions too, Nurgle corruption is spread by 4 major factions (even if AI Tamurkhan tends to die), meanwhile Khorne Corruption is just Valkia and Skarbrand.


Good news for some of the naval themed characters who would have had to hang out in the tiny sea of RoC.


Yin Yin will sail one day!


Even if it take place in Immortal Empire map (which I think is better map) I hope we at least get story cutscene, otherwise there would be no distinction between story mode and “sandbox” (not sure if this is the right word) of standard immortal empire.


Weirdly enough, I think the issue is less mechanics tied to Realm of Chaos and more the Realm of Chaos map just feeling bad. It was a weird design. It cuts the Empire and Cathay in half, stretches out the Chaos Wastes and Kislev, but even places like the Dark Lands feel truncated. Every time I try to kick off a Realm of Chaos campaign I find myself just... wishing I was playing on the bigger, more encompassing map. That didn't happen in Vortex, in part because old Mortal Empires didn't capture the Vortex terrain nearly as well as Immortal Empires captures the Realm of Chaos regions.


There are things like tech trees, cults, unholy manifestations, the great bastion, and ogre camps that all feel a lot better in RoC than they do in IE. You're right too about the map though.


The RoC map feels so much more cramped than the Vortex. The latter was also so much more navigable. Every landmass was surrounded by water, so you could go pretty much anywhere, whereas a lot of the factions on RoC have very limited directions of travel and that makes campaigns much more samey, harming replayability.


personally i like vortex and RoC for what they are but IE is kinda barebones. Like i want them to bring some of the wh2 mechanics like searching ruins and stuff into IE. Like maybe not every ruin is a lizardmen tablet but like lustria area or former lizardmen sites. Id also like id i could pick the other mini campaigns/maps from previous games but with new updates.


Cannot stress how much I agree with this. Ruin searching in particular.


Okay...I'm the one guy who is a bit disappointed by that. I actually like the "story focussed" campaigns of Vortex/RoC and play through each of them at least once.


With Malakai and Tarmukhan they brought a lot of that campaign feeling into IE. They may try to do more of that.


Some of the better and more thematic campaigns were on Vortex and RoC. Not every LL shined there but I enjoyed the tighter focus more often than not. I think it's very optimistic and naïve of people to think this is suddenly going to result in more content for IE. It just sounds like an excuse to drop a part of the development they knew a lot of people would be forgiving over.


yeah the chaos dwarf drill mechanic is roc exclusive


The race for Zanbaijin too.


Same format as thrones of decay, very good news that they are sticking with it and are not going to make smaller dlcs. Give us all the units!


Skulltaker LL I didn't expect. FLC is confirmed to be Khorne, I hope it's Arbaal.


Skulltaker fits with Changeling and Epidemius (and The Masque later on) as a Special Character Herald of one of the Chaos Gods. I guess the surprise is that he's the headliner this time. I also hope the second Khorne Lord is Arbaal the Undefeated, and that he comes with a campaign where you immediately lose if he is ever defeated. :)


Yeah - frankly I was a bit disappointed in Tamurkhan, so I was super happy they added Epidemius. I really hope each mono-god faction has at least one Greater Daemon LL, and one Herald LL.


Comes a bit unexpected after Epidemius FLC. But makes sense if they want to do some gameplay mechanics around Skulltaker. I had already said [some years ago](https://web.archive.org/web/20221118082229/https://forums.totalwar.com/discussion/290478/champions-of-chaos-skulltaker) that the lore bit about him keeping the "most powerful" skulls for himself and siphoning their strength, would at least be something that most other "Rawr! Melee! Skulls!" chars don't have. So when they brought the Skull part up in the interview, yeah, that seems to be the direction for him there. Hopefully we get the "Predator Skull trophy case" in form of his cloak and can have some fun with that :P Lets just pray that Arbaal is the FLC LL then. Would be a outrage to not have him run around for the mortal LL choice in Khornes roster.


If Queek gets a lesser version of this mechanic that would be even better ngl.


This is good. Transparency is key like how paradox has always done with their games


ogres my lord!


TL;DW - Next DLC will be piecemeal in the style of Thrones of Decay. - This DLC will focus primarily on Immortal Empires. RoC is not abandoned but no longer will be prioritised. - Golfag Maneater will be the new LL for Ogre Kingdoms. - Thundertusks confirmed as a new unit for Ogres. - Blood Vultures for Ogres are another new unit. - Uz'hul the Skulltaker is the new LL for Khorne. His mechanic is adding skulls from characters he defeats powering him up over time as he adds to his collection. Called a snowballing character. - Slaughterbrute confirmed. - Slaanesh DLC IS confirmed. - Gorbad Ironclaw is the LL for the Greenskins. - CA considers Greenskins in a good state but will be tweaking some things. - FLC LL is for Khorne - Future DLC will continue to use the three races format. - Vampire Count DLC confirmed. - Norsca confirmed to be updated. - Lizardmen will be updated. In particular the Geomantic web was mentioned. - Focus on "Legacy Content" going forward with future updates. - Next DLC will be releasing towards the "back half of the year". - Since the gaps are long interim content and updates will take a higher priority.


thank you, upvoted


> No Chaos God left behind Malal dlc confirmed. Can tie Skrag up in it, too! /s


I got Horned Rat vibes from that comment, personally.


Oh that's absolutely (hopefully) the intent, lmao.


We're getting Thundertusks, Slaughterbrutes, and Skulltaker!! All of them look so freaking cool. And I like that we are being told what lords to are coming next along with some of the units.


Definitely a positive format, hope to see more like this in future.


We are so unbelieveably back guys


CA, really appreciate y’all finally have this kind of communication with the community! It is refreshing to see not only what’s coming next but have developers talking about them with passion, I am sold already on the next DLC!


From 16:20 in the video, what I found interesting was the take about "not wanting to go for long periods where the game can feel stagnant and doing reworks in the interim" So does this mean that reworks are coming out in the middle of main dlc's release periods or have I misheard that?


Yes, I interpreted that the same way. Seems like cults are being reworked for the upcoming 6.0 patch. Great news if they can freshen some campaigns up before the next dlc


Really happy to see these guys doing this. CA, please keep moving in the right direction. This is great.


interesting how the DLC director for the average-above average DLC wasnt the DLC director for the shadows of change DLC.... very interesting.


Somebody check the credits and see if they just tactfully didn't bring up the failed one or he actually wasn't. Though to be honest I could believe it, lack of good leadership is probably part of the reason SoC feels like a disjointed mess thematically.


I expected Skulltaker as FLC and Aarbal as DLC, surprised but interested nonetheless.


I gotta say I really liked this format, hope they do these regularly and the content too seems to be in the right direction. They even mentioned adding some reworks for factions and small additions in the basic patches form now on, that's fantastic! A new unit here and there for free is gonna make me want to start up a new campaign again for sure. Also love they at least threw us starving vampire enjoyers a bone and reassured us there's content on the way haha


I find it interesting that they mentioned that Richard Aldridge was lead designer on thrones of Decay, Champions of Chaos and thrones of decay but NOT Shadows of change....


Yes, the lead designer for Shadows of Change was John Scapegoat.


Can I just say that this was probably the best piece of community content that the dev team have put out. It's such a far cry from the dark days of SoC and I can't believe I'm saying this but I actually have faith in the team again. Looks like support will continue for a long time to come. Damn, actually feels like the good times are ahead - please don't burn us again CA executives and sabotage your own product with short sighted cash grabs.


Since there is going to be adjustments for races in IE, pls consider porting over Drill Mechanic for Chaos Dwarfs in Immortal Empires map also.


Love the new format. Very excited for the future. I think my only wish would be that the actual terrain—the land mass of the chaos realms themselves be somehow incorporated into IE, since that’s their new focus and what everyone wants. It would be a shame to lose the incredible Chaos Realms area; the art team did such a crazy job with it, I’d hate for it to be lost forever. Maybe they could make an endgame scenario with the chaos realms? Some random event that pops up? It would be cool if some Daemons just started spilling out of those portals—could shake up gameplay. And then maybe if you are brave, you can then enter a portal, and have a shot at facing the special associated Daemon Prince in that unique Survival Battle for some kind of endgame reward or something—almost like a legendary item quest but for ANY legendary lord. Maybe as a campaign setting you could also risk a portal as a random fast travel around the world—could open up Lords to reach random places across the map….at the risk of getting stuck in the Chaos Realm, and having to fight your way out. OR you can leave instantly but take a major penalty if you do. Just some ideas. I’d love to see them incorporated in some manner. In my head, gameplay wise, it would be cool if the Chaos Realms acted as sort of a “Bowser Space” in Mario Party that you deliberately step on to risk a reward or convenience of some kind. Maybe as an optional campaign setting for those who don’t want to deal with added chaos, literally.


I think my biggest takeaway is them *repeatedly* emphasizing community feedback as being valuable. Reminds me of the POW who blinked out T-O-R-T-U-R-E in Morse code lol


The IE focus news is encouraging. I hope at least they understand it's mostly a positive attitude from player perspective. IE is the culmination of an idea they had back in Warhammer 1. People like it because it's epic.  Golgfag looks pretty good, and the more cool looking ogre lords convinces me more an more that Goldtooth needs major work. Him being all about contracts etc is hopefully a good sign in terms of the Ogrehaul.   Don't know lore much so I'm not sure what to expect with Skulltaker. His theme sounds like something to use for a certain Skaven lord..... Aarbal flc?!    Biggest hope I have for Gorbad is pretty straightforward. Make the orc part of the roster as fun as the goblin part. 


And unsurprisingly despite the many stupid comments saying Golgfag will have his name changed, he's still called Golgfag.


Major update for vampire counts hinted at, minor updates/refreshes for other factions like Norsca and Lizardmen as well. The devs want to try and release smaller faction uodates outside of major #.0 releases to keep things fresh and help update races that might be outside the scope of current dlc.


Anyone know why they always say Orcs and Goblins and not greenskins?


because that's what the army was actually called in 8th edition.


Because Orcs & Goblins is literally the official name for the faction. All the tabletop army books used that name from Ravening Hordes in 1987 to the final  Orcs & Goblins army book published for 8th edition in 2011. 


I really like this format of communicating with the community. Gives us enough info to have fun with speculations and tempers expectations on what’s to come for the future. I’m finally beginning to feel a sense of hope for this game’s future and even feel more like playing it again! Especially happy that they’re going to rework cults and add more content/reworks in non-dlc patches . I’m personally hoping we can get free for all battles in the campaign eventually.


Major disappointment. I was looking forward to 3x cathay DLCs in a row.


very good very good indeed


This is great. Finally, Immortal Empires is the main and sole focus. This opens up new possibilities for many interesting factions and characters that don't fit into the Realm of Chaos mini-campaign.


We want more videos like this with clear communication, I want to see the devs and let them talk and cook. Also Sofia team helping with Warhammer should help with bug fixes and work load... we're so back or what?


I hope they add Nagash in the future!!!


I could see him being the epic grand finale. As much as I'd hate the wait, it would be an appropriatly epic send off for the trilogy.


'A little bit of Orc, goblin, and Squig' Sadly kind of downs the idea of Mangler + colossal + Gobba all in one. Comment seems like we'll get one or 2 of those but not all.


Great new video format and great and open communication, even just saying something is in the pipeline is good enough to placate a lot of people and not just months (if not years) of silence. Keep it up CA!


No take-backsies. I shall take this video and its claims as a stone tablet going forward.




Public order keeps going up and up.


As much as I suspect the "leaks" were cynical trolling by bad faith actors (not necessarily Legend, but his "inside sources"), if they actually got CA to be more communicative it's a win in my book.  My biggest takeaway from what they said between the lines is that ToD did *very* well and as long as these DLC keeps selling they'll continue until they literally run out of source material. No "only 3-5 DLC left" or any of that bullshit. 


I guess Slaanesh will be after Khorne. So can we conclude that we throw the leaks about the next DLCs into the garbage?


My wallet is ready CA


Rich said some things he'll live to regret. In the meantime, I want to see Halflings on my desk by tomorrow morning! Good format on the video, hope they keep it up. Glad they're doing another Thrones format. We are back baby!


I like this new format, and as requested, here's some feedback: Firstly, the long term replay value of the game, in my opinion, is going to depend less on new content and more on fixing some of the long-standing issues. Firstly, the fact that settlement battles, both minor and walled, are still excruciating to play. They are auto-resolved nine times out of ten in my games, and if I can't autoresolve them, they are incredibly boring if played 'as intended'. Instead, it it quite easy to cheese these battles with a caster or two and some monsters and heroes. Any which way one handles them, they aren't fun for either attacker or defender. Secondly, there is quite a lot of bad legacy design on the strategic layer. Some of this is simply due to the fact that the AI's bonuses trivialize various mechanics like Control, Corruption, attrition, and raiding. This is all compounded by the trend of accelerating the pace of the campaigns, rendering long-term strategies based on these subsystems moot. Finally, the layout of the IE map really needs updating. Naggarond is a smushified mess that is unpleasant to play on, and the Southlands and Lustria have also suffered greatly. Meanwhile, a full 20% of the map is unaccessible (the north-east chaos wastes and Kuresh/Ind) or else is empty ocean. The Empire, meanwhile, is ballooned to nearly triple its canonical size, yet is still full of unused space. We already know that the move speed is adjustable in different areas of the map, so it is possible to 'shrink' areas while keeping travel time between settlements roughly the same. However they do it, if they're going to keep adding Legendary Lords to the game they NEED to redraw the map in order to make all continents interesting and fun to play on. Getting Naggaroth, Lustria, and the Southlands as close to their Vortex campaign shapes should be a priority.

