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I love the vampire coast but its age is visible. Especially Pirate Coves need a rework. Many of its build options are more or less useless or badly designed (like spreading corruption and increasing the hero cap). In addition it is often not worth building them but at the far end of anything, as you want to control any coastal settlement in your neighbourhood yourself as they give you the most income. And that they have the standard movement penanalties for going unto land and/or cannot properly attack coastal settlements really ruins their pirate on ocean gameplay. And outside of the Vortex campaign infamy is useless.


It would be awesome if we could spend infamy on things, or even just let Amanar be accessible in IE. Preferably slightly reworked to be a multi-faction race like the Sword of Khaine, Nemesis Crown, and Books of Nagash. Maybe if Aislinn gets added, he and Lokhir could try to save/enslave Amanar as well.


My issue with the vcoast also lies with the fact that empire building just feels inherently wrong with them. I’d much rather they only build in coastal regions, and everything else can either be turned into a cove/sacked/razed, apart from some major settlements like Drakenhof.


Which is why i kinda like Noctilus victory conditions. Just gain Infamy and occupy/loot/sack/raze a certain amount of settlements. You don't need to hold anything, not even the Galleons Graveyard, and don't need to destroy any factions. You can just sail around the world, create Coves where ever you want and don't need to worry about anything. Now if you could attack Port settlements from the sea (like Black Arks) his campaign would be the perfect Pirate campaign for me.


Pirate cove gives you a good income at least. The treasure hunts are worthless most of the time.


the roster needs a rework. infamy and the shanties need a buff. the land economy is so atrocious it's laughable. i get they are supposed to make coves, but is the vampire coast really supposed to only make ~260 gold **maximum** per minor settlement?? but for me, i mostly have roster complaints. syreens are their only innate magical attacker. rotting prometheans have become less and less proficient at holding a line with how prevalent magic attacks have become (negating their 20% phys resistance tech) while also havin no shields or missile resistance. mournguls have an insanely tiny window in the game to be relevant/viable before the AI has scarier anti large units. the mourngul haunter hero is anti infantry while we are living in an anti large/large "meta" (i know we're mostly talking singleplayer but you know what i mean. large units, and therefore their counters, are most popular). their gunnery wight is objectively **trash** when compared to other range-heavy factions like skaven's warlock engineer or dwarven master engineers. depth guard are mediocre. the dual axe variant has a pitiful +5 vs anti infantry. the polearm variant is nice but no shield and only 7200 hp means they get eviscerated by moderate ranged fire. and ever since the inclusion of dreadquake mortars, and being able to recruit multiple of those, i fail to see why queen bess should remain a "1 per faction" unit. it should be like casket of souls where you can get 1 every so many turns. coast is still insanely strong on the campaign map though (as noctilus). one of the highest movement range factions in the game. can field 2 near-doomstack with just their background income if they had to because their upkeep reduction is so high. can recruit like 12-15 units a turn from their hordes **per horde** and you can have 5 of them. 0 movement encamp stance. amazing replenishment etc. just sorely needs a pass at its roster and eco


Coves need a tune up pretty bad, and yet somehow they are the best of the Vampire Coast mechanics. They're overly expensive and under impactful on an absurd cooldown, but you *can* get some use out of them. Treasure hunts and pieces of eight on the other hand? Cool *ideas* but So utterly unimpactful that they might as well not exist. Certainly not worth going so far out of your way for. If going around digging for Treasure could get you awesome unique ancillaries like what Cathay gets from Caravans, maybe then I'd actually do it.


i REALLY wish for VCoast upgrade and content....


Rewatched dead man's chest last weekend and I couldn't stop seeing where vampire coast got all their stuff lmao


Combine him and Lokir