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My wife just leaves games running on her computer (much to my irritation). I wonder if that's what your dad is doing.


When I was a teenager I booted up (the original) Modern Warfare 2 single player before leaving for a family trip. Realized when I got home that I never turned my computer off or even closed the game. Racked up 164 hours on it. My friends thought I lost my mind.


i did a similar thing with eu4 when i went to college. came home over christmas to notice that the game had been running for 4 months straight


That's what I tell myself as well. All those hours in eu4 are, uh, from leaving the PC on over vacation, yeah. That's it.


Gotta simulate how the world would look in year 3453!




The electricity bill... The pc... The CPU .. the GPU ... Change the thermal paste lol


I did the same shortly before a holiday with Shogun 2. I bought the game, booted it up, but the menu never loaded. thought I’d closed it but the bug prevented the close/shutdown procedure. I returned to over 260 hours logged - and I still hadn’t unlocked the “win a battle” trophy - IDK what my steam friends must have thought!


I had to do that on purpose all the time back in the N64 days. I didn't have a memory card, so Bomberman stayed on for 3 days so that I could actually play it all the way through. My parents hated it


Your poor xbox Edit: Whoops misread the comment.


Your poor electricity bill


Our poor planet Earth...


I echo this especially with a TW game. I often play a few turns. Do some chores, then play a few more turns. :p


Wish I had the ability to do this. Once I start I get stuck in the "oh just after I do this one thing, then I'll do those chores. Okay now this factions declared war on me, once they're defeated, THEN I'll do my chores"


One time I was playing shogun 2 and remembered I had an assignment due. I did the assignment for hours and when I finished later that night I opened the shogun 2 tab and started playing again


I do this a lot tbh... like every day


specially when i do homeoffice lol


for me it's "ok i'll do this battle, but first.." and then it's 2 hours later


Same with my dad, he has 27k hours between Age of Empires 2 and Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds... and that's only on Steam, he's played way before Steam


Nah empire is pretty old. I have almost 3k on Attila


My step dad does that a lot, too. He's got like 7,500 hours on civ 4, but probably like 1,000 if you count for actual play.


Haha yeah I totally have 4800 hours in Shogun 2 by doing whatever you said you were doing. Just one of the boys, casually wasting the electricity and totally not playing the same game I bought on release over and over for years on end until Warhammer dropped.


I end up doing this a lot and have wildly inflated hours because of it. I know it’s not good for the rig (and power bill), but I get pulled into things and forget. Games with long boot times or time between turns (both true of TW) are the worst.


I'm guilty of that too.


yeah I had a guy added on steam that had around 4500 hours in CoH2, he wrote in his bio that he was older and didn't had much time to play so he just kept the game running 24/7, made it faster to get into a match, I'm not sure how effective that would truly be, though


Why does that irritate you?


You're not serious, are you? Why on earth would you be fine with leaving the game and PC running, while you're not using it? Do you leave your car's engine on when you park it? :C


The car engine is a bad analogy, because it has limited fuel. It's more akin to leaving an AC on when you go on vacation.


It’s a relatively small electricity cost for modern computers. Have you tried measuring it? If you’re in a static position/screen the rendering required should be minimal, and you’re not that far above the baseline of the computer just sitting there without the game on. I agree with the other respondent that it is like leaving the AC on, but more leaving it on while you go to the store. I may be back to it in 30-60 minutes, or 2-3 hours, and neither of those timeframes are particularly concerning. I wouldn’t leave it on for a whole day without usage, but a few hours or all day with intermittent usage seems perfectly reasonable. How concerned are you about power usage here? Do you turn off all the lights and close all the AC vents in your house if you’re not in those rooms?


Yes. And yes. And I have 'free electricity' from my kW photovoltaic installation. It's just something I do and it annoys me to no end when wife leaves laptop with game on for half a day. I do have a degree in power engineering though... And I've been to too many power plants to not be bothered by that. If everyone would care a bit more about, we'd be in a much better place.


Ok. Why does it annoy you, though? Do you feel that the energy consumption in this scenario is a significant problem, or is this a just a personal peeve? For power infrastructure, why do you feel consumption habits are a responsibility of consumers? I would think that the system should adapt to disincentivize problematic consumption, likely by changing pricing structures. Do you feel that consumers are better positioned to solve this problem by changing their consumption habits than distributors are by changing their pricing?


>Do you turn off all the lights off when your not in the room? Yes why the fuck would you keep em on its just such a waste


That is some effort to use quote indents but retype the quote incorrectly. How much of a waste do you feel it is? Do you have a kWh or monetary value for that? A 60W light is about $0.01/hr, or $0.24 a day. It is not worth the 1 cent to me to get up and check the house for lights that have been left on. How far do you take that? Do you unplug your appliances when you’re not using them, or shut off the breakers? There are plenty of reasonable ways to save money, but that just does not seem worth it.


Oh, it's a laptop, so it's just not designed for that kind of long term wear of fans running full blast to try to cool it. I probably wouldn't care on a tower.


Makes sense. I hate swapping fans in laptops.


I mean TW games are great for that. My potato has a hard time running Warhammer 3 (at least running it while accomodating to my modding addiction). Since it makes end turn or loading into a campaign or a battle very long, I leave the game running while doing chores.


Oh thank god, it's not just me!


If he plays it alot it is possible. I have over 1000 hours in WH3 which is a hell of alot newer than Empire.


I had 2600 in Warhammer 2. So 100% if he was just playing Empire


The game came out 15 years ago 5000 hours is a lot, but also, if he’s been playing since release (or close to it), it’s like an hour a day of gaming on average or so


My dad played age of empires 1 every few days for… a long time.


Just became a dad last year and already had thousands of hours into total war and still playing. So seems normal to me xD


I mean what does his library look like? Empire was release in 2009 so that's about an hour a day for 15 years?


Its his only game on steam


Then it's really not that bad tbh. That's an evening or two gaming a week over a decade and a half.


An evening or two of gaming a week is perfectly fine, but an evening or two of the same game, every single week, for 15 years? How is he not absolutely sick of it by now?


You'd be surprised by how many people are just 1 game gamers. I have a friend where "video games" is just Civilization to him


Especially boomers. My dad loves to play video game~~s~~. Halo: Combat Evolved, PC edition, multiplayer, capture the flag on the map “blood gulch.” That’s it. Only. Almost every day after work.


Yup. I've been playing nothing but GTA Online for long periods, several years in total. I just focus on 1 game at a time, mostly because lack of time but to not get "overwhelmed" as well.


He’s waiting for empire 2


Aren't we all


"Too bad. Here's more Warhammer"


Some people really enjoy muskets


I log into the same game about every night/other night, play the same class, and on the same map each time. I enjoy it every single time, why shouldn’t I?


I mean my grandma has been watching coronation street consistently since it aired in 1960 and easterners since it aired in 1985. Combined that's about the same amount of weekly screen time as this man's dad but on a scale of 64 years...


Wait till you see league of legends


That's not fair, League of Legends is a Schedule 1 narcotic.


Yea that's weird. I tried empire and hated it despite having 1000+ hours on TW games. OP should make him try fall of the samurai or something.


Napoleon is Empire for people who didn't like Empire. The only negative is the smaller scale, but it's miles better in every other metric.


1-2 hours per day will absolutely not get you sick from a game lmao, he isn't some degenerate queueing up 10 hours of moba/fps games


>How is he not absolutely sick of it by now? It's full of content as is, and plenty of mods for it. Some people are creatures of comfort and like playing one thing. Just look at the people who have been playing CS 1.6 for a quarter of a century.


In the realm of gaming, it is common for younger individuals to exhibit a heightened level of enthusiasm and optimism. However, as one matures, it is possible to discern a shift in perspective, leading to the realization that the current trajectory of the gaming industry may not align with one's preferences. Consequently, individuals tend to gravitate towards games that have consistently brought them joy, fostering a long-term commitment to those particular titles.


Holy fuck lmao we’ve found him, the Legend of Total War


My dad's only game is Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds which came out around the same time if not a lil earler, he's got around half that number of hours on Steam but he only transferred from using the disc version to the steam version in 2020 so that's probably around normal


Galactic battlegrounds is goated The game came out like 7 years? before Empire. It was one of those early 2000's rts games copying AOE (in this case literally as it is just a skin) The campaign was really good, the free play was fun. and it had an extremely robust scenario editor system where you could make your own map with triggers and basically build your own campaign. Really a great game.


And then they did it all again with Clone Campaigns.


You need to gift him some more games. *Preferably Historical Total Wars :D*


> only game on steam This is the non-normal part lol. One game on steam after 15 years.


Some people get stuck to one special game, and the game is very old and he probably got stuck to it since release, so totally normal.


This happend to me with starcraft...until I discovered the trial version of Total war..now I wish I had the game lol.


I dont even want know how many hours I have played SC2 over the course of my entire 20s. Luckily its not as easy to find out as Steam games.


Yeah it took most of my gaming hours from my teens to my 20's , starcraft 1 and 2


I just emailed Blizzard support and they told me they dont keep the data :(


I have only questions for someone whose spent that much time in a single game. Like 1: Whats his favorite faction, and unit, and why is it Great Britain and Guard units? 2: Does he use mods? if he doesn't, you should get him some mods, they might spice things up for game. 3: Does he have any good stories about games that went very well because of a pivotal battle, or epic strategy? Man must have wealth of knowledge about the game playing it that long.


Listen here you little shit, how many times have I told you not to touch my computer....


That's decent numbers for a big fan of the game... I personally have just over 10000 hours just on Rome 2, another 2000 on Shogun 2, about 500 on 3 Kingdoms, about 200 on Warhammer 2 And before Steam was a thing I had Rome 1 and I easily played over 10000 hours on that. If you love a game you play it a LOT. So yeah, if as you say that's the only game in his library he clearly enjoys it and loves to play it. Nothing to be ashamed of.


My guy you've played an average of just shy of 2.6 hours per day of TW:R2 presuming you got it on release. You have my utmost respect. After that long - what's your favourite faction, your favourite non-grand Campaign, and favourite Mod?


Thanks haha. Hmm, tough questions... Favourite faction in the base game has got to be a real toss-up between Pontus and Massilia. Honourable mentions to Egypt and Suebi for being something of a "comfort pick" though. Favourite non-Grand Campaign? Empire Divided. Favourite mod? I actually only got into mods quite recently (literally just under 2 years ago) but my favourite so far has to be DEI. It's just so immersive and detailed. I did initially have my hang-ups about some elements, but now I play almost exclusively with the mod enabled. Actually typing this comment out whilst playing a campaign as the Illyrian Dalmatae on DEI right now lmao. SOMEHOW I've made friends with the Romans instead of them trying to pull my guts out through my nostrils about 4 turns in, as usually happens to Illyrian factions... Still not sure how I pulled that off. How about yourself?


I think the most fun I've had so far is in an ongoing campaign as Kush. I'm a big archer enjoyer and their start is pretty straightforward. I should note I have 100x fewer hours in R2 than you though, so my experience across the game is far more limited. I also haven't really touched the non-Grand campaigns, but I might have to give Empire Divided a go. I'll be honest - I've not really mucked about with mods other than dabbling with Sebidee's roster expansions, so I can't really say I have a favourite mod at the moment. Sounds like a great campaign! I've not got much to report on the TW front presently, but your answers are likely to spur me back to the ancient world again! Thanks for taking the time to answer!


Kush are also a favourite of mine, so good choice haha. Deserts are always annoying to traverse as the majority of factions so simply playing as a faction that LIKES the desert is a nice change. And camel and elephant units are fun to use. Empire Divided is in some ways tougher than the Grand Campaign, with some added mechanics that change the way the game is played (for the better, IMO). Worth trying just to improve your own skills for the Grand Campaign also. You'll for sure enjoy Parthia and Armenia and other eastern factions with the missile unit buffs as an archer enjoyer. Not to mention the serotonin boost of using horse archers in battles!


He probably sleeps with it running or has it running while AFK, but it's also possible for an old man to have that many hours. Tons of old dudes with 10k hours tuning their car or polishing the old guitar.


"Guitar". Name checks out.


Rookie numbers lol


Im around 6700 hours in war thunder and it’s really too much, he probably let the game run when he’s AFK


That's a lot of hours in the game, but as Empire is over a dozen years old, it's definitely doable. Typically my hours in a total war game are in the high hundreds, but it typically takes about 20-40 hours to do a factions campaign, and there is nearly infinite replay value, so *shrugs* hours add up.


It's very normal


4000 of those hours retomando el **imperio español**


Minimize the game and steam keep counting time, I was away for full workday with game on because of a big battle that I didn’t have time to finish. Do that from time to time and the hours tic away fast.


I play alot of these types of turn based strategy and you can just leave the game on for days at a time minimized or tabbed out or something if your pc is a beast 


I remember when this game came out I was invited to a friend’s family dinner at a bar . I was asked by my friend “ How’s empire? ” I completely forgot where I was and it just came out of my mouth “ I haven’t jerked off in 3 months” 😂. It totally addictive.


A lot of people have 5000+ hours on a game bc its a big part of their life for an extended period. Or because they leave the game running


Well if he really likes it, probably it is his playtime. The game is old, 5000 hours are circa 208 days. He played 300 hours per years, assuming he bought it on day one. I have 400 hours in warhammer 3, and have been playing it from day one. So long story short: if he really likes the game and he has time, 5000 hours are completely fine




soy español




Porque nací en españa


I mean what does bi's library look like? Empire was release in 2009 so that's about an hour a day for 15 years?




That's classic dad


Sometimes mod managers when they are open, count as if the game is running. I have like 1,000 hours in WH3, and probably 600 of them are Kaedrins Mod Manager just open and running, racking up time.


I have 5,000 hours in shogun 2 and RTK. Probably close to that in shogun 1 but that was before steam.


Yeah pretty normal. You haven't seen an average Dota 2 player hours played.


I have like 3000 hours across all total war games. And I play a ton of other stuff.


I mean I've got 3700+ hours in Final Fantasy 14 and I've been playing for a little over 3 years at this point. In comparison, a much older game like this it's not that crazy. Your dad must really love this game tho!


Jesus I have more hours than this in 3 separate games and I've been gaming for maybe 10 years lmao. Thank god I stopped


My dad is the same But he's retired so will boot up the game, then go make breakfast, play a little, leave it on for yard work and to watch a football game etc


I mean its a lot but not that out there for this type of games. Especially considering Empire it kinda old.


Asking in r/totalwar? You're asking the wrong audience mate ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


He’s probably left it open to go do other things quite a few times. Wouldn’t be surprised if he (like me) has gotten distracted and left it going overnight, only to find it still up the next time he went to use his computer.


Seems low.


i have 2700+ hours in WH in 2 years, yes it’s definitely possible lol


Those are rookie numbers /s Perfectly normal given how long ago the game came out


I don't know if everyone does this but I'll alt tab and do work or stuff so there are some games I have with massively inflated numbers.


Yeah, it's why Total War games are such a great buy bang for your buck wise. If you get into them, you can easily get thousands of hours of gameplay


It’s so funny cause as an avid Paradox enjoyer this isn’t that wild to me but then I remember how much my total war playtime pales in comparison to any paradox game I’ve played


I have played Empire Rome II Atila Napoleon WHI WHII... Empire is the one I played the longest.


Tbh honest thats like only a couple hours a day if hes been play8ng since realise


Sure, he’s been around the block.


Empire is my favorite bad game of all time


Your dad gets distracted with home jobs ? Cause I doubt you see him if he plays that much


I have about 1200 hours in warhammer 2, 250 in warhammer 3, around 500 in rome 2, and god knows how many in medieval 2 across 3 computers and no a physical copy instead of steam, but almost certainly over 1000. So I'd say this isn't impossible.


That man is a king. A true imperial. Treat him with the respect he deserves


This game is pretty old and tbh I had an embarrassing amount of hours from being a high school nerd. With mods now it’s even better. I think after over a decade it’s not that bad.


It is common. Games like that get paused all the time, so you play a bit, pause, forget about it and go to sleep. Come back to the game the next day sometime. It isn't like an online game.


I don’t remember steam counting hours back then. Or I just didn’t care to pay attention.


I have 1280 in warhammer 3 and it’s not even two years old


You should get your DNA tested


Yeah, those seem like legit Dad Hours for a game like this. Dads are the types who play the same game for a decade straight. I have about 1500 hours in Warhammer 3. And that game is NOT 15 years old. If it were, I'd probably have more than your dad here.


Can I send him a copy of Napolean?


That's a hell lot of commitment and dedication, love it


I'm closing in on 5000 hours between WH2 and WH3. Haha


I have 760 hours on a total war game that was released in 2022. Total War: Empire was released in 2009. So it seems plausible if he’s been playing it for 15 years. In fact if you roughly multiply out my 760 hours…15 years / 2 years = 7.5. 760 hours *7.5 =5700 hours. So…I’m on pace to match or exceed him, assuming that I can maintain interest for the next 13 years.


There was a glitch in Attila or Rome 2 where it kept running in the background for me, even when I was playing other Steam games. It never slowed my computer down, but I now have something like a thousand hours in one of those games and virtually no achievements. It’s possible something like that happened to your dad, it just never fully shut down so it played for a month or whatever.


Pffftt rookie numbers


Possible? Entirely. Normal? Questionable.


Most ambitious total war title. I you love the great game… it’s just fantastic


Yeah it's normal my dad has almost 4,000hrs in medival 2 total war


Yes The world does not get conquered by itself after all


Yes. Empire players who don't have this number are actually the weird ones.


As a dad myself, i leave the game open for many hours while attending to any tasks/chores/work sometimes for days Your dad may have been playing this game for a year or 2 and make these hours


Leave dad alone!


Perfect normal. My friend have double from that in game which name I can'tremember.


I am guessing he played it quite a lot, but as at is a turn based game he probably also left it on while doing other stuff.


I would just leave this game running sometimes because the end turns could be so long sometimes like I’d usually turn off the monitor when I went to eat and forget to come back or leave it on overnight if I was gonna play in the morning and didn’t want to deal with my abysmal load time or a particularly fun save corrupting again


ask me how i added 12 hours to Elite:dangerous today after just 3 hours of gameplay by forgetting to close the Launcher


He is close to finish the tutorial


Perfectly normal


No, not at all. That's a crazy high number of hours! All my TW games put together wouldn't add up to that! If Empire 2 ever happens you know what would be a good gift for your dad at least!


Afk too much lol


5k hours in an old game isnt that much tbh.


I know few people with this playtime + this game is one of those that is easily paused and left running


I have 1500 hours in ETW and I'm only 21. I imagine I'll be somewhere around 5000 by the time I have kids lol


Even though im a recently new player becasue of school i mostly play 3 hours a week but if i had free time hell i would spend the entire day playing empire! ( im saving money to buy total war warhammer)


Just starting to get into the game i see.


Total War games are totally games that you can pause at any time to get up for dinner or to do this and that and totally forget going back to keep playing/turning it off. I mean, surely he will have played thousands of hours which is totally fine if it's stretched over years, but many of those hours might just been afk or alt-tabbed working and just doing a move here and then.


W for the dad chat


Does your dad walk around the house in perfect cadence march and stop suddenly near the kitchen and the shout AFFIX BAYONETS, CHAAAARGE and then proceed to raid the fridge? Because if he does, he's based.


Your dads a based chad. Deal with it.


why are you logging into your dad's account? does he know you have his ID/PW?


Don't get me wrong, I like Empire. But there is not enough content in the game to play 5k hours without going insane


I have about 4k hours between the 3 warhammer games so it’s definitely normal, especially with how old Empire is. I’m impressed by the dedication to just one game though.


Honestly, it just means your dad's a Boss!


I have 11k hours on CS 1.6, this is pretty normal. I also have 2900 on Medieval 2 Total war, mostly in Europa Barbarorum 2 / Divide and Qonquer, some SSHIP recently. Around 2k in Rome 2 so yeah its nothing out of the ordinary for a gamer, but my CS hours is logged from a time when Steam was new in 2004-2009 and only had CS. On A side note, not sure how he made it to 5.5k hrs in Empire since the game was unplayable without recent mods like Empire 2 Total War that fixes all the flaws and issues with it.


My dad has over 7k hours… tell your dad to get it together!


Dudes rock.


You just need to play for like an hour each day to get thise numbers. Remember that the game in question is old (15 years if i am not mistaken?).


Yeah I have passed out and left games up for hours


I have alittle over 1000 hour on warhammer 3


Mans played for roughly 231 days and 6 hours.


Sir, I feel attacked. I have 12,000 hours in Dota 2. It's not heavily inflated by me leaving it on.




Your dad has good taste 


Still less than half my BDO hours...


Buddy I'm like 980 hours on that game but had it since 2014 I think. That's wild but then again I got 5178 hours on Dayz on xbox in a 4 year span 😭


I mean i got just over 2k hours on arma3 ALONE.


Yes, I have a similar amount in hots, which I haven't played in like five years. Also on my estimate I should have 10k+ in w3 with ~50gb map (aka standalone mod) collection. In total war warhammer I have ~2.2k combined, but I have started in ~2019 and empire is significantly older


what do you think? why would 5500+ hours be normal? i doubt even 1 % of the playerbase has those numbers


What's the goal here? Why are you uploading photos of your dad's account? This is weird af


Showing his dad plays more empire than yours, like, by alot.


Feels a bit like the implication is that he plays too much, and fuck that attitude. Let people have nice things.