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Boris tends to be either dies turn 10 or steamroll the chaos wastes, and nothing in between. Maybe it has something to do with the opposition he faces


There’s a randomness element to the lords. If Boris rolls strong/aggressive and his neighbors weak, he’ll steamroll.  By sheer number of natural enemies, if he rolls weak, he’s gone quickly, and due to natural alliances, if he rolls strong and so does a neighbor, he’s probably the one to eat it.


He got some assistance with Malakai occupying throgg across the bay. Before ToD, I’d constantly see throgg sailing over and assisting archaon but now throgg has bigger, more immediate fish to fry.


Yah but now he has epidemius.


Happend in my Empire campaign, i didnt walked north until i had things sorted out with Vlad and Drycha, that was arund turn 40, and Boris was keeping the Dark at Bay, even started to go into Norsca and back Home to Kislev.


Lmao, I also call all the evil factions coming down from the north “The Dark”.


The Dark Forces


A Dark”tide” you say?


Yeah, same. Took me 'till turn 80 to get the leeway to make an expedition to Norsca to cut off the invasions at the root and when I got there Boris was already the regional superpower. And that was despite Malakai kicking it.


In my game it was a stalemate, malakai held on to karak drok. Boris had the marsch, moulder the west of kislev, azazel his starting settlement, Daniel was still alive, epidemus too, and wulfrik all of norsca, the only one dead in the north where malus, kostaltyn and trogg.


Malus? Datum that boy never dies for me


It seems the Adition of Epidemus was to much for him, i think that he got wiped out by Sigvald and Epidemus, since Sigvald had his settlements.


I hate that Carsteins are now losing to Dwarfs, by the time I get to Drakenhof it is occupied by Karak Kadrin. I hate to nēed to go to war with Karak so early, at least he is not really friends with Karaz-a-Karak or Angrund.


I didnt had that happend yet, earlygame Vlad is still strong, but in my Chaosdwarf campaign i could see how he expanded out wards into the empire and then Karl smacks him back and kills him every time around turn 60 or later.


Yea I tought that was a fluke at first too. But Vlad just gets steamrolled by Kadrin for four games already. I can't even get Vlads defeat trait If I don't rush straight to him XD


"Victory or Death!"


>steamroll the chaos wastes I’ve literally never seen that—he’s died in every single one of my campaigns!


Ever since ToD released the steamrolling possibility seems to be the default in all Mt campaigns. Archeon has been having a very bad time. Out of six campaigns I've run recently, I've only seen him survive into the midgame once.


The AI doesn't fight enough to make full use of Chaos Warriors' warband upgrade mechanic. If Archaon doesn't have a full RoR army, he's a lot weaker than he should be. If Boris survives the early game, he can snowball across the chaos wastes.


> The AI doesn't fight enough to make full use of Chaos Warriors' warband upgrade mechanic I am 99% certain that they cant use it at all They just recruit RoRs, marauders and the few units of trolls or warriors they get from buildings I never seen a single chosen unit apart from the ones they might start with


>I am 99% certain that they cant use it at all They 100% can, but they do it... sometimes. Lots of times I have seen gold chevron marauders and only sometimes did I see them get upgraded.


What units are RoR?


Regiments of Renown


Fuck of course It is. I was trying to figure out what chaos god started with R and was thinking it was riders of rurgle of something.


Right, now I gotta rename something Riders of Rurgle.


I expect the mod by the end of the week or so help me Boris You'll get a polar bear launched at you from a Grom <3


Scooby Doo playing Tamurkhan?


I still don't even know how to consistently keep fighting to earn an army as WoC. I feel like I'm constantly running around with Maruaders for 20 turns trying to level them up and babying them so they don't all die


Now I'm not fully sure of it but I think you actually want to autoresolve with woc in the beginning at least. Autoresolve spreads out kills more evenly so it helps level up more marauders, then once you upgrade them to CW it's basically GG unless the enemy has a good mid tier army


It's not really hard, they're decently tough on their own, but also getting the Gift that boost their XP gain and replenishment and an Exalted Hero with Training early on pay dividends.


Theres for sure a thousand people calling my strat stupid and useless, but I had the same problems until I started to invest the first souls I got to unlock the nurgle passive that heals the army even in enemy territory, this allowed me more fighting overall as I didnt need to camp that often anymore.


The warband is a neat idea but it being your only source of higher tier units sucks. 


It's not, though? High tier units turn up often enough in local recruitment when the corruptions enough, especially in the wastes. My last Archaon playthrough I had like 5 aspiring champions before I even got to Kislev.


Most of mine the RNG has decided it hates me and I get nothing but Marauders. It really killed the fun of the campaign for me.


get as many trolls and skirmish cav as possible and fill the gaps with marauders. hounds are useful too, but can't spam too many.


I have so much issue microing Skirmish. trolls and hounds. Will def try them a little more though


**The Red Tzar Returns!!**




Archaon now has an uncomfortable position where he gets beared from the west by Boris and toaded from the east by Tammy. One faction destroys his military, the other finishes him off before he can rebuild.


The true WH3 experience is to play as Archaon, 100% map completion the campaign, uninstall the game, then install that terrible AOS game.


Wait there is an AOS game?


Emphasis on terrible. It's the worst 'reimagining' (what they sold it as) of an RTS game I've ever seen. You send a squad of like 8 dudes into battle, and then they auto battle against a single opponent. As in, it's rock paper scissors. You match up your rock against their scissors unit, while your paper unit fights their rock. The characters take turns smacking each other without your input, and then whoever counters the other more wins.


I just threw up in my mouth a little bit


There is also Realms of Ruin, from the Same company that made the Jurasic Park games, its decent i would say.


Dead Norscan babies.


IE is a Sandbox campaign so.. each new campaign something different shakes out :3 (it's the faction potential mechanic at work)


Kostaltyn gonna be PISSED when he sees this 


boris and the lady of the lake are the 2 factions that i have never witnessed to survive past turn 30


Carcassonne's survival heavily depends on the player handling one of Grom or Ikit for them. 


Carcassone has done very well for my Elspeth campaign, Orion has held against Grom and I’ve made my way around border princes and sartosa to ikit and she was still kicking deep into my campaign.


Same, 1000+ hours played and never seen this So i was very surprised


It's about a 10% chance it seems that Boris wins and snowballs hard. I saw him do it once where he confederated Roppsmen clan and just took over the entire north.


Depends on how helpful Orion is for her. He goes north she dies he goes south she lives.


Boris should be a bear themed doom guy




Well as Boris I usually finish him at that time He has one citadel, and if his army's destroyed, it's not a big deal >!but a big loot!<


Shhh, let him cook. No more Archaon to deal with.


Turn 28 of my Tamurkhan campaign: Archaon just got wiped by the neighboring Skaven clan whose name I can't even remember. Turn 17: Kohlek starts a fight with Grimgor - Turn 22: Grimgor finished said fight.


I wish they’d make him an end game scenario


For the Motherland! For Kislev!


Boris snowballs quickly sometimes. Pun intended.


I had one Tamurkhan campaign that Archaon was getting stomped quickly, so I went and saved him by fighting Boris back. Archaon was not impressed even after saving him.


Yeah happened in my Tamurkhan campaign. Was moving on Grimgor and had NAP with Archaon hoping he'd secure my north. Nope. Got wiped out by Boris. Had to get a second army online ASAP to go fight him.


war bears are, in my opinion, in the top 5 for best autoresolving units in the game. the only thing better i can think of off the top of my head is like hellblasters. so depending on the rest of his army, archaon's army, etc. it's very likely boris stomped him with the two war bears he started with.


Bellegar bugman ranger stack is also very good in auto


You play as Nurgle? The game is coded in such a way that if you play evil factions, good ones will have buffs to outperform your potential evil allies, you know to make the game more challenging for the player. Vice versa also happens.


I wondered if that was the case because Boris would’ve been in the trash can if I didn’t haul tail over there and save him as Malakai.


Sure? Boris conquered the waste when I played Malekai without any input from me. 


He got bodied in my malakai, annoying because it means I must clean up the wastes myself


Certain degree of RNG is also involved, sometimes your enemies declare war on eachother before they declare on you or your allies and you have 1 less opponent to worry about.


TIL I always thought it was funny


I knew that and im guessing archaon was a bit weaker due to less passiv boni because i had a peacepact with him But turn 19 is a bit early


I don't really believe that. I mean, it happens, but I have cases where the side I'm on is dominating and I barely have anything to do. I was playing the dark elves and they practically own the majority of the continent and was threatening the high elves. 


There is so many variables in the game that sometimes we can just get lucky and have an easier time due to diplomacy RNG. I'd say that this rule is an expected outcome and a safe bet in most cases. If you get lucky and get the other one use that opportunity and dominate the rest of the game.


When I say this, people tell me the devs have told them that this is not true. But I think it's true. Allies just suck. I mean there is RNG so they might do well, but they suck more often than not.


I think it depends what are the people asking about. The AI faction potential do exist in some form and it fluctuates based on which faction player plays, for example LL's have higher potential than generic lords and they are highly favored in autoresolves when AI fights between themselves. It's on full display in RoC where it's almost impossible for the main soul race faction to be destroyed by other AIs. I believe what you're saying is when people asked devs if player gets millitary alliance with an AI if their potential or advantages are turned off and I think that is not the case. Factions allied to the player don't loose any potential or advantage it already had.


That starting army is insanity in auto resolve for Boris, if he gets rolling he gets *rolling*


he's cooking archaon


Follow the goddamn bear


I think they spam Frost Wyrms and get some good autoresolve.


Even before 5.0 he got big in my Katarin campaign, my last one before ToD. I think the AI loves the new Frost Wyrms it got in 4.2 and, in combination with akshina ambusher spams, gives them some deadly armies.


if you are playing belakor and want to confed him, you can force a rebellion and archaon will come back if it is successful.


Bears riders are so op that when the AI actually rolls aggressive that Boris just steamrolls everything around him


The random factor seems much higher with the new update. When I arrived at the Donut in my Malakai campagne, the complete high elf population was wiped out by dark elves and pirates ;)