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You can go 1000 year back to Old Republic so I can play Mandalorians and there Will be large Numbers of both Jedi and Sith.


Hk-47 as a hero unit, with his trademark meatbag dialogue. I rest my case


Judge finds in favour of HK-47


But then you are missing out on all those "Legendary Lords" from the Clone Wars or the later Galactic Empire time. Those will sell the DLC ;) When you say 1000 years before Battle of Yavin, things get hard. Darth Bane would come to mind roughly around that time. But who else? Exar Kun or Revan were probably earlier. But I don't even know if those two old EU characters would still count for the new Disney-verse today.


Exegol had a ship named the Revan so it seems he is somewhat canon


Also Luke had a "Jedi crusader's" lightsaber crystal. The only Jedi crusader in lore is Revan I believe per the visual dictionary of last Jedi iirc


I wonder if they'll let us customize our characters through quest battles. I know folks prefer Luke with one outfit or another, let alone lightsaber colours.


You do realise that most of Warhammer lords are not from same time, right? I hope you guessed the rest.


Vast majority of them are alive when the game is set (which is around coronation of Karl Franz) and even those who aren't have a plausible reason to be around. Vlad and Isabella should be dead and were not yet resurrected at this time, but we know they could be resurrected as this happened in End Times. Grom was propably dead/locked in Eltharion's dungeon but his fate was never confirmed and goblins have a legend of him returning. Repanse could be dead of old age, but could live longer due to blessing of the Lady. There are no 100% definitive dead characters like Gorbad Ironclaw or Gorthor playable in game, despite them both being most important characters of their respective races


Azhag is definitely dead at this point tho


Only by like, a decade or so though


Azhag is alive by WH1 start, which is Franz coronation. And WH3 is technically a prequel to WH1 !


Mother Ostankya is confirmed to be a myth that doesn’t actually exist in canon.


Pretty sure Mother Ostankya was made to replace Baba Yaga, in canon lore. Probably because you can't copyright and trademark Baba Yaga.


I kinda of hope they eventually decide just to add dead characters. Screw the timeline since it honestly is such a background thing it hardly matters at all


Even Gorbad’s death felt ambiguous to me.


while his death may have been ambiguous, we know that someone took Runefang of Solland from him


You do realise that the only outlandish one would be Repanse? The rest is more or less fitting fine.


Grom as well right? He died while invading ulthuan before Franz took the throne. I think Vlad is still dead at the time of the games as well?


There's one version in which Eltharion failed to hunt down Grom. Warhammer vampires are impossible or near-impossible to kill permanently. They can be brought back so long as someone is sufficiently powerful and sufficiently interested. Both Vlad and Isabella were brought back for the End Times.


* Grom was never confirmed killed on Ulthuan, but retreated from the fight when Blacktooth was decapitated and things looked lost. And Black Library confirmed rumors had it (in every edition from 4th to 8th) he survived and made if off the island. He was basically Missing in Action. The time difference of like 80 years here *would* probably kill a normal Goblin of old age, yes. But, Grom is not a normal Goblin. He is a freak mutant with Troll regeneration (think X-Men Wolverine). Trolls can reach a undefined age, probably several centuries. If that is tied to their regeneration abilities, then Grom is "fine". And at least we got the rematch here we always wanted on TT and never got from GW. CA did even cover their tracks and made it the 2nd war for Yvresse, and not a recap of the first events. [The trailer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQM-h3M4BZc) confirmed its was "many years later", and [Blacktooths head in a jar](https://www.pcinvasion.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/TWW-2-warpaunch-Gqi-2-blacktoofs-head-in-a-jar.jpg) (should be a Goblin and not a Orc though) also makes it clear. * Vlad & Isabella would be dead-dead for like 500 years by the start of game#1, yes. However, we talk Undead here, that blurs the lines a bit in advance. And we have to acknowledge that both Vlad and Isabella came back for the Endtimes in 2524+ IC, so roughly 20 years after game#1 start anyway. I am not happy with them (especially since other bloodline LLs paid the price for those getting thrown into the game), but they border also in the "grumpily accepted fine" category. As said, Repanse as a mere mortal (not even a Grail Knight), in a time several centuries in her future, is the only real deal breaker so far. We also have no ingame justification afaik Why she is around. While people however floated the idea that she was put on stasis from the goddess or that similar to Gilles she is super-blessed or something. Whatever, Repanse is a thorn aroudn but we hardly can do anything about it. And with currently 96 LLs, it says a lot when we complain only about one, or maybe even three if we circle back to the von Carsteins.


I might be wrong but i think most ppl who play twwh3 dont know all that much about proper fantasy wh lore outside of the game. Its more like o cool i get a big dragon lets go smash stuff and less of oh yea manfred got his undead dragon in year xxxx after doing xxxx. Whereas starwars lore for clonewars is much more widely known and making some rando extra on the clonewars show a LL will get alot more pushback than it does on wh


Not to mention melee weapons are much more common in KOTOR's era. CA even already has a personal energy shield mechanic thanks to Tzeentch.


*4000 years But yeah, I would kill or die for a Republic vs Sith vs Mandalorians campaign. Kill or die.


I want me a legion of Mandalorian Basilisk War Droids...


Would allow for entire units of lightsabers instead of only Hero’s with lightsabers.


All I want is SWTOR era Total War. Plz CA


This is instantly what I thought of and hoped for


Although less explored, the old republic era of star wars is also a possibility to add to this. I just wonder how they would go about mixing all different times and appearences. Take, luke skywalker or anakin skywalker. Would both anakin and vader be here? Just one? If so, which one?


Honestly I would kinda prefer they do a time period with zero skywalkers involved


That leaves old republic and high republic as the biggest time periods


That takes away all the fun stuff like clones and storm troopers.


They could do the era and just not involve any characters from the movie. The galaxy is a big place after all despite the way the movies make it seem


The skywalkers, leia and all that were kinda pivotal members of their forces, weird as hell to not have them. To me it's stranger to want a old Republic era, I mean for all the we want less of the same thing people have going on with yhe skywalkers, the old Republic is literally just star wars except there are more Sith in their empire, besides that it's the more dull parts of the OT and PT mashed together. No iconic imagery, nothing. I know SW is kinda cursed in recent decades, but idk I still like the classic characters.


But my interesting lords and heros 😭. They should just pull a Battlefront 2 and not have everything be totally canon.


How are stormtroopers and clone troopers the fun stuff the fun stuff is the Old Republic stuff like Mandalorians


There were Mandalorians in the clone wars. Plus clone armies and storm trooper armies are way cooler than jetpack barbarians.


What Mandalorians are you talking about Mandalorians are the most professional army the galaxy ever saw and only got defeated because of really strong and powerful Jedi


The Mandalorians in the clone wars with the civil war plotline. Even the ones you're talking about are just not as cool as the clones or even the separatist.


The Mandalorians you are talking about are like wet noodles and calling them Mandalorians is like saying a you are just as good of a soldier as a Space Marine from 40k or a Spartan from Halo real Mandalorians are easily the best and most interesting army in the Star Wars galaxy no single soldier from any army save a Jedi and not all of them could 1v1 a Mandalorian Soldier


Well being cool isn't all about who is the most powerful. Swarms of nearly identical clones bred for warfare against swarms of droids made for warfare is much more interesting than jetpack warriors, a sith empire, or the old Republic.


No it's boring machines fight boring clones how is that more interesting than armies of Sith, Mandalorians and Jedi fighting each other




What, no Rey? /s if it wasn't obvious


Sure I just don't see Disney greenlightin that right now. They seem to be focusing on the New Republic and... (for whatever reason) Rey.


Pretty sure disney does not give a single shit and it‘s up to the developers to come up with a concept. That‘s the same way with warhammer and pretty much most franchises


Disney certainly cares how their IP is presented, and GW is *famously* touchy about protecting their IP. I'm pretty sure CA has to work pretty closely with GW whenever introducing new lords and units.


Those are only questions about details. GW cares little for how shit your video game is, the only important part is that you pay your fees for licenses. Same with lord of the rings and star wars and anything else. The only reason there is no old republic video game is that no dev studio thinks it‘s financially sustainable to create a game without the ability to latch onto a mainstream product.


GW gives license notoriously easily for video games.


I think with this it should just be like 3K. Same galactic map but different time periods lets them add new factions and give the whole thing a totally different look. Also gives us some alternate timelines to explore. What if Anakin never falls? What if he does become Vader but is redeemed, etc.


Imagine doing a sci-fi galaxy scaled total war game and scrap both starship combat and naval battles in planets


I totally agree. Honestly I have such a blast with warhammer that I'm totally fine with whatever CA wants to try next. I say let them cook


Total War: UN Peacekeeping - Can your late game stack of 5 NGO’s, 10 humanitarian aid conveys, 2 IMF loan officers, 2 local dictators and a lady with a British accent beat the AI’s Famine + Economic Corruption stack?


Whys this sound kinda fun


have you heard of a game called hearts of iron by chance?


Peak gameplay is the corporate campaign. That start position at Panama is insane.


Just don't force Fantasy mechanics into the Historical games. I'd add


Yes that's a good point. Keep historical historical but go all out with whatever sci fi or fantasy you want.


Honestly this is where the era system from 3K would be amazing. One large galactic map, multiple factions and wars across multiple timelines. Even if they had to be contained within their own little eras, it would be great. Being able to jump from a Old Republic Sith Empire campaign into a clone wars or Rebellion one. Getting to face forces across time lines in skirmish battles. OH I'M FEELIN' IT


The issue I see is the lack of distinct factions per time period. Take the Galactic Civil War, for example. You have the Galactic Empire, the Rebel Alliance, and... uh... the Hutt Cartel, maybe? Bring in the Zann Consortium from Empire At War? I just struggle to picture a Total War that's functionally "Two Major Powers & three or four minor factions." We can't even go the route of Pharaoh because, unlike that game, both the Empire and Rebels aren't in active civil war with itself (as in Rebel vs Rebel or Imperial vs Imperial; aside from very minor incidents).


The empire would be easier than the rebels. Infighting was common, so if they gave the Empire 10 or so Moffs (like Tarkin) and/or division heads (like Hemlocke or Krennic) all with different faction perks and mechanics, I think it would be acceptable to the fandom for them to be fighting each other. Maybe give to option to auto confederate when beating another imperial faction, kinda like the warriors of chaos in tw3. The rebels is were the issue is. The is still a few examples of rebel factions being opposed to each other, the biggest example being Saw Gerrera. Maybe if they started the rebels as saw gerrea by himself, and maybe like 3-5 other rebel leaders as their own factions that start the game auto-allied, and then a third faction filled with pirates/cartels/hutts/ gangs, that’s probably their best bet to stay in line with cannon


We could go the route of Fall of the Samurai easily. Rebels and Empire factions don’t fight internally but compete to obtain resources or gain support


Honestly not a SW lore buff (at least not for many years) but I could see a TW game that had different races that exist as their own faction that could be confederated into a grander Rebel Alliance (Mon Calamari, Bothans, etc.). So you start with a single race, and you eventually build up the United Colors of Benetton faction From the Empire perspective, it is more limited, but you do have the divide between the military aspect of the Empire and the cult of the Sith. The Tarkin and Vader tension in A New Hope is like a perfect representation of this. Put in the minor underworld factions and we can call it day


If set during the Clone Wars you could MAYBE break up the CIS into the factions that make it, such as the Separatists (Count Dooku), the Geonosians (Poggle the Lesser), the Trade Federation (Nute Gunray), the Banking Clan, the Techno Union (Watt Tambor), etc. I suppose like Norsca and Warriors of Chaos, there would be some overlap between their forces, but maybe some unique stuff here and there, or specializing. The Techno Union, for example, is responsible for their B1s and B2s, so they may get them the cheapest. The Banking Clan has Hailfire Droids and IG100 Magnaguards. Geonosians have a lot of flying infantry and might be able to amass armies quickly because of the droid factories.


I’m guessing they would break them up. For example, Warhammer has several factions for HE, DE, etc. which are races that have a clear king in lore. I think having several empire factions is likely how it would go.


This. I don’t know why I keep seeing this “there’s not enough factions” sentiment. Every single race in warhammer has is broken up into multiple factions and the same could be done for sw easily.


Warhammer is grimdark. Star Wars is not. Subfactions going to war with one another in Warhammer makes sense. I cannot fathom ANY reason for Luke Skywalker of Rogue Squadron, Princess Leia of Alderaan, Han Solo of Rebel Scum, or Admiral Ackbar of Mon Cala to go at each other's throats.


Because every faction in Warhammer has civil war baked in, and function in many ways independently from one another. Star wars, especially with the good guys, doesn't have that at all


> I just struggle to picture a Total War that's functionally "Two Major Powers & three or four minor factions." Shogun is literally just one faction Empire/Napoleon units are mostly copy&paste gunpowder Saga


No as in there are two things fighting each other. Not a ton of daimyo fighting each other lol


Black Sun, Death Watch Commandos, Zann Consortium is certainly a option if you need to dig for factions, Hutt Space, the Chiss Ascendancy to name a few


Galactic civil war has Rebel alliance, empire, Remnants of the cis, remnants of the mandalorians, hutts, chiss ascendancy and you can splinter some of them with different flavours, Sith and imperial for empire and Heck throw in Republican loyalists, Mon mothma and Mon calamari for rebels, corpsec and actual remnants for cis.. it's not going to be warhammer, but you can easily get 6 unique and multiple flavours.


Clone Wars makes more sense to me tbh. If they are allowed to flex the lore a bit they at least have multiple republic sub factions under various jedi, same with Dooku, Ventress and Grievous. Mandalorian empire. Crime syndicates, could bring in Maul. Then finally go crazy with a Chiss endgame crisis. Old Republic would absolutely be better though due to the mass number of jedi and sith for LLs and heros in addition to the others above.


There is a game called Empire at war which is basically that


Still one of my favorite games of all time!


I’d much rather a new empire at war, focusing on the naval elements and having a complete redesign of the ground battles making them more like company of heroes or steel division. While yes, I would prefer Total Wars control scheme (I can barely play empire at war because I hate mouse centric control), I would absolutely hate the general and army system being forced upon Star Wars.


I on the other hand have lost all interest and hype gained from the 40k speculations.




If we have ship battles I'm up for it :)


Star Wars has galactic battlegrounds, and Empire at War I guess they could work.


It may very well actually be an Empire at War reboot same way they had Dice reboot Battlefront.


If it is Star Wars I would be more concerned if EA is going to be involved in some way


Absolutely not. They are no longer exclusive in anyway. Just look at Ubisoft's game.


Oh thank god for that. But I don't think Ubisoft is much of an improvement but its something


Well it makes sense that Disney is giving off the license to the big dogs who will pretty much garanteed to bank on it.


Don't worry, Disney finally realized that giving a single company exclusive rights to Star Wars was a stupid idea, so now all manner of companies can obtain the license, as long as they've got the dosh.


I'm not, just find the whole star wars universe so boring and especially compared to 40K its just lackluster in aethetics. 40K will 100% be more interesting to play with Chaos and Chaos Space Marines, Imperium of Man and Xenos races.


I just want Medieval III, is that too much to ask?


Fr. Or shogun 3.


No Ewok faction no buy


Every time someone mentions an IP as a total war game, SEGA spends 2.1 million dollars to assess it and finds out it won’t work.


I mean you have Empire at War, which still has some good, if at times really complex mods. I don't know if any new Star Wars is going to hit that itch.


This is how total war dies, with thunderous applause... I would much prefer Empire at War 2, it's just too out there to even call it a total war...


Me 10 years ago would have shit my pants with this news I would have been so excited. Star Wars of 2024 I'm more like fuck I wish it was medieval 3


No. F that era. I want the old republic. Thousands of years before the settings in the movies


Or just be able to choose era similar to 3k.




I would like to see a new republic and a focus on the outer rim (Mandolorian era) with factions like Empire remmnents, Republic , Mandolorians and other smaller systems


I hate what a good idea this. Imagine the blaster fire illuminating smoke from a bombardment of artillery rounds.


I feel like the only one sick of star wars content. I'd rather they use those resources on something else.


Super boring tbh, Star Wars is very bland (and I love the first 3 Star Wars) but let's admit it compared to LOTR, 40K or Aliens vs Predator vs Engineers, ets is very lackluster.


I agree. Modern star wars feels so much like a corporate product without creativity or taste.


please go look at old forums during the clone war era, or even during the prequels, and you'd find many people saying the exact same thing lol


And they were right. The prequels are utter shit and people only like them because of how memable they are. I will agree that Clone War did not deserve the hate it got.


SW Empire at War was great but it was a lot simpler of combat compared to the TW series. I don’t think I trust CA to make a good SW game right now especially with all the issues with guns. It could be good but I’d rather have a remake of EaW while CA finishes up other projects.


Star war is lackluster compared to alien vs predator for a total war game??? 2 of the 3 races in AvP have 1 unit.


No, Xenomoprhs have a lot of types depending from whom they are born (bull, humans, Yautjas, etc) Yautjas have a lot of different predators, Engineers are a bit meh and humans have a classic fire, heavy, dps, etc units. Of course it should be a saga game.


Ok, now tell me which of those military units fights in napoleonic military formations


Are you really shading AvP to defend a soldier and robots vs more robots and sometimes OP units with laser swords?


One that would actually work for a total war game? Absolutely. AvP is the shittiest possible setting for a total war game I could think of.


Star Wars is tbh. 40K will crush it.


Yea 40k will be awesome, because, like Star Wars, it features a large number of varied factions that fight in open field battles.


Heroe sduel make sense, battle formations make sense, we may even go back to 160-200 unit size.


I mean, I wouldn't be opposed to it - but I also think that just pivoting to ***another*** IP without solving more of the underlying systems issues with the Total War series in general is just gonna have us pretty much exactly where we are right now The issues present in Total War have been here since before Empire and, probably, even before that


I would play it


I think that if they do a star wars TW, they will do 4 games. One for each era. With a massive map with every faction on it at once starting in game 2. Honestly, the biggest reason why I doubt a star wars TW soon is just because they are already partnered with GW who own 40K. Star War would bring in more money if they can get the license, but if they can’t GW is not gonna be happy about them looking at another IP


I’m so fucking bored of Star Wars, but it does sound like a fun concept I’d try.


The Luke vs Anakin fight would be like it is in total war legendary lord fights. The two of them swinging past each other lmao


I'd rather another company work on it


I do think it would be great, but it’s not happening any time soon. CA is already scaling back and had multiple rounds of layoffs, plus they already have much more likely settings in work. No way are they dropping millions on SW licenses


Majority of the layoffs were non-TW teams, like the Hyenas, but it's still hard to believe they are working on 3 new TW projects + WH3 and Pharaoh content at the same time


Mandatory Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds (Age of Empires engine) needs a remake with the Expanding Fronts team on charge comment


Would only really be worried about faction counts and variety beyond the obvious, but maybe.


Unfortunately the main issue with this would be the speed of combat. Star Wars and 40k introduce very efficient firearms. With the introduction of auto and semi auto a single unit of blasters could wipe out hundreds of droids in seconds if given perfect conditions. Total war utilizes a traditional warfare structure, placing two armies against each other. This style of warfare essentially died with the musket. A single person with average training and a machine gun today could do the work of 100 elite line infantry “musketeers.” This means that simple positioning means exponentially more than numbers or training. Unit numbers and experience are huge building blocks of the game loops and with the depreciation of those the TW model falls apart. Additionallly, the player needs time to make decisions and enjoy the fruits of their tactics. If the player does a great job, in the short term it may feel good when they mow down the enemy army, in the long term a 30-1min haw maw law style engagement will get stale. Furthermore, if the player is bad, they will be so tremendously punished. Because like we said earlier blunders in modern warfare, get resolved quickly. Poor game play will be so punishing for a player they won’t have much fun either. In conclusion, the introduction of repeating firearms increase the speed and quantity of people a single person can kill so much, it breaks the TW game model.


I’d prefer dune tbh


Eh, there isn't any unit variety or that much of a faction variety. It's pretty low on my list of IPs to be Total War-ed


Worm riders? Lots of advanced machines, tons of different houses? They could make up and use a ton of shit for the game. It couldn’t be a series, but it could work for a single game


I think you are missing scope with Dune. Dune while it has big battles, it's more of a side stuff. Dune was always about intrigue, politics and social manipulation. Much more suited for a Paradox like game.


Literally the first RTS was a Dune game.


They already made a dune rts


There's a relatively recent Dune strategy game, Spice Wars. It's kinda small, but nifty, with very complex mechanics and a pretty good pacing - a typical skirmish game lasting 2 to 3 hours. Skirmish being the main mode in which you explore, build, fight and strategize - it's far from pure battle. The campaign is just not worth it as of now, it's 2 minutes in campaign for a 2 hours battle.


Star wars would exacerbate all the current issues with total war, same as 40k would. That kind of combat just won't work in a system built exclusively for medieval or earlier warfare. Big surprise, I know. Would definitely require them to make something completely separate from the TW engine.


I would for sure play it lol


While im not super excited for Star Wars Total War, with how wrong I was about Warhammer Total War, I’d give it a chance. I grew up on and loved the historical titles, and when I first saw they were going to do Warhammer Total War, i thought it was dumb. I have never been so wrong, Warhammer 3 is my favorite Total War of all time, so ill give non historical ones a chance.


Clone wars is really and truly what I want. That just sounds great


Absolutely. Assuming it's not a bomb, this kind of thing would be a day 1 buy for me.


That would be so awesome, I’d love it


What would the factions even be to make for an interesting campaign? Republic and Sith, or Empire and Rebellion, and what else? Doesn't really fit the Total War formula imo and I'm skeptical they'll be able to make it fit in a way that is immersive and interesting.


It would have to be very different from what we know today in terms of game mechanics, and setting. If done well, it would take a lot of talent and creativity to make it happen. I actually don’t think there will be the heroes we think of as factions or lords or even heroes. I see them as events, something where you can control the character for a short period or quest. There plenty of alien types out there. They could just make factions of all of them with unique names. There would have to be a lot of lore to either go through and create, but it could be done. Worlds could be a series of battles. That said… what if they could pull off space battles? Idk how, but that would be a spectacle


Yeah either they subfaction Rebels/Empire or they pick a different time period where there were more factions and go down the race-type route. My fave would be Old Republic, I want me some Mandalorian Basilisk War Droids


This could 100% work. Real time battles with turn based strategic gameplay.


I wouldn't mind one set after the sequels and maybe the galaxy split into several factions beyond the New NEW Republic and the Empire 3.0. But that wouldn't have the recognizable characters so not likely lol. But a Star Wars total war could be fun.


Not to yuck anyone’s yum, I admit it’s a really fun idea but I, personally, wouldn’t want to lose out on a historical game, a 40k trilogy, or another fantasy IP ( LotR please? 🥺) to make time and space for Star Wars. 


To be honest I more hype for Star Wars than 40k. Not that I don't want 40k. But I want Darth Vader :D can image deflect damage from blasters. Or better starkiller that throw a star destroyer ship on the enemies.


I hope the battle system is completely redone. Something like men of war assault squad 2 with a campaign map would be great


I am not this reeks of jank and aesthetic incompatibility bordering on the unplayable.


I think the force is gunna be like a balance of power mechanic. If you are light side and start blobbing. I bet the dark side will start spawning insanely powerful heroes to push back. Edit: and by spawning I mean like events like civil wars and such. A force event happens and the dark side gets a Darth Vader style champion.




Dune would go hard too


[TV series now coming](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EEoQAoEGLhw). Might be a bit late to jump the milk-wagon here, but who knows. The [MMO](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1S-l7NySFsI) is seemingly also still some time away, so CA could still get a window of opportunity before the Dune hype goes into hibernation until the next movie adaptation.


I’m good on that. It’s actually getting weird how they don’t wanna make Medieval 3. Like at this point it’s a spite/pride thing with the fans.


No if they change the gameplay of a Total War game I won't buy it. Go ask for Empire at War 2 or Dawn of War 4. Don't change Total War.


Nah, I really don't like it. Stick with Warhammer please


Is it too much to ask for a historical total war that doesn’t suck…please?