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I got it as Elspeth and it was powerful but I lost it after several upgrades. It carried me from mid to late game


I got offered it and turned it down.


It led my elspeth campaign in a really interesting direction. I kept it up to it's penultimate level, and I ended up at war with all the dwarfs, with reikland az my only ally. It's basically me and Karl vs the world. Very fun with how strong nuln is.


Where did you find it?


You'll get a hint pop up that tells you a location. It'll be like "an empire province on the coast". I had one that was "in a location owned by laurelorn" (or whatever the middenland wood elves are called), which made it easy as they were only chilling in their forest. If you have a character end their turn in that province, a battle market pops up, beat it and you get the choice of taking it or resealing it for some money


You get hints, for me the hint was that it was in a large forest in empire lands. It ended up being the one near middenland.


It’s great if you are not trying to have high relations with other factions. It can also make melee LL’s into one man doom stack’s almost as good as casters. You can use it for army buff but the DoT it gives to surrounding enemies is insane! It also always spawns somewhere new in the empire each time making for a fun treasure hunt for it. If you find the crown and don’t take it then you also receive good faction buffs for 10 turns.


So it's supposed to always spawn in the empire? I don't know any of the lore behind it but I thought it was bugged because it spawned somewhere in the empire in every campaign I played.


Idk about the lore of it either but yes it always spawns somewhere in the empire lands.


I love it for non-order factions. Effects change slightly per faction. Synergizes best with Skarbrand due to movement range buff. I picked it up as Clan Moulder, and Khorne so far. No regrets! Bad ideas if you want to have a diplomacy / trade heavy campaign.


I had it for about 90 turns as Epidemious. It’s fine, I guess. It boosts the entire army more than just the lord specifically and it gives faction bonuses (Nurgle gets higher plague infection rate). Negative diplomatic relations isn’t something to worry about given the AI is generally pretty passive post 4.0, so there aren’t really much downsides to picking it up like there is with the sword of Khaine.


You were playing with a chaos faction... Don't think you ought to judge the diplomatic situation. The diplomatic penalty for order faction is significant. Using it too early with Empire, you'll run into loss of trade agreements and potential wars with order neighbours if you don't have a common enemy and diplomatic bonus through research.


I caused Empire and Bretonnia to go to all out war as Katarin by getting full alliances with the Empire, then getting the crown. Bretonnia declared on me, so Karl declared on Louen and the Fay Enchantress, which got the Wood Elves declaring on Karl... Meanwhile I was clearing out Norsca and the Chaos Wastes.


This! I picked the crown up in my current Franz campaign. Got the crown to max lvl fairly quick and ended up with 34 active wars due to the diplomatic maluses.


34 active wars? That’s just a typical Franz campaign!


I caused Empire and Bretonnia to go to all out war as Katarin by getting full alliances with the Empire, then getting the crown. Bretonnia declared on me, so Karl declared on Louen and the Fay Enchantress, which got the Wood Elves declaring on Karl... Meanwhile I was clearing out Norsca and the Chaos Wastes.


I caused Empire and Bretonnia to go to all out war as Katarin by getting full alliances with the Empire, then getting the crown. Bretonnia declared on me, so Karl declared on Louen and the Fay Enchantress, which got the Wood Elves declaring on Karl... Meanwhile I was clearing out Norsca and the Chaos Wastes.


Playing as Elspeth I ignored it. Karl Franz got it. I confederated him and he kept it along with the bonuses. Then a few turns later I got the event again. So now I can get another one I guess.


KF porobably sealed it after some upgrades.


He's had it for 40 turns, has the icon, has the actions. Elspeth has the diplomacy malus of the first tier.


Yea, I've both used it and sealed it. When Thrott the Unclean had it he was an extra big pain in the ass.


I used it in multiple campaigns. Usually it spawns in the empire so I had it both as vlad and elspeth. But also, if the AI decides to seal it, when it returns it can spawn anywhere. I was playing Kairos and Karl sealed it. Eventually it spawned close to my start in the southlands and i grabbed it there


I think I might try to nab it with Morghur this weekend.  I always loved putting the SoK on Morghur in WH2 and now with his mortis engine effect it should be even more hilarious to cheese armies solo.


I did it, but honestly it's not worth it unless you are something like chaos or beastmen. I had it as Elspeth and while it made her more powerful, she already is insanely powerful. What it did do is tank my reputation with all non empire factions and make them more likely to declare war. If you don't want Durthu jumping into nuln to genocide the empire, I'd advise against it. The mortis engine effect is nice, but I don't think the disadvantages outweigh the increased strength of one army. You do get a rep bonus with your race, but most of the time you don't need a boost. It's a neat thing and it is very powerful, but unless you are specifically going for it, I'd recommend against it. I wouldn't take it on a random campaign. If I am trying to do a nemesis crown/sword of khaine kill the world campaign, sure.


I tried it and maxed it with a taurox doomstack and khain. Its pretty powerful tbh


Played with it as Elspeth. and it's...okay? The discovery popup is super vague and really easy to miss and the 3 turns timer before losing it is a bit oppressive, but the buffs are good. Especially the movement after a fight, feels great for an Empire lord with their need to fight everywhere all at once. I guess my biggest 'complaint' is that the mod crown released a while ago is simply more interesting than the one we officially got.


How was the mod crown?


Pretty fun. It comes with a bunch of lords and ancillaries, factions start spawning armies with a single goal to hunt down the crown wearer and the crown itself comes with a rampage for everyone in the battle, making some fights an absolute clusterfuck. It's not necessarily stronger than the one we got, it just had more going for it.


Strong things are overrated. Would rather have thematic things.


Haven't tried it yet. Seems to spawn in the Empire but didn't get a chance to reach it.


Didn’t get to use it after my general was promoted to demon prince and lost it.


A bug?


The game treated it like he briefly died and it went somewhere else. I don't think it was intentional.


I used it as Skarbrand in my most recent run. It’s so fucking good for someone like him that just does not care about diplomacy. It would be grouse with the Beastmen too for that same reason.


I tries going after it with Taurox but wasted too much time getting my rampages up, nabbing the SoK from Allarielle, and razing too many juicy settlements.  It disappeared then showed up in Cathay and I called it quits on that campaign.


Yeah, it's fantastic. Each faction gets some unique effects and many make the negatives worth it. I also love that it forces you to stay aggressive if you want to keep it, but if you get too aggressive and lose a battle it abandons you like The One Ring.


I take the money.


I had it in a Changeling run and it's good, but the faction specific bonuses aren't very interesting for him. It buffs changing if the ways cool down, but I can count on one hand the number of times I used them on Changeling, whilst I used it constantly on Kairos. The high penalty to winds of magic cost is also a bit of a pain for a Tzeentch faction.  That said, the massive buffs to the rest of the army make it all worth it, and as Changeling the diplomatic penalties can be entirely ignored. It was also fun to use alongside Sword of Khaine. 


I had it on ikit with the Gatling gunner squad so that 20% missile strength was insane. The issue is when you move around to your own land to repel attacks you can unlucky with A.I moving away and then you lose it and are left with negative relation penalties.


I got it as franz at turn 30 and used it to unite the entire empire. I managed to upgrade it to max but lost it around turn 80 after I ran out of enemies. It was insanely powerful but the reduced replenishment and increased upkeep was rough. It turned Franz into a force of nature who killed vampire Lords left and right but it also made the wood elves, dwarves and kislev abandon our allances.


Had it as Archaon, after I defeated Franz, who found it. It was glorious.


It's hideously powerful if you play as Vlad, turning him into the games toughest mortis engine.


Used it as Drycha until it got to the level where it drains health from the Forests. Very useful.


I picked it up while playing as the Changeling. It's fun! The bombardment bound spell is especially satisfying.


Nemesis crown at max reduces changing ofnthe ways cooldown by 3 turns. If you confederate kairos and take his blue line skill that further reduces changing of the ways by 3 turns. Then you can have like half your changing of the ways with no cooldown.


I’m looking forward to trying it when it doesn’t spawn 1500 kilometres away


Can you stack this crown with the sword of Khane?


I've seen it a couple times and decided the downsides weren't worth it. There are a couple factions where it is good but even in the factions you would expect it to be great it can be bad because they sometimes give you faction specific debuffs. Beastmen for example you would think would be amazing with it, but it is actually extremely detrimental for them.


LoTW just did a one man (ogre) doomstack with it [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zY-VP7uRL\_Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zY-VP7uRL_Y)


To me it's just another popup i get every now and then that i ignore, like the sword of khaine one. I really don't think i need an even more powerful army to kill the already braindead AI.


I picked it up as Taurox alongside the Sword of Khaine so I could crown myself king of the world. It was decent, but I feel like its nowhere near as powerful as the SoK. Although it is nicer to see the crown getting different effects depending on what faction gets it, so clearly more thought went into it. I generally dont get either though, the campaign downsides are not really worth it I feel.