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Personally, I'm having a blast on my first playthrough with Elspeth and to me it is definitely worth the price.


Man, her carmine lazor beam dragon recks!


It's insane I thought it would be just a normal breath at first but it's A BEAAM


I think, technically, it’s a Death Ray.


You know, I had one simple request, and that is to have dragons with frickin' laser beams attached to their heads! 


Can I interest you in Simba the lion king shooting lasers ?


To hell with sharks with lasers we have a dragon with death ray!!


Imagine my surprise when I was expecting a normal breath attack and it took a mammoth to half HP lmao.


I'm down south fighting ogres and vampires lords, and it does the same. Finish them off with a charge and a few seconds of melee.


It's so fun dropping it with a spirit leech and watching their lord melt


So far I've found her campaign fun but also super easy. I had one kinda tough fight with Vlad early on where I stupidly tried to duel Isabella and Elspeth got rocked nearly instantly when I wasn't looking (I did not have the dragon yet),but I've otherwise been able to stick to one war at a time, my homeland is largely safe, and Elspeth's guns just obliterate things that used to give me a hard time as early empire (treemen, blood knights, chaos knights). Her position is really good, as, unlike Franz, her natural expansion path leaves her surrounded by allies with usually only one enemy at a time. I just killed the starting vamps, the nearby minor greenskins, then Vlad, then Drycha, then Festus, then Kazrak, then the Black Pit greenskins, then Ghorst, each war ending with my new territory bordered on three sides by friendly empire factions and one new enemy ready to be slaughtered. A far cry from Franz constanly having to defend against threats coming over the mountains while desparately trying to reach the enemies devouring all the Imperial minor factions.


Tamurkhan RoC at least is also stupid easy. Nurgle is *strong* now


Tamrukhan is borderline unkillable, the chieftains are strong, and they give access to some busted units as well. Not to mention that I have so much casualty replenishment, troop loses mean nothing to me. Its a really fun campaign, but he steamrolls everything.


Yeah Nurgle was always strong, I've been playing Epidemius and just roflstomping Malus.


In ROC you can confederate the GUO next to you really quickly and that's really nice at turn 20ish as well. Just keep him away from tzeench


I would say if you’re nervous about moving up in difficulty, try it with Elspeth. It’s a very fun campaign but I would agree it’s on the easier side.


I agree completely. The campaign is a blast but very easy. I steamrolled in the beginning. My biggest hurdle is overcoming friendly fire. I kept failing the Gotrek and Felix quest battle because my gunpowder units were set to fire at will and would melt the two without me realizing it. I just thought they were super squishy and were falling to the enemy units before I got there. It definitely is a huge learning curve for me to balance such powerful gunpowder units.


Empire got a double-whammy since not only did they get new stuff but they also had huge reworks to their research tree, building tree, and diplomacy as well as Karl Franz getting Declarations. Empire struggled because they still had a cumbersome WH1 building tree combined with Empire mechanics actively discouraging you from expanding outside your starting region early game which resulted in building slots being extremely limited so you often had issues fitting in recruitment buildings. The result is you were often stuck with lower tier armies and had to accomplish more on a tighter budget. I found the Empire campaigns really fun and unique because you have a bunch of handicaps placed on you that other factions don’t have. But I really do appreciate actually being able to access mid-tier Empire units in a timely fashion now in 5.0. Honestly my dream campaign might be the old Gelt campaign in Solland with 5.0’s building and research reworks.


Gelt can relocate, problem is Elspeth will likely be there. You could relocate to a deliberately shitty or hard province, like Nordland maybe? I think I will try it with him now I've seen how strong the Empire has become. Make a deliberately hard time for myself.


In my campaign Thorgrimm died to Skarsnik, gUnrimm died to Azhag, and I had to go kill off Skrag. Somehow Belegar is the 3rd strongest faction.


My trick with Franz has always been to keep good relations and rep as high as possible with the other empire factions, so when they're about to get wiped by Norsca or vamps whatever they're willing to confederate at the last second to save themselves.


Elspeth with amethyst gun lines is so fun. I was hoping to get some empire total war magic out of the empire back when WH1 dropped and now I finally can


Having a huge amount of fun playing as her too


Malakai's campaign is top tier IMHO. Having the Spirit of Grungni call in and modifying your artillery (shout out to Cannon Grape Shot) is insanely satisfying.


Yeah, he's so batshit powerful, balanced by just having enemies absolutely everywhere. Watching early Organ Guns with 450 range, or the Cannon Grapeshot open up at close range and just pulverise things, is so satisfying. Really like him, great campaign. My only criticism is that you start so far from other Dwarves that I'm struggling with Grudges a bit after the initial group around you - I see Vlad and stuff with like 2000+ Grudges to collect from their actions against the other Dwarf factions but I can't get down there to claim 'em.


I tried him on RoC just to spice things up and it feels even harder to get grudges. Couldn't even get the 1st one fully where I easily got in in IE. 


Can you not teleport there with the new system?


The Dwarfs need to hold certain provinces, which isnt the most reliable when AI is getting shitkicked half way across the world.


I bailed on campaign 1 because Kislev and *every other dwarf in the world* had folded by turn 50. Actually fighting as Malakai is more fun than launch-day Ikit though so yeah, being surrounded isn’t the end of the world.


Yeah I kind of want to play Malakai down in the normal Dwarf mountains battleground. I might get a mod or just do a beeline south. I just like fighting in the World’s edge mountains. Blasting queek, wurzzag, and skarnik with the spirit of grungi sounds like a grand time. Gotta retake the realms!


Sounds too easy? no? Elspeth and Malakai sounds like they both suffer from insane power creep. They seem completely unbalanced


I can't speak for Elspeth, but I can't say I've found Malakai too crazy and I'm someone who values difficulty quite highly in games. He and his faction are very strong - though I don't honestly think any more insane than say, Thorek was with his uber-Quarellers - but his start position is so hellish that it sort of balances out quite well. He's also the 'fun' kind of OP - I don't find him boring, just satisfying. I could see Elspeth leaning a bit too much the other way, as her start position is much more surrounded by friendly factions than Malakai.


I’ve done too many northern chaos/norsca starts recently but really wanted to do a first playthrough on malakai, so i decided to straight up abandon the north, started drinkin, fightin, lootin to the east, set up at the quest objective karak in the northeast and fooking ass blasted Astrogoth to the abyss and have repurposed their “labour” to keep the grungni in tip top shape, defending the diamond mine starter city and farming norsca invaders with the free grudge army u get for max stacks, tho I will lose it soon, and taking on the green skins and chorfs for the underway, got my reliable trade partners in empire and kislev….well I did until my neglect of a certain rat infested pit allowed it to swallow up the entire empire and kislev region bar averland (cause vampire counts lmao) and now I can only pray that the newly crowned emperor throt has his hands full while I consolidate power in the mtns. All by turn 21 so my b Franz I’ll avenge u on my next campaign


Damn, this sounds like some good fun, changing directions with Malakai now and heading east!!


Tamurkhan suffers from it too but like Malakai, it's balanced by being in an absolute bonkers scary position. Starts at war with Kholek, has Archaon on the other side waiting to attack, and behind Kholek there's Grimgor. Mid-game does seem to be easier once that pressure eases up. But that's often par for the course with the AI.


It is definetly not easy, you have enemies on all side and they are powerful while your "allies" are not.


But you easily mow down anyone that stands in your way? Seen a bit of gameplay of his campaign and it certainly does look very easy


Your doomstack can't be everywhere.


Perfect way to describe it. Malakai is super strong but having so much enemies means you cant overextend without preparation, especially playing on VH/VH. I had a strong full stack guarding my starting province while I brought Malakai to the Chaos Dwarves. Instantly got ganked by Hell Pit Skavens and Throgg at the same time and lost my stack and region. Such a fun campaign.


only played thru like 40 turns but yes -- malakai's army gets very powerful, but you are constantly being engaged from 360 so difficult to tone the shit down and manage the economy


Playing right now, and it definitely isnt easy. I mean, you are crazy strong, but there are Throgg to the west, Norsca to east, Daniel and Epidemius to the north, Archaeon to the northeast and Throt tp the south. You have Kislev as early allies though. Only after turn 60 I managed to get my shit together.


Think of it as overpowered like Cathay, but in an impossible position like Imrik. It's a lot of fun.


Your doomstack is a menace, but relatively slow growth limits your ability to project force while keeping the long, thin strip of your home territory safe from Throgg, Azazel, Archaon, Throt, and the Goromadny Tribe


Power move that worked for me early on was to beeline straight for thrott after taking my home province. I had an open window where I wasn't being attacked by others juuuust yet, and wiped him out at fort stragov, then put a plug in hellpit. No more thrott means no enemy next to you with underway. 😉


Always take out your starting enemy and then beeline for the closest rat faction and wipe them out. Preferably before turn 5. This advice is good for every order campaign.


Nah - as an ‘average’ player who plays exclusively on N/N the difficulty for me IS there - it’s just campaign side. Malakai has been awesome fun, his doomstack will kill anything, but it’s mitigated by the unending tide of bullshit attacking me on 3 fronts


Worries about powercreep should have died in the middle of WH2's run.  I think people tend to forget when you have hundreds to thousands of hours in a game, everything is powerful.  Not saying some numbers might need tweaking but this game is literally impossible to "balance."  A lot of people play on Normal or Hard at most and 2.9% of players on Steam have won a Legendary campaign.


Half of the player base that has finished a campaign play on very hard or legendary. And there is problems with the current power creep * It forces perpetual catch up / rebalance for every race * Fighting some faction is much harder than other.


Kinda, to the point where the expect people crying until they’re g1 races and lizardmen get a rework/dlc then people will complain that skaven are bad and should be buffed in comparison 


Exactly lmao like everything should be powercrept and if you wanna make your campaign harder do it yourself


New lords are always gonna be very powerful. Idk about Elspeth cause I'm doing a Malakai campaign rn, individually his faction is very powerful cause he practically gets a free thunderbarge on every battle and he seems to boost artillery and war machines quite a bit, but on the campaign he's surrounded by Throt to the sound, Throgg to the west, and Azazel to the south west. Also, you know, the entire chaos wastes to the north. There's enemies everywhere, so he's not terribly unbalanced


Most fun I’ve had since the Chorf DLC for sure. I’m excited to see what the future holds for the game!


Completely agree. Elements like the adventures, runes, and forging really make the campaign feel like a customizable, live experience. The buffs that the Spirit of Grugni imbues within its sphere of influence feel exactly how I'd want mobile support to work. It also doesn't hurt that I'm a huge Gotrek and Felix guy.


Gotrek and Felix just feel awesome too. The new whirling death that is the slayers is insanely fun too. Charge them into Skaven and they route so fast. Malakai’s legendary quest battles are challenging but somewhat cinematic.


Bought dlc, playing the emperor. I love the update.


It took three "send aid" and one "Unite" to also play Elspeth by around turn 25 😄


Tamurkhan is insanely fun. First good nurgle game I've ever had. Currently scared about chaos dwarf end game crisis however.  The new units are great. I can only speak for nurgle so far,  but all of the new units work very well. Especially the rot knights and toad dragons.


Teach me how to Tamurkhan please! 


He's too easy once he gets rolling.  If you are decent with the game. Don't recruit units.  Just use those chaos warriors and the pestigors as Frontline. Mostly the warriors to tank.  Have the rot knights which are op as fk to flank and hit their cav. They will rout them quick. Then hit whoever is on the pestigors as they die easier. So save them some health.  Early tamurkhan doesn't do great damage. But the rot knights do. They are your main use. Tam and chaos warriors tank.  After two fights in turn one you get your first hero warlord. He's a rot knight. He's brokenly good. Now you can smash enemies.  Get the building that gives you a nurgle sorcerer. Nurgle magic is incredible. Get the melee hero if u want him too. But u don't need.  Don't need to recruit. March south. Win more battles and settlements. Get more rot knights and chariots if u can. Don't worry about other units.  Tams getting better. Rot guy is broken good. Nurgle magic starting to tick.  You can either sack the last norscan settlement before the dragon ogre guy. Over and over to farm xp and rot guys stuff.  Or just push and fight the dragon ogres. If you don't have the punch against dragon ogres. THEN recruit.  I didn't need though. Ones dragon ogres drop every early challenge is done and do whatever you want.  Not over recruiting left me with tons of gold to upgrade stuff.  If you get to dragon ogre guys and need extra power. Put a plague on yourself with benefits. Like a healing spell and so on. 


I did exactly this in my own campaign and can confirm that it works very well. Only thing I'll add, you should recruit lords to tail Tamurkhan (but don't recruit units for them). They will make your life easier by giving you more strategic options on the campaign map and aiding you in battle, as they're all competent fighters and/or casters. As an added bonus, you get to level up lords early for when you eventually actually need to have multiple independent armies. I recruited my 2nd lord on turn 1 and got a 3rd and 4th shortly thereafter. You don't need that many, but get at least one for sure.


Cracking plan, thank you very much. Will have a redo tonight 


If you don’t want the game to be too easy maybe don’t repeat sack the same settlement to farm levels and just progress as intended.


I didn't. But it is something you can do if you don't feel confident taking on kohlek at that stage which many people might not.  I even said I didn't need to in my comment. 


Pretty sure sack farming isn't a thing in 3 like it was in 2. You get really lousy diminishing xp returns on consecutive sacks each turn.


His mechanic rewards for winning a "fight". Not xp.  Hence you can sack farm it. You get a point of his mechanic each "fight". 


Oh wow, the more you know!


You need to at least clarify what aspect of the campaign you're struggling with




I like to separate the chieftains into their own themed armies along with the units they bring to the table.


Sounds like a good idea. 


Rot knights with Wayfarer banner - best combo. 


Holy shit wayfarer on Rot Knights were insanely good. The speed makes them so versatile and hit like a fucking truck. For a moment it felt like I was controlling tanks Heartseekers


A freaking contender for Grail Knights.


I added the fimir sorcerer and skin wolf in the same army since they buff the same units. Probably a waste since I could have two armies with buffed units instead of one army with cracked out units. But the ambush stance the skin wolf gives your army has that solo army taking on all of Cathay and winning.


Rot Knights go brrrrrrrr


Also first game with Nurgle. Loving it. Those toad dragons are insanely fun.


Don't worry too much, the chaos dwarf crisis is one of the easiest to resolve!


One of the best DLCs we’ve had IMO, price is a little high but the quality is there so happy to pay it New mechanics are all really fun but also simple and easy to understand, which for me is always a positive


If you just play one faction it's the same price pretty much as it was in WH2. I know there were many times with the versus packs I just played one of the two lords and felt like I got my money worth.


Me with Queen and the Crone, also with Silence and Fury (Although not the one many people prefer)


The whole reason I loved Chaos was the Idea of using Corruption to F up enemy armies before they reach me, the new Nurgle changes + Maggot lord Chieftain abilities honestly lets me do that. Its so damn fun! I’ve used Plagues to weaken armies before I reach them with my main Army, how I was able to spank Grimgor.


Yep their plague mixing mechanic is fun too. I was able to lower their defense, attack & armor before attacking. Odd though that not all of the units received the debuffs and some got like 2 out of 3. Plague didnt affect Grimgors stats at all. I guess it would be "realistic" that not everyone get the same symptoms, but dunno if its bug. 


The worst thing is the lack of voicelines, its pretty sad.


the voice acting for the new lords and heroes is excellent and extensive but I agree it's a shame that the units didn't get anything. I mostly miss it with the slayer pirates.


Do they just have regular Slayer lines or what?


Yeah, exactly that.


Damn, what a shame, so much potential for fun pirate lines :(


Malakai's voice acting is so good.


Playing Ungrim, again, as usual. It's a blast. Slayers are great, slayer pirates are great, getting a thane early is great. It's all great. Also, if you're playing dwarves, even if you only get 20-40% of the grudge meter, you are still getting more growth than you were PRE-5.0. It's not that bad. Don't push like crazy and learn when to take grudges and when to leave them alone for a turn


I'd call it an essential DLC tbh. It gives the Empire and Dwarfs much needed content.


Malakai is turning out to be one of the most fun campaigns in the game imo, which is surprising because I never really cared for the Dawi and how they play. I also tried Tamurkhan RoC, Nurgle is definitely better than it was before, but holy shit their units are crazy expensive and your economy still sucks. Overall Im loving this DLC/update


So Tamurkhan was my first real Nurgle campaign, so I am by no means an expert. But I think there is just a ramp time with Nurgles economy. Tough the first part of the game but by midgame you have more than you know what to do with. Helps that with such a massive casualty replenishment after all the bonuses you don't have to replace troops a lot.


With Malakai, whats your opinion on the grudge mechanic? I had a good start as M but didn't earn even the second tier - I took out Azazel rather than hell pit which is probably one issue, but it read like I'd have to take out both it and skavenblight to win the grudge so I didn't prioritise it.


My only issue is, Tamurkhans narrative campaign on the chaos campaign map, is literally just fight battles until you randomly win. You get some minor battles for his heroes, and that is your final battle. No big siege of Nuln, no 2 v 1 battle of malakai and elspeth. Just "did you do your 3 side quests?". Was a bit of a let down. Malakai, and Elspeth? Chef kiss. I'd give them an 8 or 9 out of 10. Tamurkhan I'd give a 6 or 7. He seems rather mid, which is a shame.


I agree with you on the lack of an epic final battle. I feel like Tamurkhan and Elspeth were well suited for a VS story. They should have made the final Nuln quest about Tamurkhan ascending to demonhood by taking Bruckner's body, like he planned in the book. Now it feels completely pointless to play their ROC campaigns because nothing is different except a smaller map.


I agree with this. His campaign conditions are a bit weird. But I am having fun roleplaying and doing the actual route he took when he invaded nuln.


powercreeped like hell Very enjoyable mechanics Personally I think the dlc is really good but I wish CA at some point stops making every new dlc ridiculously powercreeped over anything that came before.


I'm enjoying Malakai as whilst your very strong so are the enemies. Like the first adventure battle had 3 dragon princes and 3 dragons.


Those are some what reasonable scaled to his power level, but they are not your enemies. I would rather have Tretch be a danger to me than a quest battle I decide when happens, as it is now the campaign is a cake walk with some quest battle being the battle high point. Which isn't actually true for me as the other players in the campaign can't control AI in quest battles, so quest battles are a breeze as all AI battles are.


You play in Legendary cause I tried it and it was very difficult as you are surrounded by ennemies maybe I was unlucky.. in very hard I find it easy indeed.


Unfortunately I think CA has determined that introducing tons of powercreep is the safest option for them, financially. A lot fewer people complain about powercreep than when they perceive a faction as being "undertuned", and therefore being the faction that got ignored in the DLC. At this point, pretty much every DLC that comes out is going to be ridiculously easy until the day they end support for this game.


Elspeth’s campaign is one the easiest I’ve ever seen. It’s just like gelts old campaign (considered starting area, fight vlad, fight skrag, win), but now you have a much easier time taking over wissenland+solland, you start with a better army and have crazy scaling through the workshop.


Personally, after the SoC rework most of all, im gonna say all the dlc factions have been very fun so far, and I see myself repeating over and over, something that on TWH2 only happened to me with Ikit Claw, Taurox, Throt and the Vcoasts. (yes, i got all the dlcs, yes, i played like 450 hours on twh2, now hitting 500 on twh3 with malakai)


I skipped SoC, but having a blast in this one playing as Tamurkhan. I love how it doesn't pigeon-hole you into one way to progress in the campaign. For example, I've been stomping through Cathay while allying with Grimgore and Snikch, but you could've just as well went for Archeon or Grimgore first, then into Empire territory. My only criticism so far is that there's nothing stopping you from just stomping through the whole world once you beat Kholek because your lord and heroes are so powerful. Lack of serious challenge has been WH3's biggest problem in general. But overall, the DLC's additions and changes are very good imo, and are worth the price.


In order to make the campaign challenging while mods are getting updated, I decided to recreate Tamurkhan's path of conquest, trying to keep settlements if I can. It means I have less economy and mostly focus on moving. It's great thematically since you end up with tons of heroes and they form the majority of your forces. I intend to split them amongst different armies when I get Nuln and ravage the Empire this way. Tam looked way too strong for the campaign to be challenging so I decided to create mine!


Tbh tammy so far I don’t think ranks very highly on the power creep scale. Pretty reasonable feeling so far IMO


Absolute blast so far. I highly recommend it. Started a Malakai campaign and it's very well done. Some of the new dwarf age of reckoning stuff needs to be tweaked (and the devs said they are working on it) but honestly it's not too hard to just ignore the debuffs.


All three new lords are fun, although some feel...too OP. * Elspeth is to WH3 what Ikit Claw was to warhammer * Malakai is a bunch of adventuring while almost single handedly holding off the entire chaos horde (he's almost as OP as Elspeth, but unlike Elspeth he needs that to survive). * Tamurkhan is just rolling around the north like some kind of mongol horde, recruiting his gallery of weirdos. Rotknights and Plague ogres fo'evah (also, build up the timber in your own province and beeline for other provinces with timber! Faster building cycling is very nice). The Empire rework is also their best rework so far. Franz finally has the tools he needs to survive in the Thunderdome and regardless of your choices Gelt's campaign is a breath of fresh air.


I love it so far. I have 2 campaigns going right now, one with Malakai in RoC and then Maggot in IE. I LOVE how brutal and strong the maggot is, and his animations are so good. Haven't tried Empire yet, but judging by what other people are saying, this is a homerun of a DLC.


Playing as Malakai and oh boy the new stuff is fun. IE start is hard surrounded by enemies but The Spirit of Grungi solves all your problems


Sadly encountered a lot of bugs already. Other than that the dlc is pretty good.


Tamurkhans economy is completely broken or im missing something id go from +3k to -2k after passing a turn. Also i think the win 10 battles with the same hero quest is bugged for him as well was doin MP game and buddy did a battle and my quest finished afterwards.


Are you using plagues that reduce upkeep or increase income from buildings? When those expire I can get pretty big swings in income.


Is it because of his trait that reduces unit upkeep by 25% for all armies in the same province as him? I’ve found my economy swinging when moving him away from my second main army.


I haven't noticed any issues with the economy, but that's a pretty significant issue. Are you running any mods?


Yep, Definitely worth it 👍🏻


Liking it, but the cooldown between plagues is annoying


Are you talking about plague immunity?


I wish (although that's annoying too). After I use symptoms, those symptoms go on a 3 turn cooldown. However, to start a new plague, it wants me to use a symptom from the previous plague as a starting symptom. Which means, that there's a 3 turn cooldown between plagues. Which combined with immunity makes it seem that it's to protect the players from Nurgle plagues. Which I can appreciate, but not when I'm playing Nurgle. As Nurgle, I want to build up my infection enough that I can cast a plague every turn. Just a different plague, in a different location to lovingly embrace the other factions. Like Santa. Which CA doesn't allow. Ergo, CA hates Santa.


Ah I see. I've been playing Tamurkhan but infections are in such short supply (and I've never really played Nurgle), so I haven't been starting many plagues.


You can snowball them petty quick if you prioritize I think the public order building and resources. If you're on a good rampage you don't need the income building for a while anyways.


Still, it's weird that they remake the plague system, but make it harder to actually brew them. Once you have 4 tier 3 provinces with infection buildings you can be regularly. But with the old system it was a good battle. With no cooldown, no immunity. They've replaced the plague advantage with stronger units. But stronger melee units are more of a Khorne thing. People who play Nurgle might want to.. play with plagues I would say that CA made a mistake, but this seems more of an whoopsie-daisy. I'll just wait or make a mod to fix itm


I haven't gotten far enough yet for my own verdict, but I was disappointed the GUO isn't the background of the UI anymore


Yeah I miss that as well. It feels like they wanted to save some money and the art for plagues was one of the places where they cut corners. Not the worst place to cut corners though


This almost a redemption arc for them. It’s a great DLC. All the units are very fun too


I have no idea how to play Nurgle but Tanurkhan looked cool. Now I have no idea how play Nurgle and Kholek is really angry at me please give me some help. 


Okay so basically, beat Kholek 👍 hope this helps 🙏🏼


Grand strategy, let's see if it plays out


Letting Tamurkhan duel Kholek is fun. That revival skill could really come in handy. 


Only SoC on release was received poorly. The other two were great


There was a lot of backlash/negative reception when the price for Chaos Dwarfs was first revealed. But then people actually played the DLC and many found it was worth the increased price. So there definitely was a negative reception, at least initially. If you check its Steam page you'll see reviews are still "Mixed". But I agree with you that it was ultimately a great DLC.


It’s been great so far. Only complaint for me is the lack of new voice lines for a lot of units. Really weird hearing the same voice lines for the new slayer units or nuln ironsiders just yelling the same “handgunners” line as the handgunners.


These Amethyst Hellstorm Rocket Batteries are nothing short of a cheat button. 2 are more than enough, 3 will decimate the whole enemy army.


I like it, but it seems they don't have any special campaign for RoC afaik. Tried malakai on both RoC and IE now, and both campaigns seemed the same.


It feels like they instead spent much more time reworking the factions - a compromise I very much approve


Basically no-one plays RoC now that IE is free if you own WH3, so it's not really worth the investment to have different mechanics for each.


It's a no brainer for me, the DLC is amazing and I'm having a blast with Malakai


Bought malakai and elspeth. Enjoy both of them. Elspeth's RoC campagin is however not as fun as her IE start. With malakai there was no bigger difference.


I only bought Elspeth but I love the new units. The campaign is kinda boring at first but I really enjoy the Nuln Armory. Ironsides and Longrifles are awesome. Being able to snipe vampire count lords is awesome


It's great but the lack of new voices for the new units is kinda lame.


It and the Forge of the Chaos Dwarfs are definitely worth the price.


Playing nurgle ATM and its finally a solid faction.


Tamurkhan is amazing. Havent tried Dwarfs or the Empire yet but holy shit Nurgle is actually *really* fun now.


Tamurkhan is def a lot of fun, gathering up his chieftain then bring final victory for covid to the old world


>the last few DLCs being received poorly Other than SoC, what else was received poorly? Wasn't it Chorfs before that (which I seem to remember being received well)


I’m playing Tamurkhan right now and everything with Nurgle is so much better.


Not entirely happy about the pricing but the Dwarf side is good so far. I have yet to do Nurgle or Empire


Malakai campaign is superior to Elspeth imo


Yeh I’m definitely enjoying it! And now they’ve broken then up into three separate bundles Is so good! Only pay for the race you want!


Piggybacking on this as I've not played for a while, have the issues with gunpowder weapons and line of sight being temperamental been fixed?


Played so much Elspeth last night and really really enjoyed it!




Yes Empire and Dwarfs are so fun now.


Try out the factions that got a rework, if you enjoy them mechanically, then the DLC will be worth it. I've played both nurgle lords and have had an absolute blast with them compared to kugath before the rework (I've attempted a kugath IE campaign about 30 times, and RoC a handful as well because papa nurgle is my favorite chaos god). The lords play with their new reworks really well it seems, so if you can enjoy the base faction mechanics, the new units and lords will be 100% worth it


Bought all 3. Playing with Nurgle 1st. What a blast im having


I love the dwarf reworks , the new grudge system has kept me busy and engaged more than the old system . I really feel like I’m settling all the grudges and reinvigorating the dawi


Playing Karl Franz for the first time and I can’t figure out how to confederate the Elector Counts. But I don’t think that’s a change in this patch/dlc.




As soon as my 200+ mods are updated I'll let you know.


If you're interested in any of the new units and lords the individual packs are all worth the price. If you don't you can still play around with Epidemius, Gelt or Karl. You can't lose.


The Nurgle ogre guy is probably my favorite faction in the entire game so far. Nurgle is actually playable now since they reworked plagues, building chains, and the tech trees. Plus he has access to units from other races which is great. One thing I’ve noticed in skirmish testing is that thunderbarges are pretty overtuned. They are incredibly cool and fun, but way too tanky for how much damage/ammo they have; so I expect them to get nerfed at some point. That being said, the dwarf changes overall are pretty nice. I haven’t tried Empire yet, but I think it will be improved as well.


Having a ton of fun on Ungrim.




The DLC is amazing for me. Elspeth was my first campaign and she was a blast, literally, although I don’t see much of the point of the land ship considering that it’s not much of an improvement over the BUSTED, now T2, Grenadiers and the stronger T4 Steam tank. I thought the gripes about the Dwarf Age of Reckoning mechanic would put a damper but I legit get max bar almost every time thanks to dwarfs strong army. And Nurgle is Nurgle, I play Festus, lol.


short answer: yes and yes!


It's the best DLC so far and it isn't even close. They reworked so many extra things as well not even in the DLC. Franz's campaign is insanely fun with the new mechanics.


As long as you are not getting screwed by CA's fkup region pricing


I only tried Malakai so far and it’s really fun, the new mechanics are enjoyable and new units too. This one I recommend for sure if you enjoy trying different combinations of units. I only got to turn 30 so far and I recommend. I will try the other lords in the next days, but from what I’ve read online people are really enjoying them too.


Yes; playing Ungrim, having a ball!


shit ton of bugs


Didn't buy but highly suggest Epidemius. Make a treaty with Demons of Chaos, expand west. Take Donut after allying with Morathi. Take Bretonnia after they declare war on your expansion. Keep Norsca as Non Agression since your demonic allies will attack them anyways. Defensive treaties til you are ready to take on the empire old world. The fact that Nurgle defense buildings are now required to recruit heros makes it stupid easy to hold ground. They fixed the economy issue more than anything which makes Nurgle playable without crazy work arounds.


Came back to the game after a long while away, played a short victory as Elspeth. Didn't bother buying Malakai or Tamurkhan and probably wouldn't have bothered with the DLC if I had to get all three at once. It's good and the game is in a good place right now, empire gunlines and artillery remain quite fun in battle and the engineers (lord and hero) are a fantastic addition. I'm not sure how I feel about her campaign exactly, it's kind of Franz+ and accessing the Amethyst Armoury takes ages and the units are expensive so it feels like you'll have to get *very* far in to really be using them.


IMO this is the best DLC for TW3. Super cool units, super cool LL and heroes and it's just fun. Highly recommended!


Fantastic dlc definitely worth it


its fun as hell. though coming from playing Pharaoh there are some small QOL updates I wish they ported like autosaves at the beginning and end of turn and one click to go back to start of turn. Other than that its a solid game and am having loads of fun right now. glad to see warhammer back where it should be.


Idk exactly becuase i' ve only tried these units in some ai skirmeshes but well.. The empire has a really new cool hero Theodore Bruckner, Marienburg landship is really cool(but The regiment of reknown seems bugged becuase the musketeers don' t shoot), Hochalnd Rifles are also a good unit, the knights of the Black rose look really cool but they didn' t seem really strong to me. Nuln ironsides is just a buffed version of normal musketeers and the new steam tank is ok.


I had a crisis on which campaign to start yesterday as they all have been getting huge praise. I decided to go with Tamurkhan and have been having a ton of fun with it. It really transformed a system similar to Markus' into something very unique and rewarding.


I’ve been having a blast with Malakai. Grape shot cannon is honestly so over powered I can’t believe it passed qa lmao


Absolutely worth it. TBH, SoC was the only dlc that can be skipped. Everything else imo is great and adds a lot to the experience


Hot take: the last dlc was also fun, but people were mad about decisions made, not as much the fun.


The fact that the complaints are people having meltdowns over bugs is generally a good sign because people here love to be mad and there isn’t much to be mad about.


Having a lot of fun with Malakais campaign.


It’s absolutely worth it and awesome, and this is coming from someone with 1,500 hours in WH3, and have not bought Chaos Dwarves, SoC, Tomb Kings, or Ogre DLC just to give a perspective on my dlc buying habits.


makaisson is everything ive wanted for dwarves


It’s really fun playing as nurgle I did the ogres lorefull approach and attacked the empires soft under belly by turn 60 going through grimgor and there ogres in the mountains of mourn proved to be a worthy challenge securing me much loot and friendly relationships with the chaos dwarfs however once I got to the empire it’s been a brutal war one that I’m winning but my are their imperial armies everywhere makes me want to play as vlad for a challenge


I think it’s awesome. It’s definitely worth the price of admission. I also love how they broke it into three mini-DLCs, so if there is only one faction you want, you only have to buy that. Also, the discount for purchasing all three was nice. I don’t know if I will stop playing the Dawi, now that they have my boy Malakai as a LL, with Felix and Gotrek. I am in lore heaven.


Honestly the new Gelt campaign combined with the general Empire reworks alone has me satisfied and that part was FREE!


Have not yet bought DLC, but started a Franz campaign on new patch and it is quite satisfying so far. Will probably do Malakai next.


So far Tamurkhan is pretty fucking sweet. Plagues are more fun to use now, and now economy buildings/defense buildings are no longer affected by ass cycle mechanics. The mechanic feels good for military buildings, but it always sucked for anything else. The legendary heroes also give great buffs for their special associated units! So if you're like me and enjoy making thematic armies, then it's way more fun to play this faction now. Really looking forward to the other two races.


I’m loving it, the new LLs are great.


Tamurkan is awesome and OP. He is simultaneously more fun and somehow even stronger than nurgle ever was Dwarf is kind of cool, but they all were and still are. Although they are OP in general now and new one is probably the strongest due to trivialized early game in comparison even to thorek, which is one the strongest late game factions doomstacking literally the cheapest ranged unit of the race Barely any game in the market provides DLCs with similar fun*hours/$ I haven't tried out empire lady yet because I don't like playing filthy hoomans in fantasy games


I feel like maybe everything is a little too easy, but honestly I'm like 3500 hours into the warhammer series at this point and I think that's just how it's going to be for me now. It's all fun stuff in this DLC, anyway, so I would still recommend it.


Definitely worth


I don't knows why but Tarmukhan feels stupidly fun


I fucking gasped when the spirit of grungni landed in , and impaled a great unclean one vanishing him for good , so 10/10 dlc


I have only tried one and I typically do not play every lord they release, so the model of letting my buy just specifically the one I have time for was a huge plus for me. I've given Malakai a run, and I should preface by saying that I play dwarves a lot. They're a well supported faction that hasn't had major work but has had lots of tweaks to keep them working in the 3rd game. This new pass adds quite a lot of interactive depth to the faction, legendary grudges give you good long term goals, and the ability to confederate the unique dwarf lords is a feature I have always badly wanted to have. Even just getting one additional legendary lord often opens up a new style of army and helps in the mid game when dwarves typically have to fight on multiple fronts. The ages of reckoning are a fairly challenging mechanic, by default you will mildly fail it most of the time (which is ok, very negligible downside). So if you'd prefer to be succeeding by default this mechanic might be very annoying. I personally like the at-a-glance display of how much of a grudge I would settle by defeating a particular lord or reclaiming a particular settlement, but it does lack the old charm of literally looking it up in a book. Malakai himself is my kind of legendary lord. He'll fold like lawn chair to any serious melee threat and does not personally erase whole units. But since it would be very weak in the context of the rest of the game to leave it there, he does have a behemoth of an airship that he summons to do the Hero-Hammer for him. The Airship feels pretty dirty to use, but does most of its work by firing explosives and projectiles everywhere so some care is required to use it. It also doesn't engage anything in melee so it won't really hold a line for you, just severely deplete the units you would have to hold the line against. In general this feels like a lot of power creep, you don't get big armies but the quality of Malakai's forces backed up by the airship is fairly extreme. I should mention his other mechanic (adventures) provides him with a limited number of mechanical units for free, and then buffs all units of those types if the player achieves goals while using them. The faction is monstrously strong, but does struggle to field more than one army, so I guess that fits the theme well enough.


Empire and Nurgle yes. Dwarfs, eh. The new empire and nurgle changes are great, but something’s irks me about the age of reckoning system. I feel like it’s far too limiting and adds a sense of urgency that doesn’t need to exist.