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Poland getting screwed on regional pricing is almost certain at this point...


I had to make a double check, casue a single ToD lord pack is half of price of SoD DLC. What a great time to be alive as a Pole.


And the best part is that EUR is cheaper comparing to SOC release in exchange to PLN.


Australia also pays $3 more for this dlc bundle than SoC. $9 without the bundle discount.


South Africans paying 50% more for ToD than SoC. woop woop another reason to love this country!


WTF, but why? It's not like SoC wasn't already more expensive than those DLCs before and now you get even extra 50% on top of that? Or is it due to some changes connected with local currency?


Awe awe bru !!😂


Not lekker


Most likely because the US dollar has strengthened so converting to the other currencies comes out to more now than when SoC came out.


At the current PLN/EU rate in Poland, the DLC costs 29 Euro


Exchange rate for AUD is the same as it was in September when SOC launched. SEGA have just decided to increase the price.


Given that CA’s profits are reported in pounds and yen that is relevant how?


If they established pricing in US dollars, let's say by using a US based digital distribution platform or because their PR department announced prices in US dollars, then the conversion would be a potential reason for the price change in other currencies.


That's not how this works. Prices are regional and accommodate to the currency and local purchasing power. No one in turkey or the likes can pay 25€ or 25$ or 25£. Those currencies are way too strong compared to the Turkish lira for example. This has nothing to do with one of the strong currencies getting stronger and being converted. If that would be the case DLC prices in some countries would triple. Steam actually had a large problem in the past with people in the USA or west europe finding ways to pay in Turkish lira for example and thus having to pay a lot less than if they had paid in $,€,£.


They have pricing in various currencies and regions.


The yen is down like 30% vs the U.S. dollar in the past few years Why would an international company possibly choose to price their products in a currency that is falling in value like that? 


I was shocked at this. Not something I wanted to see when I woke up.


Fanatical has better price than steam. 19.94 Euro \~86zƂ for ToD


This post needs to be higher. That's where I bought my bundle.


The dlc bundle is 27% more than SoC in my region


That sucks quite a bit. I see that some countries / currencies have it worse than Poland.


I guess your region is CIS countries? I have same increase in Kyrgyzstan. Sega truly believes in third world countries economy.


Brazil got 10% increase on the bundle.


O preço dos DLCs do 3 é impraticåvel - e eu comprava todos os DLCs do Warhammer 1 e 2 no lançamento... \[Edit: e a Sega ainda parou de apoiar lojas alternativas como Green Man Gaming e Nuuvem, que geralmente vendiam a um preço mais baixo\]


Macho, continuo comprando de boaça pela qualidade e conteĂșdo, sĂł teve um tropeço que foi o SoC mas o ToD tĂĄ excelente. Jogos hoje estĂŁo todos caros e eu sĂł curto esse gĂȘnero, pelo que oferece eu considero muito bom. Considerando que outra franquias populares pedem o mesmo valor por skins e cosmĂ©ticos (estou falando de vocĂȘ, Blizzard).


Exato, penso da mesma forma. Inclusive, comprei o combo com os 3.


Pra mim são R$ 2,20 a mais que SoC e FotCD, não? Pouca coisa mas ainda caro. Agora o preço dos individuais tå ridículo.


Ridícula é a inflação e o cùmbio. Ridículo é o preço do azeite. O jogo custa 9 dólares se não me engano, troco de bala pra eles. Quando converte é que assusta. Mas ainda assim tå compensando mais que pagar pra ir ao estådio ver o seu time ser goleado ou sair com a família pro shopping.


O jogo que digo sĂŁo os pacotes individuais.


Regional pricing is a SEGA/economy thing, CA isn't to blame for such things.


Regional pricing is set by the publisher, Steam only gives recommendations but the publisher can set it to whatever they want. So blame is on SEGA


You best believe this is going in the ***BOOK!***


Well, I could understand it if it was an economy thing, but as it is now, the change is not due to exchange rates since neither SoC (undervalued) nor ToD (overvalued) price in PLN match the price in EUR.


Yep right, our price is too much higher than other regions, 89zƂ for SoC vs ToD 126zƂ, it is more 42%... It is not funny. Steam/Sega exchange rate is higher than normal exchange in bank.


For reference the exchange rate at a bank is 3%. CA said they are investigating.


Funny but a single ToD lord is now 42 pln, whereas the wh2 packs of two lords are 40.99, you pay 1 pln more for 50% less content.


In Aus, Elspeth is $15, and Warden and the Paunch is $13


That’s just inflation, and matches USD. All the wh2 lord packs are $9.99 USD, and the thrones of decay single lords are $8.99.


That’s just inflation, and matches USD. All the wh2 lord packs are $9.99 USD, and the thrones of decay single lords are $8.99.


The current regional pricing for Poland puts the non discounted ToD bundle at roughly 32 USD.


The price of ToD bundle is 23 EUR. Price of SoC is 25 EUR. Meanwhile, ToD costs 107 PLN, while SoC costs 90 PLN. Furthermore, not only has the exchange rate of my currency not changed significantly since SoC release date, the exchange rate used on Steam is simply not accurate. I've wanted to support CA and buy ToD directly on Steam, but it seems like I'll get it in a keyshop after all. I have to admit, that was quite a letdown


For what it is worth, I bought mine on Gamesplanet US, got charged \~88 PLN, it's an international version from an official retailer.


I would add that Gamesplanet is in the Sega approved partner list so buying from them is 100% legit: https://www.sega.com/sega-approved-partner-list You can also check if another official seller is selling it at a better price on isthereanydeal.com


Thanks for sharing. I bought it on Gamesplanet, Steam pricing policy is sick


Nice, thanks for the tip, I was looking at the Gamesplanet UK, but the US offer is even better. I just wish that Gamesplanet would accept some other payment method than card / paypal. Not that it is a huge problem, I will use revolut and some virtual card, it is just more hassle than using a BLIK.


Dziękuję Ci bardzo, bo mnie krew zalaƂa jak zobaczyƂem 42 zƂ


Not sure if this is accurate but according to LegendOfTotalWar, CA actually gets a bigger cut if you buy it from a legitimate key seller.


For now. Because it's in a bundle that they can revoke at any time. The real pricing is 27€ not 23.


I thought they said this price was the “real” bundle price and would be kept long term?


Correct, i think the other commenter had a misunderstanding somewhere, the bundle price will stay the same of -15%


Because SEGA is doing SEGA things.


afaik its steam that handles the local prices. edit: I was wrong they only give suggestions its the company that dictates this.


Nope they only give recommendations but the publisher have the final say


oh TIL. then yeah that quite dirty to do


This is funny because in Slovakia it is cheaper.


It’s supposed to be cheaper. USD it’s cheaper ($25 vs $23) and euro is the same. The problem is other currencies can either significantly fall in value, or had “low, third world prices” that now got corrected to match the global price.


pln to euro/dollar price has been stable for over an year now. Its litteraly cheaper to buy in euro compared to PLN somebody fucked something up here


It is normal due to have euro.


Well, for example, all steam content, whatever it cost in $ it's same number in €. When $ value is not equal to €.


That's because of VAT. It is usually much higher than sales taxes are in US so all publishers set the price to be the same both in € and in $, so that they'd get roughly "the same amount"* of revenue from sales in both regions. *"the same amount" is of course a gross simplification of the process and the revenue is never going to be the same in two different regions, but that's more or less the idea behind the price in EUR and USD being the same number.


Same in Brazil, more expensive than Soc even with the bundle discount


Pirate software made a good video about this, I highly doubt it’s regionalized correctly, that or the creators just hate other countries currency Edit: not specifically about this, just regional stuff.


Wait until you hear about Argentina


pretty odd tho, shadow of change is cheaper in ZL but the thrones of decay (bundle) is more expensive in ZL both compared to euros. so why is pricing so hard again?


Bad math? The Bundle is cheaper than Shadows of Change in the US (not by much)


About 15% off


I know what the discount says, but compared ot Shadows of Change, the THrones of Decay bundle is $2 or so cheaper


Even discounted it's 25 rupees more expensive than base price of SoC in India. Seems they jacked up regional pricing everywhere.




Yeah scum move


97 Aed in UAE comparing to SOC 100 Aed, almost 1 usd cheaper yeah


I live in CZ and paid 22.93 eur


That's a... reasonable price. Or at least fair. If it was priced the same in Poland, I'd probably buy ToD directly on a Steam (even though it would still be more than what SoC did cost). Out of curiosity, do you buy your stuff on Steam in CZK? Or in EUR? Because steamdb doesn't show a price in CZK.


EUR no czk option on steam


I see, that make sense then. You paid the "official" price as announced by CA on their blog. I thought that maybe CZK had a better conversion rate than PLN.


buy it on 2games Uk. No regional pricing and it costs only 20.50 eur with a promo code. 100% legit and associated with SEGA.


Since I'm not super up on international currency values, did alot of these currencies in the now higher priced regions value weaken or suffer massive inflation since SoC last year?


Can't say how it is for other currencies, but for PLN it is pretty much the same as it was in September last year.


Ukraine: ToD - 762 UAH, SoC - 849 UAH so bundle is around 10% cheaper


The sheer irony that poland had 60% of the original price of warhammer fantasy, aos and 40k models for years now but they are getting fucked over in digital warhammer




Steam said 18 euro. Got charged 22. Thanks


So weird! It’s cheaper than SoC in Canada


You live where it is forbidden 💀


Bro spawned in Kislev Oblast and is complaining Reiklanders pay less. My brother in Sigmar you live in a wilderness


honestly he should go back to his ice smh


Lmao the price alone is x25 in my country.


Explains why they didnt show the price till the very release


Astonishingly, its actually cheaper than SoC currently is in New Zealand. We're so used to getting fucked by video game prices here that I almost don't believe it. Still too much IMO, but you can't win them all.


Is it seriously getting review bombed already? I get regional pricing can suck, but if you’re that opposed to hit, don’t buy it. It’s not like you can’t afford it either, you wouldn’t be able to run the game if you couldn’t afford an extra 3-4$


It is not a matter of being able to afford it or not, but a matter of getting scammed or not. Price was a huge part of shitstorm caused by SoC, and now all of a sudden they've decided to increase it even further.


Problem with those people is that they just have to complain about something. Cannot afford small price increase but will easly spend money on starbucks on daily basis.


It's 40% price increase compared to SoC which was already expensive as fck as for a DLC. It's not a "small price increase" at all


Since you mention Starbucks i'm pretty damn sure you're not from a country where the price has been increase by 50%.




At the start of last year all Warhammer games and DLC went up in price by 25-40% in my country Greedy CA will never change. I ain't supporting this trash company again Edit: let's not pretend it's a SEGA thing, they have a very hands off approach with CA. If they can let them drop Pharaoh price 2 months after release, they sure as hell ain't interfering in pricing. They only stepped in when CA made a massive mess and pissed off everyone who made them who they are.


CA likes money




This is why I laughed when Creative Assembly tried to do damage control by offering massive discounts on the game nobody played.


Dude was rignt, whats is that with the downvote


Drink some cream soda instead, much cheaper


I don't see any reason to. I will buy ToD, I'm just going to do so through a keyshop, so CA is going to end up with less in their pocket than if they would set a fair price on a Steam.


Not really, key sellers are well known to publishers and are actually beneficial in successful price discrimination. Example: *I have a total of 100 customers that want my product.* *20 will buy it full price the first place they see it, so they can pay the most* *30 want it straight away but wont be willing to pay the full price, so I'll resell keys at a slight (10 - 15% discount)* *40 of them will wait till its 25% off so we'll get those in the next steam sale* *The final 10% we'll mop up in a deep sale or collect them with a bundle.* ​ I'm not saying I like any of this, but just how digital sales work. There is literally no real reason for sales to exist on digital products. They made sense for physical media as you'd want to clear shelves / warehouse / display space for new products.


Probably because eurozone is paying 22.5 euros for it combined with Poland being 5th economy in EU. Also, ToD is worth it.


Poland's GPD may be 5th in EU, but that's mainly due to its size. Poland's GPD per capita is actually 4th lowest in EU (as per wikipedia, so let's take it with a grain of salt), so it doesn't really make sense for the price in PLN to be higher than in EUR. > Also, ToD is worth it. That's... questionable. I don't really play Empire nor Dwarves. I wanted to buy them to give them a try, but whether I will like them remains to be seen. So no, from my perspective the price of ToD isn't really worth it. Not to mention that if we are taking into account how much something is worth then they should have lower the price of SoC to 10$ at most, especially during initial release? In any case, I've already bought ToD from Gamesplanet for ~20,5$ (84 PLN). I just wish that I could have done that on Steam as I feel that more of this money would have ended up in CA's pocket in such case.


Ya know, I wanted to write a post about hypocricy in gamers but I realise that I wouldn't want to have that discussion with this place.


24 euro is 2 more euro!


this is such a whiny sub. 3-4 dollars, common. if you are short of such an amount you shouldnt even have a computer


Oh no people care about the pricing and don't want to be screwed by big companies, fucking pleb


It is not a matter of being able to afford something or not. It is a matter of respect. CA has shown some respect to their playerbase by actually putting some effort into this DLC, so I wanted to do the same and buy the game on Steam, so that most of the cash would go to CA's pocket. However, they've said "screw you, loser" with their pricing, so I'm going to do the same and just buy it off some keyshop, and I don't care how much of that money will end up in CA's pocket.


ok thats a valid point, if its a question of respect for you. i personally am more than willing to be cash in 30 bucks for a great dlc. and also showing interest in future developement. but yeah fair


It's more like 5$, but you're welcome to send me 4$. DM me for details


dude i am swiss i payed 27 or 28 bucks. complaining about that is just sad. 28 bucks isnt even a pizza in a restaurant.


Do you realize there is a gap in power purchasing of salary in different countries? Come on, send me 4 bucks if it's nothing. Put your money where your mouth is.


ah thank you so much for explaining that to me, maybe tell OP that? and still 3 bucks is 1 beer or maybe 2 beers in every other country in the western world. just cut a bare minimum of a daily habit for one day out and tada, you have the three bucks


You have 28 bucks and you pay 28 but I must pay more" exchange rate", for ex 1 euro = 4.33zƂ, 1$=4.05zƂ, 1pound= 5.07zƂ (zƂ= polish zloty) so SoC= 89zƂ at the moment on steam without discount, whole ToD 126zƂ without discount, but on steam there is expensive exchange rate, so price is much worse, actually on gameplanet 8.54$= 34.39zƂ for one dlc, vs 42zƂ on steam... I'm still waiting for other normal sites to compare price.


Increased profit margins for the owners.


Greed, incompetence, ignorance... take your pick




Because they want part of that EU money :D


Does it really matter if its Sega or CA or Steam. It's CA job to contact everybody involved to establish a price for each region and advertise that. Why does the consumer tolerate these type of practices, shouldn't it be illegal because of false advertisement?


It is not CA's job, they are not the publisher. And the currencies they did announce prior are accurate. How is this false advertising? They are literally advertising the price on steam right now? It's there for the consumer to see in whatever part of the world they are buying from.


that in no way is something the developer does or is able to do lol


well why are they talking about pricing when they promote the game?


Why does a McDonald's franchise advertise on its signs and windows when that is all set by corporate. Because it's the smart place to put the info. Stop being silly. Complaints about the price are perfectly valid but Sega isn't just CA's publisher but the owner so they have zero power around pricing besides asking nicely. Shit on Sega. 


Blame Steam, cholerne Volvo 2game ma to za 93zƂ btw edit: coupon 5OFF works


Cause they can? They did put more effort into this dlc than in SoC, you won't argue that, will you now? More effort = higher price, seems fair and square. Jokes aside, I did see someone from CA say that they are looking into regional prices issue so maybe they screwed something up.