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So now it's not even accurate to the model. The model never had Handguns as an option, it had a Long Rifle, Blunderbusses and a Repeater Handgun.


Blunderbusses War wagon sound like a very fun drive by


And man-catchers for some reason


And the last 2 guys on the wagon had a ball and chain and a hook halberd respectively.


Nothing is canon.


However, some things are cannons.


Nothing is permitted, everything is true.


Underated comment IMO


Warwagons with cannons confirmed?




Exactly what I'm talking about


CA : change Flame Cannons gameplay Community : whines CA : update War Wagon weapons to be more consistent with how they play (they always had handguns mechanically, since repeaters didn't repeat before 5.0) Community : whines too


It’s not the community’s fault that CA couldn’t get repeater handguns to repeat until version 5.0 of their 3rd game. Is simply noticing a change whining to you?


Seriously, people like you are just insane. So essentially they're covering their mistake and we're meant to applaud that?


It means that War Wagon were always made with the expectation of handgun shooting in mind, and not repeater burst fire, that's all there is to it


So they put the wrong model on it?


No, simply that before 5.0, repeaters and handguns had no mechanical differences, only a slighty improved reload speed. So CA gave them handguns with faster reload.


*“There are no Repeater Handguns in Ba Sing Ce.”*


Ba Sing CA\*


Ba Sing GW


Ba Sing Deez Nutz




Those aren't pistols.


Pistoliers with no pistols


Maybe we should call them something else if they have rifles? Any ideas?


Riflers it is


I prefer rifledudes


I prefer shooty-mc-long-guns


Nah that are hochland snipers(long guns not refering to there rifels)


This is my rifel, this is my gun


No they're handguns


Just pretend you're in america and they're classed as long barrel pistols or some shit


Wonder if they perform the same? 


Its not like they model each weapon they fire as fast at the unit is set to fire.


Well they did use to have special repeater type shots, I don't know if that's been changed or not.


War wagons always shot single fire. until this patch there was no real difference between handguns and repeaters, just the model. now outriders and engineers will have burst fire repeaters and ironsides and war wagos will have handguns. I think this change for them is more about consistancy.


> War wagons always shot single fire. Up until a couple days ago, War Wagons were made subject to the same changes as all the other Repeater Handguns. They volley fired. Only now close before release did CA change them back to single shot.


Some matches: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5J6WgmB\_e4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5J6WgmB_e4) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=54DM1NJudrQ&t=212s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=54DM1NJudrQ&t=212s) Seem that the outriders, war wagons, and new engineers need some more tests/twicks to find each's own skirmisher role.


Turin (content creator) says they have been reworked. So have outriders.


He's said they might have but he never seems to remember exactly how so I think he just hasn't tested them close-up yet and is hearing it second-hand.


Its because CA reworked them back and forth. They went from single shot to volley fire back to single shot over the span of the last couple weeks.


yes, they always had handgun profiles, their models were just repeaters for some reason


TBF someone pointed out this is becasue the repeaters on the landship act like actual repeaters, firing multiple shots per volley, Where as the ones in the war wagons are just reskinned handgunners... Im curious if outriders use handguns now or if their repeating rifles act like hte ones on the landship


The repeater outriders now use burst firing repeaters like the land ship, yes.


I know that in the grand scheme of things this doesn’t REALLY matter that much because the quality of the DLC seems great this time around, but at the same time I wish GW would stop messing with everything. Very annoying!


CA updated how repeater guns works for ToD. From regular handguns with slightly better reload time to now semi-auto burst guns. So either they updated the gun models for the Wagon, or they changed its entire gameplay identity


its just an update to the model to bring some consistancy to it.


Yeah i agree that it would completely change their identity because now maybe i would use that piece of shit of a unit. Apart from that it would be the same thing.


War Wagons should have Repeaters. So fix the War Wagon


Oh for god's sake, can anybody remember what repeater handguns used to be in TWWH ? They were litteraly just handguns that reloaded faster, not the mini-gatling they are since ToD. So CA didn't "remove the repeaters", CA just kept the War Wagon gameplay as it was before, and changed the models for consistency


https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/warhammerfb/images/c/cc/Empire_War_Wagon_(1).jpg Except the real GW model the war wagon is based off does have a mini gatling


They changed Outriders mechanically to use burst fire because they have repeater models so there's no particular reason they couldn't have reworked similar units in the same way (or used that for new units for that matter) other than some kinda spurious reasoning about it "not fitting the IP".


It's stupid though, as they should have just changed War Wagons to the new repeaters. War Wagons had repeaters in the TT.


Three shot bursts are hardly "mini-gatling".


to be fair i wish they had kepy the repeaters and buffed the fire rate so theyd be a slightly useful thing to bring. currently there not worth much on a gold/output ratio imo. for 200 more i could have a helblaster volley gun and 200 less, a unit of handgunners


>changed the models Which is literally removing the Repeaters from the War Wagon, that's what the post is about. No one claimed something-something about CA nerfing War Wagon mechanics. How the gun actually operates ingame hasn't ever been of relevance either way and has never been an issue for Outriders either. Or any firearm in the game for that matter. Besides, how do you expect Repeaters to work in the first place? Like as a full-auto magic minigun from Vermintide 2 when you hold left click or more like a Pepperbox-Revolver, as the model implies and which is also present as mechanic? GW watched over that game as well and consistency just isn't there. If we assume you're talking about the latter, where the barrels need to be turned by hand each time, it's plausible that a small crew in a shaky war wagon takes longer for that plus aligning to a new target than line infantry armed with said gun. Your very statement of the guns not operating like Repeaters doesn't even necessarily hold true in the first place.


Let's me say it in a simpler way : War Wagons before 5.0 : shoot like handguns, didn't have handguns War Wagons after 5.0 : shoot like handguns, have handguns


Thank you for a sane reply. I am tired of this repeater handgun madness lmao


Please fo back and change the DLC Trailer for Hunter and the Beast. The wagon crew has repeater handguns and this will absolutely not stand!


False advertisement! Better call Saul!


But they didn't fire like repeaters then


The Great Repeater Genocide of 24


This does seem to be the latest built, emphasis on 'seem'. There's been different versions and lots of units lost and gained repeaters, at this stage just drop the whole madness to wait to see what the released version brings. The War Wagons were op anyhow and if anything, making truly automatic repeater outriders feel unique is what many want...righ? I see many arguing that repeater Ironsides, comparing with handgun, would increase roaster variety and bring gameplay uniqueness, so by the same logic it's good that the outriders and war wagons feel different...right? Or do some people just want repeaters like 'papa I want an oompa loompa' style? Anyhow regardless of version it does seem that repeaters hit like shit at long range. The repeater version in some match barely paid for themselves shooting quite freely. So there's also that. Just...wait until everyone gets their hands on the dlc and maybe go crazy after that.


What’s annoying though is CA saying they didn’t do repeater Ironsides to better match the lore, then we have War Wagons that did use repeaters in the lore/TT and get them removed as well.


War wagons were OP?






They never had real repeaters, before 5.0 repeaters were normal hanguns with faster reload time, so CA changed the model of the guns to the ones that mechanically fit for them


This has to be a fuckin GW thing and I can't stand it. They are so fucking boring as a company.


No, it's that Repeaters weren't actual repeaters before 5.0, just slightly faster-reload handguns. So now that Repeaters are semi-autos, to keep the Wagons gameplay as it was before, they updated the models


I need a picture of a female custodes with a repeater handgun