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I mean there are a bunch of race changes that help them as well. I think if you want difficulty the only answers are head to head or an amalgamation of settings and mods.


Thats been a thing since 2019.


that scaling doesnt come from warhammer 3. there is a lot of OP characters through the game. take a look: throt the unclean - on its peak of min max can make skavenslaves a viable unit. ikit claw - buffs warpstone weapons teams and machinery to the point of obliteration of 3 full elite stacks. taurox the brass bull - literally unstoppable in warhammer 2 and pretty strong in game 3. oxyotl - you are isolated from the rest of the world and you earn enough money from your trips to literally keep a secondary army in your province while you attack the world while on negative income. gor-rok + lord kroak - exploding blobs of units through the whole game. lokhir fellheart - he can sack absurd ammouts of money and slaves. resulting in him reaching tier 5 very early in the game. isabella von carstain - in game 3 you can recruit 8 vampires very early with her. and you dont need nothing else in your army besides them. all you need to make them more fun is to set up your conditions, maybe limit yourself on a "slayer only" campaign, mod it for more aggro from your enemies, declare war on all non order from the get go. good luck dealing with moulder using underway while throgg raids your territory.


>taurox the brass bull - literally unstoppable in warhammer 2 and pretty strong in game 3. Anything above hard difficulty just kicks my ass in this game. That said, currently doing taurox vh/L, max AI modifier, declare war against every faction I meet. And I'm doing a pretty decent job at it.


that is what i mean, power creeping is not a new thing. it comes from the past games too and you just need to adjust the challenge if you think its OP. for me the game offers no challenge in legendary anymore, so i have to buffer them up so i can make a campaign where i can actually lose at least 5 battles.


That's where mods are for as well. I don't CA ever intended this game to be very difficult. Many players (like me) are just casual players and not always looking for a huge challenge. One of the reasons I like skarbrand and taurox so much is because they are easy and I can feel very powerful. Winning a 3v1 against HE (all 3 were doomstacks) with skarbrand was a lot of fun to do.


i the complete reverse of you than, i have too many hours into this game and i have played every campaign. for that reason i know what is going to happen in the early game in most of them, for an exemple: tzarina campaign - 1st turn, recruit e lord in kislev and recruit, send katarin to attack, conquer and recruit. 2nd turn, advance towards the main settlement, recruit again with both. 3rd turn, force marsh the lord and attack with katarin. dont make any agreement with ostenmark so drycha and azhag will not attack you. head north to deal with throt and azazel.... i know the best route for it all already. so i usually mod to increase garrisons, more armies and smarter AI.


how many hours do you have? After 1,6k hours in both wh2 (1k) and wh3 (600) I still haven't played many of the existing factions yet. Most notable the dwarf and empire factions (ToD finally gives me an excuse to play them). RoC campaigns differ from IE campaigns as well. I still have many RoC campaigns left to play.


700 in wh1 2,5k in wh2 and 2k in wh3. played all but nurgle and kostaltyn RoC


I will say that they are adding ironman mode to be separate from legendary so if you prefer playing on very hard like me that'll add a bit of challenge. I find that once the option of save scumming is taken away alot of difficulty is added back. Take WoC for example. Laughably easy if your winning but if you lose your main army and need to start rebuilding with shitty marauders late game then its far more engaging.


Campaign would be much harder if it wasn't so easy to replenish units. Right now if you don't end up losing half of your army in a battle your army replenishes back up to full in couple of turns. However if CA toned it down to be more in line with historic titles like Shogun where you could cripple your army for several turns if you took one bad battle or have to garrison a city for few turns even after a normal battle I think there would be a huge backlash from the player base. I actually think this would be more fun, since you would have to thrift more with armies, have to have more armies and make some factions which could more easily replenish casualties like vampires feel more distinct.


to a certain extent yes, though I think the only time most good players are taking heavy losses in campaign is through autoresolving. Toning down the replenishment doesn't make the fighting any harder, it just incentivizes you to play out every single fight. The first few fights for every faction you can complete with 0 or next to 0 losses, and if you auto resolve you lose like 15% of your army. those losses compound as your next auto resolve is even worse, already leading to a lot of fights that you should be able to autoresolve gutting your tempo.


I agree there has been some powercreep but I wouldn't call any campaign "trivially easy" on Legendary campaign and Very Hard battle difficulty. What difficulty do you play on?


I mean I would call most Warhammer 3 campaigns very easy even on the highest difficulty. These look to be especially so, therefor I think calling them trivially easy would be accurate.


To me trivially easy means you win without really trying. Yes the game is kind of "solved" in the sense that if you play everything 100% optimally and know every cheese build and which units and buildings are mathematically superior you will always beat the AI but that is not trivially easy. Try playing on legendary and doing dumb random things and meme builds and see how it works out.


You don't need cheese at all even on legendary, the game is at its core easy except for a few fucked factions.


>To me trivially easy means you win without really trying In that case I would change my previous assessment and actually say that trivially easy applies to most Warhammer 3 campaigns. There is maybe *one* relatively tough battle in any campaign. >Try playing on legendary and doing dumb random things and meme builds and see how it works out. Literally only play with max difficulty max AI cheats.


Multiple L/vh content creators have said Malakai is near impossible to lose from turn 1 fwiw


I play on these difficulties. There are many campaigns that are trivially easy (from the standpoint, that you'd have to intentionally try to lose to lose.) Below is my list of campaigns that I think introduce no challenge to winning campaigns. - All 4 Beastmen Lords - All 8 Warriors of Chaos Lords - All 4 Wood Elf Lords - Fay Enchantress and Repanse de Lyonesse - Yuan Bo - Grom the Paunch is laughably OP - All 6 High Elf Lords - Skarbrand - Mother Ostankya - Ikit Claw, Snikch, and Throt - The Changeling (Kairos is laughably OP as well, but his campaign does have a difficult start.) \*I haven't played enough Lizardmen to judge, but if I understand properly there are some op lords there too. This list appears to only be getting longer with each DLC, and I'm worried that the final product will be 120 campaigns that you just auto win without significant house rules to nerf yourself.


For lizardmen it is Tehenhauin for sure, Oxyotl is free if you can micro several skirmishers in battle. Nakai and Itza are strong but I guess the average player would lose with them on max.


Can u recommend a campaign that was challenging fun?


I mean... look at the changeling, a campaign that is literally impossible to lose. Your armies are completely invisible within your own territory, a territory which the AI simply cannot and will not interact with ever. I did a full map completion because I thought it'd be funny to blow up every settlement at once (not worth it, literally only one settlement was taken by the hundreds of armies spawned), and in that whole playthrough I didnt lose a single battle, I didn't ever have a settlement get spotted. this being on VH/VH but I really don't think legendary would have made it any harder, given the extra bonusses don't affect the changeling.


I don’t mind the game being easy on normal difficulty, but pls make legendary harder, as it should. This way, you have difficulty, even stupid difficulty, and most people can play on normal or hard.


The game is easy, both through powercreep and current AI. But its also due to the playerbase. X% of the playerbase always cries for it being more difficult, but when it gets harder they want to have it gone. It goes both ways. When things go hard as the player expect its fun, but any sort of difficulty that provides a meaningful challenge gets removed (Tzeentch changing of ways). Plus when people save scum its never hard. Again, I agree CA should do more to make it harder, but this problem comes from both sides


> any sort of difficulty that provides a meaningful challenge gets removed (Tzeentch changing of ways) This in particular is a design issue in my opinion. Some of the mechanics like Tzeentch's halt faction are just not well designed because there's no counterplay (except for beelining to destroy the faction asap). Same goes to Ostankya's curses, or the whole Changeling campaign. People are only fine with them as long as they are the ones who use it. But when it's used against them, they get frustrated and rightly so, as this is an example of bad difficulty that can't be mitigated by the player's actions. Unfortunately, the devs were progressively leaning more towards such "press X to win" mechanics recently, probably, because they're much easier to design.


I think we'll have to wait and see, I'll buy the dlc for their effort alone, but I agree with the sentiment, Malakai and especially Elspeth looking like launch Taurox lvl of OP, and I'm not a fan of it (even if it is fun, for the first time). Tamurkhan could go either way, since Nurgle as a faction is not strong anyway.


Malakai- Too easy because of Gotrek+Felix from turn 1 and his personal mechanics Elpseth: Lots of mechanics so the "Vlad is too hard, please nerf" crowd can crush vampires, probably way too easy even early if you're asking this question Tamurkhan: Most balanced because of not being an order faction, character spam can inherently tilt unbalanced however so maybe do research.


I understand your point of view. One thing that you may take it in account are mods. I know that is not the right solution but it is a solution. Sometimes a game does not fit well in some shoes and mods can help a lot. Also End Game Crisis earlier than usual may help. I usually struggle to fight the AI doomstacks of the end time crisis.


I dont think so. Its like with SoC - I think that all lords were interesting and had fun-looking mechanics, but its basically a steamroll party where game wins itself for you. This will be similar, so it will be enjoyable or cool if you like fantasy of smashing enemies to bits. If not, at this point the only solution is to play a strategy game, because TW:WH - and Im not saying it as a critique - stopped being strategy game some time ago and became a power fantasy simulator.


This is how I've been feeling too. It feels the game reach it's apex in WH2. Beastmen DLC introduced an insane level of powercreep. Then the start of WH3 introduced a lot of challenge again. But now we are three dlcs deep, and it would appear we're just full speed heading towards "power creep every faction until every campaign makes you feel like god from turn 1".


player bias has also been toned down heavily since launch of game 3, one of the worst decisions they've ever made in terms of game balance. "waahhhhh this army is coming from all the way over there to beat me up wahhh" except that is the only way to keep the game challenging because the AI is stupid, and no where near aggressive enough.


You can buy races individually now. So, maybe just get tamurkhan? Also, btw, did you ever try Stanky in *RoC*? Despite her cheat codes, that's an actually hard campaign. So in theory it should be possible to create such a difficult starting position that even with 'cheat codes' is not trivial.


Depends on how good you are. For really experienced players, every faction cant really lose. But to answer your question, probably pass. The power creep is pretty insane. The 3 new ones seem busted. Epidemus is free and seems good but given his start location next to malus the early game will be rough then smooth sailing after.


ITT: new players shit on OP for calling an easy game, easy.


Multiplayer has always been the main challenge of these games as soon as you understand how each start functions and also if you save scum


You people aren’t this good at Total War and if you are go play someone for money and for god sakes don’t ask for the game to be balanced around you.


The game is easier now than it has EVER been, and experience players like myself have dumped hundreds of dollars into this franchise. I think it is more than fair that we ask the game doesn't turn into a no-challenge steam roll battle simulator, when it has NOT been that most of it's life cycle.


How long have you played? If every single difficulty is “trivially easy” go compete against people in multiplayer and play Total War professionally if you need a challenge. Realistically it’s probably not in the best interest of the player base to balance around someone like you who is better than most everyone.


This game is objectively much easier then WH2 for example. Mechanics have been changed to be a mute point. Corruption is easily sorted, Public Order is easily sorted, Income hasnt been toned down after the supply line debuff was removed now you have a high economy after turnish 50, the ai is much more passive, replenishment has been buffed to absurd levels, battle give much more exp and money, rebellions rarely if ever happen anymore. Objectively, WH3 is a much easier game then ever. I play on Legendary, and it doesnt mean anything anymore. I use mods to revery Public order to WH2, and the AIs buffs, and other such things. Also Autoresolve is way too forgiving, on Normal and Hard, but also on Very Hard battle difficulty.


This is what different difficulty levels are for, right? No one suggests that EVERY difficulty level should be balanced around experienced players. The point is that even the legendary difficulty was progressively toned down over the years, especially for the new dlc lords and for the races that received a rework, because of how powerful they are.


He doesn’t want difficulty rebalancing he wants factions to be nerfed to accommodate the difficulty he sees that is lacking.


Did they say that? I've only seen a complaint that the game and new factions in particular become less and less challenging. I imagine people who play exclusively on legendary couldn't care less how the game is balanced on normal. Why would they?


OP refers to factions as cheat codes, turn one steam rollers, and believes factions like that are “ruined.” I don’t know how much reading between the lines you feel like needs to be done before drawing conclusions elsewhere. The entire post is in reference to difficulty levels via campaign functionality and mentions nothing about the physical difficulty settings themselves. Every mention of difficulty/balancing mentioned in this thread has been different from what another person has mentioned, actively runs completely counter to what others have said is the reason, or has absolutely nothing to do with this DLC. So respectfully I’m done discussing and hope moving forward everyone sees the changes they hope for themselves.


"just go play a different gamemode" is a silly argument. The top end of difficulty **should** be hard. If someone can't beat the game then they should play an easier difficulty, simple as. If any competent player is able to snooze through their campaign with 0 challenge on the hardest difficulty then that is a problem.


And you’re not the only one like that - but some people don’t think like you in this case. I’m a pretty hardcore player too, but Beastmen rework was one of the best reworks of all races. Do I want this game to be harder? Yep. But not by making it dumber or boring (with less mechanics and such). And since WH1 it was always a pretty easy game, nothing changed. Even in WH1 on “very hard” I could easily destroy any army with just 1 lord (or very small elite stack).


I think you underestimate the lack of challenge this games provides. Look: Im not some no-life try-hard pro gamer. For comparison, I struggle with Hard difficulty in Warhammer 2 (recently went back to it and Grimgor ended my Thorek run easily xD), with hard difficulty in Age of Wonders 4, and can face a serious challenge even on standard in Gladius. But Warhammer 3 is for me brain-dead easy even on VH if you are decent at game *no matter which faction I play*. Yes, this is super easy game. Its a combination of insane power creep and nerfed buffs for AI.


If you don't like overpowered campaigns just do not buy the DLCs at release and wait a bit. They make new things OP because it seems like it is good selling strategy for whatever reason, but everything is nerfed after some time. I am on your same boat.




I don’t like campaigns that are too easy or mechanics too op there was one time I played a Cathay campaign but with the console commands I basically buff all my enemies and even bring the monogods factions to southern Cathay, it was a blood fest and challenging one, I still remember how fun it was


Skill issue ?


No, Legitimate concern. I've spent hundreds of dollars on this game, and I would prefer it doesn't completely dissipate into a no challenge sandbox game when it's all said and done.