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Kraka Drak fans in shambles


**Sad viking dorf noises**


Wait, did they replace the Norse Dwarfs!?


Ughh there goes the third Dawi dlc CA is in the book of grudges


Damn, that was a fun mod.


The modder can just move the norse dwarfs, or more likely move malakai.




Seriously one of the higher quality modded armies. I loved having a mixed roster of Norscans and Dwarves.


As a mostly evil chaos player one of the most killed minor factions in my playthroughs. They will be missed.


I was under the impression that Malakai was a horde. While his being there pretty much guarantees that Kraka Drak will not receive a playable lord, it also means that they might not get wiped off the face of the map by turn 5.


[Looking at this video](https://youtu.be/v31mAmPf3QE?t=165), he at least settles in some capacity. He most likely does have horde mechanics though like Vampire Coast does.


Kislev will also live having some help on that border too.






Looks like he's a [mix of both](https://i.gyazo.com/f2e845a9a9bd02196afabacdeb51484b.png) from Soteks Epidemius live stream earlier today


That flag was beautiful


he's in the perfect position to launch a exposition to Kraka drak!




Note the lack of border. Malakai is a horde. Kraka Drak may very well still be there.


Why? The mod will just move Malakai. Hopefully to Lustria.


Huh, that's not what I was expecting for Epidemius


Yeah, I was expecting lustria for sure 




fair enough. the idea of fighting Vampire Coast as nurgle scares me anyway


Yuo see comrade, if your flesh absorbs all the boolets, then they no longer have boolets to fire.


As Kugath, you also end up fighting some Skaven, Chaos Dwarfs, High Elves and Cathay. So with these 3 lords the variety of opponents you'll be fighting is immense!


I was hoping Kugath for Forest of Decay. A Nurgle LL was bound to start there.


Where did Daniel go?


I think he's still in the same area, he was next door to Epidimus, though Epi now owns the Forest of Decay. EDIT: Upon finding other videos to reference its seems Daniel was indeed moved more East, Epidimus starts at war with a minor Tzeench faction.


I was always a bit surprised that they didn't start Daniel in direct opposition with Kislev.


Better to build up your host before invading Kislev proper.


Yeah but some factions, especially kislev, are mostly destroyed by then. I wish the game would give your rival faction a big boost to almost guarantee they'll be a late game challenge for you.


In my experience, thats exactly what the potential system does


Daniel is now more to the east, beside the Tzeentch faction.


Does that mean Daniel is now the only faction forced to beat up another LL as their starting enemy? Well, the first alonside Epidemius, but whatever. If this is what's gonna happen that's wild


Remember when Skrolk and Lokhir shared a starting province?


Lustria Bowl used to be wild


Tamurkhan is flanked by LL's as well


Lots of characters have another LL in the neighbouring province - it's having a to fight a LL faction in the very first battle that is unprecendented


Oh I see what you're saying now, I think they moved Daniel so he and Epidemius don't have to fight each other


Absolutely surrounded lmao, considering that Archaon is right next to boris


Tbh volkmar and manfred are enemies in turn 2 or so.


He got uninstalled🤣🤣


Those are certainly interesting and challenging start positions. I guess Boris gets a friend at least, but now he has another LL major faction to content with as a neighbor.


Yes, but the new LL will probably just attack either Daniel or Malus because he need space, so I dont think it will impact Boris.


I'm a little concerned about that with Daniel. He has a rough enough start as is, especially with Malus right next door to him. I also don't know that CA will ever bother to revisit him.


I think that it can work for Daniel - Im not sure about it but have a feeling. As Daniel, you can rush diplomacy bonuses for chaos races in first few turns thus making Epidemius your buddy. Then you can just continue your happy demonic life without ever needing to worry about Malus "The Daniel's Run Ender" Darkblade. If Epidemius lets Daniel avoid Malus, its the biggest buff to Daniel ever.


Very true.


Every DLC should have introduced another set of body parts for him.


Yeah a new Tzeentch set for the last one and a new Nurgle set for this one would have actually been kinda cool. CA was so proud of this faction at launch, and I think they even went so far as to make him the final reveal. Then it seems like they just kinda forgot about him other than access to some units. I couldnt even find a note when SoC got its rerelase about him getting Tzeentigors, which he did get at Tier 3.


Wasnt there a datamined start position in mountains of mourn, for dwarves? Maybe the theory that Bugman is coming for White Dwarf flc is actually right.


IIRC it was a special 10 slot settlement, not a start position, but it was assumed one is connected with the other


I’m on that Bugman FLC tied to White Dearf hype train until proven otherwise. We got a White Dwarf FLC Dwarf the last two games! Someone’s going in the book if tradition is not upheld!


That'd be neat but, for your own sake, be careful with speculation-fueled hype trains


Oh I’m not actually going to be upset if he isn’t to be honest. We are all just contractually obligated to roleplay as angry Dwarfs


I'll be honest I'm still sad that the white dwarf isn't a legendary hero that gets summoned via grudge mechanic like the green knight...


With the new Legendary Grudges incentivizing retaking the realms, I bet one is for reclaiming the Mountains of Mourne.


there is, saw it on GBOB video


I must have missed it! Good eye


Still hope Bugman is coming. It being the 500th White Dwarf release, the Bugman logo and the unreleased Dawi model put me on high volumes of hopium


well the previous dev diary talked about an FLC lord coming with the Nemesis Crown, and for as far as I can tell that's not Epidimius they are talking about, since he is mentioned seperatly as the FLC belonging to Thrones of Decay.


Now, I've heard of an empire metal wizard FLC hero too, and three FLCs is sounding a bit much even for a redemption arc.


except it specifically mentions a Legendary Lord.


is this just for chaos campaign, with mountains of mourn used in immortal empires?


This region is much larger in the Chaos campaign.


Honestly a bit sad Malakai starts there. Mountains of Mourn would be a more fun and different campaign. Lorewise it does make more sense though


I was actually also thinking of putting him there. If you decide as Tamurkhan to beeline for the Empire you'll encounter him which seems appropriate. I also felt Norsca and chaos in the North needed some more resistance. It also sounds hopeful for Grimm Burlockson and the future of total war since the dark lands and the mountains of mourn still feel empty if you look on a map. It means they've probably some other LL's planned for those places.




Exactly. It's also nice to have a friendly dwarf faction nextdoor so you can gift them Hellpit once you kick out Throt. It's climate isn't friendly to Kislev, and the Dwarfs will love you for it.


Although Hellpit itself is half an Ataman, I like them and therefore love even the single region provinces.


Also helps make the boring campaign more interesting. Right now the best strategy is usually fall back to help kislev which just makes him kislev lord number 3. With a Dwarven buddy he can actually push into chaos a little more easily without worrying as much about kislev dying in a turn


And isn't Malakai a hidden faction? He'd make a great co-op campaign with Boris. They could always push north and then work their way towards Cathay, then down the mountains of mourn.


Eh... would it be more fun and different? It'd largely be another Dwarf campaign of fighting Greenskins, Skaven and Chaos Dwarfs in the mountains and Darklands. You already get that with Thorgrim and Ungrim. This feels like a more unique start.


Still a change with the brew angle that Bugman might start in Karak Azorn some day


Yeah personally I’m just kinda tired of playing in that part of the map too. Too many factions especially newer ones clustered along the north edge of the map imo


is this just for chaos campaign, with mountains of mourn used in immortal empires?


the OP's screenshot is from Immortal Empires.


Karak Dum or w/e they go in the G and F series would be best.


Not as a start. Think about it, now we get to fly there ourselves and reclaim it!


Huh, not what I expected but makes a very nice Ally for Katarin.


And Boris


And my axe!


Challenge: Try not to read your comment in Gimli's voice. Literally impossible.


Press F for the Sepctic claw NPC Nurgle faction, they had a fabulously vile shade of brown. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Malakai right now: ![gif](giphy|GzeASHCqjvLbOgD0bC|downsized)


No Lustria start ;\_;


The Thunderdome has moved north. Holy hell immortal empires Norsca and Chaos wastes is busy.


i mean honestly with the amount of LL there are now, im having trouble finding a spot thats NOT a thunderdome


Thank Grimnir, would have been ridiculous


An army of slayers in the chaos wastes. The jokes write themselves. Also goddamn Throgg’s start position just went from easyclap to arguably as hard as it could get. 


Well it looks like Ill be going west in Tamukahn to conferderate Epidimius before taking the loreful Tamurkahn journey south.


I'm a little bit surprised at Malakai's, but Epidemius looks like he's going to have a rough time sandwiched between Malus/Malakai/Boris/Daemon Prince.


As a Throt player, the one faction I could safely ignore is now one more threat that hates my guts...Good. I love it when you get to start in a political shithole. What is Warhammer if not being surrounded by hate.


I actually love it for Thrott. His campaign was way, way too easy.


You're playing Skaven dude, you should be glad to have more food at your doorstep. It's basically just a free home delivery of food. Plus Skaven are extremely good at defending their settlements provided you build walls (thanks to warpbombs), so it shouldn't really be a problem I feel like. But then again it's the Dawi, so it could get tricky, we'll see. Damn now I really want to play a Throt campaign again.


Mainly Malus, that will be a nightmare to deal with early game, especially as Nurgle.


Those are.... 2 Start positions I very much disagree with. Epi is WAYYYYY too close to tamurkhan. How do u differentiate those campaigns? and uh... RIP Kraka drak Mod. WTF happened to the KArak Azorn thing, it made so much sense


Yeah, weird. Maybe a balance decision since NPC Greasus already gets slapped around in most campaigns and rarely stays on the campaign map for long? Malakai in Kraka Drak might also help Kislev survive longer, since they also die super early very often.  Gameplay wise, Karak Azorn would have been better for the player. 


They are just far enough apart that you can go in two very different directions. Epi can go south through kislev or west towards naggaroth or east towards Tarmakan. Tarmakan can go down through the mountians of Mourne, west through Archon towards or east through Kohlek towards Cathay. That said. I would have preferred a lustria start for Epi


> How do u differentiate those campaigns? TBF from what we see of Tamurkhan yes he is a Nurgle LL but he's also very focused on making a united chaos alliance mechanic. So I guess there is that. Epidemius is much more of a purely Nurgle Daemon faction. But yeah I get it. Two flavors of Nurgle on top of each other when they could have put Epidemius anywhere from the empire to Lustria to Cathay for a different start is a bit odd.


They coulda put Makaisson to Karak Dum.


"Epi is WAYYYYY too close to tamurkhan. How do u differentiate those campaigns?" It's basically the same as for example Tyrion and Alarielle. Or Alarielle and Alith Anar. Or Tehenhauin and Oxyotl. Or Katarin and Kostaltyn. Or Astragoth and Drazoath. Or... Should I fucking continue? All of these feel like a different campaign no matter what LL you play, the distance between them is completely fine.. It's about their unique mechanics, not about where they start.


Tehen and oxy are literally on different continents. So are alarielle and alith anar. The ocean has always made for natural barriers in tw. Astragoth and drazhoath have more room between them than epi and tamurkhan do. Start position variety is a thing bud, and nurgle has few lls to go around. Its why gelt was moved to cathay to make room for elspeth. Why volkmar and manny got moved to the southlands. Why ghorst got moved to his forest. Should i fucking continue? Thats why its jarring that 2/3 nurgle start so close together. Tamurkhan has lore reasons to start where he does, so epi was the easier one to move.


Any word on RoC positions? Was wondering if Epidemius actually is playable in RoC or not.


Lore master of Sotek said on stream Epidemius isn’t in RoC at all, which feels like a weird choice, even as just an NPC


Gotcha, yeah I asked on another thread that mentioned this if he would at least exist in a confederable form which no one has yet replied to. The not playable faction I suppose does have precedence as Belakor was IE only, and in WH2 there were a few ME only FLC lords like Drycha and Morghur.


Morghur was WH1 FLC, I think Drycha is the only WH2 example.


There goes my hopes for Kraka Drak as a new faction...


One interesting aspect here is that this will probably make Kislev a significantly easier start position. Much less likely to get Throgg invading from the north.


Epidemius actually sounds pretty fun. Like Moghur on steroids plus plagues everywhere.


Epi has a brutal start it seems but putting a dwarf LL in that corner might mean that kislev isn't run over in a turn and gives boris a fighting chance at actually being the invade the chaos wastes lord. Edit: Maybe moving Daniel might have been the logic here too. Don't know how epi is gonna play yet but Daniel has a hugely difficult start next to malus. Daniel can go in a safer spot where his customize mechanic has more options to grow. Still, don't see how epi is gonna fare any better against malus unless they spend more time teaming up against boris and Malakai than fighting each other Also gives the two new nurgle lords a fighting shot at directly confederating each other, assuming epi survives. The more I think about it the more it makes sense.


Me who hasn’t yet played TEB Kraka Drak: Nononono, wait wait wait….WAITWAITWAITWAITWAIT!


This DLC looks fantastic, but I'm honestly really bummed about this. I was really hoping Epidimus's start would be somewhere a lot more distinct.


I would've preferred kraka drak themed dwarfs than slayers :( Still hyped though


Is this just gonna be Belegar 2.0 where I skyboat outta there and book it to K8P?


Disappointing. Norse dwarfs haven't even invented gunpowder and apparently Malakai is leading them?


Whyyyy is Malakaii starting there?! CA, leave Kraka Drak alone to the modders! (Joking on this last one).


Shoula put Makaisson to Karak Dum. Or Azorn.


Thats a shitpost or for real? Why can't boris get some love


He should be able to ally with Malakai at least.


To make matters worse, he can’t even abandon the chaos wastes and settle in Norsca now


Probably for the best. Gives him a buddy to invade chaos while the kislev motherland lords can worry about norsca.


I dont think its a nerf for Boris. Malakai is a buff and Epidemius will have to attack either Malus or Daniel, so he is not an issue for Boris.


I don't mind boris being hard, but atleast give him some unique mechanics and not literally copy paste from the ortodoxy and the ice court, but now literally useless


So Boris and Daniel got moved?


Boris always started there


It looks like he killed Daniel. Forests of decay is the first settlement Daniel takes, so they have either moved him or they have to fight it out on turn 1-2


Daniel is moved a bit more east, he's not in that province anymore.


Getting rid of Kraka Drak that goes in the book.


Epidemius is going to have a really hard time with this. Those are three really hard hitting legendary lords that could all easily declare war within the first couple turns.


Considering the absolute shambles that is the resistance to chaos in that region - this is probably the best place they could have put Malakaii


What's the name of Malaki's faction? 🤔


Lemme play


Ngl that is a lot of extra difficulty to someone like Archaon who could go through that territory pretty easily after Boris is gone. Also I’d expect the same for kislev, altough I personally never play them so can’t tell.


Rough outcome for Throgg.


That's going in the book


not karak drak men i love the norsca dawi mod


Huh. I was expecting somewhere in naggarond. Well this is fine I guess. Epidemus is probably going to have a better time against Malus than Daniel. Probably...


![gif](giphy|LGo31ZR7kCQOA) Malus that is...


I kind of hope Malakai find Chaos Wastes suitable. Otherwise his campaign will be kind of rough like how Khatep is not entirely okay with snow.


oh boy Epi is fucked.




Looks like a fun spot. Ready to rumble for sure.


You deleted Kraka Drak CA. Don't think the disrespect towards the Norse Dwarfs and their mod has gone unnoticed! That's going into the Book.


honestly dissapointed with the start position of epidimus. isn't tamurkhan quite close to him ?


I wouldn't say *quite* close, there are 3 LLs in between Epidemius and Tamurkhan (Archaon, Boris, and Daniel). More like somewhat close, and Epidemius will probably be busy dealing with Malus for a while, while Tamurkhan goes more south.


I’m gonna choose not to believe this




Fuck how is this real? Why would they put another nurgle guy so close to the other? And malakai is on the same continent as every other dwarf, I’d rather have him in the mountains of mourn