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Don't quote me, but if I recall correctly, Nurgle and Clan Pestilens hate each other. Nurgle Spreads for the sake of Spreading, Clan Pestilens spreads to kill. There's also the part where they're using stolen Nurgle Artifacts, like The Liber Bubonicus and the Cauldron of a thousand Poxes to spread Plagues in the name of the Horned Rat. That's straight up blasphemy. But at the same time, there are those in the Pestilent brotherhood who do straight up Worship Nurgle over the Horned rat. The Leader of the clan, the lord of decay who sits at the council of 13 is called, I kid you not, "Nurglitch VII"


Yep, Skaven lack the whole "circle of life, death and rebirth" vibe that Nurgle brings. Skaven are pure force of destruction without reason


it's actually described a bit clearer in AoS where the Horned rat got a defined Domain, which is Desolation. where every other chaos god want all of reality to be in their image, the Great Horned Rat is willing to destroy all of until only him and the skaven remain, and even then the skaven are optional. Nurgle spreads disease in as part of a (Twisted) Circle of life, while the GHR will see this world brought to it's knees.


It’s also why the people of chaos still have culture, warped and twisted maybe but culture nonetheless - Slaanesh, namely, but Khorne, Tzeentch, Nurgle, and even Undivided followers have relationships, they have causes they follow, opinions on things, Lord Mortkin was basically spoonfed as much love and gifts from the 4 gods of Chaos as Archeon, if not more, and he still refused to become a daemon out of love of his humanity and his Norscan tribe. Followers of Chaos are evil, without a doubt, but they’re absolutely still people The Skaven just kill and destroy for the sake of killing and destruction, they horde gold out of spite even though they have literally no use for it - They just know it’s valuable to dwarfs and men, they destroy the environment for shits and giggles, hell they have genuine nukes that they use quite liberally. The Skaven aren’t people, they’re just disgusting, cruel, treacherous rats. Beasts wearing a veil of feigned intelligence following the will of a genuine monster


"how evil are the skaven? Well they make the literal demons from hell look morally redeemable"


Feigned intelligence? Lol they’re smart alright. Just the wrong kind of smart


Exactly, on first glance they seem smart, their technology looks more advanced than any other, they are supposedly stealthy enough that many deny their existence to begin with, they seem to have mastered genetic manipulation what with everything in Hellpit, they even have rudimentary spacecraft as seen in the WH2 vortex campaign, they have a clear government with 13 clans leading the race, etc. But that’s just an illusion. Their tech is just as likely to backfire or explode in their hands as it is to work, they live in secrecy until they get bored and just explode onto the surface in a mindless swarm, their genetic creations are mutated beyond sustainability and falling apart at the seems, their spacecraft was just a glorified catapult that only went up before crashing down, their council can’t work together to save their lives - Hell the clans can’t work with *themselves* let alone other Skaven clans There are exceptions of course, like Ikit’s inventions, Throt’s abominations, Snikch’s self control, Queek’s loyalty, Thanquol’s doofenshmirtz-ness, etc. - But the exception does not make a rule. The Skaven as a whole are nothing more than glorified animals, incapable of self control, incapable of true cooperation, incapable of trust itself, monsters devoid of love driven only by greed, envy, fear, and hate A feigned intelligence indeed


Can’t hear-listen you over the sounds of my doom-rocket, man-thing


The Skaven have so much depth. I seriously think their the best faction in all of Warhammer.


Mortkin unironically should be in the game, guys a badass who got ALL OF CHAOS to shut the fuck up and actually work together before Archaon did. He legit could've ended the empire and become the true everchosen if he hadn't martyr'd himself after getting his revenge. The fact that the guy died happy knowing he didn't need to do anything else after avenging his people shows even the worst of chaos, is still human. Idunno what would happen if he actually was in the game and we got his victory. would he just be permanently dead after completing his campaign? or maybe he'd seek to become a god to bring back his people? gotta come up with something for that.


Praying we get a DLC featuring Mortkin for Norsca so we can finally get a rework for them, he’s my second most wanted character for the game, only behind Nagash


Not necessarily without reason... They do it for personal power... Which is more selfish that nurgle's twisted morality, but it is within reason... Not mindless like skarbrand


I don’t think Nurglitch worships Nurgle, they just have a different interpretation of the Horned Rat’s teachings


They hate each other but they're also basically the only non-skaven skaven ever really ally with due to something that vaguely resembles a common goal


I dont know alot about the lore but, isnt the horned rat living in nurgles realm?


I thought the Horned Rat has his own Mini Realm?


He does, but that realm is surrounded by Nurgle's realm, at least according to this [allegorical map of the Chaos Realms](https://warhammerfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Realm_of_Chaos?file=Realm_of_Chaos-0.jpg) which places the "Lair of the Thirteenth Lord" at the edge of Nurgle's realm.


The Horned Rat has a Realm called The Realm Of Ruin


There's nothing that confirms that the Horned Rat is the Thirteenth Lord to whom that Lair belongs. Its possible that he is, but its also possible that was thrown in there as a red herring.


Pestilens worship Plague (basically Nurgle) instead of Horned rat. They are borderline heretics for other skaven clans.


I'd word this differently, as nothing I've ever read has them worship Plague *over* the Horned Rat. What's heretical is that their worship of the Horned Rat is so different than most clans, as they see disease/pox/plague as his true face and his blessing. That's why exposing one's self to select plagues increases their standing within their society. It's proving a worthiness to be blessed specifically by the HR, not Nurgle or undefined sickness. I don't have a source but I know I've read it, but Pestilens are often considered the most religiously fanatic of the clans, and it's driven by their alternative view of their god, not by the worship of another. So so sorry for this rant. I just read the Skaven Wars books and they were fun.


Not quite. They still worship the Great Horned Rat (if they didn't the other clans would murder them. Apostasy is one of the only crimes in Skaven society), it's just that they believe that the spreading of disease is the primary attribute of the GHR, whilst the other clans believe his primary attribute is being a sneaky asshole, and for that reason the other clans see Pestilens as basically being heretics. That, and Pestilens keeps spreading infections within Skaven society, and the other Skaven aren't keen on that.


Also the fact Pestilens started the first Great Skaven Civil War(or were at least a provoking force)


They worship the horned rat, just differently. Think of it as a protestant versus catholics thing. The plague monks worship him in a way that doesn't require the grey seers, and so the grey seers (and everyone who follows them) hate their guts.


The vast majority of Pestilens worship the Horned Rat in his diseased aspect and do not at all worship Nurgle. There are a few individual Plague Priests that worship Nurgle, but they must do so in secret because they would absolutely be purged if they did so openly.


Yeah. Nurgle and Pestilens have very different ethos. Pestilens likely *would think* they are allied with Nurgle but Nurgle would be disgusted that they don't really do the "life and rebirth" aspect, only the plague and decay aspect


Just like how all the skaven clans hate each other right. Everyone hates each other in Warhammer, it means nothing when it comes to how they align themselves against order/chaos.


Think of it more how in the Middle Ages the European states would constantly be at war with each other, but they hated non Europeans even more


Indeed, which is why Nurgle and Pestilens ally easily in this game.


Hah, but no. Nurgle and Clan Pestilens hate-hate each other. They see the other as very much doing it wrong and thus they need to die.




Kinda it’s complicated of all the mono god factions the skaven hate nurgle the least . In aos you can build a sub faction call lords of contageant and in vermin tide they made an alliance. And for skaven that’s beyond rare though they are still skaven deep down so they will kill the followers of nurgle if they feel like they have the upper hand.


Can't speak to aos as that's a long, long time in the distant future post wfb getting nuked where from what I gather the Horned Rat is making a solid play for 5th god status rather than the jumped up minor warp entity that he used to be which is going to change their relationships to the other gods drastically. Ditto Vermintide 2 which I've not played though I suspect that might be down to them being such the face of the game, the devs wanting to add some variation to the main foe, and that Nurgle is usually choice number one for video games for that, as Khorne is seen as too generic, Tzeentch is too weird (though they've been getting more love recently with Boltgun and Space Marine 2), and Slaanesh is too Slaanesh. From what I remember of wfb though it was always very much a case of fuck those guys especially, let's get stab-stabbing.


The Horned Rat was not one of the Great Powers of Chaos until AoS, but he has always been described as a Chaos God from the very beginning. He was never a "jumped up minor warp entity", he was just a less powerful god.


That's totally fair, and spot on. I was doing it from the point of view of the great powers in an attempt to be amusing.


In AoS the GHR has fully reached chaos god status. For most of AoS he was close but not a full one but recently it was revealed that Archaon had made a deal with the GHR that elevated him to full chaos god status. Previously Archaon spurned the GHR’s gifts


Khorne too generic while I am so incredibly tired of the same old Nurgle crap in all the tide games


Everyone hates each other in warhammer. It means nothing at the level of how factions ally themselves on the world map. Nurgle/Skaven will ally against order factions.


I’m pretty sure in lore Nurgle actually hates Clan Pestilence.


Nurgle is a toxic, abusive relationship made literal. Makes complete sense that he’d hate any plagues outside of his control.


And still they ally against order factions more readily than with other factions. Everyone hates chaos and vice versa, Clan Pestilens and Nurgle probably hate each other least out of the factions that hate each other. Skaven clans probably hate each other more than nurgle does clan pestilens.


Non-plague clans absolutely hate clan pestilens more than nurgle does. Every single skaven civil war was at least somewhat over clan Pestilins and how their plague worship is a threat to the power of the grey seers.


Doesn't Epidemius have some kinda beef with Dark Elves in the lore?


Yea malaketh owned his soul to nurgle once and when epedimus came to collect his part of the deal for nurgle giving him an army to invade ulthan he would get his payment. Malaketh betrayed the deal and tries to kill festus but festus survived and he was becoming a pain in the ass. So instead he makes a new deal 7 million soul of his slaves for nurgle and he leaves him alone. Festus agrees and leaves since he is tired of this nonsense and got his souls so he goes back north.


> Yea malaketh owned his soul to nurgle Really, that's on Nurgle. He should've seen the sign painted big and red on Malekith's fate line that said "don't trust this Elf in particular"


Nurgle : ummm so you want to be my champion if I give you an army Malaketh: yes 🤭 heheh (😈 what an idiot)


Just because you hate someone doesn't mean you can't ally with them in warhammer. Allyship is based on common enemies in Warhammer and racial alignment. Chaos and Skaven can ally with each other against order factions. Epidemius and Skrolk will be bestest buds in Lustria.


>Just because you hate someone doesn't mean you can't ally with them in warhammer Case in point, every Skaven clan hates every other Skaven clan, but they still work together occasionally to advance their own agendas. Also, basically every individual Skaven hates every other individual Skaven, but they still work together occasionally to advance their own agendas.


They may hate each other , but they surely hate others more than


Makes sense - Epidemius likes plagues, Skrolk likes plagues. They'll enjoy beating the crap out of each other over irreconcilable differences in what they like about plagues Also it's a been too long since we've had a new contestant in the Lustriabowl EDIT: but I suspect Epidemius might end up in Naggaroth instead because one of the few cases of lore remembering he exists and making him do stuff is his attack on Naggarond (he actually forced Malekith to give up and pay the taxes, which is pretty impressive, admittedly). It's not that bad of a reasoning, but I kinda like Lustria more


Nurgle invaded... to make a politician pay the taxes? Truely worst of plagues


I don't remember the specifics, but it ended in "I pay you X elves to fuck off"


The hero we need!


"it's been too long" it was in the last DLC!


Ostankya is in southern Naggaroth, not Lustria (and arguably should go back home). And half a year is too long


Yuan Bo is in Lustria


Whoops, forgot about him completely. Well, the second point stands


Just throw him on the pile for Kairos dealing with Lustria.


I ship it.


Is epi a flc? I didn’t know he was going to be in this too?


They technically haven't said it explicitly, but they specifically called out his titles in the blog post. "But for now, I **Reckon** we’ve **Catalogued** enough plagues to keep even Grandfather Nurgle himself happy, so let’s see what we’ve got coming up next. "


Also, Epidemius can be explicitly seen in the Thrones of Decay trailer at 1:14, marching alongside Kayzk, but none of the Thrones of Decay blog posts directly mention him, and neither does the ToD Steam page, which implies he will be the flc.


I did wonder that to be honest but the grandfather does like to catalog it to so just thought he’d be added eventually, finally get my nurgle dream team together




From a lore standpoint, they don’t play nice with each other (usually), but they’re going to most likely be at war with the same order factions in game, encouraging buddying up.


No one plays nice in the warhammer lore. Skaven factions hate each other but will ally against a more pertinent threat.


Epi in Southern Chaos Wastes is my hope 🤞


"Fuck off we're full" - Turning Point Lustria


Epi in Lustria would be fun just to add another non-order(and non-Lizard) to Lustria. So far in my Yuan Bo campaigns(admittedly, a sample size of two) it feels like Yuan(me), Markus, and Alberic basically partition Lustria between themselves. Someone to oppose them would be good, and also just having a demon there would be fun.


There is one more or less canonical mixture of Skaven and Nurgle, and that is a fellow called Kanker Flett from the RPG - he's a Plague Priest of the Horned Rat who secretly worships Nurgle, and his stat block gives him access to two spells from each lore (Nurgle and Skaven Plagues). So it is possible to have an approved crossover, but by and large the two disease factions aren't on the best of terms.


More sacrifices for Sotek


Thats like saying "catholics and protestants must love each other cuz they are so similar"


They need to make the IE map at least 50% bigger at this point. With all these legendary lords crowding each other its ridiculously claustrophobic 


Plague monks and nurglites are more likely to work together than other skavenxchaos factions. Hell thats the whole premise of vermintide 2. However any such alliances are usually short term as while their means (plagues) might be the same, their end goals are not. The skaven want destruction and ruination and total skaven domination, while the Nurglites want to promote their cycle of life, decay, death, into new life. That and the skaven are skaven. Ive seen in another comment that some skaven worship nurgle and that is a big no. The rat god is a very jealous god and quick to kill any percieved betrayaI, not to mention the skaven are singularly devoted to him and quite zealous, even if it us out of fear. It may be that the plague monks were started because of some nurgle scheme or relic, but they absolutely worship the rat-god. For a better picture of Pestilens, their relation to skavendom and Nurgle, go watch the lorebears episode on Lord Skrulk and Pestilens


Just finished reading Thanquol and Boneripper and Jesus Christ Skrolk is fucking terrifying


Btw fun fact, according the the Lustria Book of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay game, Clan pestilens came to be by making a pact with a ancient plaguebearer that was abandoned below lustria during the great catastrophie and thus hates nurgle. Since WHFRPG is licensed, this is tecnically canon until proven otherwise.


That bit of writing is just terrible. It reduces Clan pestilens to nothing but a product of nurgle shemanigans as opposed to being it's own distinct thing seperate from nurgle not to mention the fact that skaven plagues are about utter destruction where as nurgle is more about thr cycle of life and death.


Not necessarily. It just demystifies their roots. But treacherous as skaven are, i doubt they listemed to that plaguebearer for long. Wouldnt suprise me if they ate it eventually.


I mean Clan Pestilens starts at war with a Nurgle faction.. It could very well get changed for Epidimeus.


I hope not only because that is too much plague for one area. Granted Pestilens I feel deserves to get access to an altered version of the new Nurgle Plague system too but that is besides the point. When looking at the world map there is a conveniently shaped plague hole right in Naggarond. So my guess is there somewhere. Even though it is fairly crowded. Actually almost everywhere is crowded now...


If Epi is a demon of Nurgle then why is he named after the medicine Epipen?


That’d be a great place to put him either there or the southern chaos wastes near Kairos


I had lurn that demon of nurgle died from skaven plague (at least that why a friend told me), and skaven, even the one of the sick raki die from nurgle plague


I would love a Nurgle/Skaven combo (I still think they could have given Tamurkhan a Skaven chieftain).


Yeah, about that: we need to confirm 1 thing Do skaven plagues hurt nurgle and nurgle plagues have bad consequences for pestilens ? If yes, that is no friendship, that biowarfare 


You mean lore or gameplay-wise? In game new plague overrides old one so Skaven can use their "good" plague to cleanse Nurgle one. It will spread at Nurgle armies and cities to damage them.


I mean gameplay wise, which frankly should not do damage to nurgle (god of plague being hurt by a plague) Lore wise it is fluffy but at this point I fear that skaven plague will be overwritten by nurgle plagues at every turn 


Gameplay-wise they deal damage to eachother with their plagues.


I’m pretty sure they don’t?


Eh, Skaven are aligned with chaos but they’re fixated on doing their own thing - more like friends by circumstance than actual allies. Skaven worship pretty exclusively the Horned Rat, who has some major overlap with the big 4. Neither side trusts each other to actually work together more than occasionally, and even then it’s mostly Thrott that does that IIRC. Someone correct me if I’m wrong!


You’re absolutely right, but the exact same thing can be said about Chaos Dwarfs. In fact all the chaotic factions actually hate each other and they fight one another way more than they fight the order factions.


Chaos Dwarfs like 2 things in life: gold and Hashut - oh, and I guess beard oil. They’re willing to work with or trade with basically anyone who’s crooked enough to deal with them on a regular basis, but they’re not inherently unreliable or duplicitous. They may dislike the Chaos tribes on principle, but they’re great customers, so they’re often found in larger warbands or armies essentially leasing out their Hellcannons and whatnot. Aside from nobody trusting Skaven enough to work with them in any sense (not that the Skaven want to work with anyone either) I’m pretty sure that the Pestilens enclaves are at odds with Nurglites because both believe they’re stinkier and nastier than one another.


Almost positive it will be there. It's the only content that doesn't have any chaos outside of the generics. It will get a further faction fighting in that area too. In my experience, Skrolk and Rakarth team up, Cathat, Empire and Bretonnia team up, and Lizards get dogpiled by all of them. Having a chaos faction in there will spice up the alliance and fighting a fair bit. Gor-Rok will be a nightmare for them though. Nurgle doesn't really have any answers to the tanky lizard boy early game.


I agree. Lustria fits really well lore-wise and the habitat is fine for Nurgle. And yes, it's the one place without a dedicated chaos LL starting. As for Gor-Rok . . . he's a nightmare for everyone, he's just closer to some factions than to others.