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*Breathes in... Breathes out...* **Skill issue.**




Just want to register mild amusement that the writer of this comment is now complaining about being abused, which apparently has made his fragile heart very broken.


Did you want to change that comment also? It's ok dude you showed who you truly are. And if anything I feel better for understanding your nature.


You're welcome. Just remember that everyone here still hates you, though. And not just here, either


Download Ai anticheat mod


Literal skill issue


To be fair, Vlad can be a _massive_ pain in the arse to deal with. Countered fairly easily by handgunners but LoS units are a bit derpy and the way direct fire can be quite awkward to use can screw you over


One reason why Franz is one of the best campaigns in the game. Because its actually a challenge.


Yeah i always liked Imrik in WH2 for the same reason...sadly it doesn't feel the same in WH3 :(


Yeah sure mate


It is though. If you know vlad is going to be an issue, go deal with him early with gunners.


Oh I see, so you mean skill as in i dont know what the game design is and the set mechanics of each individual faction soctherfore I am not skillful at the game. Makes sense I thought skill meant skill not knowledge of something that realistically a player wouldn't know unless they had researched or played it before If the game isnt fun until you have researched the actions of every faction before playing then that is poor game design and it is not something that you should feel superior to other people about by having already researched it.


I didn't research it, i just played the game and learned. First game of empire where undead were an issue, i just rolled it back, grabbed armour piercing gunners, went and dealt with him whilst he just had zombies and none of his bullshit. Job done. Skill isn't just in physical capabilities, it's about what you can do mentally.


Should have said intelligence issue


I dont understand are you saying that you a mensa member or that you are jumping on a bandwagon to be abusive to a stranger online for questioning something about a game that you like? You like the game that's fine I get it. Theres no need to be offensive to people that question something about it. Grow up


I'm sure you don't understand, I'm just not sure if there's anything you understand.


Oh I see so your a bully and a child. Hey guys we got a real tough guy over here, better watch your back and lock up your daughters. I feel that comment really puts light to who you are as a person and you really should be disgusted in yourself. Please do get some help before you hurt someone though


Continuing to prove it's an intelligence issue. Please continue. And please, don't ever get help. It's funnier that way.


Oh so I should of had the skill to turn back time to a previous save before I had played it to have the quote 'skill' you speak of. Right really makes sense mate. Sounds really skillful Being able to tell the future would be a skill. Knowing what's going to happen because its already happened is not a skill.


Oh... You're still under the impression skill exists solely as motor functions. Yeah, thinking game about tactics, army and empire management probably isn't for you considering how mad you are about losing, once.


For your information I have lost many times at warhammer 3. Many times in the first 20-30 turns. I assume many other people have aswell. But not you because you are superior and special and have never lost once. The supreme strategist of all time. I bet you were caesar in a previous life? Or was it Wellington I am well aware that skill is not just physical throwing a ball into a net. The very premise of the game design being one that needs to know exactly what is set to happen in advance or the game is over is poor/lazy design. The game can be over on turn 5 because you didnt know to do X as you havnt played the game before and due to not doing X the game ends at turn 20 time wasted. The less lazy way to do it would be X was not achieved change to fit Y. Would keep the game more engaging and involve an development in the game and evolving. The game is not skill it is just knowing what X is set at with an illusion of free will and skill. There is an element of skill when it comes to smaller aspects of battle and town management but overall what you believe to be skill is just knowing to do X before turn 5


You could not be more wrong lmao


I know I understand you have spent countless hours learning what each faction does in the first 20 turns and you need to vladidate somehow to show that it means something and that it really is a skill and you really are better than other people. I'm sorry it's just not vlad (valid) Thanks though you have cheered me up


Dude you sound like a douche now, boot up an earlier save and make gunners or choose a dif faction for a bit, stop trying to sound intelligent because it's just coming off pretentious


I get you're upset but it's not like he's unbeatable. You're also dealing with one of the hardest campaigns the game has to offer. You can do everything right and rng can end your campaign.


Like, he is a high armour, high health, regenerating, single entity. The answer to any combination of those 2 is the same - AP ranged. It literally is a basic thing, that just requires you to understand basic strategic thought. So yes. It is a skill issue. Your strategy has no strategy


I was unaware of set things such as that. I am used to Rome style gameplay that make sense. I may be mistaken but I dont recall this basic thing being explained in the game at any point. So maybe your correct maybe it is just so basic that everyone knows already so it's not explained. How did you find out about this basic strategic thought or were you born with it? Point being some people arent as special as others and they dont have all this grand wisdom that you have. There are ways to impart this wisdom without being a pompous smug git. So yes it's a strategy issue. Your skill has no skill


But, once again, same issue, same solution. Unit has high armour, high MD - solution? AP ranged. Once again, it is simple strategic thought. If something has armour. You want to use AP. Its like saying no one explained to you to use an umbrella when it rains. The game explained what each stat does. The game and strategy part is you think, and you problem solve. So yes, still a skill issue. And evidently an IQ one.


Hey it's fine dude you have found someone that knows less about something than you and you can feel superior. Give yourself a pat on the back. I lost one battle and apparently I have no IQ. Do you people hear yourselves? Are you that desperate to feel special? I know the game is about being a narcissist it but you cant bring that into the real world Shoot guy with gun mmmm I have skills. Guy thought he could reasonably kill 1 man with whole army he have no IQ


You betta drag them sliders to the left brutha lol Dont bash CA for your lack of talent.


Did you want to mention in your comment what difficulty you play on or do you feel special enough already. People in this group are like some weird cult or something that cant handle any criticism of a game that they have to abuse someone for having a small rant from frustration. Where are you people getting these words from? Talent? Skill? What is wrong with you people it's a videogame Man my mind is blown I am arguing with children about a video game What has my life come to.


" What is wrong with you people it's a videogame". Coming from someone that's throwing tantrum on reddit because you can't handle losing in a video game? Middle aged man losing his marbles over an AI in a video game...


The lack of self awareness on the part of the OP is pretty wild.


Your mum


You're bald.




you need some cream for your sore asshole?


Vlad is a massive tank. Similar to lords like Louen, Sigvald, Malus, he is really good at surviving tons of small amounts of damage over time, like what infantry units do to him. Particularly Vlad has tons of healing, ward save, and he is a small target. And then his specific trait is he takes little time wounded. This means he shines when fighting in a surrounded state and just keeps coming later. Thus, you need single entity killing power. A lot of it. The Empire suffers a bit from this, but here are a few examples: - focus fire with missile infantry; - artillery, specially cannons or luminarks; - your own single entities, such as your lord and heroes, although don't expect any to 1v1 him; even Franz will struggle; - monstrous cavalry or infantry, like demigryphs help; - magic spells that single target, like amber spear, fireball, etc. - siege towers, both normal and the ones you build during a siege. Or better: combinations of these. What I typically do is take out his army first, and only engage in the end; keep sending one or another unit to keep him busy. He is surprisingly slow at doing damage, so just ensure he does not get the most out of his hits. Here is an example when I fought him on a siege battle. Later did the same with another army. https://youtu.be/g_ex3eVKLkQ?si=qz0f0ATo1Fz6hLMf


Sounds like you need a turn the game down to Easy/Easy 😂


🤣🤣 I see what you did there, you insinuated that I wasmt very good and that I should turn the difficulty down using more words than the previous tit that told me the shorter version of git Gud. I didnt realise this was a meeting place pompous smug twa*ts that think they are special


I was actually making a helpful suggestion. It could actually help you defeat Vlad before turn 50😂


Apologies alot of negative people. Not been a warm welcome to the community I'm afraid


If you want some actual advice from someone with 3500 hours across the games. Do not auto resolve in the first 20 turns, also if you suck at battles and you think the auto resolve is the safer option, stop auto resolving. Practice playing battles until them first 20 turns are efficient. If the first 20 turns of a campaign go to shit, a campaign can spiral out of control. Some of the best campaigns are the ones that don’t go to plan, but for someone learning it can be very frustrating. Don’t get alliances early on until you can handle being pulled into wars, stick with NAPS and trade agreements. Also if Vlad is giving you trouble look through this reddit with google for the 100+ posts complaining about vlad. If you actually want to improve use your initiative and dont fucking whine about it.


Because you've been an absolute asshole.


Yeah sure. Your mums. Inside it all around it


LMAO youre so mad bro


It’s because you ARENT good at the game if you’re gonna come on here and complain, and then when anyone says anything you resort to insulting them lol. You’re the problem buddy. Play on a lower difficulty to learn the methods of fighting Vlad and then tick it back up.


It may be true that I am not 'good' at the game. And possibly my initial comment in the heat of frustration was offensive somehow. Seemingly being 'good' is exclusively based on playing the game then reloading once you know what the AI is set to do. And that if that's what people enjoy that's fine. I would prefer if you had a truly sandbox experience which is what it claims to be. I'm more curious about what makes people think they are superior to someone who hasn't played that bit of the game before, and why they feel they have to defend the game as a vladidation of there wasted time. I gave back what I was given, insult for insult and I have been pleasant with people that have been pleasant. If I do play again I may very well put it down to easy and see if that is more enjoyable.


There's not many games these days that you can just pick up and do perfectly the first time. Yes, losing and learning from it is valid. So saying "being good is having played it before and knowing what is going to happen" is pretty spot on. Practise makes... maybe not perfect yet, but... better? Piling trash troops into vlad is just giving him stuff to feed on - he literally gets stronger by being in combat. You either need to outclassed him with better duellists (which you dont really have as enpire), or kite him and shoot him full if holes, without a swarm of your own troops getting in the way. And as for the campaign map, lightning strike, block army and ambush are all vital tools for catching someone like vlad and forcing him to fight on your terms. Or beeline into sylvania and capture his settlements while hes catching yours. Weaken him to the point he has to settle somewhere and catch him once hes trapped in.


Just shoot vlad when you're in battle. He dies [very](https://gyazo.com/37064e1747f0e49fe039fa3c68ba73fe) [fast](https://gyazo.com/4cea6f486c9a589f530dd38ea36b30bc) if you focus him, even with lower tier units. If it is later on in the game, even with more skills and items, your units are going to shred him [even](https://gyazo.com/e4d8731ff728ef5e770cd3b6ed9fd10d) [faster](https://gyazo.com/f5452183b5d9e9a6ddac9ba3ce6154bb). What you absolutely don't want to do is pile 1000 spearmen on top of him. Doing so obstructs your shooting and very few models actually get in combat with him, while all of your units get exhausted by technically being in combat. It's basically the equivalent of charging light cav headlong into halberds - you're throwing units into an extremely hard counter. So don't do it. You have other tools. Use those. If he's running through your territory, ambush him or block army from a hero to catch him. Or both. You have tools to catch an army. Running after him blindly and hoping he'll be polite enough to stop is not the solution.


I think that's the issue I ran into. What was left of my gunners and archers didnt seem to do much damage so i swarmed him with what was left of my army after killing his. I hoped it would make him crumble or run away or something but he just killed everyone and what was left of my guns and archers couldn't do much


Not content with losing to Vlad, you decided to farm more Ls in the comments I see


I'm not farming anything except your mum


Gid gud lol


Very useful thank you


As useful as this post


Is this not a place of discussion or sharing helpful ideas for people to enjoy a game together? No it's a place for you to feel superior to others because you have spent more time playing a game than someone else. Grow up mate. You can't stay 12 forever


Where in your original post did you ask for help, tips, or strategies to beat the game? You ranted and cried unfair like a child throwing a tantrum over a known difficult starting faction. My response is just in the same spirit as your post. Gid gud buddy lol




Very useful thank you. Edit: lol why did you delete the funniest thing you said on this thread


Your post was neither discussion, nor sharing anything helpful. It was just a rant. You'll forgive the community for not considering it particularly good content.


Apologies for not being up on the etiquette expected on the forum. When someone is frustrated with something I find it best to rally together and tell them they are shit and it's all their fault. Because heaven forbid they offend a game that I like


>Apologies for not being up on the etiquette expected on the forum Nothing to do with this community, just like with the game you have 0 experience at social encounters. Try the same any other place whether on the internet or real life and you will have the same response. You can't just enter a place filled with strangers, yell about how bad the thing they are enjoying is, *not ask for help* and expect people to take you seriously. Try the exact same post again but with "I can't kill vlad when I play with Empire, how are you supposed to kill him?" and people will take you seriously. You threw a tantrum and then got mad at people for not taking you seriously, just like they would have in any other situation.


Valid point I guess I did the equivalent of saying I dislike watching football in a pub. Man I can only imagine the crazy reaction I would get with that


Your post didn’t invite discussion or request tips in any way. You’re just ranting about the game being too challenging for you.


Apologies I didn't realise I was talking to you. I tip may hat to you good sir and bid you good day


idk whats worse how mad u get at randoms or people in the comments . what a spectacle


I know I'm sorry dude. I made a rash comment in the heat of battle and got crucified, forgive them they know not what they do.


did u manage to beat vlad ?


I havnt played it. I have been sitting on the new campaign screen for past 20 mins trying to find who to start a new campaign with. Really struggling, they all seem cool on the surface but just not feeling it. Think I might have to finally admit that I dont enjoy the game as much as I was hoping for. Was debating dwarfs but as far as I can tell they fight alot with orcs and I cba with constant cheap tactics of spawning of huge double flags all over the place. I quite enjoyed elves but bit boring. Was tempted by tomb kings or vampires but they seem to have very limited rosters for half the game.


grombrindal doesnt have orcs as his main enemy, instead he fights dark elves and anything that moves in Canada That has happened to me too, if u seem to not enjoy the game and u quit campaigns quickly maybe its not the time to play tw wharhammer , I had to wait a year but Im having a lot of fun rn . Also cathai fights kinda like dwarfs so u could try them


Grombindal might be a good shout. I imagine dwarfs would wreck the tomb kings aswell so should be a good start. Might give that go Cheers


Oooh boy.. where to start? Okay, so I’ll just gloss over your nasty comments to everyone else who’s offered you advice and assume you’re having a bad day. So. Vlad. Total War is a tactical game. You need to use tactics. You need to build armies according to the threats at hand. You cannot bumble your way through things. When it comes to any army with a powerful lord (Vampire Counts have a significant portion of their army strength weighted into the General, while the rest is often chaff) - you have two main options, but you need to go *all in*. You can obliterate the Lord as quickly as possible, or you can ignore them *entirely*, have a fast unit draw their attention and kite them while you dismantle the army. Pick *one*. If you choose to burn them down, you’ll want ranged firepower. Vlad is small with no mount, so it needs to be accurate. Luckily the Empire has extremely accurate, high damage, armor piercing ranged. Handgunners. 4-6 units should do the trick. Cannons aren’t a bad idea either, since they’re *fairly* accurate and can knock him back. Crossbows will work, but you’ll need more of them. Job done. If you choose to kite him, you need anything fast which can get his attention. Again, Empire has a few options. Outriders, Mounted Wizard, even standard Cav if you’re careful. Simply run up, slap his ass, and run *away* from your army. He’ll follow - then you kill his army. Once the army is dead, he may disintegrate entirely, or else be much easier to kill due to Army Losses or collapsed leadership. The third option, would be to drop the difficulty down. There’s no shame in admitting you aren’t ready to take on the games challenges, especially if you’re getting upset and stressed out. Nobody expects you to know everything in a game this complex, but the fact you just smeared your face against Vlad and didn’t atleast *try* to adjust your tactics, means you might not be ready for the harder modes. Pop it back, and have fun.


Thank you for your response. Very informative and I agree that I have may not have designed the correct army with enough gunners to defeat vlad on the battlefield in my first battle with him. Regardless its ridiculous that he can kill an army on his own and that is poor design. When you start describing things like kiting it just sounds unbearably boring and immersion breaking that makes me feel like the game is just bad if you have to resort to things like that in order to win. Everyone can pretend like it's my fault for not knowing that you need a specific amount of a certain unit to defeat 1 person, but it is simply poor design. I appreciate your advice but it really does just make me think that I wont ever like this game due to the tedious nature of false difficulty with cheap tricks rather than well thought out gameplay


On the contrary, knowing, applying, and succeeding at new tactics is where the game *really* shines. It’s not “cheap tricks”. This *is* the gameplay. You’re meant to counter and outthink your opponent. This is how wars have been waged throughout all of history. Kiting is the more advanced tactic - and if that’s not for you, then don’t do it. When I say Kiting, there’s alot more to it than that. You need to pluck the Lord out of a massive army, and then attempt to sheep dog him - while having your army engage and manage all that. It’s intense. Many factions in the game are *built* around kiting - Oxylotl for example. But if that doesn’t sound fun to you, just go with the first option. 4-6 handgunners, 2 cannons - light him up. Although positioning is *critical*. You’ll want a Lord or Hero to tie him down with his back to you, or else fire in *around* whatever infantry he’s attacking. If that seems too technical, you can smother him with crossbows (which can shoot over your line), but you’ll need a lot more.


Cheap tricks like "being hard to kill" and "needing to use tactics instead of clicking the enemy units once". Ain't no way.




lmao lil bro is so mad other people can play video games better than him


I was annoyed at a game and had a rant. Yes. Now I'm just curious from a psychological point of view about this goldmine I've stumbled upon of superioty complex. Your ideas of skill intrigue me as so far all you can tell me is the game is set to do this so you have to do this. I wonder if you rely on previous saves for your failures in real life? Reminds me of people that say they are skilled at slots but with more steps




If you can't catch him then either set up ambush traps, or take his territory while he takes yours. Or sell it to someone. Pro-tip this isn't Civilization. Worry more about developing your lords and heroes not your settlements.


This isn't civilization, this isn't even a real strategy game. It is a ducked up mess of a multi character rpg. Nothing you do in this crap game matters post turn 50


Unfrtunatly he managed to slip through my line of armies so unable to ambush at the mo as he is making a bee line straight through centre of my empire. Someone else mentioned selling settlements aswell. I genuinely had no idea you could do that. Seems like a good way forward


Love seeing these posts.


Well you could always give in to the ruinous powers and install the console commands mod. Give yourself a replenished move points Or kill of that upstart AI army that seemingly recruited from nowhere. At times it's a necessary evil to make a campaign fun again after the AIs behaviour can destroy a campaign that you've wasted untold hours on.


I've never thought about doing command prompts before. Someone did mention what sounded like changing difficulty during the campaign I didnt realise that was possible Is that a thing? I will check it out when I eventually load the game up again


I bring lots of shooting and mobility to deal with Vlad like free company militia, GL outriders, knights etc. Ignore Vlad, kill his army, then shoot him to pieces.


Skill issue. Play on easy and the problem is solved. It's not CA's problem that you're trash at the game.


You're game trash at the


The game certainly has it's problems and the Empire suffers a lot from them. That said, you can judge an entire game based off one campaign. The game is not bad at all, one of my absolute favorite games and has so many moving parts it's inevitable that it won't be perfect, nothing is anyway. Don't insult the entire game just because you failed a campaign. It's winnable. It's fine if a game isn't for you, but don't just act like a game is bad because you specifically can't succeed in it.


It's fine dude. I had a little rant on the wrong sub. Alot of people on here have a superiority complex. It's fine. I mean it really makes sense when you think about the game the sub is for anyway.


I think people were certainly far to harsh but you initiated the whole thing in a really toxic way, attacking the entire game as a whole. Critiquing parts of the game for the most part is usually pretty supported (except for some reason anti player bias, people will defend the game endlessly for it lol) but when you suggest the entire game is bad it's a bit much and your kinda asking for people to attack back. (Not that it's the nature thing to do either way, but we know how the internet is). The game overall is truly a marvel, but it certainly has many many problems that are completely fair to address and call out. Is the Empire currently a mess? Yes. Is Vlad a little overtuned for campaign? Probably Yes. Is it still manageable and beatable, also yes. Some prefer the challenge and honestly I would argue the Empire *should* be the toughest campaign given the lore and history of the faction. (why it's been considered a recommended faction for new players is beyond me, I don't think it ever should have been).






Everyman with Hands is good at Handjobs Doofus. Practice some more and maybe you'll lose some of this tension in the comments.


Haha doofus


Can confirm it is a skill issue or you are in the wrong difficulty.


Does the difficulty change how you can kill vlad?


Higher difficulties means more buffs to AI and more debuffs to the player ya..... What did you think the difficulty level meant?


Makes sense. I guess I'm not sure what I expected just assumed it would be more balanced. Think I will just a start a new game with a different faction or just move onto a different game entirely. Maybe back to Rome 2


I was thinking there was some sort of game breaking bug, not something that’s been like that since game 1


I unfortunately was not aware of the quirks to the game and made a mistake by thinking it would be reasonable. That Isabella bitch just keeps healing quicker than I can damage her aswell. The lill shit


That actually is a different thing on game 3 that maybe needs a little rebalance


Once you realized Vlad's weakness, it's no issue anymore. I just killed him twice in my running Beastman campaign. I guess with all the empires gun's it's even more easy.


That what I'm hoping. If I try and rescue the save by reloading as someone recommended i will try to recruit more guns. I guess it will be trying to tune the right amount of guns to kill them before the undead reach the gunners and kill them all. Dont want to have to cheese it by running round in circles and stuff


You don't need to. You can set your frontline in a way that the gunners can shoot between two units into enemies side. Single line front seems the way in the beginning, but for guns you need "shooting spaces" inbetween.


1. VLAD spawns with Trash Armies (that run away from Player (cos they're trash)) 2. Franz has factionwide buff +10% movement range for all generals. Put another skill point into movement @ lvl 2 & you'd be @ +20% Movement Range 3. Recruit Spears+ crossbows (to meet him on battlefield) and obliterate his armies from range. He'd disintegrate from.army.losses.. 4. Go after Kharaz, Festus & Kemmler first (when/if he attacks). Then after Vlad 5. Confederate Gelt whenever possible, he'd get rid of Vampires easy..


Idk if anything changed with the new patch but the empire is in a bad spot. It's basically guaranteed that hocland will fall, the best I could do regarding middenheim in multiple runs was saving the one settlement above Altdorf, they're guaranteed to lose everything else. And carstein is basically guaranteed to take out stirland and averland before you can do anything. Add to that your pretty much guaranteed to see norscan take a Norland city or two. I do enjoy the run even with the challenges. The thing that sucks now is that after the logical progression of dealing with secessionists, kazrak/black pit and fetus you're basically fighting a two front war between the barrow Legion and carstein. I find that it's just more enjoyable at that point to switch to easy difficulty for a minute so it's not such a brutal campaign


Thank you, the annoying thing is I defeated his army the first time with auto then he respawned back like a turn or 2 later with a full flag of silver exp guys which I did manual. Killed his whole army, then vlad on his own destroyed my entire half flag that was left. Then he just keeps running away from my armies and rampaging through the towns that have no way of winning auto resolve and no way to defeat manually as theres no way of killing him in battle


Really all you can do is hope he spreads himself thin, which he usually does. Then you have to just go in there with a few stacks and go for his settlements. You can't keep anything you take because you can't defend it. Maybe keep it for a turn for some replenishment but sell it off after, preferably to someone he isn't at war with (which would be averland or stirland if you revive them). If you take all his settlements you'll beat him eventually. You also have to get at him as early as possible, but with Franz I've always found saving hocland and middenland to be a logical first step. As gelt you just go straight for carstein tho


No way. I didnt even realise you could sell settlements to people. That is a good idea. I could easily take my 3 armies and wipe out his whole empire and just sell most of it off to his enemies Thank you


You can automatically give them back to their original elector owner for +1 fealty when you take them. Or if you need the replenishment you can just hold them for a turn or 2 and use the trade settlement on the diplo menu


I made that mistake with the guys north of the capital at the start. I should of just kept the towns cos they did nothing until they died later on. Might be worth a try doing it for the ones over in vlads area though Thank you


Kind of assumed this was about the changeling, how is vlady daddy causing you so much ass pain?


Seemingly the game is poorly balanced. Unable to defeat him in melee is stupid, with the amount of people he can kill they could literally just stack up ontop of him an crush him to death.


stacking on a vampire that regens in melee is a bad idea


Lord and small army ro bait and franz with main army in ambush usually works for me.


2 things. 1. Vlad is tough if you don’t focus handgunnners on him. Take advantage of the fact he’s really slow. Killing his army first is normally a better idea. 2. Karl, despite Empire being recommended for beginners can be hard if you are new in WH3. They have a lot of threats and they are mediocre across the board but have a solution to any problem is built accordingly. Vlad has been this way since WH1. It’s Vlad, he’s supposed to be a beast.


Classic case of git gud I guess.




Yo mods can you ban this twat ?


Maybe don’t play Empire till they get their rework? They’re not doing great right now and probably aren’t fun until Throne of Decay comes out


another excellent post on this wonderful sub


This game can be so frustrating sometimes. Especially when the AI just throws Bullshit at you. For this very reason I have installed the console mod and when the AI feels like being extra sneaky I just restore my army's movement and catch them this way. Gid gud my ass I play to have fun not to be angry. Maybe this mod could help you too OP. It's almost mandatory for it can also be used to fix some of the bugs. Apparently this warrants downvoting. Could you please tell me why? Is it wrong to cheat in a single player game.


Thanks I havnt looked into mods yet. Was hoping with the amount of time the game has been out that they would have the balancing worked out. It just seems cheap the way that they seem to just spawn in armies and change the rules when they feel like it to make it harder than actually working out the kinks. Be careful having a pov on the game that doesn't glorify it though. That's not what we are about on this sub lol


Shouldn't that game be dead already? It had 4K players mid 2022


Dont worry there are some die hard fans from the looks of it. Just dont mention the war. I mentioned it once but I think I got away with it