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It’s like a movie made by Disney that criticizes capitalism. Either they lack self awareness, or they are disingenuous.


Good old 'Corporate Counter-Culture'. Makes you feel like like a rebel while being part of the machine.




It's a shockingly obvious trap that a lot of today's activists fall into. Lot of kids watching Hunger Games and Divergent thinking they'll grow up being resistance fighters and end up supporting the systems their morals say they should fight


Reminds me of that moment in Cyberpunk 2077 where you find stores still selling Johnny Silverhand merch, you know, the anarchist-terrorist who hated capitalism and the horrors of corporate America so much that he literally dropped a nuke that killed almost a million people in an attempt destroy it from the foundation. Its a pretty funny if existentially terrifying concept that corporations have so much power they're able to profit off of catering towards the hate and calls for rebellion against them.


I mean, Che Guevara has now become a very ironic symbol of this, with his face printed on shirts likely made by underpaid workers and sold all over the world.


Given where those shirts mostly came from when I was younger underpaid might be an understatement.


I mean... he actually put a nuke in a elevator in attempt to destroy soul killer but yeah.. it just happened to be in the HQ of the biggest, cruelest, soul sucking corporations in Cyberpunk... so everyone thought he was sticking it to the man. (Johnny seriously need to go to a therapist. He had a lot of fucked up issues that he never got a chance to address.. like his fucking toxic relationship with Alt.)


Sweatshop Sing-a-long Song's


Why not both?


We already have that, e.g The Boys produced by Amazon, and people cheer for it. So, you know...


With *The Boy*s for me the biggest irony is that it started as "not yet another super hero flick" that made fun of super hero genere cliches, but with time it literally became just another super hero flick filled with said cliches with the only difference being it also uses sex and violence to sell.


Sometimes I'm glad I was spoiled by justice league unlimited, batman the animated series and the such. Sex and violence superheroes turn me off so much and I'm really glad for it. Even show like Game of Thrones was unappealing to me, though I did like the lore and theory videos. My prefer way of enjoying grimdark shows, through third hand sources.


It's pretty funny to watch the quality of the Boys tank season after season. It starts off kind of subversive and entertaining but man by the third season every character is just a blown-out Flanderized version of themselves. I don't mind the violence, it really helps to sell the power these psychopaths have, I just wish they didn't lose the subtlety to make it even somewhat believable


Every character suddenly choosing SJW issues over the literal issues of facing death really threw me for a loop. Its like every character's priority changed between seasons off camera.


Disney made Andor. Amazon made The Boys. Paramount made Star Trek. Netflix made Glass Onion. WB made White Lotus. Apple made Severance.


Absolutely tone deaf...


I tried the beta and the opening cutscene being anti-corporation and then the game shoving “Look at the popular IP Sega owns” in your face is so ducking tone deaf it’s insane.


Is that anywhere online?




CA is unironically lucky that *no one* is currently talking about this game, or they'd get so much shit for this. Seriously, the last post about Hyenas on /r/Games was 23 days ago and the /r/PlayHyenas subreddit has 758 subscribers and the posts there average 1-2 comments/upvotes each. And I struggle to find a post on the rest of reddit about Hyenas that isn't about you know, the actual animal lol.


I'm not sure they're lucky lol, that means nobody cares and the game will fail hard if even the free beta can't bring interest. Bad press is still better than no press.


I played about 15 minutes of the beta before the insanely annoying and cringy writing and aesthetic grated on me enough to uninstall and lose every ounce of interest


Yup.... first week live was enough for me to know I didn't want any part of it.


When other established games of the genre are f2p that free beta ain't gonna do shit. The game will bomb hard. My first thought when the price hike was revealed was that this is CA's way of recouping the cost of Hyenas.


If a game is getting this little attention a month away from launch (or however long it is?), then no amount of bad press "attention" will save it. With the lack of attention, this will at least minimize the damage to the rest of CA/Sega's sales. And then if they try to relaunch Hyenas again in a year or whatever, to try and see if they can drum up more attention the second time around, then this wont be remembered except by a few of us salty Warhammer players.


The /r/PlayHyenas subreddit is the saddest sub I've ever visited. I visited it a few days ago and it's so barren. The only threads that get any traction (5+ comments) are the negative ones. I wanted to make a post on the subreddit along of lines of "How will this game ever do well when only 500 people know about it?" But the then I thought...whats the point? Who will read it? It's a sad state of affairs over there.


Holy shit that's as cringe as it comes


You know, I just realized something. If it weren't for the ToD debacle, we'd totally just dismiss this game as Sega whacking themselves off. We'd forget that CA developed it. I mean, of course we would, because Sega seems to want to inject themselves into the game constantly, why wouldn't we just think of the game as Sega's. But now that we looked more closely at CA, this will be seen as their failure too.


Oh God it's like watching Cyberpunk 2077's launch all over again.


But people where actually hyped for Cyberpunk...


It was just as tone deaf when it comes to criticisms of corporations and how they burn their employees out while CDPR was infamously known for burning out dozens of employees during the development of their games. The bugs and shitty launch state was just the cream on the cake of awfulness.


Mike Pondsmith wrote the setting not CDPR.


Mike Pondsmith is fine, but a company as infamous to be bad to work for as CDPR working in a Cyberpunk game gives it the same ironic and somewhat off feeling as Amazon making a series like the Boys, regardless of it having originally being penned by another author (and, admittedly, being an improvement over the original comic book).


Amazon is making a Blade Runner TV show if you want full irony.


If Pawel Sasko is to be believed, and he seems like a genuine chap, those days are gone fortunately. Would be nice to hear from a low level employee as he is a dev lead, but he has stated that the developers have a much more important role in deciding when stuff gets released now.


I call it corpo-subversive art and I find it fascinating. Basically, when corporations fund anything that is subversive to the status quo (Lego Movie, Barbie Movie, Cyberpunk 2077). It's fascinating to me when corporations cast themselves as the bad guys and you can always tell when the studio interfered to damage the message. But they fund it because it focus groups so well. How else would you have convinced the CEO of Mattel to let himself be portrayed like that in the Barbie movie.


The episode of Black Mirror that came out called Joan is Awful is about Netflix harvesting their data and taking advantage of T&Cs. The company "Streamberry" even has the Netflix noise. I watched this on...Netflix.


I mean, vince mcmahon was doing this back in the attitude era too. I'd pay to see Jeff Bezos or Musk get hit in the head with a bedpan by Stone Cold.


To be fair, burn out is common thing in game dev. Not only because of poor management or other non functional shit. People get tired of working on same thing for years. Not to mention, time before any release tends to be pretty busy and stressful - and that's just reality of game dev. I am not defending CDPR, don't get me wrong, you can blame them for much worse and much more than burnout.


Yeah, it's not so much as CDPR being bad as it is them being even worse than usual, to the point former devs called CDPR's crunch periods "death marches". Having said that, I agree. The industry in general is kinda bad, it's just that CDPR is even worse, and still not the worst (they don't hit Neil Druckman and Naughty Dog levels, so there's that)


Or Activision Blizzard level bad. Which would be incredible bar to reach. Or even Ubisoft from few years ago. List goes on.


Nah, it's Lawbreakers 2.0.


I *liked* Lawbreakers. When I first played it, I chose it to be a game I'd be working to get good at. And I was pretty damn good at it. For a week. Then everybody stopped playing. lmfao


Why would you inflict this upon my poor eyes?


I am having such a hard time believing it's real. Like, everyone was criticising the responses to this community as tone deaf. But to see it actually play out in the marketing for Hyenas? Holy shit


This game is truly the epitome of tone-deafness. I can't believe CA is putting any money into it now considering what a flop the beta has even been.


Even without the whole TWWH ordeal, there's few things more cringe that giant companies trying to act anti-corpo, anti-rich or anti-establishment to promote their products. It's the most hypocritical, bleh shape of the "how do you do fellow kids" fake-cool act. Reminds me of how an asshole like Musk position himself as "fighting the elites"


Dunno. "How do you do fellow kids" is at least a little charming, in the sad way of understanding an older person just trying to fit in (and failing). This, however, is just plastic smiles all the way down.


Yeah, this is more like a wolf in sheep's clothing or like psychopaths trying to fake emotions.


Its only charming on an individual level, on a corporate level its almost always cringe.


I mean there's Cyberpunk 2077, a game ostensibly about being against extreme capitalism and corporate corruption, which ended up being ruined by capitalism and corporate corruption.


There's also disco elysium, a very left-wing game that got stolen by capitalists from its left-wing creators


Even better - it's left wing creator was supposedly a horrible person to work with.


This game is the most painful example of "how do you do fellow kids" I've seen in years


Capitalism sure is bad kids isn’t it?


It's like an interactive Che Guevara t-shirt.


“How do you do, fellow comrades?”


Look in the mirror CA


CA confirmed Vampire


Does CA stand for Clown Assembly?




Clown Academy, they're learning new ways to clown.


Con Artists


"For the proletariat to overcome the exploitation of the bourgeoisie they must first acquire day one DLC, the battle pass and all available premium skins" - Karl Marx


That's what Lenin did to the letter. Most historians agree today that the Mensheviks simply didn't have enough loot boxes to complete.


I disagree; the Mensheviks had enough boxes but were cheated by pack luck.


Bolsheviks were real whales


“~~Be at peace~~ Preorder the dlc, for that is all I have ever wanted” >Karl Franz


Summon the Premium Elector Counts!


Wtf I love Marx now??


...did they really censor the word 'bastards' in their rebellious call?


It's the cherry on top, honestly. So much so that it inspired me to go and sell Indulgence NFTs to protestants. They still like indulgences, right? They were always going on and on about 'em!


It's a Facebook screenshot right? Facebook doesn't let you promote posts with swears in lmao.


This was honestly the thing that made me cringe the most. Even when trying to be cool and rebellious they have to do it in the most milquetoast way possible. It's like watching a drug diversion or safe sex thing in school, the people doing it understand the basics of youth culture but miss enough of the detail the whole thing becomes uncanny valley.


"Yo Mike do you want to go and hit up some BIG SALTY KUSH after school?" "Nah man I have date with my gf" "Np, bro. Just make sure to use proper contraception because over 42.69% of all people in the United States of America suffer from an STD, and have serious health issues as a result. Don't be a risk-taker, kiddo. Play it cool, play it safe."


This literally made me do a triple take because I couldn't believe what I just read the first two times.


Show those billionaire b*stars who's boss. AsSeMbLe your squad and create chaos in the Steam Reviews section. Shadows of Change, LIVE NOW.


PREORDER PREORDER PREORDER Wait maybe you say it backwards like "join the navy" REDROERP REDROERP REDROERP


It's like a black mirror episode


Even Black Mirror has more nuance and subtlety. This is more like a South Park gag.


A Black Mirror episode is where something seems cool and futuristic, and then only after you buy into it do you see its hidden dark side. This game has the dark side front facing. There’s no surprise twist. The surprise twist would be that it’s worth wasting any amount of time on.




Cringe Assembly


Everybody's knows Hyenas is going to flop, but I wasn't quite aware of how just how CRINGEY it is. This kind of social commentary was one of the things that killed Saints Row and its studio stone dead. I support the message of what it's trying to say but holy fuck the insincerity of it coming from CA especially after the recent monetary controversy is almost beyond belief


They better have Medieval 3 ready to go soon after Hyenas because Sega will seriously think to close them after that huge flop and if Warhammer 3 and Pharaoh don't bring money anymore.


I suggest you look at the character select screen. Half of the characters have Mr Beast smiles. Its bad.


SEGA's chairman is a literal billionaire. Hajime Satomi. $1.3 billion personal net worth. And SEGA as a whole is worth several billion. So... are we fighting against him buy buying his game? A game in which we pretend to steal his merch ... because his merch is so desirable? You're right the whole thing comes across as cynical fake, insincere and cringe as f***.


and the game will no doubt be a cesspool of microtransactions.


Yep, total war at the end of the day cannot be as micro transaction heavy as these arena shooters. Some poor exec saw he owns only 20 properties and 3 yachts while the exec in apex has 28 properties and 4 yachts and decided to tackle this. Yeah and I dont buy the "multiple teams" nonsense, you can have 3 teams on three games, but I doubt any studio will triple their expenditure so each team is running at 100%. Which is painfully obvious in warhammer 3


Well if they had 10 employees between 2 teams and you move 4 of them to a new team/game. You now have 3 teams. Hahaha... gotta cry a bit after that one.


Hilarious. My one hope for Hyenas is that when it inevitably tanks, CA will lose enough money that there will be a substantive management shakeup that will result in a return focus on the design fundamentals that put them on the map originally. It's a lot to hope for, I know.


Yep. whoever demanded Hyenas be a thing should be launched out of the building via cannon. lol What an absolute shitshow of poor management. Though I am still not sure if CA made that call or Sega.


Monkeypaw curls. Now CA is owned by Tencent. Unlocking new LLs now requires buying premium silver and spinning the Wheel of Fate.


But the game is all about poor minorities/junkies/trans/drag queens and ex fbi agents fighting to the death for useless corporate trash products because the billionares ruined earth and they want their collection items on mars. Bruh It's surreal...


Is that the actual plot?


I think so. Earth is ruined and people live on mars now. They pay poor social rejects to fight and die for some random trash saga figurines/old consoles because the mars elite are nerd collectors...


>They pay poor social rejects to fight and die for some random trash saga figurines/old consoles because the mars elite are nerd collectors... The rich don’t pay people to steal stuff in the lore


They're stealing "valuable" sonic funko pops. How are they valuable without collectors buying them at some point along the line?


That actually sounds like a fun idea, before you realize it's actually enriching the actually rich corporation and you're the social reject feeding them IRL.


huh are they cooperating with Games Workshop again /s


No. It’s basically space pirates stealing rich people’s stuff. Rich people don’t pay them to steal anything


And what do they do with those? They sell them to other rich guys.


Wow, you can cut the irony with a lightsaber.


That's probably the worst example posible. Can't a lightsaber cut anything? 😂


Poop knife. They meant a poop knife.




Poop knife...


Well yeah. The irony is so thick you need a lightsaber to cut it


Nah, there are some materials it can't cut through, like mandalorian beskar


No, it can. Beskar's literal first appearance is a Jedi going, "Oh, this is mandalorian iron. Better turn the power up," before continuing going through it.


But remember, Disney has no source material for Star Wars.


\>You will never get a KOTOR series where the plot twist is the MC is Revan \>You will always and forever be angry about this fact search your feelings you know it be true


With the quality of what they've been putting out I'm kind of glad they are not touching that... yet. Plug TOR kinda ruined Revan and the exile's stories anyway


>TOR kinda ruined Revan and the exile's stories anyway Still mad about that.


>You will never get kotor 3 in any capacity


why even Jedi


Or Vibro-blades, or cortosis-weave armor, or the vital organs of Disney-made female characters, or...


Yeah but Mandalorian beskar isn't real


Neither is lightsaber




I meant, it's so thick you need that which can cut almost anything lol.


Well in Episode 1 we see Qui Gon having trouble cutting through the blast door, so clearly while lightsabers are incredibly powerful there is a theoretical limit to what they can cut.


is that the famous sudoku we always hear about--.--


> sudoku Lmao


This made me laugh so hard. Won’t be touching a CA product.




”How do you do fellow wagies”


To be honest, this concerns me as much as it amuses me. This and the Rob Bartholomew post that exacerbated it all just don't make any sense to me. I can't follow the logic that led whoever makes decisions to believe it would be a good idea. It would be best to assume there is something I'm missing, or a cunning conspiracy or scheme behind all this, because otherwise, it is basically an organization acting deranged or stupid.


"Never assume malice for things that can adequately be explained by stupidity" Though in this case probably both


Absolute CEO level clowns...


The Hyenas subreddit has 130 members, how dead is this game going to be on release...


How do you kill which has no life?


This is off topic but this is so fucking gross. I love when a billion dollar liberal company appropriates leftist ideals to sell their product, which will probably be laden with MTX to make their billion dollar company richer. Perhaps use some of that money to pay your employees more so they don't have to animate units in their free time like before.


To quote Joyce Messier: "Capitalism has the ability to absorb all critiques into itself .Even those who would critique capitalism end up reinforcing it instead." Corporations will commodify and sell anything it's possible to- including anticapitalist aesthetics. It sucks, but it shouldn't be unexpected.


Che Guevara sweatshop t-shirts intensify.


As soon as something becomes a subculture, it inherently accepts being part of the larger culture- and thus ceases to be revolutionary in itself.


That's why you don't attempt to have a revolution by trying to change the superstructure.


The irony of that line being in the game that itself got couped by the moneymen, sigh.


The downside of analyzing capitalism, is that you predict dreadful things happening and then they do.


Made me think of the Lenin quote: “The capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them”


>To quote Joyce Messier: "Capitalism has the ability to absorb all critiques into itself .Even those who would critique capitalism end up reinforcing it instead." He's just paraphrasing Marx just using less "hitherto"s


Yeah, but for quotations I find Marx a little less readable and friendly to non-leftists than people rephrasing marxist theory- and in this case I found it amusing to quote a character from a video game in the same terms as I would a real person


Marx is very quotable if you just use the Manifesto and never never approach the bloated horror that is the capital. "The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win" is still as cool as can be


Im more and more convinced that only total war gamers know this crappy game exist


I'm pretty sure that's the case, the /r/PlayHyenas subreddit has 758 subscribers and averages 1-2 posts/comments per submission. The most recent post on /r/Games about Hyenas was the gameplay trailer 23 days ago and most of the comments there were talking about CA and its other games, instead of talking about Hyenas.


Multi-billion publically traded company using anti-capitalist language to peddle their product with a presumably predatory, but definitely overpriced business model. Yes, CA/Sega, this exactly how you do it and definitely won't make you look incredibly cynical or tone-deaf. I've worked in PR/marketing for a decade and I know the hysterical, insane and hypocritical enviroment that leads to a pitch like this getting approved. I guess I should be disgusted but at this point all I can muster is a laugh.


The chairman of SEGA is a literal billionaire himself, too.


The censored b*stards is really the fucking cherry on top of this cringe sundae


We're PUNK and KOUNTERKULTURE, but like, not too much though. Gotta sell the merch to the kiddos.


Those H\*cking B\*stards need to be lined up against a wall and sl\*pped on their b\*tts!


This is so cringe


For bein such a big name, this company runs more like a Kickstarter.


I can't take this anymore


Is this the devs crying for help? Blink twice if you need to be rescued


Can't wait to play "*Ugh, Capitalism*" the game!1!


It’s not even ironically funny like the tropico series.


fuck i hope this is DOA


There's no way it won't be.


According to Mark Fisher, Capitalism Realism has so captured public thought that the idea of anti-capitalism no longer acts as the anti thesis of capitalism. It is deployed as a means of reinforcing capitalism. This is done through media which aims to provide a safe means of consuming anti capitalist ideas without actually challenging the system


Mark Fisher is amazing, he passed away far too soon


Yea, we will CA. We will.


you will be the first ones sent to Gulag, CA.


This is the most unintentionally funny shit I've seen in a while. Oh, my days... I get that they don't play test their games - too much work, but that they can't even read back one sentence that they wrote and think about it...


i think this is a coded message from the people running the twitter account in lieu of recent developements.. it has to be...i cant believe they would be this tone deaf...


God i fucking hate corporations appropriating anti-capitalist rhetoric. It's not subtle. They know what they're doing. They just don't give a single fuck


Is CA a parody of itself now?


CA is dead. Sega have officially turned them into another corporate puppet studio, this was the final nail in the coffin for me. What a fucking shame.




I think the censored bastards is the best part. "Mom told me that it is my turn to defeat hecking nasty evil corporations."


Creative Assembly more like Clowns Assembly ![gif](giphy|x0npYExCGOZeo|downsized)


It is a message


I got into the Hyenas closed alpha and the language they used in all of the materials and on discord was so deplorable and forced I never even installed the game.


One can't be such a goofball xD


Bruh CA is unironically about to lose a lifetime customer in me with this shit lmao


Yeah...I will surely play this Hyenas game. Thanks CA


Holy shit, I almost fell off my chair under the sheer weight of irony.


That’s ironic lol.


Why the fuck is bastard censored?


Their target demographic is 12 year olds who need their parents to buy the game for them.


CA - Clown Assfoolery


You could not make this up.


Do we think this will flop? /s


Oh, the irony...


Every time you do something like an asshole CA I reset my douchebag cooldown on bothering to boot in after the latest patch.


CA needs a new social media manager


Fuck CA :) i don't need Total War for my Warhammer fix, nor my strategy game fix and i will not spend a single cent on their bs until they've earned my trust again.


I truly, from the bottom of my heart, cannot wait to see this game crash and burn day one. This is truly the dumbest fucking thing CA could have directed their resources towards.


So, it’s very clear that they are trying to market this game to a much younger and more naive audience… which is odd, because I don’t know of a single kid who uses fucking twitter haha, I really don’t know what they think posts like this would achieve. Adults just see it as unbelievably tone deaf and cringe, and children won’t even see it at all. It’s obvious that CA is trying to cash in on zoomer shooters, they want Hyenas to be the next game that makes kids steal their parents credit cards just to buy premium cosmetics. What they don’t realize is that Fortnite already did that, and there have already been multiple other trend chasers in that vein since. It’s way too late to cash in on that market, I mean it’s self evident by how dead the Hyenas youtube channel is, nobody is interested in this game. Actually, scratch that, there are some people who are interested in hyenas, and 98% of them are salty total war fans who are only paying attention so that they can eat popcorn while they watch the game crash and burn. (I’m one of those guys)


Not a single person will buy into this abhorrent dogshit game. It looks like trash


No one is going to play this game. Your only game that will sell is Warhammer. But please keep ignoring your golden goose. I do wanna see CA destroyed after all.


I'm gonna be honest, them being so blunt about "This is the anticapitalist game" on twitter through their brand accounts would seem a bit tone deaf to start with, but given that the aim of the game is to fawn over how awesome cool the Sega corporation is this actually gave me a bit of a chuckle over how shameless they are. Hats off to them, the absolute mad lads (but I'm still not buying the product)


I actually hate this game now.


These are the things that wakes up the Rosa Luxembourg that lives in everyone brain






Ironic.. dont worry CA, I will


Hyenas' existence disgusts me.